

2015年9月12日“神話語” 國際宣告日
沃倫˙里昂牧師 Pastor Warren Lyons

◎請自即日起至9.13為屬靈澳紐軍團從神領受呼召推動~ 2015.9.12神話語國際宣告日(International Day of Proclamation of "GODS WORD") 

[詳細請參閱沃倫牧師(Ps Warren Lyons)信息(如后)],有三方面的代禱守望: 

(一) 求聖霝使眾教會凡有耳可聽的,都聽見神的呼召且起來響應、回應。列國守望代禱者都受感集結就定位一同站立吹角、宣告神所啟示的話語。 

(二) 求神使世上萬民、地上君王、為首的、執政掌權者都存敬畏的心聽見神公義、救贖、賜生命的話語,而悔改轉離惡行,尋求敬拜真神雅威。 

(三) 求神膏抹9.11-13 “群鷹會”的列國先知性聚集並得著神的話語聖言,從地極的高處(紐西蘭亞瑟山口),在祂權能的同在中,向諸天、眾山(包括屬靈山頭)、海島及列國吹角、宣告關乎未來的事和必成的事(賽44:7摩3:7),並釋放祂的末日復興烈火與榮耀海嘯,預備全地迎接榮耀王彌賽亞重返錫安--基督的再來。 

                                 羅馬書  9:28

˙詩33:8 願全地都敬畏雅威!願世上的居民都懼怕他!
˙詩25:12,14 誰敬畏雅威,雅威必指示他當選擇的道路。…雅威與敬畏他的人親密;他必將自己 的約指示他們。
˙伯23:12 祂嘴唇的命令,我未曾背棄;我看重祂口中的言語,過於我需用的飲食。
˙詩12:6 雅威的言語是純淨的言語,如同銀子在泥爐中煉過七次。
˙耶1:12 雅威對我說:「你看得不錯;因為我留意保守我的話,使得成就。」
˙約15:7 你們若常在我裏面,我的話也常在你們裏面,凡你們所願意的,祈求,就給你們成就。
˙太24:34-35我實在告訴你們,這世代還沒有過去,這些事都要成就。天地要廢去,我的話卻不能廢去。(Matthew 24:34-35  Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take  place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.) [NASB]
˙賽44:6-7雅威以色列的君,以色列的救贖主萬軍之雅威如此說:我是首先的,我是末後的,除  我以外再沒有真神。自從我設立古時的民,誰能像我宣告,並且指明,又為自己陳說呢?讓他 將未來的事和必成的事說明。(Isaiah 44:6-7 Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel And his Redeemer, the  LORD of hosts: 'I am the first and I am the last, And there is no God besides Me. Who is like Me? Let him proclaim and declare it; Yes, let him recount it to Me in order, From the time that I established the ancient nation. And let them declare to them the things that are coming And the events that are going to take place. ) [NASB]
˙來4:12   神的道是活潑的,是有功效的,比一切兩刃的劍更快,甚至魂與靈,骨節與骨髓,都能刺入、剖開,連心中的思念和主意都能辨明。  


※翻譯:地極禱告站。有符號þ之處, 屬禱告要點。

平安!在彌賽亞耶穌(Yeshua HaMaschiach)的恩惠和平安裏向大家問安 

“神話語” 國際宣告日

“聖霝的寶劍” ---真理的話語---“經上記著說” 


1. 國際感恩日- 感謝阿爸父。當以感謝進入祂的門,以讚美進入祂的院(詩100:4)使感謝格外顯多,以致榮耀歸於神(林後4:15) 

2. 國際悔改日- “為使聖霝擔憂的悔改預備  

悔改五重點 [如神公義的審判已在門口(感謝牧師傑夫·戴利(Ps Jeffrey Daly)為我們合一悔改之日提供了五重點] [使主的聖霝擔憂(賽63:10;弗4:30)][天國近了,應該悔改(太4:17)]我們也感謝kris Schlyder的愛和扶持,他是澳洲原住民禱告網路的領袖。 


