
4月30日至5月6日 全球為美國禁食禱告
Global Call: Prayer and Fasting For America - 30 April to 6 May 2015
4月30日是美國的國家悔改日 April 30 is America's National Day of Repentance
5月7日則是美國第64屆全國禱告日 May 7 is the 64th AnnualNational Day of Prayer.

或與美國IHOP網路同步 http://www.ihopkc.org/prayerroom/

最高法院和獸的印記/雷克喬納 2015年4月30日 

澳大利亞為美國 –一位老朋友–禱告
"Australia Calls World to Pray & Fast for 7 Days for USA" 




(照片源自Warwick Marsh)












美國正處於危機之中,因為它已經忘了自己是從磐石所鑿成的,而正陷入道德和屬靈的破產裡。道德和屬靈的破產導致金融和政府的破產。美國是陷於內外交攻巨大的危險中。來自澳大利亞的先知性作家和傳道人Lana Vawser說,“美國現在正為自己的命定爭戰,美國的命定難料。主正在呼召祂的子民出現,為美國禱告。爭戰的時刻到了“。

(照片源自Warwick Marsh) 









Warwick Marsh

National Day of Repentance for USA: A Day to Declare, Pray and Repent for Our Nation
Jeffrey Daly, Middletown, CA
Apr 30, 2015

The Elijah List編者按:Jeffrey Daly是每年在4月30日舉辦的“國家悔改日這組織的創始人。紀念喬治·華盛頓於1789年4月30日敬虔的就職典禮,以及總統亞伯拉罕·林肯在1863年4月30日公布的“國家謙卑,禁食和禱告日“的宣言。在傑夫的文章中,他提供了為美國禱告的宣言以及在本週“為美國禁食和禱告”的每日悔改禱告之建議。我們鼓勵個人和團體遵循主的帶領來禁食和禱告。 -Julie A.Smith, The Elijah List 





除了禱告和禁食,我們鼓勵您在您的禱告中添加悔改,個人性的或是與他人。當我們一起悔改,真正的快樂和偉大友誼就如花朵般綻放出來。悔改是“從我們的惡行轉離”,允許主從天上垂聽,赦免我們的罪,醫治我們的土地(注1)。祂呼召我們,『“你們應當禁食、哭泣、悲哀,一心歸向我”。你們要撕裂心腸,不撕裂衣服。歸向耶和華 - 你們的 神…』(珥2:12-13)。當祂看到呼求祂的子民真正的悔改,祝福便開始,爭戰就成為祂的。

當約書亞/耶穌(Yeshua/Jesus )藉著神的話在曠野打敗魔鬼,祂便開始祂的事工,而祂的第一句話是:“天國近了,你們應當悔改!”(太4:17)。幾年後,復活的基督,對信徒幾乎是最後一句話也是說,“悔改”:“凡我所疼愛的,我就責備管教他;所以你要發熱心,也要悔改”(啟3:19)。彌賽亞要大家藉著悔改進入天國,然後使用這悔改的過程來擁有祂的聖潔。




在生活版聖經中的翻譯,復活的基督更是堅持:“你看!我一直站在門口,我常常在叩門。如果有人聽到我叫他就開門,我就會進來與他相交,而他與我一起“(啟示錄3:20 生活版聖經


來想想看:復活的基督邀請你和我與祂同享聖餐!然後相交!你是否曾經希望你能出席最後的晚餐?你可以像約翰那樣將你的頭放在祂的心臟那裡?在聖靈中,我們可以做到這一點 - 復活的基督邀請我們與祂每日共進聖餐和交流,只要我們願意!我們就只需要除去世界和肉體的干擾,並打開我們的心門與祂共度優質的時間。






在祂的審判臨到之前,今天就是悔改的時刻。要解決所有最深層的傷口,沒有比與復活的基督共度親密時刻為更佳之處。祂正站在我們的心門,敲門。讓祂進來,我們可以承認祂早已經知道的罪,經歷祂的饒恕,並選擇真誠的悔改。當我們悔改,所有的傷口都得以顯露並在祂的愛中得釋放 - 從世界轉身離開,從肉體(的情慾),從今生的驕傲 - 重新聚焦在祂的身上(注6)。









