
降服 (語音信息)

就在猶太新年之前,如果我沒記錯的話應該是 9月22日。我不知為何我會有此感覺,主的同在以一種非常特別的方式到來。我感到主非常溫柔,但又非常清晰地來到。祂對我說:“大衛,我要你將你自己完全分別為聖。”我想,“哇,主,我得努力聖別才行。”

但我感覺有一些事情,主是要透過祂的靈來做成。這不是我要去到一點,我為這個罪悔改,我為那個罪悔改。那將是一個持續的進程。但我感覺主想要得著我,佔有我。這不是我在祈求更多的恩膏,更多的潔淨和更多的能力。而是主在說我要我的靈來接管。所以我就用了“令人敬畏的十日”,從猶太新年(Rosh Hashanah)到贖罪日(Yom Kippur),即贖清罪債的日子。猶太的新年就是吹角節。因此從吹角節到贖罪日,我盡心竭力地小心行走,約束自己,全心尋求主。我以為這就是我要做的事情,並且已經完成了。但那之後,我感到主來對我說:“我已經呼召了許多人進入如此的聖別,而且我現在就需要他們。我現在就需要我的兒女們。”



然後主透過林前 6:17 對我說話。這是一節非常有趣的經文,寫道,“但與主聯合的,便是與主成為一靈。”然後我說:“主啊,與袮成為一靈?那麼,就不是我的靈,不是你的靈,而是合而為一?”

這個啟示第一次衝擊我:“哇,我與袮聯合就是與袮成為一靈?那麼我就不能有別樣的想法?我不能有別樣的感覺?而且是一靈?” 突然間我就知道這合一的維度,撞擊了我的靈。然後我感到在主說,唯一能夠讓你面對下一個季節的,就是藉著與我的合一。而且並不是聯合行動中所謂的團結。這時我突然想起耶 32:39:到那日,我要使他們彼此同心同道同意。


接著我對主說:“什麼是一心?“祂說:“當你沒有你的弟兄就活不下去,當你沒有你的姊妹就活不下去,你滅亡了,你知道你不是完全的。”突然間,我意識到,能夠讓我們進入同一個意念、同心合意、同一個思想,進入約翰福音 17 章裡所講到的合一,首要的事情,其實就是一個心的連結。


當我想到光明節,這是非常有趣的。今年光明節在(西曆)12 月 12 日。光明節是今年 12 月 12 日開始。有人說光明節開始在 12 月 12 日(1212),持續八天。如果你不知道什麼是光明節,這是傳說…當馬加比家族奪回聖殿時,他們以燈油點亮了金燈檯。這油是按主所指示的,專用於點亮金燈檯的燈油製作而成。當他們從外邦人手中奪回聖殿時,只有夠用一天的燈油。現在聖殿已回到猶太人手中,他們想要點亮燈檯。但燈油只夠供應一天。他們也不想使用不是為此目的預備的其它油。而且新一批燈油八天後才能到達。所以他們第一天就把燈油加入,你猜怎麼著?

主行了一個神蹟。只夠那一天燒的油持續了八天,直到新一批的油到達。突然我意識即使我們沒有,主也不希望我們使用任何其它的油。祂要來行神蹟。主說:“不要試圖改變你自己。這不關乎改變。它關乎你我之間的聯合。我想為現今的時刻來如此行。唯有當你投降,降服,把你自己交給我, 我會來做。事實上那些與主聯合的人,實際上是投降。林前 6:17:“但與主聯合的,便是與主成為一靈。‘’這不是我能做什麼,因為我什麼都做不了。這僅僅是一種投降。




這是為什麼約翰福音 17 章說:“(你所賜給我的榮耀)我已賜給他們,使他們合而為一。”我與主的合而為一不是一種想法,不是一個項目,不是一個功能,甚至也不是聽到上帝想要做什麼的聲音。這都是我以前曾教導過的內容。

我發現還另有一個層次:就是心對心,那些與主聯合的人,便是與主成為一靈。當我的靈與主的靈成為一,當你的靈與主的靈成為一,我們就成為一。主的靈是不可能被分裂的。我與祂合而為一,你與祂合而為一,我們一起合而為一,這就是一個身體。那就是約翰福音 17 章所說的。如果不是這樣,耶穌所禱告的合一的程度就不能成就。

