
每週一妥拉 2016/1/3-/1/9


*出埃及記6:26; 7:4-5. 耶和華說:將以色列人按著他們的軍隊從埃及地領出來。這是對那亞倫、摩西說的。但法老必不聽你們;我要伸手重重地刑罰埃及,將我的軍隊以色列民從埃及地領出來。我伸手攻擊埃及,將以色列人從他們中間領出來的時候,埃及人就要知道我是耶和華。』

主統管許多『軍隊』,此概念第一次出現在聖經是在創世記2:1:『天地萬物與萬軍(希伯來文: tzevaot)都造齊了。』在約書亞記5:14有一生命體出現在約書亞面前,祂是耶和華軍隊的元帥』。撒母耳記上1:3開始,神的名字萬軍之耶和華(YHVH-Tzevaoth在希伯來聖經中被使用250次。正如我們常指出,當大衛在戰役中遇上歌利亞,他見證他信靠此名:我來攻擊你,是靠著萬軍之耶和華的名。』但他也加了另一個名:以色列軍隊的神。在埃及的以色列群眾不知道自己已是一支軍隊,但從上面的經文來看,在神的眼中,他們確實是。事實上,我們應該來看出埃及記12:41耶和華的軍隊是如何從埃及地出來,而出埃及記13:18補充說明,以色列人出埃及地都帶著兵器上去。當我們進入神的國,我們便進入已開展的戰爭。但不要疑惑或恐懼!我們的元帥已將任務給予我們,祂會監督我們的進展。


*出埃及記 7:1.耶和華對摩西說:我使你在法老面前代替神,你的哥哥亞倫是替你說話的。』我們是祂的身體,藉此祂以一種很真實的方式釋放祂的旨意『在地上如在天上』。

*出埃及記7:9-10. 法老若對你們說:你們行件奇事吧!你就吩咐亞倫說:把杖丟在法老面前,使杖變作蛇。摩西、亞倫進去見法老,就照耶和華所吩咐的行。亞倫把杖丟在法老和臣僕面前,杖就變作蛇。』





*出埃及記7:14.耶和華對摩西說:法老心裡固執,不肯容百姓去。』主知道法老的心剛硬,從一開始的奇事與災難,我們看見法老的心變得越來越剛硬(7:13, 22),或自己硬著心(8:15)。在8:29, 32經歷蒼蠅之災後,摩西特別警告法老不可再行詭詐,但『這一次法老又硬著心』。最後,到了9:12特別說到『耶和華使法老的心剛硬』。在這裡描繪出人的選擇與責任,以及神的預知和主權。在摩西禱告讓大雨、冰雹與雷轟停止後,法老『就越發犯罪;他和他的臣僕都硬著心。法老的心剛硬。』(9:34-35)

*出埃及記8:23. 我要將我的百姓和你的百姓分別出來。明天必有這神蹟。』分別這個字的字根是『從危險中贖回、救贖與搶救』,這也記載在詩篇25篇的最後一句話『神啊,求祢救贖以色列脫離她一切的愁苦。』以色列將會得知神已救贖她脫離一切的愁苦,藉由彌賽亞所成就的工,最後不僅會救贖以色列,還會救贖一切受罪綑綁的人。

*以西結書 28:25-26. 主耶和華如此說:我將分散在萬民中的以色列家招聚回來,向他們在列邦人眼前顯為聖的時候,他們就在我賜給我僕人雅各之地,仍然居住。他們要在這地上安然居住。我向四圍恨惡他們的眾人施行審判以後,他們要蓋造房屋,栽種葡萄園,安然居住,就知道我是耶和華─他們的神。』



馬汀和娜瑪賽維士(Martin & Norma Sarvis

From ancient times there has been a weekly portion (Parashah) from the first five books of Moses (The Torah) and an ending (Haftarah) from the Prophets read on the Sabbath in syna gogues around the world. This portion is given a Hebrew name drawn from the opening words of the Torah passage. An illustration of this practice appears to have been recorded in Luke 4:16 where Yeshua (Jesus) arrived in the synagogue in Nazareth and was asked to read the portion (Isaiah 61) from the Prophets. We have found that in perusing these weekly readings, not only are we provided opportunity to identify in the context of God's Word with millions of Jewish people around the world, but very often the Holy Spirit will illumine specific passages pertinent that week in our intercession for the Land and people of Israel. The Haftarah, unless otherwise noted, will be that read in Ashkenazy synagogues around the world. The references for all texts are those found in English translations of the Scriptures.

