
主題:“給祂15分鐘”禱告系列 – 我們的憂慮並非神的憂慮
作者:Dutch Sheets

我們對許多事情都感到憂慮。我們大多數人都擔心我們國家所朝往的方向。我們的腦中充滿了各種消極情景的想像,但上帝並非沒有穩坐寶座!你真的認為自己可以藉著擔憂或者策劃和試圖找出什麼良策來帶出最佳結果的嗎?祂邀請我們來禱告,並進入祂的安息,因為祂能平靜我們的心,並展示給我們知道祂是多麼的在乎。然後,祂就可以賜給我們祂的方向,並用祂的回應來讓我們感到驚喜!(以上源自Timmerle Kelly)

應當一無掛慮,只要凡事藉著禱告、祈求,和感謝,將你們所要的告訴 神。 神所賜、出人意外的平安必在基督耶穌裡保守你們的心懷意念。“(腓立比書4:6-7)


  • 對神坦誠那些讓你感到憂慮甚或懼怕的事情。為任何的懷疑和不信悔改,好讓祂能真正處理這些事物。
  • 感謝祂比你自己還在乎這些事情!感謝祂的介入,以及正臨到的回應!
  • 現在,被更新的信心和平安充滿,再次請求祂在這些人世間的事務中介人。要具體化你的請求。 






Give Him 15*
3/11/16 By DutchSheets on Mar 11, 2016 01:00 am

Our Anxiety is Not God’s Anxiety

We get anxious about so many things. Most of us are worried about the direction our nation is going. Our minds imagine all sorts of negative scenarios, but God is not falling off His throne! Do you really think you can change anything by worrying or by scheming and trying to figure out what will bring about the best outcome? He invites us to pray and enter His rest, because there He can calm our hearts and show us how much He cares. Then, He can give us His directions and surprise us with His answers! (Timmerle Kelly)1

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7; NASB)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  •   Confess to God the things that make you feel anxious and even fearful. Repent of any doubt and unbelief, so that He can really deal with these matters.
  •   Thank Him for caring about these things more than you do! Thank Him for His intervention and the answers that are coming.
  •   Now, filled with refreshed faith and peace, ask Him again to intervene in the affairs of man. Be specific in your requests.

A prayer you can pray:

Dear Lord, forgive me for being fearful about (be specific). Forgive me for not really believing that You care as much about these things as I do. This thought pattern makes me think You won’t answer my prayers and makes me feel anxious and even hopeless. Help me to see that You care far more about these things than I do! Thank You so much for exchanging my anxiety with Your peace! I believe You hear my prayers. Amen.

Today’s decree:

The Lord cares about my concerns more than I do, therefore I throw my anxiety on Him!

1 Timmerle Kelly is the Managing Editor for GiveHim15. She has spent more than 20 years in finance across a number of sectors, teaches Finance and Economics at Christ for the Nations Institute, and sits on the city council of her small town just north of Dallas, TX. She has been actively involved in the prayer movement since 1985. Combining her unique background in finance and government with prayer, she carries an ability to help the praying church intercede for the issues of our day to effect change and advance the Kingdom.