3. 神話語的國際宣告日-2015年9月12日






1. Whakawhetai(毛利語, ‘感謝’)–感恩:進入祂的院….(詩100),以感恩單單榮耀神(林後4:15)

2. 預備–因使聖霝擔憂及國際性的悔改:

˙不要叫聖霝擔憂 (賽63:10,弗4:30)
˙悔改 (太4:17)

3. 神話語國際性的宣告:


總結這個感恩 - (頭一個呼召)感恩的呼召乃是要人帶著感恩的心進入祂的院宇與阿爸天父建立親密關係來榮耀祂偉大的名-亞伯拉罕、以撒及雅各的神,聖潔的以色列彌賽亞耶穌*(希伯來語Yeshua HaMaschiach 係“Jesus Christ”的原文字)。第二個呼召則是為著我們常使這位聖霝擔憂的事上而悔改,祂渴望與祂的百姓有著更佳的關係,因而作為祂的百姓我們需要悔改。那在“國際悔改日”的五個悔改重點不僅是聖霝所擔憂,而且是我們奉耶穌基督的名為著我們的國家及其它的國家的罪惡向父神認罪悔改。 

我們最後的(第三個)呼召 - 神話語國際宣告日乃是要應驗神所賜的先知性異象,『祂發命在地;祂的話頒行最快。』(詩147:15)及『雅威說:「我的話豈不像火,又像能打碎磐石的大錘嗎?」』(耶23:29)『夜間,我心中羨慕祢;我裏面的靈切切尋求祢。因為祢在世上行審判的時候,地上的居民就學習公義。』(賽26:9) 



Pastor Warren Lyons


SHALOM Grace and Peace in Yeshua HaMashiach [Jesus Messiah]

International Day of Proclamation of "GODS WORD"

Saturday September 12th 2015 


Over the last short period of time the LORD has taken us on an intercessory journey; as international intercessors; to reach out to the Nations of the earth from Aotearoa New Zealand; the LORD reminding me in our National anthem a proclamation that we sing on behalf of Aotearoa New Zealand  "God of Nations at thy feet in the bonds of LOVE we meet; hear our voices we entreat; God defend our free land ..."As a nation we have a called responsibility from the King of kings and Lord of lords to speak to the nations in love; just as our anthem declares in the name of Yeshua /Jesus; to bring warning as faithful watchmen and speak truth and prophesy from the ends of the earth; to call and even bring a warning when necessary to the nations so as to build a greater relationship with Him our Abba Father in Jesus name; this we have done with the following leading of the Holy Spirit ............ 

1/ International Whakawhetai - Thanksgiving to Abba Father  enter His gates with thanksgiving and courts with praise [Psalm 100.4] Thanksgiving glorifies God [2 Corinthians 4:15]

2/ International Repentance - "Preparation and repentance for the Grieving the Holy Spirit" - The Five Trigger points for repentance[as GODS RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENTS ARE AT THE DOOR (thanks to Pastor Jeff Daly for providing the five trigger points for our united day of repentance) [Grieve not the Holy Spirit [Isaiah 63:10; Ephesians 4:30] Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is near [Matthew 4:17] and we acknowledge the love and support of brother Kris Schlyder; leader of the Indigenous Prayer Network Australia.

On completion of these two calls in a united international stand to the nations from the prophetic revelation given by the LORD; joining with us were our Australia intercessors and USA intercessors and the many prayer networks of prayer warriors; intercessors; our brothers and sisters in Christ from many nations; the Holy Spirit has requested a third prophetic call from the ends of the earth with the " International Day of Proclamation of  His WORD; TO EVERY HIGH MOUNTAIN AND GOVERNING HIGH PLACE AUTHORITY according to scripture with a  "Revival Fire" to be  sent to the Nations that has been confirmed and received by prophetic words given; further confirming the prophetic revelation of God's "CROSSFIRES" to the nations that He desires to release from Aotearoa New Zealand at the ends of the earth to glorify God and bring blessings to the nations.

