
Dutches Sheets,Dallas,TX


十五年前,上帝明確和無可置疑地將影響我生命的經文以賽亞書22:22賜給我。“我必將大衛家的鑰匙放在他肩頭上。他開,無人能關;他關,無人能開”。經過在兩個星期的期間內超過40個以上的應證 - 是的,40多個 - 我開始徹底相信這經文對我而言既是一項應許也是個賜給我的武器。從那時起,我已經在全美各地數百次使用此經文- 在所有50個州和華盛頓特區 – 為主打開和關閉屬靈的門。

在收到影響國家的以賽亞書22:22的鑰匙後,我將大部分的時間都花在國家的首都,進行非常具體和策略性的禱告任務。天堂對這些任務的背書是毫無疑問的,是經過一次又一次的應證來確認此任務。噢,從我生命的那時起所可以講述的故事 – 令人驚艷!雖然這經文從未離開過我的思想或服事,當2008年我們國家的領導階層轉變後,主重新將我的注意力轉向在美國的其他任務。其結果是,我在華盛頓特區的時間顯著地減少。

然而在過去的一年內,我領受到神再次要我在我們國家的首都使用以賽亞書22:22的鑰匙。透過我最近的重新託負,和其他先知性的啟示,主已經向我證實通往政府部門的大門 - 特別是華盛頓特區 – 已經再次敞開。無論聖靈往何處引導,我肯定跟隨。(Dutch Sheets的照片) 





在門徒的時代,ekklesia(教會)的模式與當代的觀念是非常不同的。在門徒的文化中,一個教會(ekklesia)是民眾被賦予於城市,州或國家事務的執政權 – 從本質上而言,如同一個議會或國會。而對於羅馬人,是民眾被差送入一個被征服的地區來執政,並將其文化改變直到它變得像羅馬。

他們滲入到政府,語言,社會結構,學校等等,直到人們說話,思想和行為均像羅馬人。換句話說,他們將羅馬帝國的文化和理念帶入所分配給他們的領域。當耶穌說祂將建立祂的“教會” – 祂的ekklesia – 祂所講的是人民所組成的身體為祂屬靈上來立法,將祂國度的政府和影響力延伸到地上

基督的聲明“陰間的權柄(門)不能勝過他”。當我們明白,這些門不是指實體上的,而是屬靈上的,同時也象徵著政府,這句話就更能夠被理解。在聖經時代,城門經常是法官坐在那裡統治,以及管理委員開會做出決定之處;因此“門”這個詞往往是政府的象徵(例子參考撒下19:8;箴22:22-23;得4:4-10)。 (圖片源自Wikipedia)

當教會第一次被宣佈出來,耶穌宣稱陰間政府的權柄(規則,法令,議會)將不會凌駕於地上祂國度的政府 - 教會。接下來祂宣稱祂會給祂的ekklesia(教會)“鑰匙”。就如在以賽亞書22:22,這代表著屬靈的權柄。在以賽亞書22:22,這些鑰匙可以關閉或開啟屬靈的門,允許或禁止進入和活動。在馬太福音16章,基督的教會也有鑰匙 – 捆綁和釋放(鎖起,打開,允許,禁止) - 地獄的“門”或政府決定以及釋放天堂的政府決定。


我們應該嘗試藉著禱告,投票,以及在政府單位任職來回應這個呼召。我經常從媒體,政治領導人,教育家和其他人處聽到,宗教信仰應該保持“私有”或者“他們在公共領域沒有立足之地”,特別在政府中是沒有位置的。沒有比這更不符合聖經!這惡魔啟發般的教條其背後的目的是讓教會不成教會 – 這個ekklesia。聖經裡洋溢著神過顯而易見代表祂和祂的旨意的個人來影響政府的例子

我們不能將所有對改變的希望放在對神的主權的錯誤解讀上 – 一種信念認為當神要,也選擇去做的時候;不論我們有否參與,祂都會出手改變一個特定的問題或情況,成為按照祂旨意的結果。我們必須認識到,我們是祂在地上所授權的神的執政權柄,被賜予從祂而來的權柄的鑰匙,以便在屬靈的界域中立法。有了這些鑰匙,我們可以關上魔鬼和毀滅可能藉此進入的屬靈的門。

