
2016年10月31日 是一次世界大戰期間澳紐軍團於聖地參與別是巴戰役勝利的99周年紀念(1917年10月31日),而此戰役的勝利隨即於六周後促成耶路撒冷得以脫離奧圖曼帝國400年統治而獲得自由,並奠定了日後以色列能以獨立、復國,印驗聖經預言的重要關鍵因素之一。同時重挫同盟國在中東戰場的戰力以致節節敗退。


31 OCTOBER 1917
撰文:Kris Schlyder
(圖文資料來源:地極禱告站 The End of the Earth Prayer Stations。蒙允刊載。2016.10.20)


  • 「別是巴(Beersheba)」位於耶路撒冷的西南邊約50哩(80公里),是現今以色列南區的行政中心。舊約描繪以色列的國界(或南北地區的宗教/行政中心)為「從但到別是巴」(士20:1撒上3:20撒下3:10,17:11, 24:2,15等),別是巴所在的地區,就被稱為南地(Negev)。別是巴的重要性在於它與族長的關係,這地點的名稱「別是巴」(意即「盟約之井」),源於亞伯拉罕與亞比米勒在當地所立的約(創21:22-32)。

˙[報導]ANZAC museum to be built in Beersheba 11/01/2014 (別是巴將興建澳紐軍團博物館)

  • 「別是巴戰役」的重要性— 本月就是一次世界大戰期間澳紐軍團於聖地參與別是巴戰役勝利的99周年紀念,而此戰役的勝利隨即於六周後促成耶路撒冷得以脫離奧圖曼帝國400年統治而獲得自由,並奠定了日後以色列能以獨立、復國,印驗聖經預言的重要關鍵因素之一。同時重挫同盟國在中東戰場的戰力以致節節敗退。

˙ 以下摘自:屬靈澳紐軍團之興起 p.2 ~



˙ 關於澳紐軍團的史實和啟示—請參閱前述p.9 ~

˙ 藉由認識「別是巴戰役」的史實,可以再次提醒地極禱告站同工家人(亦即屬靈澳紐軍團華人戰士)謹記在《列國的書卷》神啟示祂的渴望就是澳紐軍團(當然包括屬靈的澳紐軍團)為著祂在末世的目的再一次與祂同工。Amen!


(「1917年10月31日別是巴戰役」是由Kris Schlyder撰寫(*地極禱告站雪梨團隊中譯),精確地摘自1955年由軍事訓練局出版的澳大利亞陸軍軍事歷史教科書“蘇伊士阿勒頗”。教材的使用經官方許可。)[This description of the battle of Beersheba on 31 October 1917 was written by Kris Schlyder and was accurately drawn from the Australian Army military history textbook “Suez to Aleppo” published by the Directorate of Military Training in 1955. Textbook used with official permission.]



In March and April 1917 the British forces between the Suez Canal and Gaza, under British  General Murray, launched two unsuccessful and very costly attacks against the Turkish and  German forcesentrenched around Gaza. In June 1917 General Murray was relieved of his command and was replaced by British General Sir Edmund Allenby. At this time Britain was suffering defeats on all fronts of thewar against Germany. When General Allenby was appointed  to replace General Murray the Prime Minister of Britain called on him to capture and liberate Jerusalem before Christmas in order to give the people of Britain a morale boost. 


□地圖一城鎮,公路,鐵路 (可拉開放大查看)


The Turkish and German defence line stretched from Gaza to Beersheba. See Map 1. Their defences were strong in the area of Gaza and the centre of the line, but much weaker out in the desert around Beersheba, where there was little water and the Turks and German commanders did not expect a major attack. General Allenby instituted elaborate measures to deceive the Turkish and German commanders into believing the next major British attack would be directed against the main defences at Gaza near the Mediterranean coast, just like the two previous unsuccessful attacks against Gaza were. 


