
艾道格 2016年7月12日


將有一陣巨響從天上來,是一道新發現的聲音即將要打開新的天門, 把紅海分開,喚醒枯乾的骸骨,並開啟你屬靈的眼睛和耳朵到更高的層次。





這些事以後,我觀看,看哪,天上有一個敞開的門。我先前所聽見的,那如同號角對我說話的聲音就說:「你上到這裡來!我要把此後必須發生的事指示給你。啟示錄 4:1(CSBT)


2016年7月15 -17日





因為我起來慶祝新事的來臨,神就對我說,對於靈裡被遺棄的一群,就是那些被缺乏愛心的基督徒所置諸不理的人,這是一個新復興的開始 。這個新復興的開始會由三個浪潮組成湧進來。所以這是一個值得慶祝的日子!

· 第一個浪潮是純潔、使淨化的;
· 第二個浪潮是能力的遇見、具醫治性的;
· 第三個浪潮是為那些曾被基督徒拒絕的人的帶來豐收。



隨後,有聲音從寶座上傳來,說:「神所有的奴僕們哪,所有敬畏他的,無論卑微尊貴,你們要讚美我們的神!」接著,我聽見好像一大群人的聲音,也像眾水的聲音,又像大雷鳴的聲音,說:「哈利路亞!因為我們的主、神、全能者做王了!讓我們歡喜、快樂,讓我們把榮耀歸給他!因為羔羊婚宴的時候到了,他的新娘也把自己預備好了;新娘被准許穿戴明亮潔白的細麻衣。」原來,這細麻衣代表聖徒們的義行。隨後,那位天使對我說:「你當寫下:那些被邀請赴羔羊婚宴的人是蒙福的!」他又對我說:「這些都是神真實的話語。」啟示錄19:5-9 (CSBT)





我的團隊跟我都曾經歷這樣的過程。我容許我所領受的預言先向我試驗。我們共同經歷並且悔改那些在我們裡面與仇敵有共通點的一切部分。當你如此做的時候 這會使你對齊去領受神正在進行的事情,並且神也將要給你更大的先知性權柄。





"Prophetic Word for July Part 1: A Time of Major Changes - And How to Prepare"
Doug Addison, Los Angeles, CA
July 12, 2016

July is going to be a time of major changes. Things that God has promised you over the last few years are now going to start to take place very quickly.

There is going to be a blast of new sounds from Heaven over you that is going to open new doors, part the Red Sea, awaken dry bones and open your eyes and ears to hear in the spirit at a new level.

Not everyone will hear this spiritual sound; those who have ears to hear and have been seeking the Lord will catch this new wave.

Expect scales to fall off your eyes as God is going to reveal strategies and His plans for your next season—plans that have been hidden until now.

Higher Level Revelation

In the midst of turmoil and confusion, God is saying to keep your eyes on what He has been speaking to you—for He is working beneath the surface. (Photo via Pixabay)

"Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this." Revelation 4:1NIV

There is going to be a trumpet blast and new doors of opportunity will come to you. I saw new doors of God's glory opening over people.

July 15-17, 2016

Watch during July 15-17 for things to change fast. Dreams are going to increase, as well as angelic activity. There is a reconciliation and repayment for things that happened in 2013-2014. This will come like a wave.

July 4th Celebration in Heaven

I had a major encounter at 4 a.m. on Monday, July 4. I woke up to the sound of celebration in Heaven: REJOICE THE TIME HAS COME was repeating over and over.

Honestly, I wanted to sleep. But I heard, "Get up, because there is an announcement in Heaven." There was excitement and the sound of celebration. I heard shofars blasting and Heaven singing.

As I celebrated with Heaven for the new things coming, God spoke to me that this is the start of a new revival to the spiritual outcasts who have been pushed away by unloving Christians. It is the start of a new revival that will come in 3 waves. So it is a good day to celebrate!

• The first wave is purity and cleansing.

• The second wave is power encounters and healing.

• The third wave is the harvest for those who have been rejected by Christians.

This Is Not the End

Many people thought this was going to be the end. But it is the beginning of the working of God's great power. It is not the end at all.It is the beginning of some of the greatest times on earth—for the prophets of old have longed to see what you are about to experience.

Then a voice came from the throne, saying: "Praise our God, all you His servants, you who fear Him, both great and small!" Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: "Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready." Revelation 19:5-7 NIV

Because of the complexity of all the encounters I had in the past month, I will be releasing a separate prophetic word later in the month with more details. It has to do with Ezekiel 34, the words I heard in Heaven REJOICE FOR THE TIME HAS COME, and the celebration I mentioned above. It is the start of a new revival that will come in waves. It is a good day to celebrate!

How to Prepare

July is also going to be a time of the Lord revealing cracks in our foundations and things that we need to shore up. These might be unhealed issues, things in our souls, etc.

It will be good to take time to pray and ask God to heal and reveal this month. This is not going to be major surgery. Let God lovingly wash over you. (Photo via free images)

My team and I have been going through this. I allow all the prophetic words I get to test me first. We go through and repent of anything we might have in us that is in common with the enemy. As you do this as well, it will align you to receive all that God is doing and give you greater prophetic authority.

I have never heard this much celebration coming from Heaven. Be sure to avoid getting caught up in negativity and reports of bad things. Those things are a smokescreen from the enemy to get you sidetracked.

Things are truly lining up for some of the greatest times we have ever experienced.

(I will be sharing more on this in Part 2 next week.)


Doug Addison