
2017年5月25日 加入【萬國大使命頒佈/耶穌升天】紀念日的活動
Join All Nations Great Commission/Ascension day May 25th 2017
來源:JHOPFAN 2017年4月13日 蒙允刊載/轉寄 

 Great Commission  



1. 2017年5月25日,我們將再次紀念大君王頒佈大使命和升天(使徒行傳1:8所記載的那個日子, 耶穌在升天前頒佈大使命, 地點就位於如今耶路撒冷萬國禱告院在橄欖山的所在地),我們鼓勵各國都呼召牧師、敬拜者、代禱者、守望者、傳福音的人、教會植堂工人聚集在一起,在大使命頒佈/耶穌升天紀念日的這天,歡喜快樂地點燃火炬,因為當一個靈魂得救,整個天堂都要歡喜,讓我們為過去一年中進入天國的人歡喜,點燃火炬也代表著我們相信,在這個耶路撒冷的禧年,耶路撒冷和以色列的救恩將如同明燈發亮。

2. 讓我們為禾場祈求更多的收割工人。在馬太福音9:37-38, 耶穌說:"要收的莊稼多,收割的工人少。" 因此,讓我們懇求莊稼的主,差遣更多的工人進入禾場,在每個國家完成豐盛的莊稼收割。我們也願意在今年以全新的方式奉獻自己,讓神來恩膏所有的聚會,以至於一個極大的收割、完全的收割將在接下來的一年來到。

3. 為您的國家能夠有許多的外邦人接受主而禱告,也為著以色列的救恩禱告。我們知道,神要讓進入天國的外邦人數目添滿,羅馬書11:25-26如此說。然而,羅馬書11:11-12說以色列也會進入豐滿。所以我們鼓勵您在這天聚集,為了外邦人得救的數目添滿而禱告,願神將您的國家帶入天國的目標,也為以色列豐盛的救恩禱告。這天,120位猶太和阿拉伯領袖將聚集在橄欖山禱告, 如同與您的國家聚集在一起一樣。

4. 福音要觸及各民、各族、各方、各國。啟示錄7:9說,"此後,我觀看,見有許多的人,沒有人能數過來,是從各國、各族、各民、各方來的,站在寶座和羔羊面前,身穿白衣,手拿棕樹枝。" 我們相信,神將帶領每個來自各國、各族、各民、各方的人進入天國。讓我們為著您的國家中那些為曾被福音觸摸的人們、那些未曾建立教會的地方而共同站立,相信神將在接下來的一年中在各族各民中建立教會。 神是賜下突破的神!

5. 為著門徒倍增(不是信徒倍增)和會眾倍增而禱告。馬太福音28:19說,"所以,你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗。" 我們相信,神為您的國家和為外邦人所命定的極大的門徒倍增、教會植堂倍增運動即將來到。

我們相信,當這5個使命完成, 對比使徒行傳1:8所說的大使命,我們將會看到耶穌就要回來。祂的腳將踏在橄欖山上,聖經說,天必留祂,直到萬物復興的時刻。而我們就活在這個萬物復興的世代,願我們完成祂的託付,為榮耀君王的回來預備道路。 很快,真的很快,我們就要看到我們的大君王。

我們邀請各國的領袖們前來參加2017年9月20日-10月4日舉行的【耶路撒冷萬國禱告大會 & 以色列守望者之旅】,願他們的代表團中,約書亞世代的人數加增。在【耶路撒冷萬國禱告大會 & 以色列守望者之旅】舉行期間,9月28日,我們將訪問橄欖山上的耶路撒冷萬國禱告院,並在上面禱告,使徒行傳1:8所記載的大使命頒佈地點就是在此。列國的代表還要在聖殿山南面的臺階上一起禱告,願列國的外邦人得救的數目添滿(羅馬書11:25),願耶路撒冷的救恩如同明燈發亮(以賽亞書62:1)。再一次,我們將從祂寶座、祂腳掌所踏之地所出發的每一條大道上點燃12個火炬,作為一個先知性的行動,代表著神的榮耀將臨到您的國家,從地極回到耶路撒冷。

我們希望您能確認加入我們,並呼召您的國家在5月25日這天加入我們的大使命頒佈、耶穌升天的紀念日活動,如可能, 請帶領您的團隊前來參加2017年9月20日-10月4日舉行的【耶路撒冷萬國禱告大會 & 以色列守望者之旅】,在大會的最後一天,10月3日,跟我們一起在加利利海上點燃火炬,那是馬太福音28:19大使命頒佈的地方。



Tom Hess
湯海士 (Tom Hess)


