
作者:Jennifer LeClaire 


就本質而言,我是在與疾病的循環作戰 - 這我戰勝了。而我現在正與另一場疾病的循環作戰,同時我知道其他人也正面臨類似的攻擊,所以我認為來重溫邪術與疾病之間的關連這方面的了解是明智的做法,因為我們並非不曉得魔鬼的技倆(參林後2:11 )(注1)。你可以在“耶洗別的傀儡”我這本新書裡閱讀到更多關於耶洗別的戰術。


(欲聽Jennifer關於這一主題的講述,請參考:Battling Jezebel's Infirmities)




在列王記下9:22所提到的邪術這個詞源自希伯來文“kesheph”。這意味著魔法和邪術。韋氏將邪術定義為“使用魔法或者魔術,藉著邪靈附體來溝通”。魔法被定義為“通過邪靈來獲得神奇的力量”。舊約中的王后耶洗別就是被我們今日所稱耶洗別的靈所影響。她使用邪術 - 魔法 - 來對付反對她的敵人。



我相信人們可以釋放邪術的字眼來詛咒你。我是真實地相信,我所以知道是因為我的電子郵件的收件箱裡每週都充斥得滿滿的。人們用惡毒的話語來咒詛我,我的家人,我的事工,還有更多的 - 而大多數都來自於基督徒。




信徒當做什麼呢?當談到邪術,我們必須來抵擋它。擴大版的聖經裡說道,“用堅固的信心[敵擋他的攻擊– 扎根,建立,強壯的,不移的,並下定決心的]”(參彼前5:9)(注5)。這是挺容易的就屈服在邪術下,特別是如果你不知道到底是什麼在攻擊你。

所以,如果你感到想要放棄,當你沒有任何理由地感到疲倦,當你有強烈的困惑,當你在心思意念中有激烈的交戰,當疾病有很強烈的症狀,這可能是邪術 - 它可能會帶領你到疾病的門口。在它攻擊的時候要抵擋。驅除它。順服神。“抵擋魔鬼[對牠立場堅定],牠就會離開你們逃跑”(雅4:7)(注6)。


奉那高乎萬名之名拿起權柄來對抗邪術。但在此之前,請確保你與敵人之間沒有任何共同點存在。為心中任何的悖逆來懺悔,將自己的意念交給神來更新。請記住,我們不僅在基督裡得勝有餘(注7),凡為攻擊你造成的器械必不利用 - 即使是邪術。我們的工作是要在靈裡有足夠的分辨力能在魔鬼發動攻勢時逮到牠,抵擋牠,斥責牠,為得勝讚美神。有時候爭戰是比我們想要承受的還要激烈,所經歷的時間也更久,但如果我們不退出,我們終將會獲勝。阿門。


注1:林後2:11 免得撒但趁著機會勝過我們,因我們並非不曉得他的詭計。

注2:王下9:22 約蘭見耶戶就說:「耶戶啊,平安嗎?」耶戶說:「你母親耶洗別的淫行邪術這樣多,焉能平安呢?」

注3:王上18:13 耶洗別殺耶和華眾先知的時候,我將耶和華的一百個先知藏了,每五十人藏在一個洞裡,拿餅和水供養他們,豈沒有人將這事告訴我主嗎?

注4:箴18:21 生死在舌頭的權下,喜愛它的,必吃它所結的果子。

注5:彼前5:9 你們要用堅固的信心抵擋他,因為知道你們在世上的眾弟兄也是經歷這樣的苦難。

注6:雅4:7 故此,你們要順服 神。務要抵擋魔鬼,魔鬼就必離開你們逃跑了。

注7:羅8:37 然而,靠著愛我們的主,在這一切的事上已經得勝有餘了。

注8:賽54:17 凡為攻擊你造成的器械必不利用;凡在審判時興起用舌攻擊你的,你必定他為有罪。這是耶和華僕人的產業,是他們從我所得的義。這是耶和華說的。


Can Jezebel's Witchcraft Really Make You Sick?

When I was writing my first book on Jezebel, I got sick six times in the course of a year. Yes, six times! I was hardly over one cold or flu before I got another cold or flu. This was especially unusual since I hadn't had as much as a sniffle in the five years before.