然而,艾倫比的最終方案,係採取逐段的摧毀土耳其軍隊。在第一階段(圖2-①), 20兵團和沙漠騎兵軍團將攻下別是巴及其西部和西南部的防禦工事。20兵團將向著東北進軍,而沙漠騎兵旅將在攻取的井旁及喂馬喝水,預防從北部和東北部的任何可能的逆襲逆,並做準備,用以切斷從中央防線和迦薩地區而來的敵人的退路。

However, Allenby’s final plan aimed at the destruction of the Turkish army in successive phases. In the first phase (see circled 1 on Map 2) 20 Corps and the Desert Mounted Corps would capture Beersheba and the defensive works immediately west and south west of the town. 20 Corps would then be generally facing north-east , while Desert Mounted Corps would be watering their horses at the captured wells, holding off any possible counter-attack from the north and north-east, and preparing for exploitation aimed at cutting off the retreat of the enemy on the centre and Gaza sectors. 


Immediately on completion of the first phase, 21 Corps, assisted by heavy bombardment from the sea, would launch a powerful attack on Gaza with the object of capturing important localities, pinning down the enemy, and distracting his attention from the other flank (see circled 2 on Map 2). While this action was taking place 20 Corps would drive the enemy from his Sheria and Hareira positions (see circled 3 on Map 2). With these positions in its possession the Corps would operate against the enemy’s left flank, which would then be open. 

沙漠騎兵團會在20兵團的右邊向西北方向橫掃,直接目標就是攻取Tel el Negile的水井(圖2-④)。一旦馬匹再次喝飽了水就可以攻擊迦薩地敵軍防線的背面。如果一切順利,土耳其軍隊將變成 “囊中物”。

Desert Mounted Corps would sweep north-westward on the right of 20 Corps with the immediate object of capturing the wells at Tel el Negile (see circled 4 on Map 2).  With its horses once again watered it would then be in a position to operate against the rear of the enemy troops defending the Gaza sector. If all went well the Turkish army would be “in the bag.” 


The date General Allenby chose to attack Beersheba was 31 October 1917, which coincided with a full moon, and which would facilitate the movement of thousands of men by night into the areas from which they would attack Beersheba. Beersheba, and its 19 wells including those of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, had to be captured in one day, by the night of 31 October, because 11,000 Australian, New Zealand and British horsemen and their horses would need water immediately after the battle, in order to be ready for the next phase of the bigger battle. 

*[圖片] 在古別是巴的水井

以撒從那裡上別是巴去。當夜耶和華向他顯現,說:我是你父親亞伯拉罕的神,不要懼怕!因為我與你同在,要賜福給你,並要為我僕人亞伯拉罕的緣故,使你的後裔繁多。以撒就在那裡築了一座壇,求告雅威的名,並且支搭帳棚;他的僕人便在那裡挖了一口井。』 (創世記26:23-25) 



In the days and nights before the night of 30 October all the Allied troops committed to the battle for Beersheba moved east through the desert by night, and hid as best they could during the days in gullies, wadis etc. By dark on the 30th October the British 53rd, 60th, and 74th Divisions (each of about 12-15,000 men) under British Lieutenant General Chetwode, and the 11,000 horsemen of the Desert Mounted Corps under Australian Lieutenant General Harry Chauvel, were in the positions shown on MAP 3.



The Turkish/German defences are marked in red. The British divisions and units are marked in blue. The Desert Mounted Corps consisted of two mounted divisions…… The Australian Mounted Division (colours are shown as green and gold), which consisted of the 3rd and 4th Australian Light Horse brigades, and the British 5th Yeomanry Cavalry Brigade…..and the Anzac Mounted Division (colours are shown as black and gold), which was commanded by New Zealander Major General Chaytor, and consisted of the 1st and 2nd Australian Light Horse brigades, and the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade. 

在10月30日的晚上,所有這些部隊必須各就各位,準備好翌日10月31日拂曉攻擊。英軍和一些相關單位不得不趁天黑在地勢險要之處行軍至少8英里或13公里,在淩晨4點之前抵達他們的進攻位置。他們全部準時就位!他們的任務不是奪取別是巴。53師是為了阻止從西面過來的土耳其增援部隊。60師和74師負責攻克 1070山地敵人的主要防禦工事,並牽制其他土耳其的防禦,使沙漠騎兵軍團可以從土耳其防守薄弱的東部攻佔別是巴鎮及其水井。

During the night of 30 October all those troops had to move into their positions to start the battle early next morning on 31 October. The British divisions and some associated units had to march at least 8 miles or 13 kilometres over difficult terrain by night to reach their attack positions by 0400 hours. They were all in position on time! Their task was NOT to capture Beersheba. 53 Division was to block Turkish reinforcements coming from the west. 60 Division and 74 Division were to attack and capture the major enemy defences in the area of Hill 1070 and pin down other Turkish defences, so that the Desert Mounted Corps could attack and capture the town of Beersheba and its wells from the east where the Turkish defence were much lighter.


