

主題:預言 - 復興的五位天使和五條高速公路
作者:Jeff Jansen

這是七年前我在Elijah List所釋放出來的關於美國復興的預言,而我相信現在正剛剛開始要發生。這個相遇是在2009年,當我與Bobby Conner,Jerame 和 Miranda Nelson在聖地牙哥服事時所經歷的。




鮑勃·瓊斯曾在2007年經歷一名“突破復興”天使的造訪。這個天使與其他11個復活天使同來,這個天使告訴鮑勃,他已經被差派前來美國,以預備美國他稱之將會是美國有史以來所曾見過的最偉大復興。這個天使告訴鮑勃,他以前曾被差派給一個從奈及利亞來的,名叫Benson Idahosa的人,而他現在已經來到了美國。





  1. 從聖地牙哥到加拿大延著西海岸的5號州際公路。我看到了神的榮耀大爆炸,復興的火燃燒在聖地亞哥,Santa Ana, Anaheim, Fullerton, Pasadena,以及整個洛杉磯和周邊地區; Stockton, 舊金山, Sacramento, Redding,進到Medford, Grants Pass, Eugene,和俄勒岡州的波特蘭市,並進入華盛頓州的溫哥華和西雅圖,以及不列顛哥倫比亞省的溫哥華。去年當我在俄勒岡州的Grants Pass服事時,我看到改變的風的天使延著5號州際公路上下的行動。 
  1. 接著我看到東海岸的95號州際公路,從緬因州到邁阿密,復興的火焰急速降臨到此。所顯現出來的城市是邁阿密,Fort Lauderdale,Daytona Beach,Jacksonville,Savannah,Richmond,華盛頓,巴爾的摩,費城,紐瓦克,以及整個紐約市;還有康涅狄格州的New Haven,和羅得島的Providence。我看到波士頓有一場大火是發生在90號和95號公路交叉處的東部。 

去年一月份,當我們在Boston Cross Roads Glory conference的年初特會時,我得到主的造訪。主在我敬拜中臨到我,遞給了我兩塊石頭 - 一塊是紅色另一個是綠色。祂對我說,“Jeff,這個國家已經看到自然的政府建立在波士頓,但現在他們將會看到我的政府在美國這裡建立。”主接著說,“你看,Jeff,我的政府就在我的肩膀上。”


  1. 我看見從波士頓通到西雅圖的90/94號州際公路。延著它的城市如紐約州的Albany,雪城,Rochester和水牛城。我看到了俄亥俄州的 Cleveland和Toledo;芝加哥和威斯康星州的Milwaukee,Madison和Fox River Valley;Minneapolis,聖保羅,和北達科他州的Fargo;我看到了蒙大拿州的Billings;華盛頓州的Spokane和西雅圖 – 全都被不同層次和程度的神的榮耀燃燒著。 
  1. 我看見從佛羅里達州的Jacksonville到加州洛杉磯的10號州際公路。沿著這條復興公路,我看到佛羅里達州的Tallahassee,以及阿拉巴馬州的 Mobile。德州的休斯頓和San Antonio,都帶著熾熱燃燒著。亞利桑那州的Tucson和鳳凰城,到洛杉磯都燃燒著榮耀的火。我相信,很多城市都收到邀請來款待這同在和復興的靈,但只有一些接受這份邀請。 
  1. 最後,我看到了橫貫美國中部的40號州際公路。鮑勃·瓊斯在去年看到了類似的異象(注:作者是於7年前寫出本文),並把它稱為“40號復興公路”。而在這個異象中,我看到了類似的事情,天使的活動和神的榮耀和能力爆炸湧溢出來在重點區域裡。 

從東海岸開始,我看到Raleigh,Greensboro和北卡羅來納州的Asheville,被火焰吞噬。Knoxville 和 Nashville是在地圖上被最明亮的復興火焰燃燒的其中一些城市,原始的飢渴會成為供給這些復興的燃料。Memphis, Little Rock, Oklahoma City, Albuquerque,返回到洛杉磯都在火焰中。 



