
Open the Door and Receive the Lord's Victory


阿摩司書3:7 “主耶和華若不將奧祕指示他的僕人眾先知,就一無所行。” 


主說:“這一年就如同哥林多前書14:1所說的:“ 你們要追求愛,也要切慕屬靈的恩賜,其中更要羨慕的,是作先知講道。” 






Open the Door and Receive the Lord's Victory
February 1st, 2018
Cindy Jacob

I hope this year has been starting off right for you! Just the other night, I spoke at the Prophetic Conference in Las Vegas and wanted to share it with you. As part of the family, I want to make sure you have as much access as possible, so we're going to try and share these events with you as often as we can. I'm calling it Fresh Fire! Because who doesn't need a fresh anointing!! 

“Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals his secret counsel to his servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7) 

Well, the Lord would say, “I have loosed a new prophetic mantle on the body of Christ, and it won't just be one, but it's going to be many. And while many will not be prophets, many will prophesy, because it has been activated across the earth”, says the Lord. 

The Lord says, “This is the year when 1 Corinthians 14:1, where ‘people will earnestly desire to prophesy’ is going to be amplified. It’s going to be taught in many pulpits, and it’s going to be talked about. 

And so the Lord says, “In admonishment, don't keep your gift to yourself. Don't hide your light under a bushel, because if you will be bold and if you will believe, I am going to use you in extraordinary ways.

The more you do that, the more rejoicing you will feel in your heart, because the Lord says, “I am going to give you such satisfaction from being used of me. This is a time of not only restoration, but this is a time of great advance and acceleration. So, expect acceleration to come.” 

No matter what happened last year, shake it off. No matter what has gone on. The Lord says, “I'm going to start giving victories in the place of great, great conflict, of great pain. Watch and see what I'm going to do. Satan wants to take your confidence, so you can't believe anymore, so you’ll think I'm not a good God, and so you’ll think that I don't do good things. 

“Rise up and believe my word. For you will see, if you will do that, you're going to win the battles, and the things that are causing you challenges, and the things that are causing you problems, I'm going to show you how to navigate them, and I'm going to give you victory”, says the Lord.