
九月「開鎖與超越」5776 先知性的啟示 
By Lanavawser
來源:香港耶路撒冷。翻譯:Joannie Tsang


神說:「「戰略性的門」Strategic Doors 將會在這星期為那些繼續跟隨著我腳步、緊緊跟隨著聖靈的兒女打開。」神在這個星期正在打開「戰略性」的門,神會特別帶領祂的兒女展開「最大的轉化」,是祂的子民從未單獨或共同見過的。直至邁進「吹角節」Rosh Hashanah(猶太新年:5776 - 9月13-14日)。

我見到這些門在這星期打開了。有很多人會被放置在最完美的位置。當我們進入「吹角節」,會見到改變土地的風突然間變成「有生命」,有很多「調整」,令很多事物都歸到「天國的秩序」(Heavenly Order)而且會準備好「位置」,「起飛」(Take Off),將會見到前所未有的「最大開啟」。


我見到仇敵企圖在整個基督的身體,帶來「強烈的、沈重的困倦」,尤其是進入九月這段時間,仇敵企圖把人拉回一個「自滿/滿足」Complacency 的心態,而不是「切切渴慕」「積極主動」Intentionality尋求神的態度。仇敵魔鬼會企圖令人疲倦不堪。大家要透過禱告把這種疲倦揮走。要知道,有一個巨大的醒覺,正在你身上出現。主耶穌正在喚醒你!


要留心這些擔子的釋放,你要多方禱告,知道你的代禱將有力量帶來「巨大」的突破、「巨大的轉捩點」、聖靈的「重大轉化」、「巨大的解鎖」,就在這個「吹角節」期間釋放出來。神要你由9月1-13日期間,藉著代禱,為整個5776年及往後的年月,帶來「漣漪效應」Ripple Effects 的巨大突破。

我見到天國的鑰匙打開了「巨大的門」,這些是「戰略性」的門,將會在5776年的12個月裡面,為神的子民提供多條「命定通道」Destiny Pathways。我感到神在呼喚我們:要「守望」watch、「儆醒」alert,並知道神在那個「範圍」(AREA)打開「連續性的門」Successive doors,因為這些門將會成為「指引」indicators。憑著「門」,我們就知道神在什麼「範圍」帶來「巨大的轉化」,並「揭開」「命定跑道」Runway of Destiny 的面紗。主耶穌將會打開異象的門,看似太不可能了,但是「門」的確會「飛起打開」Fly Open。

巨大的「新的一天」New day和「新的早晨」New Morning 異象,會在今年九月,被釋放出來。九月,將會引領大家進入「新的早晨」Morning 啟示當中,遠離「哀悼」Mourning!!!

眾多的「大恩寵之門」Doors of Tremendous Favor 已經為神的子民預備好了。「命定跑道」的面紗會被揭開,在全世界,復興會被釋放出來。

神繼續對我說:「巨大的轉化」Huge Shift,「巨大的門」Huge Doors,會在九月會被「開鎖」Unlock。神會為兒女提供即時快速的供應,所以神的子民必須要保持覺醒。神的子民「必須」Must 對「門」的「開鎖」Unlock保持覺醒,透過這些門,進入智慧,加增洞察力、提升到更高的管理層次。

九月份,是提升的月份。神要求我們在「九月被提升」Step Up In September!很多人會感應到「渴望提升」,時間已經十分迫切。神說:「我的時間已經到了」“It’s the time”你會見到這方面的「彰顯」和「實現」,是時候「準備好」「繼續前進」。將會有更大範圍的「擴張」Stretching 和「試煉」Testing,會在九月出現。但這些「擴張」和「試煉」將會在「旋風式改變」Whirlwind Changes的中間出現。你將會有大大的喜樂、更深的呼喚。與神進入更親密的關係,神恩寵的釋放才會加添給你。

九月份,將會是一個「戰略性」的月份。主耶穌正在釋放「戰略性」的鑰匙。使你能夠突破、復興、提升,在你所處的城市或國家,獨特的「戰略」會從天而降,在今年九月,釋放在基督身體的領袖上,好等他們能夠為所在的城市或國家禱告,見到耶穌基督的再來,如同颶風一樣,神的烈火會降下來,你會見到列國被「燃亮」Lit Up 起來,為神「燃燒烈火」Set on Fire for HIM。


九月份,整個基督的身體,將會成為「開啟的門」,「鎖被打開」。正在「積極主動」Intentianally 尋求與祂親密連結的子女,會形成巨大的「漣漪效應」,在新一年裡大大彰顯。

AUGUST 31, 2015

At the beginning of every week, I ask the Lord what is on His heart for the week, and this morning He said “Isaiah 22:22” to me again. I have been hearing this verse from the Lord over and over lately and seeing the numbers 22:22 everywhere.