事實上,這將震動空中執政掌權的,因為他們會知道神的國現在就在這裡。我相信直到 12 月,直到光明節的這個季節,是神為我們開啟的恩典。


然後主對我說了一句話。很久以前,我正在看電視上的新聞。突然電視出現了一段麥克·傑克遜(Michael Jackson)音樂會的片段。那只是一段兩分鐘的視頻。我看了這段視頻,然後對主說:“主啊,這些人不是自由的。他們被邪靈所附了。無論邪靈要求他們做什麼,他們都會做。因為我看著那些人,我看到,哇,這些人完全降服於鬼魔的權勢。”




很多年前,20 多年前,我和我的一個朋友一起外出。他非常有先知性,非常有先知性。他比我年輕一點。我們去了一所學校,一所基督教學校。我們去了一個班級,大概是二或三年級,都是八到九歲的女孩。我們開始為女孩們禱告。我的朋友為一個女孩禱告,她被聖靈擊倒,在靈裡被擊殺了半個小時。正當我們在為班上其他人禱告時,突然間,這女孩站起來對我的朋友說:“我有一句話要對你說。





在這個直到光明節,就是十二月十二號的美好季節裡, 我沒有宣稱:這是主說的,我也沒有宣稱:這個就是了。


如果我錯了,我很高興,因為我不希望任何人錯過。所以這就是為何我覺得要和你們分享這個。這是一個我的靈和聖靈之間的婚姻。再沒其它能比林前 6:17 說得更明白的了,與祂成為一,那些與主聯合的,成為一。我再沒有別的選擇和別的奢享了,因為主說:“我已經為我自己呼召了很多的人,我的商議尚未完成,而且稍有遲延。我正賜下恩典,直到年底,好讓人們結清他們的賬,因為是時候了。我需要你們。”



Yielding (the voice message)
by David Damien

Just before Rosh Hashanah, which I think it was September 22nd if I am not mistaken. I don't know why I felt it; the presence of the Lord around me was in a special way that I felt that the Lord was coming very tenderly but very clear. And he said to me, "David, I wanted you to consecrate yourself fully.”

And I thought, “Wow, Lord, I have (to) endeavor to do that.”

But I felt there is something that the Lord will do by His spirit. It’s not me coming to a point of I repent of the sin, I repent of the sin. That will be a continual process. But I felt the Lord wants to take possession of me, possess me.

It’s not me asking for more anointing, more cleansing, more power. But the Lord is saying I wanted my spirit to take over. So I took the Ten Days of Awe, which is from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, which is a day of atonement.

Rosh Hashanah is the feast of trumpets. So from the feast of trumpets to the Day of Atonement, I endeavored to walk very carefully. I disciplined myself. I sought the Lord with all my heart. I thought it was for me and it’s finished.

But then after that, I felt the lord came to me and he said to me, “I have called many for that consecration and I need them now. I need my children now.”

And I'm trying because the word ‘consecrate’ as a word that has been used many many many many times and we know the frame of it, but I didn't feel the same frame. I felt it's different.

I said: “Lord, explain it to me, what do you want?”

And then the lord spoke to me from 1 Corinthians 6:17, it’s a very interesting verse, it says: “And those who are joined to the lord they are one spirit with him.” And then I said: “Lord, one spirit with you? So it's not my spirit, it’s not your spirit. It's one?”

First time it hit me like “wow, me joining with you is one spirit? So I cannot think differently? I cannot feel differently and one spirit?” And suddenly I knew the dimension of oneness hit my spirit, and I felt the Lord was saying the only way you can face the next season is by oneness with me. And it's not unity in the term of joint activities. And then suddenly I remembered as Jeremiah 32:39 it says: “In that day I'll give them one heart and one way and one mind.”

And I thought one heart, one heart is deeper than one way and one mind. We can think alike, we can have the same revelation of what the Lord wants to do, but will not one heart。

And I said to the lord, “What’s one heart?” He said: “When you cannot live without your brother, when you cannot live without your sister, you're undone, you know you're not complete.” And suddenly I realized that the first thing that will bring us into one mind and one accord and one thought, the oneness that John 17 is talking about is actually it's a heart connection.

