
恰克皮爾斯 2016年8月6日


我們正開始埃波月這個月份!千萬不要錯過明天早上我們初熟果子的慶典。這個月份是你面對你的狹窄之地,觀看神為你出手,並看到自己通過的時候。這是你所經路徑當中的破壞可以成為你未來的美麗的時候。Tracey Liggett從我們的以色列花園裡所摘錄的是表達的如此之好,因此我選擇使用她所寫的以及她所制作的視頻作為我們第33天的先知性的靈修內容。



安息日平安!正當我們要進入伴隨著埃波月第9日這可怕的困境(dire straits), 我要鼓勵大家都來擁抱這狹窄之地的擠壓!這週我們壓碎了收成的第一批葡萄 – 是如此高興地看到過去季節裡的耕種和播種成為新酒!請記住 - 狹窄之地的破碎和擠壓正是產酒的過程!主正在推翻舊有的熟悉的思維模式和結構…所以不要來敵擋祂正在你生命中所做的。要回應說道,“不管需要付上什麼代價,主!”

LeAnn Squier所唱的“灰燼的美麗”這首預言歌曲,在這週當我在對可怕的困境和這個轉化的月份沉思時浮現在我的心中。我以前曾使用過這首歌一次,但它對埃波月這個月份是如此地息息相關,我覺得我必須再次來使用它!這正是神在狹窄之地這段期間所正在做的如此貼切的一個例證。這是從你過去的灰燼中出來,披上為了你的未來祂所賜給你的美麗的月份!正如到了時候蝴蝶就脫繭而出,宣告這個月份你正在冒出來…轉化!神正在釋放恩典和憐憫,並呼召你通過狹窄之地進入你未來的昌盛。不要讓敵人的棍棒導致你與過去所熟悉的老字眼同意!當你賣力通過狹窄之地,保持你的眼目對準在獎賞上!

請參訪Beulah Acres的部落格,並來享受葡萄豐收以及花園在早晨和傍晚的光線中所呈現的美麗的照片。然後點擊此處進入花園的視頻。讓這聲音在這段可怕困境的期間對你說話,並讓希望進入你的靈裡!


Day 33: Embrace the Narrow Place!

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Dear Pressing Ones:

We are beginning the month of AV! Don't miss our Firstfruits Celebration tomorrow morning. This month is the time that you face your narrow place, watch God move on your behalf, and see yourself press through. This is the time that the destruction from your path can become the beauty of your future. Tracey Liggett expresses this so well from the Israel Prayer Garden that I chose to use what she wrote and the video she created as our Day 33 prophetic devotion.

Chuck Pierce

Shabbat Shalom All! As we enter in to the dire straits that accompany the ninth of Av, I want to encourage all of you to embrace the squeezing of the narrow place! We crushed our first batch of grapes from this harvest this week – so exciting to see the plowing and sowing of the past season becoming the new wine! Remember – the crushing and squeezing of the narrow place is what produces the wine! The Lord is overturning old familiar thought patterns and structures … so don’t resist what He’s doing in your life. Say, “Whatever it takes, Lord!”

LeAnn Squier’s prophetic song, “Beauty for Ashes”, was on my heart this week as I meditated on dire straits and this month – which is the month to transform. I have used this song once before, but it is so relevant to the month of Av that I felt I must use it again! It is such an illustration of what God is doing during this time of the narrow place. This is the month to come out of the ashes of your past and put on the beauty that He is mantling you with for your future! Just as the butterfly emerges from the cocoon when it is time, declare that you are emerging this month … transformed! God is releasing a grace and mercy, and calling you through the narrow place in to the prosperity of your future. Do not let the enemy goad you in to agreeing with old familiar words from your past! As you press through the narrow place, keep your eyes on the prize!

Please visit the Beulah Acres Blog to enjoy the pictures of the grape harvest and the garden in the morning and evening light. Then click HERE to enter into the garden video. Let the sound speak to you and minister hope to your spirit during this time of the dire straits!