
作者:吉姆·歌珥(James W. Goll)


從我們流經的新生命讓神的國度觸摸大地成為可能。“耶穌基督昨日、今日、一直到永遠,是一樣的。”(參希伯來書13:8)。祂從起初所做的,祂今日仍然如此行 - 創造和再創造,醫治,恢復;把光送入黑暗中;將勝利帶給謙卑者阻擋驕傲的。在日常生活中,身為信徒的我們在呼吸間就將天堂的超自然的氛圍帶到地上的界域裡。





1. 西海岸的隆隆聲已經響起


在過去的兩年,我多次得著應證這一波新的澆灌的異夢。聖靈告訴我會有一個“燃點”,它會從加州的聖地牙哥開始 - 然後下到墨西哥的提華納(Tijuana),然後分成上下兩波運行擴展到整個西海岸,使用許多不同醫治復興的團隊。

在2016年1月18日時,我在加州的帕薩迪納(Pasadena)宣布了Jerame Nelson將被神使用來點燃這場新火,而Che Ahn博士將會就這新活動釋放出天父的祝福。這已經開始了! Jerame和Miranda Nelson,Joshua 和Janet Mills,以及在聖地亞哥這地區的牧師們,現在一起主辦持續的“火與榮耀“的聚會,每晚都有神蹟發生。西海岸的隆隆聲開始響起了!

2. 使徒運動正蓄勢待發


Che Ahn and Jeremy Nelson



3. 聖靈正釋放出打開的天堂的新強調重點


在這場戲劇演出的第四幕和最後一幕,我開始轉變成即席演出的方式而徹底改變了腳本。我從原劇本中的“雄心壯志”(Field of Dreams)轉變成一個叫做“時代的合流”(Convergence of the Ages)的新劇本。不再重複我已排練多次熟悉的台詞,我開始戲劇性地宣講,表演和歌唱起“打開的天堂”,在那裡的花圃已經茂盛地開花了。這不是來宣布新的東西要來的時候,而是步入一個已經存在的那新的東西的時刻。


4. 聖餐:一個屬靈爭戰的最高級武器





5. 一個新人的運動正在形成

在近代教會歷史上澆灌在三個不同運動的恩膏正在融合。Ed Cole著作傳講Maximized Manhood。Jack Frost和其他人率先傳講天父之心的信息。第三個也是最突出的事工是由Coach McCartney所帶領的”守諾者”(Promise Keepers)。James Ryle是那鼓舞了守諾者運動的先知的聲音,與Ed Cole 和 Jack Frost一同,是剛剛落入地面的另一顆種子。

Real Men Pray







注1:來5:14 惟獨長大成人的才能吃乾糧;他們的心竅習練得通達,就能分辨好歹了。
注3:約16:13 只等真理的聖靈來了,他要引導你們明白(原文是進入)一切的真理;因為他不是憑自己說的,乃是把他所聽見的都說出來,並要把將來的事告訴你們。
注4:啟2:7 聖靈向眾教會所說的話,凡有耳的,就應當聽!得勝的,我必將 神樂園中生命樹的果子賜給他吃。』

5 Prophetic Insights for 2016
2/15/2016 11:46:49 AM
Author: James W. Goll

As believers in Jesus Christ, you and I can walk in and release a supernatural, prophetic river of life (see John 7:38). It is already flowing through us. The reality of the new creation is this: When a person is born again, the Spirit of Jesus comes and takes up residence inside. From that moment forward, new life flows out of that person like a river of living water. As the Amplified Bible puts it, “He who believes in Me [who cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me] as the Scripture has said, from his innermost being shall flow [continuously] springs and rivers of living water.” (John 7:38)

The new life that flows through us makes it possible for the kingdom of God to touch the earth. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (see Hebrews 13:8). What He did from the beginning, He still does today—creating and re-creating, healing, restoring; sending light into the darkness; bringing victory to the humble and defeat to the proud. On a daily basis, as believers we breathe in and out the supernatural atmosphere of heaven into the earthly realm.

Today, more and more believers are being empowered by the Holy Spirit and becoming more aware of the naturally supernatural life in Christ. Yes, some are still a little afraid of this realm. Others go to the opposite side ditch getting their eyes fixed on the gifts instead of the giver and temporarily lose their way. But I have Good News for you!

We can learn to distinguish between the good supernatural and the bad (see Hebrews 5:14). For more on this, see my Surrendering Your Senses to the Holy Spirit Article and Audio messages. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to bear good fruit and fruit that remains (see John 15:16). We are called to listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying (see John 16:13) and echo it in a meaningful, relateable way.

The following Prophetic Insights are gleanings from my ongoing walk with the Holy Spirit. These revelatory principles are built upon a previous message called God Still Speaks. Let him who has an ear listen to what the Spirit is saying (see Revelations 2:7).

