
每週一妥拉 2015/11/29-12/5



*創世記37:11. 他哥哥們都嫉妒他(因著約瑟先知性的異夢),他父親卻把這話存在心裡。』希伯來文字面上的翻譯是:他父親卻留意保守這話(路加福音2:51講到馬利亞將先知性話語,並一切發生在她兒子耶穌身上的事『存在心裡』)。



*創世記39:8-9. 約瑟不從,對他主人的妻說:看哪,一切家務,我主人都不知道;他把所有的都交在我手裡。在這家裡沒有比我大的;並且他沒有留下一樣不交給我,只留下了你,因為你是他的妻子。我怎能作這大惡,得罪神呢


*創世記40:8. 他們對他說:我們各人做了一夢,沒有人能解。約瑟說:解夢不是出於神嗎﹖請你們將夢告訴我。』這疑問在數十世紀後,再次由另一位敬虔被擄的希伯來人但以理回應:只有一位在天上的神能顯明奧祕的事。』(但以理書2:28

*阿摩司書 2:6. 耶和華如此說:以色列人三番四次地犯罪,我必不免去他們的刑罰;因他們為銀子賣了義人,為一雙鞋賣了窮人。 』 選擇這一段經文為本週先知書內容的慣常理由,是因為其與妥拉讀經內容相關,約瑟的兄弟用二十舍客勒銀子把公義的約瑟賣給以實瑪利人(創世記37:28)。但接下來的經文仍以非常奇特的方式連結:父子同一個女子行淫,褻瀆我的聖名。他們在各壇旁鋪人所當的衣服,臥在其上。』(摩2:7-8創世記38章講到不公義的猶大(不知情地)找上兒子的女人,留下印、帶子和杖為當頭。

在此故事中我們看見公義的約瑟在許多方面預表耶穌─彌賽亞。在試探中他保有純淨,儘管他將為此受苦。就另一方面而言,有一天彌賽亞將藉由其後裔而來的猶大,卻被他墮落的天然人慾望奴役。即便他犯罪失敗,神仍能主權地運作(事實上,猶大後來承認他的不義38:26; 44:16),以保守祂應許亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各的後裔成為祝福。八百年後,在拿俄米身上的祝福(路得記4:12),將是『願耶和華從這少年女子(路得)賜你後裔,使你的家像他瑪從猶大所生法勒斯的家一般。』從那『後裔』後來出了大衛王,最後出了主耶穌─希伯來人的彌賽亞與全世界的救主。

*阿摩司書2:11-12; 3:7-8. 我從你們子弟中興起先知,又從你們少年人中興起拿細耳人。以色列人哪,不是這樣嗎﹖這是耶和華說的。主耶和華若不將奧祕指示祂的僕人─眾先知,就一無所行。獅子吼叫,誰不懼怕呢主耶和華發命,誰能不說預言呢

請禱告:求主興起自信且健全行在先知性恩賜的以色列兒女,來恢復這塊土地上的『先知』職分。撒旦憎恨此─因為預言中的靈意乃是為『耶穌作見證』(啟示錄19:10b),以色列大多數人仍有帕子不認識他們的彌賽亞。唯有先知的恩賜與職分能為肢體帶來清晰、瞭解、指示與鼓勵,明瞭『聖靈向眾教會所說的話』。 我們何等歡喜報告,在這塊土地上我們已經看見此恩賜開始在猶太人與阿拉伯的年輕人身上彰顯,請禱告約珥書2:28-32的預言能澆灌在此充滿渴望的世代。



馬汀和娜瑪賽維士(Martin & Norma Sarvis



From ancient times there has been a weekly portion (Parashah) from the first five books of Moses (The Torah) and an ending (Haftarah) from the Prophets read on the Sabbath in synagogues around the world. This portion is given a Hebrew name drawn from the opening words of the Torah passage. An illustration of this practice appears to have been recorded in Luke 4:16 where Yeshua (Jesus) arrived in the synagogue in Nazareth and was asked to read the portion (Isaiah 61) from the Prophets. We have found that in perusing these weekly readings, not only are we provided opportunity to identify in the context of God's Word with millions of Jewish people around the world, but very often the Holy Spirit will illumine specific passages pertinent that week in our intercession for the Land and people of Israel. All texts are those of English translations of the Scriptures.