我們請求袮,天父,透過我們的悔改和敬拜,奉耶穌/基督耶穌的名,和耶穌/基督耶穌的寶血(in the name and by the Blood of Jesus/Yeshua Messiah),天堂的閘門對美國打開…將悔改和救贖,真理和信心,整體性和生命全都豐豐盛盛地帶來。
























主啊,我悔改,我們在美國的信徒已經打破與袮所立的盟約,就是要成為一個敬虔的國家,對別人而言是袮的自由的光,在山上的城市。饒恕我們不站在袮眼中的瞳仁,以色列那一邊。饒恕我們相信巴比倫的思想。噢,今天(興起)一個國家的領導者能回應John Hancock在獨立宣言上簽署時的聲明:“讓我們謙卑地將我們公義的目標承諾於這位宇宙的大主宰......讓我們喜樂地將我們的掛念交托給隨著自己的喜悅而用祂的手興起和壓制帝國和王國的那位”。饒恕我們,主啊,容許這個國家遵循男性和女性的世俗思想,而不是袮和袮的話。



主啊,我悔改讓我與袮漸行漸遠的任何性方面的罪。饒恕我,沒有更多地在聖靈中行走以除去肉體的情慾。饒恕我,沒有認真地對待,並傳述給他人袮在啟示錄21:27和22:15兩次提到關於淫亂的指令(注12) – 是用袮的標準,不是今天的政治修正版 – 將不會進入袮的新耶路撒冷。


主啊,我悔改,我們在美國的信徒已經從敵人的井中飲用淫亂的屬靈的毒水。現在,我們很少在我們的文化中尋求袮生命的純淨活水。我們國家的媒體也常常支持淫亂,然而我們很少大膽出聲;許多人去觀看卻不是花時間與袮共處。色情猖獗,這情形也存於袮的信徒中。而在神的家 – 審判於此開始(注13) - 幾個基督教教派現在竟支持同性婚姻,儘管袮的原話與此恰恰相反。

袮說,主耶穌,“但從起初創造的時候,神造人是造男造女。因此,人要離開父母,與妻子連合,二人成為一體。既然如此,夫妻不再是兩個人,乃是一體的了。所以, 神配合的,人不可分開“(可10:6-9)。

噢 原諒我們,主啊,我們沒能播散真理,使人們每天從同性相吸中,從崇拜他們自己而不是袮的當中被聖靈釋放。讓我們不再聖化這墮落的靈,而是親切地支持袮讓人們從那靈裡得釋放。願上帝得勝;願我們的最高法院現在主張聖經婚姻的神聖結盟。




(圖片源自由elijahshopper.com,Jennifer Page的 “生命“) 
















注1:代下7:14 這稱為我名下的子民,若是自卑、禱告,尋求我的面,轉離他們的惡行,我必從天上垂聽,赦免他們的罪,醫治他們的地。
代下7:15 我必睜眼看、側耳聽在此處所獻的禱告。

注2:詩23:3 他使我的靈魂甦醒,為自己的名引導我走義路。

注3:弗5:25 你們作丈夫的,要愛你們的妻子,正如基督愛教會,為教會捨己。
弗5:26 要用水藉著道把教會洗淨,成為聖潔,
弗5:27 可以獻給自己,作個榮耀的教會,毫無玷污、皺紋等類的病,乃是聖潔沒有瑕疵的。

