
Brian Britton 2015年3月7日 


最近我和好朋友 Mel Tari去巴西一間位居Campinas 的當地教會服事。當我們在那裡時,牧師問我們是否在靈裡看到關乎這教會的異象或是我們兩人有誰得到從主而來給這教會的話。當我們開始為這位牧師和教會禱告,我開始看到了打開的異象。當我回家後更深入的禱告,我相信我所看到的是在這季節神要給基督身體的話。這也是為什麼今天我被帶領來與你們分享。



     (圖片源自 Pixabay)


接下來我用靈裡的眼睛看到風開始吹。我不光只是看到風吹的果效,實際上我看到了風本身。這是天堂而來的風,而我覺得這就是神的氣息。我覺得神在顯示給我看祂正在對這環境和這位年輕女子的生命吹氣 – 進入新婦的生命。(注1)聖靈的風吹向她的小火苗而開始快速擴散。這個看似微小的火源迅速變成巨大的野火猛烈地橫越整片土地。從這片密林開始跨越過城市。藉著背後風的力量,毫無止息地蔓延成為巨大吞滅的聖火。(注2)



    (圖片源自 Pixabay)



注1:伯33:4 神的靈造我;全能者的氣使我得生。(The Spirit of God has made me;the breath of the Almighty gives me life.)(NIV)

注2:哀2:3 他發烈怒,把以色列的角全然砍斷,在仇敵面前收回右手。他像火焰四圍吞滅,將雅各燒毀。(He has broken off in His fierce anger every horn (means of defense) of Israel. He has drawn back His right hand from before the enemy. And He has burned amidst Jacob like a flaming fire consuming all around.(AMP)

注3:申4:24 因為耶和華 - 你的 神乃是烈火,是忌邪的 神。
來12:29 因為我們的 神乃是烈火。

"The Power of Winds and Wildfire"
Brian Britton, Williamsburg, VA
Mar 7, 2015

A Vision of the Flame

Recently I was ministering in a local church in Campinas, Brazil, with my good friend Mel Tari. While there, the pastor asked us if we saw anything in the Spirit regarding his church or if either of us had a word for the church. As we began to pray for the pastor and his church, I began to see an open vision. After returning home and further prayer, I believe what I saw is a word for the greater Body of Christ during this season. It is for this reason that I felt led to share this with you today.

I saw a beautiful, young lady walking along a path, leaving the confines of a building, and passing through a gate. As she walked, I noticed that she was holding in her right hand a small stick and that at the end of the stick was a fire. I became aware that the young lady represented the Bride of Christ or the Church of this generation. This was not a torch she was carrying by any means, but rather a simple stick. Although the fire was small on the end of the stick, it was made known to me that it was the very fire of God.

I could sense a hint of fear in the young lady as she was seeing the greatness of the land before her that she was venturing into. She felt as if the fire she carried was way too insignificant to be used to make much of a difference in the dark and thickly forested terrain before her. Beyond the forest were great cities and all she had was this simple little flame with which to fulfill her purpose and complete her given task. (Photo via Pixabay)

...Add the Power of the Wind

Then I looked with eyes of the Spirit and I saw the wind begin to blow. I was not just seeing the effects of the wind blowing, but I could actually see the wind itself. It was the winds of Heaven, and I felt that it was the breath of God. I felt that God was showing me that He was breathing into the situation and the life of the young lady – into the life of the Bride. The wind of the Spirit caught the flame of her little fire and proceeded to spread that flame with great speed. From this seemingly small source there was soon a mighty wildfire raging throughout the land. It began in the thick forest and spread into the cities beyond. With the power of the wind behind it, there was no stopping the spreading of what became a great and all-consuming holy fire.

I believe that sometimes the Church and many individuals often feel overwhelmed by the task of our generation and the callings on our lives. Maybe you too have felt that the challenges and obstacles before you seem too great? God speaks and gives us hope! I feel that God was showing us that no matter how small the fire which you carry may seem, it is still the fire of God Himself, and in this generation and hour He is breathing on the fire of the Bride. When the winds of Heaven catch the fire we carry, there is nothing that can contain or stop the ensuing burn.

His love is the flame, and it is indeed the most powerful force in the Universe. It brings life to the people and things of God and destruction to the forces of darkness. As a carrier of His Holy Fire, be encouraged in this windy season! This is the season of the wildfire of revival and renewal that will cover the earth and continue to usher in this great harvest among our families, communities, and the nations. (Photo via Pixabay)

As we leave the confines of church buildings and institutions and go with the good news of the Kingdom, He is faithful to bring increase. The winds are blowing and will continue to blow...run with your flame and trust His Spirit to ignite the blaze!

Brian Britton
Senior Leader and Pastor, The Dwelling Place