
主題:“給祂15分鐘”禱告系列 – 守候
作者:Dutch Sheets


你們若常[守候連結]住在我裡面,我也會住在你裡面]在我裡面,我的話也常在你們裡面,凡你們所願意的,祈求,就給你們成就。(約翰福音15:7,擴大版聖經)(以上由Becca Greenwood所寫)


  • 將我們背離神,轉眼來看這世界,犯罪和妥協的地方辨識出來,加以悔改。
  • 請求主使基督的身體渴望與祂緊密連結和永遠停留在祂的同在中。
  • 為一個激進和持續的聖潔運動將在基督的身體和我們的國家裡出現來代禱!
  • 禱告這場大覺醒仍在繼續,沒有結束。
  • 呼求這樣的覺醒和飢渴不會冷淡消失,而我們艱忍地守候在祂裡面,不與祂分離。






Give Him 15*
By DutchSheets on Mar 05, 2016 01:26 am 


Abide is a powerful word. John 15: 4 (AMP) says, “Dwell in Me and I will dwell in you. [Live in Me and I will live in you.] Just as no branch can bear fruit of itself without abiding in [being vitally united to] the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you abide in Me.” Abide means to remain, dwell, continue, endure, to not depart, to continue to be present, to be held, kept and vitally united to. What occurs when we abide? 

“If you live in Me [abide vitally united to Me] and My words remain in you and continue to live in your hearts, ask whatever you will and it shall be done for you.” (John 15: 7; AMP) (Becca Greenwood)1 

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Identificationally repent where we have turned from the Lord and looked to the world, sinned and compromised.
  • Ask the Lord to cause the Body of Christ to desire to be vitally united to and ever present with Him.
  • Intercede that a cry for a radical and sustained holiness movement would arise in the Body of Christ and in our nation!
  • Pray that this great awakening continues and does not end.
  • Cry out that this awakening and hunger not be quenched and that we endure, be held in and not depart from Him.

A prayer you can pray: 

Lord, where we have turned from You and looked to the world, sinned and compromised, please forgive us. Cause the Body of Christ to desire to be vitally united to and ever present with You. Cause a cry for a radical and sustained holiness movement to arise in the Body of Christ and in our nation! Lord, we pray for this great awakening to continue and not end. May this awakening and hunger never be quenched and may we endure, be held in and not depart from You! In Jesus’ precious Name. Amen. 

Today’s decree: 

May the Body of Christ truly abide in Him!