10月30日的晚上,沙漠騎兵團,在澳紐騎兵軍團領導下,必須騎30英里或50公里沒有偵察過而且測繪不明的鄉村,抵達別是巴東邊的Bir Salem 和 Khasim Zanna區域。

很不簡單 - 甚至是神奇的是,每一個參與別是巴之戰的單位都在指定的時間到達其分配的地點。這是不容易的事,即使是久經戰陣的部隊也不容易辦到。地圖4顯示出所有的部隊在10月31日8時所在的位置。



10月31日早上9時,當英軍步兵在攻擊1070山附近土耳其的據點時,澳紐騎兵軍團開始執行被賦予的任務。指揮官Chaytor少將,命令 澳大利亞輕騎兵旅攻取敵人在Tel Es Sakaty的據點,並守候在那兒,以防止土耳其的援軍從希伯倫的來襲。 

上午9時,他還派遣紐西蘭騎兵步槍旅攻取並留守Tel Es Saba。 

下午1點之前澳大利亞第二輕騎旅大隊攻取了Tel Es Sakaty,附近的一些水井和道路的路線。但Tel Es Saba是一個更強大的障礙。土丘是在旺地河的北岸,有400米長,200米寬,上面有一岩石平臺。各邊都陡峭,但河一側是懸崖。四處佈滿戰壕,步兵和機槍。推進緩慢,給紐西蘭軍隊帶來重大的人員傷亡。

11時,Chaytor將軍調動澳大利亞第一輕騎旅來增援紐西蘭軍隊。在英軍炮火的助展下,經過激烈的戰鬥,兩個輕騎旅在下午3點攻取了Tel Es Saba,並留守在那裡,直到當天下午晚些時候澳大利亞第4輕騎旅發起衝鋒以橫掃千軍之勢攻入別是巴。值得注意的是,如果當時Tel Es Saba 還沒被奪取並守住,第4輕騎旅的任務可能會有不同甚至是災難性的結果。


During the night of 30 October the Desert Mounted Corps, with the Anzac Mounted Division leading, had to ride 30 miles or 50 kilometres over unreconnoitred and very poorly mapped country to emerge to the east of Beersheba in the area of Bir Salem and Khasim Zanna. 

What was remarkable – even miraculous – was the fact that every unit involved in the attack on Beersheba reached its allotted station at the specified time. And that was no mean feat, even for experienced troops.   MAP 4 shows where all the troops were at 0800 hours on 31 October. 

British artillery started shelling the Turkish defences at 0555 hours and the infantry of 60 Division and 74 Division commenced their attack at 0830 hours. 53 Division moved to its blocking position to prevent Turkish forces from entering the battle area from the west. 

The British 60th and 74th Divisions continued to press home their attack around Hill 1070, and by 1330 hours the area enclosed within the two sausage-shaped blue areas marked on MAP 5 had been captured. By the time night fell on 31 October, and despite suffering considerable casualties, the British forces captured all of the areas they had been assigned. 

Earlier that day, at 0900 hours 31 October, as the British infantry were attacking the Turkish positions near Hill 1070,   Anzac Mounted Division commenced carrying out the tasks it had been given.   Its commander, Major-General Chaytor, sent 2nd  Australian Light Horse Brigade to capture the enemy position on Tel Es Sakaty, and hold it to prevent Turkish reinforcements coming from Hebron. 

At 0900 hours he also sent the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade to capture and hold Tel Es Saba. 

By 1300 hours 2nd Australian Light Horse Brigade had captured Tel Es Sakaty, some wells nearby, and the line of the road. But Tel Es Saba was a more formidable obstacle. The mound is on the northern bank of Wadi Saba, is 400 metres long and 200 metres wide, with a flat rocky top. All sides are steep, but the wadi side is a cliff. It was full of trenches, infantry soldiers, and machine guns. Progress was slow and costly in casualties to the New Zealanders. 