3/ International Day of Proclamation of "GOD'S WORD"Date 12th September 2015

(Please Note: this will also coincide with our International weekend gathering at the "Feet of Jesus" in the Mountains of the Southern Alps at Arthur's Pass on Friday 11th; Saturday 12th;Sunday 13th September; this international gathering called by the LORD is entitled "Where Eagles Fly",the FIRE and the GLORY;  the LORD is unfolding the significance of this weekend gathering at the "Feet of Jesus". David Shan leader of the Chinese Church Ends of the Earth Prayer Stations; who with members of his team will join with us at Arthur's Pass in September has also shared at a recent dinner fellowship the meaning of "Where Eagles Fly;" that to the Chinese these words need no explanation; as the meaning means "A Gathering of Heroes; or a Gathering of the Generals" the LORD confirming that His Intercessors and prayer warriors are Heroes and His Generals chosen for hearing and obeying the Captain of the Hosts of the armies of Heaven and Earth so as to prophesy and speak boldly to all the high mountain places in the earth and governing authorities and  for His Kingdom purpose and His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven in the power of the Holy Spirit as written in the Word of God.

A separate email will shortly be sent with the exciting information of the September gathering "Where Eagle Fly"  with registration available for attendance with a number already confirmed and penciled in their attendance from our heads up invitation earlier sent.

For those that wish to support the "International Day of Proclamation of God's Word  on Saturday July 12th 2015" we will shortly update and provide information on strategy and vision with scripture proclamations for the nations and individual prayer warriors and watchman to participate in their own lands as the LORD wants to send His Word to the High mountain places of the nations and the high places of government and administration authorities. We also offer our support from our Mountain gathering at Arthur's Pass Aotearoa New Zealand at the ends of the earth on Saturday September 12th; 2015. 

The International Day  Proclamation of God's Word on September the 12th
will bring forth a completion of the prophetic vision the LORD has given that has opened further understanding in God's economy and purposes for His end of times purposes to the nations in grace; mercy and truth in Jesus name; as all three International Prayer Calls that have been and are being activated in obedience to the Holy Spirits leading as follows.....

Whakawhetai-  Thanksgiving: Enter into His courts [Psalm 100 ] A Thanksgiving that Glorifies God alone [2 Corinthians 4:15]

Preparation- Grieving the Holy Spirit and International Repentance: Do not grieve the Holy Spirit [Isaiah 63:10; Ephesians 4:30] Repentance[Matthew 4:17]

International Proclamation of Gods Word: It is a time and season of Gods WORD He will send to the Nations with His warnings; His FIRE; His righteous judgment; a blessings unto salvation to those that believe and a further release of His pending righteous judgments on the earth. [Jeremiah 23:29; Psalm 147:15-18; Isaiah 26:9]

In summary the Whakawhetai - Thanksgiving call was a call to enter into His courts with thanksgiving; building an intimacy with Abba Father to bring glory to His great name; the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob; the Holy One of Israel in Yeshua HaMaschiach)  The second call was a call to repentant on grieving the person of the Holy Spirit who is so often taken for granted and we have grieved Him, He desires a greater relationship with His people and we His people need to repent.The five Trigger points for International repentance not only grieve the Holy Spirit but need repentance to God our Father in Jesus name on behalf of our own nations for these and other national sins.

Our final International Proclamation of God's word fulfills the prophetic vision given; for He sends His commands to the earth and HIS WORD RUNS SWIFTLY [Psalm 147:15] and" His Word is likened to FIRE and a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces [Jeremiah 23:29] "when your JUDGMENTS COME UPON THE EARTH the people learn righteousness" [Isaiah 26:9]

Let us once again UNITE as ONE and release together His WORD OF FIRE on SEPTEMBER 12th 2015 (information to follow) 

All glory honor and praise to the LAMB of God


Pastor Warren Lyons
Call To Prayer Ministries International