
主題:“給祂15分鐘”禱告系列 – 為浪子禱告: 禱告,不是論斷
作者:Dutch Sheets

幾年前我和我的丈夫去紐約訪問,接待我們的牧師開車載我們到布魯克林區附近。在等紅綠燈的時候我向窗外望去,看到一個醉漢進入一個玻璃牆電話亭躲避寒風。他已經昏過去了,但電話亭裡有限的空間讓他的身體捲缩成一堆。一個人怎麼可能讓自己淪落到如此情景?我自以為是地想著。但上帝知道我的心和腦中的想法。瞬間,我感覺到祂的斥責:我的兒子為他而死,就像祂為你而死一樣。你應該要為他禱告,而不是來定罪他。我為自己屬靈的驕傲懺悔,請求神原諒我。從那以後,我請求祂幫助我能像祂那樣來看別人,並且帶著憐憫為他們禱告,希望在他們的生命旅程中有人會與他們分享上帝那無條件的愛,以及帶給他們希望。 (注1) 


  • 請求聖靈讓你能夠敏銳地察覺到在你所遇到的人中,那些你可以與之分享希望的話語,指引他們轉向救贖主的人們。
  • 當你為自己的浪子禱告時,請記得許多其他的人們可能並沒有一個親人在為他們禱告,為他們擺上站在破口處。
  • 請求神讓浪子們記起他們曾經在天父的家裡所領受到的愛,賜給他們回家的渴望。





注1:此段乃摘錄自由Quin Sherrer和Ruthanne Garlock 所著,“Praying Prodigals Home”,Regal Books, 2000年出版,第161頁。

Give Him 15*
3/9/16  By DutchSheets on Mar 08, 2016 03:40 pm

Praying for Prodigals—Praying, Not Judging

On a visit to New York with my husband years ago, our host pastor was driving us around the Brooklyn area. While waiting at a traffic light I looked out the window and saw a drunk man who had stepped into a glass-walled phone booth to escape the cold wind. He had passed out, but the restricted space of the booth caused him to crumple into a heap. How could a person allow himself to get into such a state? I thought self-righteously. But God knew my heart and read my thoughts. Instantly, I sensed His rebuke: My Son died for him, just as He died for you. You should be praying for him instead of condemning him. I repented for my spiritual pride and asked God to forgive me. Since then, I’ve asked Him to help me see people as He does, and to pray for them with compassion that someone will cross their path who can share God’s unconditional love with them and give them hope. (Ruthanne Garlock)1

“‘Celebrate with me! I’ve found my lost sheep!’ Count on it—there’s more joy in heaven over one sinner’s rescued life than over ninety-nine good people in no need of rescue.” (Luke 15:6-7: TLB)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Ask Holy Spirit to sensitize you to the people you encounter with whom you can share a word of hope to point them to the Savior.
  • As you pray for your own prodigal, remember the many others who may not have a praying loved one, and stand in the gap for them.
  • Ask God to cause prodigals to remember the love they once knew at Father’s house, and give them the desire to return home.

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, forgive me for self-righteously judging others while overlooking my own sinful pride. Thank You for accepting me when I was a rebel and embracing me with Your love. Help me to be an instrument of love and reconciliation toward those you bring across my path. Amen.

Today’s decree:

I desire to have a pure heart toward others and to be one who brings hope to the hopeless!

1 Footnote: Excerpted from Praying Prodigals Home by Quin Sherrer and Ruthanne Garlock, Regal Books, 2000, p. 161.

Ruthanne Garlock has co-authored 19 books with Quin Sherrer on prayer and related topics, plus two missions biographies. With her late husband, John, she has traveled to 35 nations teaching leadership training for churches and seminars. You can reach her at www.garlockministries.org.