
主題:初熟果子的關鍵預言 – 祝福的聲音正在風中!


上個週末在Global Spheres Center所舉辦的初熟果子慶典可真是令人難以置信。當我們選擇把自己最初的和最好的獻給耶和華,我們所擁有的整“團“就成為聖潔了(羅11:16)(注1)。在週日的兩場聚會真是驚人。

在聚會中,我看到Ayin Vav(5776)這個季節的圖像。 Ayin(70)就像是泉源在Vav(6)降下來的地方湧出,這形成了一股旋風,而訂定了我們生命中的新泉源。過去在你的生命中被困鎖住的,現在將要冒出來。雖然敵人很想要來把你這冒泡的流弄乾掉,宣告這是你來冒泡的時間,直到你的泡泡冒夠了為止!


“我正在攪動那會讓你大吃一驚的風。你所投在水域的,我會攪動風和水 – 一股旋風 - 這旋風會導致過去你投在水域裡的呈現出來。




這是撒種與收穫的新季節。當你撒種,高度的頌讚將傾瀉出祂的榮耀!你今日所播種的並不像是你過去所撒下的。在這個新行動中所播種的,你將獲得百倍的收成。“ (預言者:Acijam Otxoa, Chuck D. Pierce, Brian Kooiman, Anne Tate, Marty Cassady。)


在這Hei的月份,我們能聽到風的旋流從舌間釋放出來這並非一個意外。Amber Pierce已經與我分享了當加入Azusa聚會的網路播放時,她在耶路撒冷所經歷到的。她分享:





注1:羅11:16 所獻的新麵若是聖潔,全團也就聖潔了;樹根若是聖潔,樹枝也就聖潔了。

"A Key Firstfruits Prophecy: The Sound of Blessing is in the Wind!"
by Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX
April 15, 2016

Dear Seekers:

Firstfruits here at Global Spheres Center this past weekend was incredible. When we choose to bring our first and best to the LORD, the whole "lump" of what we have can be made holy (Rom. 11:16).  Both of Sunday's services were just amazing. 

During the service I saw a picture of this Ayin Vav (5776) season. Ayin (70) is like a spring coming up where the Vav (6) is coming down like a whirlwind and targeting a new spring in our life. What has been held in your past will now bubble over. Although the enemy would love to dry up your bubbling brook, declare that this is your time to bubble up until you bubble over!

A Key Firstfruits Prophecy!

"I am stirring the wind that will surprise you. What you have cast on the waters, I will stir a wind and water – a whirlwind – and that whirlwind will cause what you have cast on the waters in the past to come forth.

"A new land you will secure for your inheritance for the future. The portion that I have you activate your faith for now, will be a portion that manifests in the future. So I will bring back something to you that has gone out on the water; the bread will come back, but then you will secure what will be your future in days ahead.

"The sound of blessing is in the wind. I have put names of blessing in the wind, and this is an hour My people will direct the wind. Call to the north, call to the south, call to the east, call to the west, because as you begin to loose the breath, the breath and blessing in the winds will begin to settle on My people. (A strong, wild wind and storm hit here Monday.)

"I have set ambushments for your enemies. I have set, by My hand, things that you will discover as you walk out your day. I have set ambushments and I am having a harvest of your enemies out of the structure. The structure is in the Blood and My Blood overcomes every other structure. I am transferring wealth into the Kingdom of God. You will bind the strong man and harvest the structure.

"This is a new season of Sowing and Reaping. As you sow, exorbitant praise is pouring out His Glory! As you sow today it's not as you have sown in the past. You will reap 100-fold as you sow into this new move." (Prophesied by Acijam Otxoa, Chuck D. Pierce, Brian Kooiman, Anne Tate, Marty Cassady.)

An Azusa Wind Stirs in Jerusalem!

In this Hei month, it's not a surprise we could hear the wind swirling in the tongue message that was brought forth. Amber Pierce had already shared with me what she experienced in Jerusalem while webcasting the Azusa gathering. She shared:

On Saturday night (April 9), I sat outside of our home here in Jerusalem and began to watch the AzusaNow gathering through the webcast. I had been watching for about an hour and at the exact moment that they began to pray for Israel and sing over Israel, God began to move the weather over me. There had been no wind all day. At the very moment that the Azusa group began to pray for Israel, the wind began to blow loudly and violently from every direction. All of the trees began to whip around in a circular motion.

I sat in awe of the sudden sign that God brought from the very moment that prayers were going out from Los Angeles, California all the way to the other end of the earth in Jerusalem. He said to me, "Now you will see Me move in Jerusalem and all of Israel to the ends of the earth." In the past 48 hours, I have been experiencing a very strong presence of Heaven. I'm sure that there has been such a huge shift and now, we as a Body, will see things longed for and dreamed of. It feels as if a culmination of dreams from the past few years are about to come to pass.

The Lord is saying, "Things that have been scattered in the past, I am bringing them back in. Get ready to catch the wind and all that comes in!"


Chuck D. Pierce