Essentially, I was battling a cycle of infirmity—which I overcame. I'm battling another cycle of infirmity right now and I know others who are facing similar attacks so I thought it wise to dust off the understanding of witchcraft's connection to infirmity so are not ignorant to the devil's devices (see 2 Cor. 2:11). You can read more about Jezebel's tactics in my latest book: Jezebel's Puppets.

In this season of ministry, many times when I do a call an altar call for healing the Holy Spirit shows me to break the powers of witchcraft of people's minds before praying over the infirmity that's attacking their bodies. After this happened a few times, I decided to press in to discern the spiritual connection.

Listen to Jennifer's podcast on this topic: Battling Jezebel's Infirmities.

The Holy Spirit showed me that many times witchcraft against your mind can cause you to focus so much on the symptoms attacking your body that you can't extend your faith to receive God's healing power. In other words, if you aren't careful, when witchcraft attacks your mind you will wind up speaking and thinking about the infirmity rather than speaking and thinking about your healing, allowing the enemy to maintain the stronghold.

But Can Witchcraft Cause Sickness?

The Bible talks about Jezebel and her witchcrafts in 2 Kings 9:22. I believe infirmities are part of Jezebel's witchcrafts. Witchcraft is a spiritual force, one of the powers listed in Ephesians 6, that the enemy uses to attack us. 


The word for witchcraft in 2 Kings 9:22 comes from the Hebrew "kesheph." It means sorcery and witchcraft. Merriam-Webster defines witchcraft as "the use of sorcery or magic, communication with a familiar." Sorcery is defined as "the use of magical powers that are obtained through evil spirits." The Queen Jezebel in the Old Testament was influenced by the spirit we call Jezebel today. She was practicing witchcraft—sorcery—against her enemies.

Sometimes Jezebel accomplished her wicked agenda with ungodly fasting, as in the case when she usurped Ahab's authority, wrote a letter of lies and got Naboth killed. Other times, Jezebel literally had her enemies murdered, like the true prophets of Jehovah who would not eat at her table. Still other times, she released word curses that sent people into fear and depression, as she did with Elijah after the showdown at Mount Carmel.

How Does This Literally Work?

I believe people can release witchcraft word curses against you. I more than believe it, I know it because my inbox is full of them every week. People curse me, my family, my ministry and more with the wicked words of their mouth—most of the times these are Christians. 

A witchcraft word curse from a Christian, I believe, is more powerful than any curse from a witch because a believer's words carry an anointing. We're supposed to break yokes with our words but I believe we can release yokes of sickness with words like, "You're going to get sick if you don't slow down," or "Your mother has all of these autoimmune diseases and that's your future" or "God didn't really heal him from that disease. It was just in remission and now it's manifesting again."

Of course, these witchcraft curses don't have to come through Christians. The power of death and life are in every created human being's mouth. Doctors can release word curses over you while trying to offer a diagnosis. And, yes, witches can release negative thought forms and curses against you. (Read my recent article about thought curses.) I knew one brother who was cursed by a well-known prophet in Africa and turned up with rashes all over his body until the curses were finally broken.

Taking Authority Over Jezebel's Infirmities

What's a believer to do? When it comes to witchcraft, we have to withstand it. The Amplified Bible says to "be firm in faith [against his onset—rooted, established, strong, immovable, and determined]" (1 Pet. 5:9). It's easy enough to give in to witchcraft, especially if you don't know what is attacking you. 

So if you feel like giving up, when you feel tired for no reason, when you have strong confusion, when you are fighting an intense battle in your mind and when infirmities are manifesting, it could be witchcraft—and it could lead you to the doorstep of infirmity. Resist it at its onset. Cast it off. Submit yourself to God. "Resist the devil [stand firm against him], and he will flee from you" (James 4:7, AMP).

Thank Jesus for His blood and plead it over yourself. Rejoice in the Lord. Praise and worship carry breakthrough. That's often all it takes to change the spiritual climate in your home. And worship is where we should start because He is worthy of our adoration.

Take authority over the witchcraft in the name above all names. But before you do, make sure you don't have any common ground with the enemy. Repent for any rebellion in your heart, and surrender your will anew to God. Remember, we are more than conquerors in Christ, and no weapon formed against us can prosper—not even witchcraft. Our job is to be spiritually discerning enough to catch the devil at his onset, resist him, rebuke him and praise God for the victory. Sometimes the battle is fiercer and longer than we would like to endure but we will win if we don't quit. Amen.