Five Prophetic Insights

1.  The West Coast Rumble Has Begun

For the last three years I have declared, “There is a spiritual shaking coming to the entire West Coast of North America. The Holy Spirit calls it "The Rumble." It will happen all the way from San Diego to Vancouver, British Columbia with seaports all along the way. This RUMBLE will include Presence-saturated miracles. The birthing room of prayer is now in place to watch over the movement as it begins.”

In the last two years I have had multiple confirming dreams concerning this fresh Outpouring. The Holy Spirit spoke to me that there would be a “flash point” and that it would begin in San Diego, CA – then step down into Tijuana, Mexico and then break out moving up and down the entire West Coast utilizing many different healing revival teams.

In Pasadena, CA on January 18th, 2016 I declared that Jerame Nelson would be used to light this fresh fire and that Dr. Che Ahn would release his Father’s blessing to this new activity. It has begun! Jerame and Miranda Nelson joined by Joshua and Janet Mills, along with area pastors in the San Diego area, are now stewarding sustained Fire and Glory meetings where miracles are nightly happening. The West Coast Rumble has begun!

2.  Apostolic Motion is Gaining Momentum

Previously, I introduced a phrase called “Apostolic Motion”. I am not referring to "apostolic succession" but "apostolic motion." Things are moving forward in an accelerated speed now.

Che Ahn and Jeremy Nelson

We are in the time when seasoned apostles select and appoint others to lead in the spheres they have pioneered. In this time of great transition, leaders must trust the Lord, "let go" and empower others to lead. Yes, we are gaining momentum as this season of "Apostolic Motion” unfolds.

As an example, recently on the same Sunday morning in January, in the Los Angeles, CA area, two prominent leaders turned the reigns of the congregations they planted over to others. These are only two examples and I could recite several to you. These servant-leaders remain as the "Founding Leader" but will not carry the title or responsibility of a "pastor." It is a time of apostolic empowerment and multiplication for the sake of the Harvest.

3.  The Holy Spirit is Releasing a Fresh Emphasis on Open Heavens

Last week, I had a dream that I was on stage performing a lead role in a theatrical play. When I was awakened from this dream, I realized I have had this very same dream multiple times over the past several years. This time the ending was different.

In the fourth and last act of this dramatic presentation, I began to shift into an extemporaneous manner and completely changed the script. I shifted from the original script of a “Field of Dreams” and was directed into a new script called the “Convergence of the Ages.” Instead of rehearsing the familiar lines I had done may times before, I started dramatically speaking, acting and singing about “Open Heavens” where fields of flowers were already in full bloom. It was not a time of declaring that something new was coming, but rather a time of stepping into the new that already exists.  

In this hour, the Holy Spirit is releasing fresh emphasis with new applications from the church into the world especially in the form of theatrical arts. The field is changing. God is releasing open heavens into media where a convergence of the prophetic and the theatrical arts occur.

4.  Communion: One of the Highest Weapons of Spiritual Warfare

This phrase was originally spoken to me years ago when leading a prophetic intercessory group in KC. I wrote this line down in the front cover of my ASV Moody Bible. “Communion, the Lord’s Supper, is one of the highest and most overlooked weapons of spiritual warfare.”


This past week as I was seeking the Lord for more understanding concerning an integrated healing model the Holy Spirit spoke this word to me again for the 2nd time in my life. “Communion, the Lord’s Supper, is one of the highest and most overlooked weapons of spiritual warfare.

Old teachings will be made new on subjects such as The Power of the Blood, etc. As we partake in the Lord’s Supper in congregational worship settings, the power of healing will break forth. We will cross over into the atmosphere of Divine Miracles where all things are possible.

5.  A New Men’s Movement is Taking Shape

The anointing’s of three different movements among men in recent church history will converge. Ed Cole began Maximized Manhood. Jack Frost and others pioneered the Father’s Heart message. The third ministry was the most prominent called Promise Keepers led by Coach McCartney. James Ryle was the prophetic voice that inspired the Promise Keepers movement, and along with Ed Cole and Jack Frost, is another seed that has just fallen into the ground.

Real Men Pray

There is a harvest coming as the ingredients from these previous movements are brought together. This is necessary so that there will be long term success of the current justice movements involved in rescuing victims of sex trafficking and child slavery. This evil must be eradicated in our generation!

The prophetic words of Malachi chapter 4 will come to pass. Malachi 4:6 will be fulfilled, "He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers.” A new global men’s movement is taking shape.

Yes, God Still Speaks and this is a portion of what the Father thru the power of the Holy Spirit has been revealing to me. Insights of a Supernatural Kind. More Lord!

With Anticipation,

Dr. James W. Goll