注4:羅3:23 因為世人都犯了罪,虧缺了 神的榮耀。

注5:賽26:9 夜間,我心中羨慕你;我裡面的靈切切尋求你。因為你在世上行審判的時候,地上的居民就學習公義。

注6:約壹2:16 因為,凡世界上的事,就像肉體的情慾、眼目的情慾,並今生的驕傲,都不是從父來的,乃是從世界來的。

注7:尼8:10 又對他們說:「你們去吃肥美的,喝甘甜的,有不能預備的就分給他,因為今日是我們主的聖日。你們不要憂愁,因靠耶和華而得的喜樂是你們的力量。」

注8:出17:15 摩西築了一座壇,起名叫「耶和華尼西」(就是耶和華是我旌旗的意思)。

注9:太18:18 我實在告訴你們,凡你們在地上所捆綁的,在天上也要捆綁;凡你們在地上所釋放的,在天上也要釋放。

注10:西3:5 所以,要治死你們在地上的肢體,就如淫亂、污穢、邪情、惡慾,和貪婪(貪婪就與拜偶像一樣)。

弗5:5 因為你們確實地知道,無論是淫亂的,是污穢的,是有貪心的,在基督和 神的國裡都是無分的。有貪心的,就與拜偶像的一樣。

注11:詩51:17 神所要的祭就是憂傷的靈; 神啊,憂傷痛悔的心,你必不輕看。

注12:啟21:27 凡不潔淨的,並那行可憎與虛謊之事的,總不得進那城;只有名字寫在羔羊生命冊上的才得進去。

啟22:15 城外有那些犬類、行邪術的、淫亂的、殺人的、拜偶像的,並一切喜好說謊言、編造虛謊的。

注13:彼前4:17 因為時候到了,審判要從 神的家起首。若是先從我們起首,那不信從 神福音的人將有何等的結局呢?

注14:歷下7:13 我若使天閉塞不下雨,或使蝗蟲吃這地的出產,或使瘟疫流行在我民中,
歷下7:14 這稱為我名下的子民,若是自卑、禱告,尋求我的面,轉離他們的惡行,我必從天上垂聽,赦免他們的罪,醫治他們的地。
歷下7:15 我必睜眼看、側耳聽在此處所獻的禱告。
賽9:10 磚牆塌了,我們卻要鑿石頭建築;桑樹砍了,我們卻要換香柏樹。
賽9:11 因此,耶和華要高舉利汛的敵人來攻擊以色列,並要激動以色列的仇敵。

Jeffrey Daly: "National Day of Repentance for USA: A Day to Declare, Pray and Repent for Our Nation"
by Jeffrey Daly
Apr 30, 2015

Managing Editor's Note: Jeffrey Daly is founder of the organization "National Day of Repentance" which takes place annually on this day of April 30th, honoring George Washington's godly inauguration on April 30, 1789, as well as President Abraham Lincoln's proclamation "National Day of Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer" on April 30, 1863. In Jeff's article he offers a declaration prayer for America with suggested daily prayer points of repentance for this week of "Prayer and Fasting for the USA". We encourage individuals and groups to fast and pray as the Lord leads. –Julie A. Smith, The Elijah List


Thank you brothers and sisters in Christ in Australia, in other nations, and here in the USA for joining with us on the National Day of Repentance, April 30, 2015, and for continuing to pray and fast during the days leading up to the National Day of Prayer on May 7. (Photo via National Day of Repentance)

We Believers in Christ in the USA deeply appreciate your global prayers and fasting for our nation at this perilous time, where we are at a real tipping point, a real spiritual battle; whether this nation will honor and return to its godly roots. Our hearts are touched by your godly support, praying, and fasting. To continue to build unity in His Body, we stand ready at all times to pray, fast, and repent with you on any such days in your nations. God bless you!

In addition to prayer and fasting, we encourage you to add repentance to your prayers, individually or with others. Real joy and great fellowship blossoms when we repent together. Repentance is the "turning from our wicked ways" that allows the Lord to hear from Heaven, forgive our sin, and heal our land. He calls us to: "'Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.' So rend your hearts, and not your garments; return to the Lord your God..." (Joel 2:12-13). When He sees real repentance among His people who are called by His name, blessings begin and the battle becomes His.