The readings for this week 7-1 3 December 2014 are called VaYeshev-"And He Settled":

TORAH: Genesis 37:1-40:23

HAFTARAH: Amos 2:6-3:8

This week we begin the story of Joseph and his brothers

*Genesis 37:11. "His brothers were jealous of him [Joseph's prophetic dream], but his father kept the matter in mind" (NKJV). A more literal rendering of the Hebrew might be: "but his father guarded the word." (Luke 2:51 tells how Miriam (Mary) similarly "kept, guarded" the prophetically significant words and occurrences which were taking place with her young son Yeshua).

Both the Torah and Haftarah for this week focus upon God's prophetic gifts for His people, particularly as they are and shall be released upon the godly young (See also Joel 2:28-32). As the Lord returns to Zion with deliverance and an outpouring of His Spirit,

PLEASE PRAY for mature instruction in the prophetic amongst Israelis-when and how to share prophecies and dreams; how to "guard" and save a Word of the LORD until its time comes to fruition; also how to guard against giving place to the flesh which can awaken jealousies towards those who may be more gifted in certain areas than we are.

*Genesis 39:8-9. "But he refused [his master's wife's seductive advances] and said, 'Behold, with me here, my master does not concern himself with anything in the house.he has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How then could I do this great evil and sin against God?"

PLEASE PRAY for clean minds and hearts and the Fear of the Lord in believing Israeli youth who are under constant temptation to compromise their integrity and sexual purity. Revelation 14 speaks of 144,000 who will not have defiled themselves. Perhaps there are presently some of that army already alive in the land! If so, the Evil One will of course do all he can to divert them from their destiny. Pray for a new wave of bold and victorious youth and young adults governed by godly integrity-who would like Joseph have hatred of the very thought of sinning against their neighbor and their God.

*Genesis 40:8. "And they said to him, 'We each have had a dream, and there is no interpreter of it.' So Joseph said to them, 'Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell them to me, please.'" Joseph's rhetorical question is answered centuries later b y another godly young Hebrew captive, Daniel, "But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets." (Daniel 2:28).

*Amos 2:6"Thus says YHVH, 'For three transgressions of Israel, and for four, I will not turn away its punishment, because they sell the righteous for silver.'" This is the usual reason given for the choice of this passage as the week's Haftarah, the connection being the selling of the righteous Joseph by his brothers to Ishmaelites for twenty shekels of silver (Genesis 37:28). Yet in a strange way, the following verses also make a connection: "A man and his father go in to the same girl, to defile My holy name. They lie down by every altar on clothes taken in pledge." Genesis 38 relates how a most un-righteous Judah would (unknowingly) go in to the same woman as had his older sons.leaving a signet, cord and staff as pledge.

In this story we see many ways in which the righteous Joseph prefigures Yeshua, the coming Messiah. He here remains pure in the face of temptation, even though it will mean suffering. On the other hand, Judah, through whose seed the Messiah will s omeday come, is immediately seen as one enslaved to desires of his fallen human nature. God would work sovereignly through even his sinful failures (Judah will, in fact, later acknowledge his unrighteousness-38:26; 44:16), so as to guard the passage of the seed He had promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to bless. Over 800 years later, a blessing over Naomi (Ruth 4:12), will be "May your house be like the house of Perez, whom Tamar bore to Judah, because of the offspring which the LORD will give you from this [Ruth] young woman!" That "offspring" would eventuate in David the King.and finally, Yeshua, the Hebrew Messiah and Savior of the World.

*Amos 2:11-12; 3:7-8. " 'I raised up some of your sons as prophets, and some of your young men as Nazirites. Is it not so, O you children of Israel?' Says the LORD.Surely the Lord YHVH does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to his servants the prophets. A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord YHVH has spoken! Who can but prophesy?"

PLEASE PRAY for the raising up of sons and daughters in Israel who move confidently and soundly in the prophetic giftings. Pray for the restoration of the office of "Prophet" in the Land. Satan hates this-because the spirit of pr ophecy involves "the testimony of Yeshua" (Revelation 19:10b), and most of Israel is still behind a veil regarding their Messiah. It is this gift and office which brings clarity, understanding, instruction and encouragement to the Body regarding "what the Spirit is saying to the congregations." We rejoice to report that we see this gifting beginning to manifest in a powerful and clean way among Jewish and Arab young adults in the Land. Pray Joel 2:28-32 over this young eager generation:

".I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughter shall prophesy.For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance, as YHVH has said, among the remnant whom YHWH calls."

Martin & Norma Sarvis

[The readings for next week (6-12 December 2015) are called MiKetz-"At the End Of": TORAH: Genesis 41:1-44:17; HAFTARAH (Hanukkah): Zechariah 2:10-4:7.]