我們期中選舉的結果導致希望浮現,證實了人們準備好要有所變化。美國人正在覺醒,並準備好撇下自滿,朝著真正的變化邁開步伐。對於這樣的時刻,神已經準備和定位好祂的神國大使,運用祂的影響和塑造我們國家的命定。(照片源自 incandvoice)

主已呼召Dutch Sheets Ministries,以及其他類似的事工與祂同工,乃藉著大膽的政府法令,大力支持敬虔的領導者,強化教會,並釋放神聖的戰略以重燃能將我們的國家轉化成公義的禱告運動。我相信,這些朝向神國統治的邁步將在美國誕生出復興。祂教會(ekklesia)中的一個成員,你,也被稱為是其中的一份子。


當聖靈再次對我強調以賽亞書22:22,我禱告,你將受到鼓舞來抓住神的應許,並親自啟動這鑰匙 - 政府權柄 - 在你自己的生活和為了這個國家。我的禱告是,你會勇敢大膽地行走在神所賜你的授權之中。


在新的一年,主正在釋放鑰匙 - 天堂的政府權柄 - 這是要賜給你的。當你拿到他們,你的代禱和順服會釋放你進入與神的同工,導致影響更為廣泛。



Dutch Sheets

幾週之前,當我看到『向天堂請願』(注1)的旗幟在尼尼微的平原上飄揚 – 這個歷史上第一處已知的轉化復興之處 (注2)- 我真是極度的興奮。我趕快把這照片傳送給我一個朋友,立即的回應就是,『我們的禱告已啟動地上重要的基礎性的覺醒』。過去這年,藉著將我個人的見證與我們建國淵遠歷史相連結,我一直在團結教會『向天堂請願』。

在慘淡黯然的環境中,無數的信徒已回應這個呼召。依據聖靈對我的朋友所述,我相信向天堂的請願已被垂聽,而我們現在正移往這個新紀元的另個階段 – 一個將會影響世界的第三波復興!



以賽亞書22:22 和馬太福音16:18-19 是經文中關於轉入新層面禱告的要節。在這兩處經文,都用『鑰匙』來說明信徒在靈界中的權柄。這些鑰匙是神醒目顯注的用來點燃將帶來國家正義性翻轉的禱告運動所不可或缺的工具。
























A. 『向天堂請願』這個詞彙意味著,當所有在地上的資源和公義都被耗資殆盡,只有『向天堂請願』會在此時存留。同例,當我們國家的權利被喬治亞王的暴虐行徑而掠奪走,在無數次的嘗試解決無效之後,向天堂請願成為我們與這王權斷絕關系的最終判決。
The phrase "An Appeal to Heaven" connotes that when all resources and justices on earth are exhausted that only "An Appeal to Heaven" remains. And so is the example of our country when our rights were taken away by the tyrannical acts of King George that we as nation after countless attempts to resolve, Appealed to Heaven as our final judge before breaking ties with the crown.
B. 這旗幟是在1775年10月由當時身任陸軍統帥的喬治華聖頓下令而制。此旗幟是因著團結,信念和鼓勵而為自由爭戰的一種象徵。
This flag flown by order of George Washington commander in chief of the Continental Army in October 1775 is a symbol of solidarity, conviction and encouragement to fight for liberty.
Continental Army 是在當時美國在1775-1783年間,為了脫離英國殖民者的身份而暴發的獨立戰爭,當時的陸軍之稱)http://www.appealtoheaven.org/

注2: 參考聖經約拿書
注3:經文出處:希伯來書5:6 就如經上又有一處說:「你是照著麥基洗德的等次永遠為祭司」。

"Governmental Authority and Kingly Intercession"
Dutch Sheets, Dallas, TX
May 4, 2015

Isaiah 22:22: The Key To Governmental Authority

Fifteen years ago, God unequivocally and undeniably gave me Isaiah 22:22as a life-verse. "Then I will set the key of the house of David on his shoulder, when he opens no one will shut, when he shuts no one will open." After 40 plus confirmations over a two-week period – yes, more than 40 – I became thoroughly convinced this verse was both a promise and a weapon for me. I have since used the verse hundreds of times throughout America – in all 50 states and in Washington DC – to open and close spiritual doors for the Lord.

