
作者:Dutch Sheets


  • 我們投票支持一位正派具榮譽感的人士(誠信問題)。
  • 我們投票支持無法被賄賂的人士(裙帶資本主義是邪惡的)。
  • 我們不能從一個失敗政府的煎熬中跳入另一個隨意改變顏色的變色龍的火坑裡(政治的靈)。
  • 我們要記得,並非在華盛頓特區裡的每個人都是問題的一部分 – 必須要明智且具分辨力(神已經差派一些好的男士和女士進駐在華盛頓特區裡)。
  • 我們投票給謙卑的(這是神高舉的),具道德感和正義感(這高舉國家)的人士。
  • 我們選擇實質和具體的主張,而非膚淺華麗的言論,具知名度,造勢演藝活動和令人感到興奮的承諾(大家還記得08年那時候嗎?)。
  • 我們投票給嚴格支持憲法(這是經由禱告和墊基於聖經而產生的)的人士。
  • 我們要記住,我們也同時在投票選舉未來2-3位最高法院的法官,無疑地,在未來的幾十年中他們將塑造我們的國家和生活! (他們對我們國家所造成的影響力不論好壞都可能比下一任總統還更甚)
  • 我們投票給一個不妥協的,具一致性,完全支持“生命前”這主張的人士(我們必須有這項)。
  • 藉著上帝的恩典,我們最終得到一個重生的,禱告的,閱讀聖經的,具道德感,謙卑,誠實,有智慧的人士在白宮裡。

必須非常警醒。禱告。傾聽你的心那聖靈所住之處。我承諾 – 我們是正在選投我們國家的命定!

美國大選--來自Dutch Sheets的禱告警報2016.02.29
Prayer Alert from Dutch Sheets
Date: February 29, 2016 at 4:03:33 PM MST

From Dutch Sheets…

Regarding the upcoming elections, prayerfully agree with me that:
  • We vote for a person of decency and honor (integrity matters)
  • We vote for someone that cannot be bought or sold (crony capitalism is evil)
  •  We don’t jump from the frying pan of failed government to the fire of another chameleon who changes colors at will (the political spirit)
  • We remember that not everyone in Washington DC has been part of the problem—be wise and discerning (God has been sending some good men and women to DC)
  • We vote for humility (which God exalts), morality and righteousness (which exalts a nation)
  • We choose substance and specific ideas over shallow rhetoric, fame, showbiz events and exciting promises (does anyone remember ’08?)
  • We vote for a strict constitutionalist (it was born through prayer and based on scripture)
  • We remember that we are also voting for the next 2-3 Supreme Court Justices, who will undoubtedly shape our nation and lives for decades! (they could possibly do more good or bad for our nation than the next president)
  • We vote for an uncompromising, consistent, radically pro-life person (we MUST have this)
  • By God’s grace we end up with a born-again, praying, Bible-reading, moral, humble, honest and wise person in the White House
Be very careful. Pray. Listen to your heart where Holy Spirit lives. I promise you—we’re voting for the destiny of our nation.