我們正處在一個復興的波濤正在開始重新建造的季節中 - 這一次將湧溢在重點城市和地區中的整群集體的信徒身上。神蹟的天使們已經被差派到美國來煽起復興的火焰,當我們群聚一起期待主的時候,他們會來回應我們的信心和信念。 

我們對於神蹟的感覺,期待和孩子般的信心,會吸引這些神蹟的天使以神國度的大能展現來到我們的聚會中。隨著我們不斷地提供愛和對神的行動神聖的敬畏來做為燃料,周圍的氛圍會變成帶著電力 - 導致復興的火焰大爆炸,是如此明亮地燃燒讓列國都得以看見! 

阿蘇薩街的復興者William J. Seymour在1909年預言,在100年之內將會有神的榮耀釋放出來,其燃燒的程度將比阿蘇薩街的復興還要明亮。在此復興中,曾有不可思議的神蹟讓群眾驚嘆不已! 


在美國和世界這個復興的新季節中,人們不會在意復興聚會是那個教會或中心主辦的,或者誰帶領的。唯一重要的事情是,神同在的彰顯在那裡,而他們能夠成為其中的一部分。 “當你掌權的日子(或譯:行軍的日子)…你的民…甘心犧牲自己”。 



Prophecy: 5 Angels and 5 Highways of Revival
10:00AM EDT 3/29/2016

This is a word that I released on the Elijah List seven years ago that I believe is just beginning to happen now as it relates to revival in America. This encounter happened as I was ministering in San Diego with Bobby Conner and Jerame and Miranda Nelson in 2009.

Get ready for a new season of revival in America and the Nations of the Earth!

The Angel 'Breakthrough Revival' and Bob Jones

While ministering in San Diego recently, the Lord revealed to me five angels that have been released in North America to bring revival fires to key cities. These five angels will be moving along five key highways that crisscross the United States. These highways will be known as Revival Highways.

Bob Jones had a visitation in 2007 from an angel named Breakthrough Revival. This angel had 11 other resurrection angels with him and the angel told Bob he had been sent to the United States to prepare America for what he said would be the greatest revival America had ever seen. This angel told Bob that he had previously been assigned to a man by the name of Benson Idahosa from Nigeria, but he had now come to the states.

The angels of God are looking for the sons and daughters of the kingdom to start decreeing and moving in faith. As we begin to speak as God's authority or oracles on the earth, all of Heaven will come to back our words. The angels are being released to facilitate the will of God on the earth.

The angels that have been released in America are: Breakthrough Revival, Winds of Change, Healing Revival, Great Grace and Wisdom. I've encountered each of these angels over the past few years in key meetings as we've ministered and brought a powerful release of revelation, miracles, signs and wonders. Each time I've seen them, it's been in meetings located directly off of major interstates and intersections in North America.

The five main revival highways are not exclusive in themselves, as revival fires will burn all across the United States, but the places I've seen these angels move have been off of these key highways:

The 5 Highways of Revival

1. Interstate 5 runs along the West Coast from San Diego to Canada. I saw major explosions of the glory of God and revival fires burning in San Diego, Santa Ana, Anaheim, Fullerton, Pasadena, and all throughout Los Angeles and the surrounding regions; Stockton, San Francisco, Sacramento, Redding, into Medford, Grants Pass, Eugene, and Portland, Oregon, and into Vancouver and Seattle, Washington and also Vancouver, British Columbia. Last year while ministering in Grants Pass, Oregon, I saw the angel Winds of Change moving up and down the I-5.

2. I then saw Interstate 95 on the East Coast, running from Maine to Miami, pelted with fires of revival. The cities that stood out were Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Daytona Beach, Jacksonville, Savannah, Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Newark and all throughout New York City; also New Haven, Connecticut, and Providence, Rhode Island. I saw a massive fire in Boston on the crossroads of the east where 90 and 95 meet.