After receiving the Isaiah 22:22 key for impacting the nation, much of my time was spent in the nation's capital, carrying out very specific and strategic prayer assignments. Heaven's endorsement on these missions was without question, with confirmation after confirmation being given to affirm the assignments. Oh, the stories I could tell from that season of my life – amazing! While this verse has never left my thinking or ministry, for several years after the 2008 change in our national leadership, the Lord redirected my attention toward other assignments in America. As a result, my time in Washington DC, decreased significantly.

Within the past year, however, I have sensed the Lord asking me to wield the Isaiah 22:22 key in our nation's capital once again. Through my recent recommissioning, and other prophetic revelation, the Lord has confirmed to me that the door to the governmental arena – and to Washington DC, specifically – is again wide open. And where Holy Spirit leads, I will certainly follow. (Photo of Dutch Sheets)

The Keys of The Ekklesia

This invitation to cross the threshold back into the sphere of governmental intercession has not only been extended to me, but to the entire Body of Christ. As we mentioned, a key, symbolizing governmental authority is first mentioned in the book of Isaiah, within a prophetic passage concerning Jesus, the Messiah; but the second time keys, symbolizing spiritual authority, are spoken of in Scripture is at Jesus' first mention of the Church.

I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church,[Greek: ekklesia] and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; and whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Matthew 16:18-19

In the disciples' day, the paradigm for an ekklesia (Church) was very different from contemporary notions. In the disciples' culture, an ekklesia was an assembly of people assigned to govern the affairs of a city, state or nation – in essence, a parliament or congress. To the Romans, it was an assembly of people sent into a conquered region to govern, but also to alter the culture until it became like that of Rome.

They infiltrated government, language, social structure, schools, etc. until the people talked, thought and acted like Romans. In other words, they brought the culture and ideals of the Kingdom of Rome to their assigned region. When Jesus said He would build His "Church," – His ekklesia – He was speaking of a Body of people that would legislate spiritually for Him, extending His Kingdom government and influence on the earth.

Christ's statement that "the gates of Hades will not overpower it" makes much more sense when we understand that these gates are not physical, but rather spiritual, and also symbolize government. In Biblical times, city gates were often where judges sat to rule, and where governing councils met to make decisions; therefore the word "gate/s" often symbolized government (for example, see 2 Samuel 19:8; Proverbs 22:22-23; Ruth 4:4-10). (Photo via Wikipedia)

In this first announcement regarding the Church, Jesus is declaring that the kingdom government (rule, decree, councils) of Hell won't prevail over His Kingdom government on earth – the Church. He follows this declaration by saying that He would give to His ekklesia "keys," which, just as in Isaiah 22:22, represent spiritual authority. In Isaiah 22:22, these keys close or open spiritual doors allowing or disallowing access and activity. In Matthew 16, Christ's Church would also have keys – to bind and loose (lock, unlock, allow, forbid) – the "gates" or governmental decisions of Hell and to release the governmental decisions of Heaven.

God's Call to Kingdom Governance

We should attempt to function in this calling through prayer, by voting, and also by serving in governmental positions. I frequently hear statements from the media, political leaders, educators, and others saying that religious beliefs should be kept "private" or that "they have no place in the public arena," and especially that they have no place in government. Nothing could be more unbiblical! The purpose behind this satanically-inspired dogma is to keep the Church from being the Church – the ekklesia. The Bible brims with examples of God influencing government through individuals that were knowingly representing Him and His will.