The readings for this week 3-9 January 2016 are called Va"Era-"And I Appeared" (.to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as el Shaddai)

TORAH: Exodus 6:2-9:35
HAFTARAH: Ezekiel 28:25-29:21

*Exodus 6:26b; 7:4"These are the same Aaron and Moses to whom YHVH said, 'Bring out the children of Israel from the land of Egypt according to their armies.'" (NKJV)..."And Pharaoh will not heed you, an d I shall set my hand against Egypt and I shall bring out my battalions [or, "armies"], My people the Israelites, from the land of Egypt with great retributions, that the Egyptians may know that I am the LORD [YHVH], when I stretch out My hand over Egypt and bring out the Israelites from their midst." (Alter).

YHVH (The LORD) is Sovereign over many "armies." This is first shown in Genesis 2:1 when "The heavens and the earth, and all the armies/hosts (Hebrew: tzevaoth) of them, were finished." In Joshua 5:14, a Being appears before Joshua who is "Captain of the Armies of YHVH". From I Samuel 1:3onwards, the name YHVH-Tzevaoth (Yehovah of Armies/LORD of Hosts) will be used over two hundred-fifty times in the Hebrew Bible. As we have often pointed out, when David meets Goliath in battle, he testifies his trust in this Name: "I come to you in the name of YHVH of Armies."-but he also adds another, "Elohei-ma'arkhot Yisrael"-God of Israel's Arraying." The masses of Israelites in Egypt had no idea that they were already an army-yet, as the above verses show, in God's eyes, they were. Indeed, we shall see in Exodus 12:41 how "all the armies of YHVH" would go forth from the land of Egypt, and Exodus 13:18 (NAS) adds, they would be in "martial array!" When we come into the Kingdom, we enter (or become aware of) a war which is already raging. Yet, not to be bewildered or afraid! Our Captain already has a positioning for us in which to begin, and He will oversee our advancement.

PLEASE PRAY: That the latter-day Army of the Lord in Israel will have confidence in its Captain, and come into array at His command!

*Exodus 7:1"So the LORD said to Moses: 'See, I have made you Elohim (Literal Hebrew) to Pharaoh, and Aaron your brother shall be your prophet." In a very real way, we are God's body through whom He looses His will "on earth as it is in Heaven."

*Exodus 7:9-10"When Pharaoh speaks to you, saying, 'Show a miracle for yourselves.' then you shall say to Aaron, 'Take your rod and cast it before Pharaoh, and let it become a serpent'.and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh and before his servants, and it became a serpent"(NKJV).

The Hebrew here translated "serpent" is a different word and may designate a different creature than that used for the snake from which Moses fled (Exodus 4:3 and 7:15). There the word was nakhash,the common Hebrew word for snake (such as that which tempted Eve in Eden). Here the word istanin, used in modern Hebrew for "crocodile" or "alligator" (The Nile Crocodile has been feared from ancient times for its propensity, more than any other of the species, to prey upon humans). In Genesis 1:21 tanin is a "great sea creature" created by God. But this creature is also often used as a metaphor for spiritual or physical powers in opposition to God. In Ezekiel 29:3 (Part of this week's Haftarah), this word tanin is translated "monster" (NKJV), and depicts another Pharaoh (or the spiritual power controlling him), "Behold, I am against you, O Pharaoh king of Egypt, O great monster (tanin) who lies in the midst of his rivers, who has said, 'My River is my own; I have made it for myself.' But I will put hooks in your jaws." (The word is also translated "monster" in Jeremiah 51:34 where it pictures Nebuchadnezzar swallowing up sinful Israel "like a tannin."). In Psalm 74:13 it is depicted as a many headed "sea monster" (NASB) whose heads God can break in delivering those who trust in him. And in Isaiah 27:1 the NASB reads, "And He will kill the dragon (tanin) who lives in the sea."