And then I realized it's the heart, then suddenly I realized the whole one spirit thing, one heart thing, is actually a level that I know about in my mind, but I have never experienced this way what the Lord was revealing to me when the lord said to me: “I'm giving the body till the end of the year to settle everything, after that it will be late.” And the moment I heard this, the first thing that came to my mind was Hanukkah. I don't know why I don't think of Hanukkah terms. Hanukkah is not something that comes to my mind often, but the moment the Lord said to me, “I'm extending my grace and giving the body an extended grace.” Apparently I felt that the lord wanted to close this, on Yom Kippur or Rosh Hashanah like with the Jewish New Year, but he's extending a grace, giving a grace.

And when I thought of Hanukkah, that's very interesting. This year it's coming on 12/12. Hanukkah is December 12th. This year starts. So some said December 1212/12 is the beginning of Hanukkah for eight days. If for you who don’t know what is Hanukkah, they are passed to it. But they when they took back to temple, the Maccabeus took back the temple, they lightened the menorah with oil prepared in a specific way that the Lord has instructed that the oil that goes into menorah to light the menorah. There is only one day supply of oil when they took over the temple back from the gentiles. So now the temple is in Jewish hands and they want to light the menorah. But there is only one day supply of oil. And they didn’t want to use oil that’s not prepared for this purpose. So to have new patch of oil it will take 8 days. So they put the oil from the first day and guess what? The Lord did a miracle.

That the day supply lasted for 8 days until the new oil patch was released. Suddenly I realized that the Lord doesn’t want us to use any another oil, even if we don’t have. He will do the miracle. And the Lord said: “ Don’t try to change yourself. It’s not about the change. It’s about union between you and me. And I wanted to do for such a time as this. And that only can be done when you surrender, yield, give me yourself, and I will do it. Actually those who join to the Lord is actually surrender. The 1 Cor. 6:17 : those who joined to the Lord are one spirit with him.

It’s not what I can do because there is nothing I can do. It’s just a surrender. “Lord, here I am. Take my thoughts. Take my emotions.” And I just started to remember the songs you know all old hymns and the songs of that union. And then the Lord began opening my heart to things he had shared with me a long time ago and recently and I shared with you some of these last call with young people. And I said to you when you think of this sphinx for example, this sphinx is a head of man and the body of a lion. That is not art.

That is actually union. It’s a power when the spirit of a man and the spirit of an animal, the spirit of animal is demonic power that goes into an animal to find a vehicle to join together in spirit. If you look at the Pharaonic architect or the drawings on the walls, it’s a head of falcon a body of man. It’s all mixed with animals. It’s a joining of spirit. It’s actually a marriage of the spirit. They become one. Then I realize that emperor of Japan becomes an emperor before he becomes an emperor, he goes into a ceremony. And it’s actually there is a sexual part of it that he gives himself to the spirit and he married. That’s why the emperor becomes god. And there is a possession so the demonic power is not using the people. It’s actually a marriage. The spirit and the spirit become one. I was in Japan recently. And something happened so powerfully. But the amazing part is when I was talking to the Japanese, I said to them: “ Does it not scare you up the man marrying the spirit?”

He said David: “This is all in Japan. Look at the cartoons today, all the cartoons today for the kids is the spirits joining with the spirits. And the spirits of an animal joining the spirit of an man. It is in the cartoon of the kids today in Japan, the same thing happened with Korea. Do you know that Yonggi Cho took on his heart, I am sure you know Yonggi Cho from Korea, the Lord has used him mightily. And he took Japan on his heart. And he could not change Japan. Japan is not close to the gospel to evangelism but there is no power that could change Japan. It’s because the level we’re dealing with it’s a level that has not come to the level that can deal with that power. I believe what we’re entering into the next season is not what we have known. What we have known brought us here. But we’re entering into another level. It’s the union of my spirit with the Holy Spirit.

That’s why John 17: “I have given them glory that they may be one.” My oneness with you is not a thought. It’s not a project. It’s not a function. It’s not even hearing God’s voice to what He wants to do. And that was what my teaching for. I discover there is another level. It is a heart to heart, those who are joined to the Lord are one spirit with him. When my spirit and the Lord's is one, when your spirit with the Lord's is one, we are one. There is no way his Spirit is going to be divided. And I’m one with him, you are one with him, we are one together and that's the body. That's John 17 and without that, the measure of unity that Jesus prayed for will not be fulfilled.