Having defeated the devil in the wilderness by the Word of God, Yeshua/Jesus came out and began His ministry, and His first word was: "Repent...for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" (Matthew 4:17). Years later, as the Risen Christ, virtually His last word to Believers was also, "Repent": "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent" (Revelation 3:19). The Messiah wants everyone to come into the Kingdom of Heaven through repentance and then to use that repentance process to take on His holiness.

Dining With the Risen Christ and Repentance

There is a most remarkable verse of Scripture, Revelation 3:20 (NKJV), where the Risen Christ invites Believers in Him to "dine" with Him. The Risen Christ says to us: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." (Photo via National Day of Repentance)

In The Living Bible translation, the Risen Christ is even more insistent: "Look! I have been standing at the door, and I am constantly knocking. If anyone hears Me calling him and opens the door, I will come in and fellowship with him and he with Me" (Revelation 3:20 TLB).

This "dining" and "fellowship" with the Risen Christ is an extraordinary privilege. He's inviting us to share with Him the type of spiritual food He ate during His ministry, not known then even to His disciples: "I have food to eat of which you do not know" (John 4:32).

Think about it: The Risen Christ is inviting you and me to have communion with Him! And then fellowship! Did you ever wish you were present at the Last Supper? That you could have placed your head on His heart as John did? In the Holy Spirit we can do that – the Risen Christ invites daily communion and fellowship with Him as often as we wish! We simply have to remove the distractions of the world and flesh and open the door of our hearts to Him to spend quality time with Him.

In addition to the pure joy in fellowship, He has a purpose: He wants to lead us in His path of righteousness for His name's sake. He wants to sanctify and cleanse us to grow in His holiness. He's coming soon as the Bridegroom. We Believers are His Bride and need to be without spot and wrinkle, holy and without blemish (see Ephesians 5:25-27).

We could have no better mentor in this process than the Risen Christ Himself. In the presence of His awesome love as the Risen Christ, He coaches us to be zealous to repent: "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent" (Revelation 3:19).

Under His Blood and under His name He helps us uncover places in our hearts blocked by betrayal and pain, or generational curses, or vows made in the past, or unforgiveness. He helps us uncover every stronghold blocking us from manifesting the fullness of His Holy Spirit miraculously given to each of us upon becoming a Believer in Him.(Photo via National Day of Repentance)

Like a Passover Seder there are bitter herbs in this process. Like the perfect mentor, He will point out the remaining sin in our lives. We all fall short of the glory of God. He can't let the evil in our lives and nations continue without judgment. Above His righteous judgments that will be coming will be the mercy, grace, and goodness of God. When His judgments are in the earth, many will cry out for mercy, will turn to Him for salvation, and "the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness" (Isaiah 26:9).

Prior to His judgments, today is the time to repent. There is no better place to address the deepest of all wounds than in this intimate time with the Risen Christ. He's standing at the door of our hearts, knocking. Letting Him in, we can confess sins that He already knows about, experience His forgiveness, and choose sincere repentance. All wounds can be uncovered and released in His love when we repent – turning away from the world, from the flesh, and the pride of life – refocusing on Him.

In contrast to bitter herbs, after repentance comes His joy as our strength.Joy follows repentance. As we follow His path of purity, beginning to be vulnerable to others, to love as He loves, we become the overcomers He urges to join Him: "To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne" (Revelation 3:21).

Dining with the Risen Christ! What a privilege! And then to sit on His throne! Glory be to God.

National Day of Repentance, April 30, 2015,
Declaration Prayer for America:

Almighty God our Savior, Strength and Shield, our lands and all people gathered here are Yours. We ask You to forgive our sin and hear our hearts, as we cry out to You for our nation.(Photo via National Day of Repentance)

We declare, and raise Your name, Jehovah Nissi, as the only banner over us, just as those who came before us have done.

Father, in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, we speak against the things holding back this nation and "those who are called to salvation."

We break the power of pride, lies and lust, mammon and idolatry, of fear and doubt, sickness and death, unbelief, and the occult in the name of Jesus Christ.