In modern Hebrew translations of the New Covenant Scriptures, the "great, fiery red dragon having seven heads" of Revelation 12:3, who stands before the woman clothed with the sun to devour her baby, is call a tanin.and in 12:9 both tanin (dragon) and nakhash (serpent) are equated with "the Devil and Satan." Lastly, in Psalm 91:13 (NASB, margin) "tanin" is the dragon which those who dwell in the shelter of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty, will trample underfoot!

And so, the rod which had become a serpent nakhash (Exodus 7:15), through Moses' obedient faith became in his and Aaron's hands "the rod of God" (4:20), which could become a different fearful creature (tanin) which swallowed up other fearful creatures (7:12), or it could become a scepter of authority which could turn the waters of the Nile, over which the Pharaoh's claimed sovereignty (Ezek 29:3 above), into blood (7:17).

In short, the rod became the symbol of authority through which Moses would " be God" to Pharaoh (7:1), through whom YHVH would manifest Himself as the supreme spiritual Power who would defeat, subdue and swallow up all other opposing spiritual powers.

*Exodus 7:14. "So the LORD said to Moses: 'Pharaoh's heart is hard; he refuses to let the people go." The LORD knew that Pharaoh's heart was hard (Two words are used for "hard" or "hardened" in these passages, one meaning "heavy" or "settled", the other "tightened", "strengthened" or "fortified"). Through the early signs, wonders and plagues, we see Pharaoh's heart growing hard according to its own nature (7:13, 22), or his actively hardening his own heart (8:15). In 8:29, 32, after the plague of flies, Moses especially warns him against continuing to do this, "But Pharaoh made his heart heavy and insensitive this time also." Finally, in 9:12 it is specifically stated that "the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh." We have here depicted both the choice and responsibility of man-and the foreknowledge and sovereignty of God. After Moses prays that the rain, hail and thunder cease, Pharaoh "sinned yet more; and he hardened his heart, he and his servants. So the heart of Pharaoh was hard."

*Exodus 8:23"And I shall set a ransom between My people [in Goshen] and your people."(Robert Alter Translation; see also NASB margin)The word "ransom" is often translated here as "difference"-but everywhere else in the Bible the root means "to ransom, to redeem, to rescue from danger". It is in the last sentence of Psalm 25- "Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Israel would learn that God was already redeeming him out of his troubles.and, through the work of his Messiah would eventually redeem not only Israel but all peoples from the bondage of sin.

*Ezekiel 28:25-26. "Thus says the Lord GOD: 'When I have gathered the house of Israel from the peoples among whom they are scattered, and am hallowed in them in the sight of the Gentiles, then they will dwell in their own land which I gave to My servant Jacob. And they will dwell safely there, build houses, and plant vineyards; yes, they will dwell securely, when I execute judgments on all those around them who despise them. Then they shall know that I am YHVH their God." In praying for Israel's restoration, it is important not to merely pray for her return to the Land-rather, that within the Land the God of her Fathers will come to be hallowed in her midst. Nowhere is Israel promised safety for herself or her roots in the Land just because she has been returned there. We pray for the work of the Holy Spirit in awakening awareness of sin and uncleanness and a longing for cleansing, holiness and restoration-for removal of the veil over Jewish hearts, and illumination of the truth of the love and life of Israel's God and Savior. Zion will always be a "signpost" to the nations (that is what the root of the word probably means).but it is God's heart and desire that she will be a signal in the eyes of the world of a place where HE is hallowed! He has promised a day when He will be a wall of fire around Jerusalem (Zechariah 2:5) and her glory within!

Martin & Norma Sarvis

[The Torah and Haftarah portions for next week 10-16 January 2016: Bo-"Come": TORAH: Exodus: 10:1-13:16; HAFTARAH: Jeremiah 46:3-28]