Last year, I had a visitation from the Lord Himself in January as we were starting off the year at the Boston Cross Roads Glory conference. The Lord came to me during the worship service and handed me two stones—one red and the other green. He said to me, "Jeff, this nation has seen the natural government established here in Boston, but now they are going to see My government established here in the States." The Lord then said, "See, Jeff, My government is upon My shoulders."

The stones the Lord had given me were the Urim and the Thummim, which were placed upon the shoulders of the High Priest. In the Old Testament, these stones would determine the precise will of God in every situation. Jesus is the Head and we are His body and carry His government in the Earth! Boston will burn with a fire so hot that they will come from the nations of the Earth to behold the glory of God.

3. I saw Interstate 90/94 running from Boston to Seattle. Along it I saw cities like Albany and Syracuse, Rochester and Buffalo, New York. I saw Cleveland and Toledo, Ohio; and Chicago and Milwaukee, Madison and the Fox River Valley in Wisconsin; Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Fargo, North Dakota; I saw Billings, Montana; Spokane and Seattle, Washington—all burning with different levels and degrees of the glory of God.

4. I saw Interstate 10 running from Jacksonville, Florida, to Los Angeles, California. Along this revival highway, I saw Tallahassee, Florida, and Mobile, Alabama. Houston and San Antonio, Texas, were burning with an intense heat. Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona to Los Angeles were all ablaze with glory fire. I believe many cities will have invitations to host the presence and the spirit of revival, but only some will receive.

5. Lastly, I saw Interstate 40 running through the middle of the United States.Bob Jones had seen a similar vision last year and called it the "40 Revival Highway." In this vision, I saw a similar thing with key regions overrun with angelic activity and explosions of the power and glory of God.

Starting on the East Coast, I saw Raleigh, Greensboro and Asheville, North Carolina, engulfed in flames. Knoxville and Nashville were some of the brightest revival flames burning on the map, as raw hunger would be the fuel that would feed these revivals. Memphis, Little Rock, Oklahoma City, Albuquerque and back to Los Angeles were aflame.

The Lord also revealed to me other circuitry that would work within these revival highways and spark new life into regions as heaven invaded in days to come. The Lord showed me what He called the "Topeka Triangle" that runs from Topeka, Kansas, to Houston, Texas; then up the I-10 through Phoenix to Los Angeles; and then back to Topeka forming a revival triangle. Topeka was key to the Azusa Street Revival.

A New Season of Revival Is Upon Us in America

We are in a season where the waves of revival are beginning to build again—this time it will spill upon whole, corporate bodies of believers in key cities and regions. These miracle angels have been sent to America to fan the flames of revival and will respond to our faith and believing, as we gather together in expectation of the Lord. 

Our sense of wonder, expectation and childlike faith will draw these miracle angels to our meetings with powerful demonstrations of the kingdom of God. As we continue to provide the fuel of love and holy awe to the moving of God, the atmosphere will become electric—resulting in mass explosions of revival fires that will burn bright for the nations to see!

The Azusa Street revivalist William J. Seymour prophesied in 1909 that within 100 years there would be a release of the Shekinah glory of God that would burn brighter than what took place during the Azusa Street Revival. During that revival there were incredible miracles that marveled the masses!

This Year, 2016, as most of us know, marks the 110th anniversary of the Azusa street revival. Psalm 110:3 says, "Your people will follow you in the day of your battle."

In this new season of revival in America and the world, people will not care at whose church or center the revival is being hosted at or who is leading it. The only thing that matters is that the manifest presence of God is there and that they will be able to be a part of it. "In the day of Your power Your people will volunteer willingly."

God is preparing the body of Christ to shine with this glory that the nations would see it and come to the brightness of our rising! Isaiah 60 says that His glory will be seen upon you!

Are you ready to shine with His Glory? Get ready for suddenlies of God!