And actually, that will shake the principality and powers because they will know the kingdom of God is here now.

And I believe this season until December, until Hanukkah, this God's grace that he opens for us.

I don't know why I'm weeping when I hear this. Coz I feel the potential of what God is about to do when He lays hold of his people. I feel it's almost like salvation. I come as I am, it's not about cleansing myself, it's not about purifying myself. As I have… Lord takes me, just possess me and do whatever he wants.

And then the Lord said to me a statement, he said to me. Long time ago, I was watching the news on our TV and then suddenly a clip of Michael Jackson, a concert [that] came on the TV. [It's] just a clip of two minutes, I looked at the clip and I said to the Lord: "Lord, these people are not free, they are possessed. Whatever the spirit would ask them to do, they would do. Because I looked at the people and I saw, wow, these people are totally surrendered to the demonic powers.”

Then the Lord spoke to my heart and he said to me: “The world has trusted the demonic spirits more than my church---my body has trusted My Holy Spirit.”

We're afraid of being possessed, we're afraid of being weird, we're afraid, we're afraid...under the way of fear that we would lose control. We have controlled the Holy Spirit and the whole issue is losing control. But we're afraid of the negative, we're afraid of the wrong stuff. That hindered us from trusting the Lord.

I'll share this story just came to my mind:

Years ago, 20 some years ago, I went with a friend of mine, he was very prophetic, very prophetic, a little bit younger than me. And we went to a school, a Christian school. We went to a class of grade two [to] grade three, eight to nine year-old girls. And we started praying for the girls and my friend prayed over a girl and she was slain in the spirit, she stayed there for half an hour, as we were praying for the rest of the class, then suddenly the girl stood up and she said to my friend: "I have a word for you".

An eight-year-old girl [and] she said, "I have a word for you." He said to her, "Sure, go ahead".

She said to him: "I want to say to you that you fear the deception of the demonic spirits more than you trust the leading of the Holy Spirit".

[An] eight-year-old girl said this, I knew there is no way that the girl would make up these words:

"You are afraid of deception of the demonic more than you trust the Holy Spirit to lead you".

And I felt, that's me, and that's the body of Christ today. There'd always be negatives and there'd always be weird things about people getting saved by the blood of Jesus but I would never change that salvation is by the blood of Jesus when I received Him as my personal saviour. It will never hinder anyone from speaking the message of
salvation. But when it comes to weird things that the enemy is doing, when I'm filled with the Holy Spirit, everyone is divided, [saying]: “No I don't want this, I don't want this.”

I fear the reason I'm sharing this is because I'm aware of the weirds and I'm aware of the right ones but I want to say there is no other alternative. He has to possess us and we have to let go and lose control. And our spirit and His spirit would become one to the point that I would not dare to do anything out of my own initiative anymore. Not because people are reminding me but because the fear of the Lord would hit me and the moment I step in my spirit and my conscious will just go wild. [It] would beep: “Wrong way, wrong way, wrong way, because the Lord is about to do something.”

It's amazing that the time of Egypt is landing at this time, the time of Switzerland is landing at this time, the time of Malaysia is landing at this time and all these things are landing at this time.

In that great season until Hanukkah which is December 12, I don't claim that to say that says the Lord and I don't claim to say, here it is.

I see in part and I prophesize in part but I'm sharing with you my heart because I'm jealous over you. I wish I can stand on the top of the mountain and say if I'm wrong, I'd rather be wrong but please listen to me: Because if it is right, we cannot afford losing this season.

If I'm wrong, I'm glad, because I don't want anyone to miss. So that's why I felt to share this with you. It's a marriage between my spirit and the Holy Spirit. There is no way I could put it more than this, 1 Cor. 6:17, one with Him, those who are joint to the Lord are one. I have no option anymore and I have no luxury anymore because the Lord said: "I have called many for myself and my council is not finished and there is a lagging behind. I'm giving grace until the end of the year for people to settle their accounts because it's time. And I'm in need of you."

So that's my heart.