
復興以色列事工 2016年11月18日

作者:Asher Intrater

耶穌對末世的基礎教導可在新約的前三部福音書中查考到(馬太 24,馬可 13,路加 21)。祂把眾以色列先知的教導作了摘要和解析。眾使徒以耶穌所教導的為基礎來撰寫。

在馬太福音 24 章中,耶穌曾兩次(第 31, 40 節)題到一種超自然事件,信徒將被天使提升到空中 (大喜樂期)。此外,經文也題到可怕的苦難 (大災難期),屆時會發生:

1. 惡者將出現
2. 信徒將被淨化
3. 奇妙的復興將發生


1. 耶穌教導我們「惟有忍耐到底」。(馬太 24:13)
2. 有些人必須「逃到山上」。(16 節)如果你不在場,就沒必要逃!
3. 神會「只是為選民、那日子必減少了」(22 節)。神會縮短聖徒末日的時間; 卻不會在末日之前將他們撤去。
4. 耶穌警告信徒,在這段時間,不要被欺騙或懼怕(第 4,5,25 節)。如果時候未臨到,我們懼怕是沒道理的。
5. 天使來臨的時間將明顯地發生在 那些「災難以後」。(馬太24:29,馬可福音 13:24)只有在那時候(30 節),耶穌再來和大喜樂才會發生。
6. 耶穌把這事件與挪亞的洪水相題並論,挪亞進入方舟當天才發生此事件,而不是事先發生。
7. 同樣的,耶穌也把這事件與與所多瑪的毀滅相題並論,毀滅的發生不早也不晚,是在羅得出城後才發生(路加 17:29)。


作者:Daniel Juster


在基督教界,末世論的教導形成了一股共識。今天,我們幾乎可稱這些論點為 「老生常談」,但不是所有人知道。以下所列是一般的共識:



末日的最終指的是就在耶穌再來前不久所發生的事件。這將包括對上帝子民的嚴厲試煉,因為他們受到黑暗勢力挾持。在猶太人的思想中, 這個時刻被稱為彌賽亞的妊娠痛(猶太公會 98)。古典猶太末世論在這個議題上多與教會同論,認為末日的最後幾日將面臨一個大審判。我稱這種觀點為 「災變與介入事件」。






我們的教學非常符合這種共識,但我們認為它缺少以色列和猶太人在末世的相關角色這一論點。關於以色列,希伯來經文中不斷提及末日爭戰與以色列猶太人有關的經節(約珥書 3,以賽亞書 25-27,以西結書 38,39 等等)。讓我們參考一節經文。

撒迦利亞書 12,14 - 在這裡, 我們讀到列國的入侵和耶路撒冷的戰役。這導向戰後一股認罪悔改的大潮流,以色列仰望著他們所刺傷的耶穌(12:10),傳統上被視為 「以色列人回轉歸向耶穌」。在這場大戰結束後,列國列民都歸向神,每年都會在耶路撒冷過住棚節(Sukkot)並敬拜神。

感謝的是,現在我們看到以色列和猶太人在教會末世神學上頗有共識 - 正如希伯來先知論及末世事件時,以色列和猶太人是主軸的焦點。

18 November 2016 Revive Israel Ministries

Timing of the Rapture
Asher Intrater

Yeshua's foundational teaching on the end times is found in all three synoptic gospels (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21).  He summarizes and interprets the teachings of all the Israelite Prophets.  The Apostles based their writings on the subject from what Yeshua taught. 

In Matthew 24, Yeshua spoke twice (v. 31, 40) about a supernatural event in which believers will be lifted into the air by angels (Rapture).  In addition, the Scriptures speak of a horrible time of trouble (Tribulation), in which:

  1. Evil will be exposed
  2. Believers will be purified
  3. Miraculous revival will take place.

Some teach that believers will be lifted up by the angels before this time of difficulty, or in the middle of it.  However, no verses point to a "pre" or "mid" tribulation rapture; all verses clearly describe this event as taking place "afterwards."

  1. Yeshua taught that we have to "endure until the end." (Matthew 24:13)
  2. Some will have to "flee into the mountains." (verse 16) There is no reason to flee if you are not there!
  3. God will "shorten the days for the sake of the chosen" (verse 22).  He shortens the time of the end for the saints; He does not remove them before the end.
  4. Yeshua warns the believers "not to be deceived" or "fearful" during this time (verses 4, 5, 25). That would make no sense if we are not here.
  5. The time of the angels coming will clearly happen "after the Tribulation of those days." (Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:24)  Only "then" (verse 30) will the Second Coming and Rapture take place.
  6. Yeshua compared the event to Noah's flood, which took place "on the day" that Noah entered, not beforehand.
  7. Yeshua similarly compared it to the destruction of Sodom, which happened "on the daythat Lot went out." (Luke 17:29). – Not a moment earlier.

Let's be prepared and victorious in the end times!

End Time General Consensus
Daniel Juster

Eschatology is teaching on the Last Days and the Age to Come. 

A consensus has developed in the doctrine of eschatology in the Christian world.  We could almost call these points truisms today, though not all are aware of them. Here is the general consensus:

The Last Days began with the coming of Yeshua and continued to progress with his death, resurrection and the giving of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (Shavuot).  The Kingdom of God has come, but its full manifestation will come with the second coming of Yeshua.

Cataclysm and Intervention

The Last of the Last Days now refers to the events that will take place shortly before the Second coming of Yeshua.   This time will include a very difficult trial for God’s people, as they are resisted by the powers of darkness.  In Jewish thought this time is called the birth pangs of the Messiah (Sanhedrin 98).  Classical Jewish eschatology pretty much tracks with the Church on this issue of a great trial at the end of this age.  I call this view Cataclysm and Intervention.

However, at the end, God’s people will be delivered and we will enter into the Age to Come.  This broad consensus is even reflected in the Roman Catholic Catechism that states,

Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers.  The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the “mystery of iniquity” in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth.  The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh.  675

The Church will enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover, when she will follow her Lord in his death and resurrection.  The kingdom will be fulfilled, then, not by a historic triumph of the Church through a progressive ascendancy, but only by God’s victory over the final unleashing of evil...  677

What About Israel?

Our teaching is very much in accord with this consensus, but we believe it is missing the end times piece connected to Israel and the Jewish people.   Concerning Israel, the Hebrew Scriptures constantly give reference to a final battle (Joel 3, Isaiah 25-27, Ezekiel 38, 39, and so many more) connected to the Jewish people in Israel. Let us just reference one.

Zechariah 12, 14 - Here we read of the invasion of the nations and the battle for Jerusalem.  This leads to an amazing time of repentance after the battle, and Israel looks upon Him whom they have pierced (12:10) which classically is looked at as Israel turning to Yeshua.  At the end of this great battle the nations all turn to God and worship God annually in Jerusalem at the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot).

Thankfully, we are seeing Israel and the Jewish people becoming a general consensus in the church’s end time theology in our day -- just as they were a central focus for the Hebrew prophets as they spoke of the events of the end times.