“What door He opens, no man can shut, and what door He shuts, no man can open”STRATEGIC doors are going to open for many this week as they continue to walk in faith and follow the prompting of His Spirit. The Lord is unlocking strategic doors this week that is going to usher in the beginning of THE GREATEST SHIFT the people of God have yet seen in their lives personally and corporately leading into Rosh Hashanah.

I saw these doors opening this week for many will position them perfectly as we enter into Rosh Hashanah to see the winds of change land suddenly in lives, rearrange much, put all things in heavenly order and positioned ready for take off into the greatest demonstration of “unlocking” they have seen.

September will be a month of SUDDEN UNLOCKING. I saw the Lord bringing an unlocking over the lives of His people as they are “intentional” in pressing in and not giving up.I saw the enemy attempting to bring a STRONG HEAVY fatigue all across the body of Christ, especially as we move into September, to pull the people back into a place of “complacency” rather than “intentionality” of seeking Him. The enemy will attempt to bring increased fatigue, shake that off through worship, and know that a great awakening is upon you! The Lord is awakening you!

I saw between September 1-September 13 huge intercessory burdens being released. Many will feel a need to ‘withdraw’ to the prayer closet more than ever between these days as the Lord will break ground in the spirit through your prayers that is going to see REVIVAL and the POWER OF GOD burst open through in the new year.

PAY ATTENTION to these burdens He is releasing, and as you pray them through, KNOW that this area you have been interceding for is going to be an area of HUGE breakthrough, HUGE SHIFT and a MOMENTOUS move of His Spirit and great unlocking as we move into Rosh Hashanah. What the Lord has you intercede over from September 1 – September 13 will have ripple effects of breakthrough for the ENTIRE YEAR following.

As I saw the keys of heaven unlocking HUGE doors, these strategic doors were setting up destiny pathways for the people of God for the next 12 months. I felt the Lord say that we must ‘watch’ and be alert for the ‘areas’ that HE is opening these successive doors in, because these doors are going to be indicators of where He is going to bring a momentous shift which will unveil runways of destiny. He is going to unlock doors of dreams that seemed SO impossible, they will suddenly FLY OPEN. A greater release of vision of the “new day and new morning” and what that looks like is opening up in September. September will usher in revelation of the NEW MORNING, moving away from MOURNING!!!

Doors of tremendous favour setting up the people of God for runways of destiny revealed where revival will be released all across the earth.

The Lord went on to say that with the HUGE SHIFT and HUGE DOORS that are being unlocked in September, with radical provision, the people of God MUST stay alert. The people of God MUST stay alert IN the unlocking to move forward through these doors with wisdom, with increased discernment, and greater levels of stewardship.

“STEP UP IN SEPTEMBER” – There is going to be a “STEPPING UP” required in September. The sense of many being placed in their “It’s time” moment. The manifestation and realisation of “my time has come” and being “ready” to move forward. There will be greater areas of stretching and testing in September, but these stretching and testings will be in the midst of whirlwind changes, there will be much joy, and also a deeper call to surrender and intimacy to carry the increase He is releasing.

SEPTEMBER will be a month of strategy! He is releasing keys of strategy for breakthrough, revival and increase in cities/nations. Specific strategy from heaven will be released in September to the leaders in the body of Christ for their cities and nations to pray into and see the Lord come as a rushing wind, to see the fire of God fall and see pockets of cities and nations being “lit up” and “set on fire” for Him. Moves of His Spirit, demonstrating greater demonstrations of the revival we are moving into is going to begin to be seen through the implementation of these strategies from the heart of God. These breakthroughs that will begin rising out of these strategies will refresh and strengthen leaders, intercessors and forerunners that have become weary in the contending process.

September, will be the open door for much unlocking all across the body of Christ AS the people of God are “intentional” in their seeking of Him, that will have heavenly ripple effects that will be seen into the next year.