
作者:Mike Jacobs


這個道理適用於我們生活上的許多方面上,特別是我們與主的靈裏同行。有一些基礎面上的 - 基本訓練,如果你願意的話 - 我們的天父一直希望我們記住,即使你已經是有史以來最偉大的屬靈戰士,其中之一個最基本但也是最關鍵的,我們必須要記住的要點就是十字架的得勝。








我要在這裏就預示論(typology)做個區分。基督被釘在十字架上。那些攻擊我們的字據也被釘在十字架上。基督復活了 – 祂不再是在十字架上。而那些攻擊我們的字據並沒有復活。它仍然釘在十字架上!Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible指出,古代的律法藉著釘在柱子上而取消。保羅在歌羅西書裏指出,基督戰勝了執政的掌權的,乃是因著如此。

在英文裏“得勝”(triumphing)這個詞是希臘文的triambueo,意思就是“在勝利中帶領”(to lead in triumph),是一個征服者戰勝時的用法。有一些人認為,保羅是用這個字來描繪一個羅馬得勝的行軍,在當中征服領導者的兒子,與各種官員,騎著他的戰車。

想像一下,耶穌指著祂釘著罪和死的律法的十字架,得勝地領導那承認祂王位者上天堂。當他們到達那裡,祂前身為撒旦俘虜的忠心的追隨者,開始在勝利中大聲呼喊。也許他們的話說得有點像這樣,“ 眾城門哪,你們要抬起頭來!永久的門戶,你們要被舉起!那榮耀的王將要進來!榮耀的王是誰呢?就是有力有能的耶和華,在戰場上有能的耶和華!“(詩篇24:7-8)。

哇!讓我也想要呼喊!我們知道那榮耀的王就是耶穌。祂所戰鬥,爭戰,或者攻打的是什麼?乃是與那些執政的、掌權的 - 就像保羅指出我們所爭戰的一樣。(參弗6:12)(注1)








注1:弗6:12 因我們並不是與屬血氣的爭戰(原文是摔跤;下同),乃是與那些執政的、掌權的、管轄這幽暗世界的,以及天空屬靈氣的惡魔爭戰。

注2:弗6:17 並戴上救恩的頭盔,拿著聖靈的寶劍,就是 神的道;

注3:帖前1:10 等候他兒子從天降臨,就是他從死裡復活的─那位救我們脫離將來忿怒的耶穌。
帖前3:13 好使你們當我們主耶穌同他眾聖徒來的時候,在我們父 神面前,心裡堅固,成為聖潔,無可責備。
帖前4:14 我們若信耶穌死而復活了,那已經在耶穌裡睡了的人, 神也必將他們與耶穌一同帶來。
帖前4:16 因為主必親自從天降臨,有呼叫的聲音和天使長的聲音,又有 神的號吹響;那在基督裡死了的人必先復活。
帖前4:17 以後我們這活著還存留的人必和他們一同被提到雲裡,在空中與主相遇。這樣,我們就要和主永遠同在。

注4:林後4:4 此等不信之人被這世界的神弄瞎了心眼,不叫基督榮耀福音的光照著他們。基督本是 神的像。


The Triumph of the Cross
August 3rd, 2015
By Mike Jacobs

I like to watch professional football and to see a well-executed game. Occasionally, however, you notice even professionals getting sloppy regarding fundamentals, like blocking or tackling, which is why coaches at all levels must constantly remind their players that you can’t execute the basics poorly and still expect to be successful.

This truth is played out in many aspects of our lives and is particularly relevant for our spiritual walk with the Lord. There are some fundamentals—basic training, if you will—that our Father always wants us to remember, even if you’re the greatest spiritual warfare tactician that has ever lived. One of these basic but critical elements we must keep in our remembrance is the triumph of the cross.

One particular time the Lord brought this to my mind, I heard Him say, “My cross is not empty.” As I pondered this, I heard Him again, “My cross is not empty. I nailed something to it.” Well, I immediately remembered that the apostle Paul had written something about that, so I grabbed my concordance. Sure enough, I found it in the second chapter of Colossians. Here’s what it says:

When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having cancelled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; He took it away, nailing it to the cross. (Col. 2:13, 14, emphasis added)

I also have to include the next verse. It’s so good!

And having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. (Col. 2:15)

I believe this refers not only to what Christ did on the cross, but also the triumph He was authorized to lead because of nailing the law to the cross!

The context of this chapter relates to Paul’s concern that the young Colossian and Laodicean Christians would become entangled in the corrupt religious structures based on human commands and doctrines. Paul wrote that the way to avoid such entanglements is to remember Christ’s triumph on the cross.

Triumphant in Christ

I want to draw a distinction in typology at this point. Christ was nailed to the cross. The written code against us was also nailed to the cross. Christ was resurrected—He’s no longer on the cross. The written code against us was not resurrected. It’s still nailed to the cross! Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible points out that ancient laws were said to have been abolished by nailing them to a post. Paul indicates in Colossians that Christ triumphed over principalities and powers because of this.

The word translated as “triumphing” in the English is the Greek word triambueo, which means “to lead in triumph,” used of a conqueror with reference to the vanquished.1 There is some thought that Paul was using the word picture of a Roman triumphal march in which the conquering leader’s sons, along with various officers, rode behind his chariot.

Imagine Jesus, pointing to the cross where He has nailed the law of sin and death, triumphantly leading to heaven those who acknowledge His kingship. As they arrive there, His faithful followers, formerly Satan’s captives, begin to shout in victory. Maybe their words were something like, “Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of Glory shall come in! Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty; the Lord mighty in battle” (Psalm 24:7, 8).

Wow! Makes me want to shout too! Well, we know that the King of Glory is Jesus. Who did He battle, fight, or make war against? Powers and principalities—just like Paul says we do (see Eph. 6:12).

What were His weapons? The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (see Eph. 6:17), and in this case, the word as it relates to the cross. It was the word of God that gave Jesus the authority to substitute the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus for the law of sin and death, which He nailed to the cross. As a result, those who acknowledge His Kingship are translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God’s dear Son. Their names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Jesus even performed this work of salvation for a thief while on the cross! And how many since the thief have responded to the cross? Untold numbers! Maybe you’re one of them! How did you do it? You looked to the cross and acknowledged your sin, Jesus’ innocence, and His kingship. And Jesus responded. In 1 Thessalonians, we’re told that Jesus will descend once again some day, so you and I will get to participate in yet another triumphal procession to heaven.2

Christ Has Given Us Authority

What hinders everyone from participating in this triumphal procession? Principalities and powers (see 2 Cor. 4:4; Eph. 6:12). Who has authority to do something about them? Well, Jesus has the authority, and He’s given it to us so we can overcome the wicked one.3 That’s where spiritual warfare comes in, and that warfare begins with a “basic training” understanding of the scope of Christ’s triumph at the cross.

Eventually, this triumph will culminate in you, me, and the souls that have been stripped from Satan’s kingdom as we meet our Lord in the air. Then we’ll get to shout, “Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of Glory shall come in!”

Wow! Makes me want to shout right now!
End Notes:
1. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words
2. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17
3. Matthew 28:18-20; Eph. 1:20-23; 1 John 2:14