Using the keys to the Kingdom that Jesus gave us in Matthew 18:18, we close and lock, seal and bind these gates of the anti-Christ over our nation. We loose, melt, and dissolve them on the earth and in the heavenly realms.

We ask, Father, that through our repentance and worship, in the name and by the Blood of Jesus/Yeshua Messiah, for the flood gates of Heaven to open over America...to bring repentance and salvation, truth and faith, wholeness and life in all its abundance.

We ask You, Lord, to thrust out laborers into Your harvest field, and we pray for the powerful proclamation of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ across this land to bring an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit and the return of those who once knew Your love.

Summon Your power, O God, and show us Your strength as You have done before, for Your chariots are tens of thousands, and thousands upon thousands.

Arise, O God, and speak the word and scatter all Your enemies, that Your "name be kept holy."

We ask it in Jesus' glorious name. Amen.

Individual and National Repentance Prayer Points for the Next Week:

The suggested individual and national repentance prayer points below are offered to encourage you to take the opportunity to repent with the Lord, to refocus your life upon Him, during this critical time.

• Suggested Repentance Prayer Points for Thursday, April 30:

Individual repentance:

Lord, I repent of my apathy and cowardice. I have been too often afraid of what others may think of me more than I fear You. O, lead me to the Cross, I belong to You, rid me of my focus on myself. (Photo via National Day of Repentance)

National repentance:

Lord, I repent that we Believers in You in the USA have not bent our knees to You as did our forefathers in earlier centuries during the previous three Great Awakenings. In apathy we have confirmed one man's observation that "the reason we don't have revival is because we are willing to live without it." The Church stood for You publicly in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, and the fruit was a new nation conceived in both faith and liberty, the abolition of slavery, and a new character based on sharing what we have with those who do not, and authentic racial reconciliation coupled with authentic respect for the other person. I repent that we rarely stand publicly for You today.

• Suggested Repentance Prayer Points for Friday, May 1:

Individual repentance:

Lord, I repent of my idolatry. I too often have replaced You with other false gods of this world (see Colossians 3:5; Ephesians 5:5).

National repentance:

Lord, I repent that we Believers in You in the USA have allowed ground to the enemy's false teachings and failed to object when Your Word was almost entirely removed from our children. The Bible is no longer in our schools, and less and less in our homes. As a result, the tree with Your godly roots has dead branches and is filled with rot. Forgive us, in Jesus' name, for allowing this nation to take on false idols and the false spirit of the world.

• Suggested Repentance Prayer Points Saturday, May 2:

Individual repentance:

Lord, I repent that although You have kept Your pledge to keep Your covenant with me, I have not sought or have too often disregarded my part of this eternally-precious, blood-bought covenant. I have not fully aligned my will with Yours. I have broken my covenant with You. Forgive me, Lord. You don't want insincere offerings but a broken and contrite spirit in me.(Photo via National Day of Repentance)

National repentance:

Lord, I repent that we Believers in You in the USA have broken our covenant with You to be a godly nation, a light of Your liberty to others, a city on a hill. Forgive us for not standing with the apple of Your eye, Israel. Forgive us for trusting in Babylon's thinking. O, for a national leader today who would echo John Hancock's statement at the signing of the Declaration of Independence: "Let us humbly commit our righteous cause to the great Lord of the Universe...Let us joyfully leave our concerns in the hands of Him who raiseth up and putteth down the empires and kingdoms of the world as He pleases." Forgive us, Lord, for allowing this nation to look to the secular thinking of men and women and not to You and Your Word.

• Suggested Repentance Prayer Points for Sunday, May 3:

Individual repentance:

Lord, I repent of any sexual sins which have distanced me from You. Forgive me for not walking more in the Spirit so as to remove the lust of the flesh. Forgive me for not taking seriously and telling others about Your instruction twice given in Revelation 21:27 and 22:15 that the sexually immoral – by Your standards, not today's politically correct ones – will not enter Your New Jerusalem.