We cannot place all hope for change in a wrong interpretation of God's sovereignty – a belief that when God wants and chooses to, He will change a particular problem or situation to be in accordance with His will, with or without our involvement. We must realize that we are God's governing force on the earth, which have been given keys of authority from Him to legislate from the spiritual realm. With those keys, we are to close spiritual doors through which evil and destruction might otherwise enter.

The outcome of our mid-term election causes hope to arise, affirming that people are ready for change. Americans are being awakened and made ready to press through complacency taking strides toward real change. For such a time as this, God has prepared and positioned Kingdom ambassadors to wield His influence and shape our national destiny. (Photo via incandvoice)

The Lord has called Dutch Sheets Ministries, and other similar ministries, to partner with Him by making bold governmental decrees, strongly supporting Godly leaders, strengthening the Church, and releasing Divine strategy for reigniting a prayer movement that will shift our nation toward righteousness. I believe these strides toward Kingdom governance will birth revival in America. As members of His ekklesia you, too, are called to be a part of this.

Your Delegated Authority

As Holy Spirit has reemphasized Isaiah 22:22 to me, I have prayed that you will be encouraged to take hold of God's promises and personally activate the keys – governmental authority – in your own life and for the nation. My prayer is that you would walk boldly in this authority God has delegated to you.

Some of you may be instructed of the Lord, as I have been, to use your Isaiah 22:22 key within the sphere of government, and particularly within Washington DC. Some of you are called to pray for your state capital, your city or even another nation. Others of you may be assigned to use your Kingdom keys in the financial realm, for educational institutions, or for the entertainment sector. As you seek the Lord, He will reveal these and other assignments to you.

In this New Year the Lord is releasing keys – Heaven's governmental authority – that are yours for the taking. As you lay hold of them, your intercession and obedience will release you into a partnership with God, resulting in even broader realms of influence.

God is not finished with America, and He needs each one of us to help shift this nation! He is calling forth Kingdom warriors who will effectively wield the Isaiah 22:22 weapon, such that His throne of righteousness and justice is reestablished within our land.

Will you join us?

The Call to Kingly Intercession

A while ago, upon seeing pictures of an Appeal to Heaven flag being waved over the plains of Nineveh—the location of the first known transforming revival—I was extremely excited. I quickly sent the picture to one of my friends whose immediate response was, "Our prayers have tapped into the root of awakening in the earth." For the past year, connecting my personal testimony with the profound history pertaining to our nation's founding, I have been rallying the Church to make "an Appeal to Heaven." (Photo via Pixabay)

In the midst of dismal circumstances, countless Believers have responded to this call. Based on what the Holy Spirit spoke to my friend, I believe the appeals to Heaven have been heard and we are now moving into the next phase of this new era—a Third Great Awakening that will impact the world!

We must be mindful, however, that successfully stepping into a new season calls for inquiring of the Lord concerning what we must do differently. Change will be necessary in order to come into proper alignment with the season, preparing us for what He wants to release to us and through us in this kairos time. One of the things I hear the Lord saying is that in this new season, we must pray differently.

Keys For Kingly Intercession

Isaiah 22:22 and Matthew 16:18-19 are essential passages of Scriptures for shifting into this new aspect of prayer. Both mention "keys" as a way to illustrate the Believer's authority in the spirit realm. These keys are indispensable tools God is highlighting for igniting a prayer movement that will bring about a righteous turnaround in this nation.

"Then I will set the key of the house of David on his shoulder,
When he opens no one will shut, When he shuts no one will open."
 Isaiah 22:22

"I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. "I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in Heaven." Matthew 16:18-19

Using our authority to open and close spiritual doors is an aspect of prayer I sometimes refer to as "kingly intercession." My understanding of this facet of prayer, which I will also call "governmental intercession," began with an unusual comment made to me by a prophet in the late 1980s and culminated with a statement the Lord made to me in 2002.

"God is going to bring the Church into the fresh age of the Melchizedek order, and you will be a part of initiating it," declared the prophet. I had no idea what this meant. Fast-forward approximately fifteen years to October 2002. I was praying for America, primarily concerning the judicial system, when I heard the Holy Spirit say, "You will fully shift the government of America when the prayer movement fully shifts from priestly intercession only, to kingly intercession as well."

