


今年——猶太曆5777年——是黃金之年。我在年初分享過我們為什麼需要明白這一年兼具物質界、靈界的雙重重要性。我一直留心關注新聞,要看黃金會如何被發現。本週稍早,福克斯新聞(Fox News)發佈了頭條新聞:“加州大洪水沖刷出埋藏了200年的金礦脈!”我超愛這個消息!

“今年冬天,北加州大洪水不僅帶來了連年大旱後的澆灌,更有望創造出20年來最大的淘金良機。當地的淘金者告訴Chico Enterprise-Record[譯注:一家知名報業集團]‘洪水讓河流紛紛改道’,而且‘乾坤大挪移’。這意味著200年來一直隱藏的金礦脈瞬間公之於眾。根據哥倫比亞廣播公司三藩市報導,洪水還把一些廢棄礦洞中的金砂直接橫掃出來,沖到下游。與此同時KCRA報導說,洪水過後的地面上甚至能直接撿到金砂;到了夏季,等大水退去,絕佳的淘金機會就到了!”

風與火事工(Wind and Fire Ministries)的維奇挪得提醒我(Chuck)想起自己曾於2012年9月13日在加州聖何西(San Jose)發過這樣一篇預言








"Prophecy After Prophecy Fulfilled! California Gold and Unholy Alliances Unhooked!"
Chuck Pierce
Mar 21, 2017

Exposing Hidden Gold Veins and Rearranging Rivers!

This Hebraic Year, 5777, is a year of gold. At the beginning of the year, I shared how we need to understand both its physical and spiritual significance. I have watched for how gold would be addressed in the news, and loved one of the Fox News headlines that came out earlier this week: "California Flooding Has Exposed Gold Veins Hidden for 200 Years!" The March 14th article by Michael Harthorne went on to share: 

"This winter's flooding in Northern California has done more than bring relief after years of drought; its created the prospect of the best gold prospecting in 20 years. Gold hunters in the area tell the Chico Enterprise-Record the floods have 'rearranged the rivers' and 'moved things around.' That means gold veins that have been hidden for 200 years are suddenly exposed. According to CBS San Francisco, the floods also swept gold out of abandoned mines and washed it downriver. While KCRA reports that gold can simply be picked off the ground following major flooding, the best prospecting will come in the summer months when the water has receded."

Vicki Nohrden of Wind and Fire Ministries reminded me of a prophecy I had released in San Jose, California on September 13, 2012 - Prophecy by Chuck Pierce:

"The rivers of this state shall begin to fill, for this is a season that the heavens are shaking. In the midst of the heavens shaking, you are on the verge of the greatest breakthrough that you've ever know in the state. Do not back up! Do not back up! The rivers will now begin to fill and flood, and the rivers that have never contended will now begin to contend. There will be a divine splitting at places that you would not have thought that rivers would overflow and split.

"There will be a splitting of what was joined together here in California. California will now unhook its unholy alliances. The rivers will rise and all unholy alliances will begin to split. The bitterness of the robbing of the gold and structure of resources in this state now will come to a head, and a new reconciliation will occur and a new glory arise. Along the main river system of this state there has been great contention, and great iniquity has been performed.

"That which has caused demons to root in and hold this state captive will now be rooted out through worship. A new apostolic breed is arising through this state. There will be a great shaking in the north as a sign, and great splitting of the river system where its never split before. In the midst of it you will know that which was rooted deep now has lost its control of this state; that which has ruled the heavens has lost its authority to rule. A whole new party structure will arise from this state that creates a new move throughout this land.

"Do not back up! Do not back up when the rains begin to fall! I will send a sign upon this state that says the monetary structure will now change. I will cause My people who have rejected My move, and moved in My move up to the point of breakthrough and then backed off, to now arise as a Kingdom people. The wind will not only blow, but the fire of God will come and this state will become a glory bed for My Kingdom purposes. Let the visions come and the handshakes begin to let go. Begin to form new and form afresh!"

Declare that California is being aligned in a new way! Wherever you live, welcome the outpouring of Heaven into your region so that hidden veins can be uncovered for God's purposes to manifest in new ways! 

Chuck D. Pierce