

四月7-10日阿蘇薩街節慶 盼復興再臨美國 

Appealing to Heaven as One: Prayer Walking Every Street and Zip Code in the USA

第一個40天,3月27日~5月5日 禱告聚焦:復興和甦醒。

第二個40天,9月30日~11月8日 禱告聚焦:選舉。

詳情請閱 www.PrayAsOne.org. 






絕大多數的美國人都相信禱告的力量。正如已故部長James Edwin Orr曾說道,“在世界各地從沒有巨大的屬靈覺醒是不與合一的禱告有關的”。在全國各地,領導者們都聽到神說道,美國將經歷一個偉大的覺醒。

所有幫助你參與禱告行走的細節都可以在PrayAsOne.org這個網站上找到。你會發現由Every Home for Christ的總裁Dick Eastman所錄製的歡迎加入的影片,每天的禱告手冊,以及你用禱告來遮蓋街道或社區的通知處。高科技真是很棒!




Mike and Cindy Jacobs


注1:賽62:6 耶路撒冷啊,我在你城上設立守望的,他們晝夜必不靜默。呼籲耶和華的,你們不要歇息,
賽62:7 也不要使他歇息,直等他建立耶路撒冷,使耶路撒冷在地上成為可讚美的。

RPN - Prayer Network from Generals International

Dear RPN,

Got your walking shoes ready?

The first of two prayer walking sessions for "As One, A National Appeal to Heaven", begins Easter Sunday, March 27th, and continues through the National Day of Prayer, Thursday, May 5th. The focus for this first 40 days of prayer walking will focus on revival and awakening in our nation! The vision is: uniting as one, appealing to heaven to change the spiritual climate of our nation.
The plan is to prayer walk every street and every zip code, which will take an army of believers who will strap on their walking shoes and cry out to heaven as they journey past the streets, houses, businesses, schools, and police and fire stations of the nation. We foresee a multi-generational and multi-racial effort at bringing transformation. God is looking for a people who will take Him at His word to "give Him no rest" until our nation returns to righteousness, as we appeal to heaven to see a massive revival sweep the nation from coast to coast.

The vast majority of people in America believe in the power of prayer. As the late minister James Edwin Orr once said, “No great spiritual awakening has begun anywhere in the world apart from united prayer.” Across the nation, leaders are hearing the Lord say that the U.S. is going to experience a great awakening.

All of the details to help you participate in the walk can be found on the website at PrayAsOne.org. You will find a welcome video featuring Dick Eastman, President of Every Home for Christ, daily prayer guides, and a place to note which street or neighborhood you are covering in prayer. The technology is really neat!

I know some of you are in states that recently had blizzards! If you can't walk, please feel free to drive, but definitely join in. Our nation needs a canopy of God's love and safety placed over it and we are in desperate need of revival.

Please feel free to forward this email!

Let's pray and see God pour out His spirit on this nation once again!
For our nation's future,

Mike and Cindy JacobsMike and Cindy Jacobs
Mike and Cindy Jacobs