Suddenly, I remembered what the prophet had said to me years ago. And, finally, I understood "the fresh age of the Melchizedek order." Grasping this revelation will expand our understanding of governmental or kingly intercession.

Understanding The Melchizedek Order

Melchizedek was first mentioned in Genesis 14, again in Psalm 110, and then once more in the book of Hebrews. He was a "type" or picture of Jesus in several ways, one of which was that he was both a king and a priest. At the time, this was unheard of. Zechariah 6:13, a messianic verse describing Christ, refers to Him in His King-Priest role, "...Thus, He will be a priest on His throne, and the counsel of peace will be between the two offices."

The function of a king was to rule, representing God's authority to people; the role of priests was to serve, representing the people to God. As our High Priest, Jesus represents our needs and desires to God. As the King, Christ represents and releases the rule, authority and will of God from Heaven to earth. His Kingly role is God-centered, while His Priestly responsibility is human-centered; one releases power and authority (king), the other love, mercy and grace (priest). The priestly role is petition or intercession-oriented; the kingly role is declarative, decreeing God's word and will.

As co-laborers, partners with and representatives of Jesus Christ, we have become extensions of His King-Priest role. Most Christians, though they may or may not think of it as priestly activity, realize that we are to offer up worship and prayer (petitions) from earth to Heaven. Almost none, however, have understanding or involvement in God's plan concerning our kingly representation of Christ (decrees). We are not only priests, we are a "royal (kingly) priesthood" (1 Peter 2:9), who have been given the keys of Kingdom authority in which to bind and loose, forbid and allow, close and open.

As Holy Spirit reemphasizes these prophetic words and Scriptures to me, I sense that He is calling His ekklesia to step fully into our responsibility for kingly intercession. The Lord is calling us to shift from merely petitioning the Father, to also making decrees (official orders, edicts or decisions), declarations (announcements or formal statements) and proclamations (the process of binding and loosing) as we are prophetically inspired by Holy Spirit to do so.

The power of God's decreed Word is extraordinary! It releases His creativity, His salvation, and yes, His judgments! He rules through His Words, and so must we. Consider these verses of Scripture:

"How forcible are right words!" Job 6:25

"You will also decree a thing and it will be established for you; and light will shine on your ways." Job 22:28

"Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms, to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant." Jeremiah 1:9-10

"So I prophesied as He commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they came to life and stood on their feet, an exceedingly great army." Ezekiel 37:10

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit." Proverbs 18:21

The Time Is At Hand

Even as I have heard God's clarion call to wield the Isaiah 22:22 key in the governmental arena once again (which you may read about here), I sense that He is calling His ekklesia in America to pray with greater fervency and diligence concerning our national government, especially for the election in 2016.

With several Supreme Court Justices reaching expected retirement ages over the next decade, new nominations to the bench will be forthcoming. The next President, especially if re-elected for a second term, could have a crucial influence on the future of the Supreme Court (the President appoints the Supreme Court nominees). This will, in many ways, determine the future of our nation.

We must fill the bowls of intercession in advance for these choices (Revelation 8:3-5). The Lord is inviting us to take the keys He has made available to us and fully shift our national government. The American church must go beyond asking and petitioning the Lord only, to also decreeing and declaring His will and purposes into the earth. We must move from merely presenting our case before God as priests, to decreeing the rule of Christ into every situation and circumstance. It's time to wield the keys of Kingdom authority and shift into kingly intercession. (Photo via Dutch Sheets)

Our appeals to Heaven truly are being answered. But let's do even more. It's time to agree with and boldly voice Heaven's decrees in order to establish Heaven's government on earth. I am persuaded that we can turn the tide in America through effective governmental intercession. The Lord's will can be accomplished in our land, and righteousness can be restored to the White House, Congress, and the judicial system.

America, the time is now. God is bringing forth the fresh age of the Melchizedek order. Be a part of it!

Dutch Sheets
Dutch Sheets Ministries