At 1100 hours General Chaytor reinforced the New Zealanders with most of 1st Australian Light Horse Brigade. With help from British artillery, and after intense fighting, the two brigades captured Tel Es Saba at 1500 hours, and were still there when the charge by 4th Australian Light Horse Brigade swept by them on their way into Beersheba later that afternoon. It is worth noting that if Tel Es Saba had not been captured and held, the charge of 4ALH Brigade may have had a different or disastrous result. 

Lieutenant-General Chauvel now sent 3rd Australian Light Horse Brigade to block the road further north towards Hebron, and then addressed the problem he had……he was running out of daylight, and the order he had been given by General Allenby was to capture Beersheba and its wells before nightfall. Sunset was at 1650 hours. He only had two uncommitted brigades available and they were somewhat dispersed because of attacks by German aircraft during the day.  









Brigadier-General Grant, commander of 4th Australian Light Horse Brigade, then volunteered his brigade to take Beersheba and its wells by a direct cavalry-style charge. His men had no cavalry swords only 45 cm bayonets, and their normal tactic would have been to ride to a point in front of the Turkish trenches, dismount, and go forward with rifle and bayonet. 

General Grant was talking about his entire brigade charging on horseback over about 6 kilometres of open, bare ground, then at and over the Turkish manned trenches, and on into Beersheba to take it and prevent German engineers blowing up the precious water wells. General Chauvel agreed to his plan. See troop dispositions on MAP 5. 

It was 1630 hours before General Grant was able to gather his brigade from dispersed locations, form up with 4 ALH Regiment on the right, 12 ALH Regiment on the left, and 11 ALH Regiment bringing up the rear in reserve…..and commence the charge. The leading regiments rode in three successive lines each of a squadron extended at four or five paces interval between riders. As soon as they appeared on the plain they were engaged by Turkish artillery. But soon they were travelling faster than the Turkish gunners could lower their sights, and many of the shells went over their heads. Turkish machine guns and riflemen in the trenches opened furious fire on them, but they kept on. 

At the Turkish trenches some squadrons went straight over the top, and on into Beersheba, seizing it, taking many prisoners, and preventing 17 of the 19 wells from being blown up. Others dismounted into the trenches and took on the Turks in hand-to-hand fighting. 4 ALH Brigade suffered 64 casualties, including 32 killed or died of wounds, in the charge. In retrospect their losses were much lower than they would have expected from such a bold charge. 

Clearly God’s hand was in that outcome. After the battle it was found that the Turkish infantrymen had not lowered the sights of their rifles below 800 metres. That means their bullets would have been passing over the heads of the horsemen, and that indicates a breakdown of the Turkish command structure. Praise God! 

The day was won, but it was a near thing. Some Australians boast that the Light Horse did it all. But the truth is that if the British infantry and artillery, the New Zealand Mounted Rifles, and other Australian units, hadn’t done, successfully, what they were tasked to do, at considerable loss of life, the now- famous charge by the 4th Australian Light Horse Brigade may have been a disaster, or it may have never happened. 

However, the reality of it all was that the wells of Beersheba could not supply enough water for all the 11,000 horsemen and their horses that night, and they were unable to commence their planned movement north-west the following morning to cut off the Turkish withdrawal from Gaza. 






So, contrary to General Allenby’s plan, the Turks and Germans escaped from his trap at Gaza, and it wasn’t until 9 December 1917, after much heavy fighting along the way, that the British 60th Division entered Jerusalem…. unopposed. There had been some savage fighting on the outskirts of Jerusalem which was interrupted by absolutely torrential rain in freezing conditions. When the rain stopped and the British infantry went forward next morning on 9 December, they found the Turks had withdrawn out of Jerusalem toward the north. 

The mayor of Jerusalem handed over the keys of the city to General Shea, Commander of the British 60th Division. The 10th  Australian Light Horse Regiment from Western Australia, which had been acting as flank-guard for the 60th Division, entered into Jerusalem with that division. 

The God of Israel has since blessed the then very young nations of Australia and New Zealand for our significant part in the liberation of Jerusalem and the Holy Land from 400 years of domination by the Turkish Ottoman Empire. That liberation commenced with the victory at Beersheba in 1917, and culminated in the creation of the modern state of Israel in 1948. All glory be to God Most High!