Great Commission Ascension Day/ Laborers for the Harvest Fund
來源:JHOPFAN 2017年5月15日 蒙允刊載/轉寄













Tom Hess
湯海士 (Tom Hess)



Join All Nations
Great Commission/Ascension day
May 25th 2017

 Great Commission 

Join All Nations Great Commission/Ascension day by convening a meeting in your nation on May 25th 2017 (Acts 1:8) to pray for the fullness of Great Commission to be fulfilled in your nation back to Jerusalem

We are believing God that before Jesus comes back, another one billion souls could be saved from every tribe, tongue, people and nation (Rev. 5:9-10) that all unreached people groups will be adequately reached preparing the way for the coming of the King of Glory.

1. This year again on May 25th, 2017 the Kings' Great Commission/Ascension day (the day the Acts 1:8 Great Commission was given just before the ascension, in the area where Jerusalem House of Prayer is located on the Mount of Olives), we encourage all nations to call the pastors, worshippers, intercessors, Watchmen, evangelists and church planters together and light torches on Great Commission/Ascension day to rejoice as all heaven rejoices over one soul being saved, for all those that came into the Kingdom in the past year and light a torch believing for the fullness of Jerusalem's and Israel's salvation to be like a Blazing Torch in this Jerusalem's Jubilee Year.

2. Praying for more Laborers for the Harvest. In Matthew 9:37-38, Jesus says "The Harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few". Ask the Lord of the Harvest, therefore, to send out workers into the harvest field to reap the fullness of the harvest in every nation. We also want to dedicate ourselves in a fresh way this year and for God to anoint all that are gathering, so that a great harvest, the fullness of the harvest will be reaped in the coming year.

3. Praying for the fullness of the Gentiles in your nation to receive the Lord and for the Salvation of Israel. We know that God wants the fullness of the gentiles into the Kingdom of God. It says this in Romans 11:25-26, but it also says the fullness of Israel will be saved in Romans 11:11-12.
So we encourage you to join together on this day, praying for the fullness of the salvation of the Gentiles and that God has purposed to bring into the Kingdom in your nation and also for the fullness of salvation of Israel. 120 Leaders, both Jewish and Arab, will be gathering on Mount Olives to pray, joining with you in your nation.

4. Reaching every nation, tribe, people and language. It says in Revelation 7:9 "After this, I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the One and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands".
We are believing God will bring everyone from every tribe, tongue, people and nation into the Kingdom of God. Stand together for the unreached people groups in your nation, places in your nations that have no established local churches. Believe God in the coming year that there will be churches established in every region and language. God is the God of the Breakthrough!

5. Multiplication of Disciples (not just converts) and Congregations. It says in Matthew 28:19 "Therefore, go and make disciples (not converts) of all Nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit".
We believe God for a great multiplication of disciplines and church planting movements throughout your nation and that the fullness of the gentiles will come in.

We believe when these five mandates are fulfilled, connected with the Great Commission in Acts 1:8, we will see Jesus coming back. He will put His feet on the Mount of Olives. It says He must remain in Heaven until the restoration of the all things.
We live in the days of All Things. May we fulfil His mandates, preparing the way for the coming of the King of Glory. Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King.

We ask leaders from every nation to join us for the All Nations Convocation and Watchmen's tour of Israel September 20th to October 4th 2017 with their delegates including growing numbers from the Joshua generation. On September 28th, during the All Nations Convocation and Watchmen's tour we will visit and pray at Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations on Mount of Olives where Acts 1:8 Great Commission was given, all nations will also pray at the Southern Steps of the Temple Mount for the fullness of the Gentiles from all nations to come into the Kingdom (Olive tree, Romans 11:25) and for Jerusalem's Salvation to be like a blazing torch (Isaiah 62:1). We will again light the 12 torches from each gateway at the place of His throne and the Soles of the Messiah's feet forever (Eze 43:7) from Israel as a prophetic act, symbolic of the glory of God coming to your nation and from the ends of the earth back to Jerusalem.

We hope you can confirm joining us and calling your nations to join us on May 25th Great Commission Ascension Day, and if possible bring a delegation to All Nations Convocation and Watchmen's tour of Israel September 20th - October 4th 2017, and to join us to light a torch for each/your nation on the Sea of Galilee where the Matthew 28:19 Great Commission was given, on the last night October 3rd, 2017.

We hope you and your group can join us for the Great Commission Ascension day on May 25th, 2017 and we hope to see you in Jerusalem September 20th - October 4th, 2017

Shalom in the Messiah's Love and Joy.

Tom Hess
Tom Hess
Jerusalem, Israel