National repentance:

Lord, I repent that we Believers in You in the USA have drunk from the spiritually poisonous waters of sexual immorality, the well of the enemy. We now rarely seek in our culture Your pure water of Life. Our national media too often support sexual immorality, and we rarely speak up; many watch it instead of spending time with You. Pornography is rampant and is found among Believers in You. And at the house of God – where judgment begins – several Christian denominations now support same sex marriage despite Your exact Words to the contrary.

You said, Lord Jesus, "from the beginning of the creation, God 'made them male and female.' 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate" (Mark 10:6-9).

Oh forgive us, Lord, that we fail to spread the truth that every day Your Holy Spirit delivers people from same sex attractions, from worshiping themselves instead of You. Let us no longer sanctify a spirit of perversion, but instead lovingly support Your liberation from that spirit. May God prevail; may our Supreme Court now stand for the sacred union of Biblical marriage.

• Suggested Repentance Prayer Points for Monday, May 4:

Individual repentance:

Lord, I repent of my apathy, if not participation, in the shedding of innocent blood. Forgive me for failing to intercede when I could have saved a baby in the womb, each one Your child, eternally precious to You. Forgive me for failing to team up with other pro-life ministries and legislators to bring about a culture of Life in this nation. (Photo by Jennifer Page "LIFE" via elijahshopper.com)

National repentance:

Lord, I repent that we Believers in You in the USA have shed innocent blood by our national taxpayer support of abortion and other policies by which innocent blood is shed. We repent for laws allowing non-physicians to perform abortions. We repent for laws permitting abortions even when we know the baby experiences pain. We repent for our laws permitting death by assisted suicide because of some "emergency." Forgive us for not countering the lies of the spirit of death with Your truth that You are the giver of Life and You are a miracle healer, even raising people from the grave.

• Suggested Repentance Prayer Points for Tuesday, May 5:

Individual repentance:

Lord, I repent of my lukewarmness, my lethargy in picking up my cross to follow You. Forgive me for failing often to seek Your godly plan for my life. Forgive me for being a coward. Forgive me for holding on to my sin patterns, my hurts, my vows inconsistent with who You are, my strongholds, instead of being zealous to follow You.

National repentance:

Lord, I repent that we Believers in You in the USA in Your Church have been complacent about the state of Your Church and our nation. Many shepherds have hidden in fear from the public instead of being bold for Christ. Forgive us for not depending upon You, Lord, and for not publicly announcing your goodness. When there have been disasters, key signs from You to return to You, forgive us for our pride, our arrogance to support the rebuilding when there has been no reflection, no repentance, no refocusing on You (see 2 Chronicles 7:13-15; Isaiah 9:10-11).

• Suggested Repentance Prayer Points for Wednesday, May 6:

Personal repentance:

Lord, I repent that I'm not awake spiritually as were Your Believers at Pentecost. Give me Your courage to come out from the apostasy all around me. In these globally tumultuous times I need Your Divine assistance. I need to hear Your voice. Forgive me for not listening to You. I know You are standing at the door of my heart to mentor me, to clean up my soul to be more like You. Forgive me for not letting You in. Make me part of a new Pentecost so that I can be fully filled with Your Holy Spirit to advance Your Kingdom. (Photo via National Day of Repentance)

National repentance:

Lord, I repent that we Believers in You in the USA have often chosen legalism over the Spirit of Jesus. We have placed creeds over Christ. We have been divided as Your Body. We are too often offended with each other and have too often avoided leadership positions in the nation where we could preach You to our people and produce godly policies. In a dying culture we have rarely been the salt and light You called us to be. Lord, in this place of desperation as a nation, seeing Your Light dim rapidly, we cry out for You to awaken us, to make in us a new Pentecost. I know there can't be revival without repentance, Lord. Restore our divine destiny. May there now be an avalanche of repentance among Believers in this nation, starting with me.

For more information about the National Day of Repentance visit their website at: www.dayofrepentance1.org

Pastor Jeffrey Daly
National Day of Repentance