

3月5日 普珥日。也是華人的元宵節。我們不只與以色列(猶太人)及全地基督家人(尤其是受迫害的)一起站立。同時我們也為我們的骨肉至親(族群)成為主基督的民呼求。



三小時前我觀看了以色列總理內塔尼亞胡冒著他在以色列政壇的未來甚至他自己生命的危險,在美國國會的演講。 當他走入國會立法廳時面對的是眾人的起立致敬,接著在他40分鐘的演講中有約40多次的掌聲, 還有國會被超過坐席/站席十倍的訪客票申請忙得不可開交(據福克斯新聞報導)。 是恩寵的'金杖'臨到他了嗎?明顯的,內塔尼亞胡深受許多美國人的欣賞。同樣顯而易見的是,奧巴馬總統現在需要做一些不太令人愉快的解釋。






1. 讚美和感恩:"公義的神,感謝你帶領內塔尼亞胡先生來到美國來'為他的百姓求福祉,向他們說平安的話'(以斯帖記10;3)。我宣告你在列國和人類的事務上的主權。我讚美你是美善的神、你是和平之君、你是信實的神。"

2. 繼續按照"為什麼今年的普珥節有著與以往不同的重要性?"這篇文章的禱告要點禱告。

3. 奧巴馬先生:(以斯帖記3:1-6, 6:13,7:5) "全能的神,用你的恩典為奧巴馬總統豎立起籬笆。正如哈曼因末底改拒絕向他行禮而惱怒一樣,奧巴馬已經因著內塔尼亞胡一次次拒絕遵守他的要求而十分生氣。求你照你對哈曼所行的興起那些可以給奧巴馬智慧的建議的人並給他機會悔改。就像你對亞哈隨魯所做的,請賜給奧巴馬從不明智的道上轉回的謙卑的恩典。為著你的國度和你的子民,請讓總統的的怒氣歸為無有並轉變成為美好。" 

4. 美國國會:"公義的神,求你賜給國會勇氣抵擋邪惡和一切關於伊朗的不明智的議案並取消與伊朗的一個極其糟糕的合約。賜給民主黨和共和黨的代表在分辯真理和謊言以及用明晰代替混淆上超自然的合一和智慧。請曝露在這個合約中任何重要卻被掩蓋的事實。讓內塔尼亞胡的話語在接下來的幾個月中持續迴響。賜給你的子民'哈曼的家產'。(以斯帖記8:1-14)

5. 內塔尼亞胡先生:"以色列的盾牌,請伸出你發著烈焰的恩寵之杖保護本杰明內塔尼亞胡和他的家人的生命。請曝露和抵擋一切要滅絕他或他的以色列總理一職的邪惡計謀。用力量和勇氣為他壯膽。(以斯帖記3:11)

6. 普珥節:"在今年的普珥節,耶穌,願你的子民按照聖經單單為你的緣故慶祝和單單敬拜你,讓你在真理中在以色列、美國和伊朗被尊崇。(以斯帖記9:20-32)



關鍵的普珥節 禱告重點 2015-03-02
Prayers for a Pivotal Purim



最近的一段日子,是否有人對於接踵而來的壞消息的無情打擊感到喘不過氣來和愁悶?如果情況如此,請讀完這篇文章。普珥節(3月5日)代表著 神鼓勵並賜給你"哈曼的家產"。





1. 戰勝恐嚇的個人勝利。"掌權的神,我為著因自己與仇敵間任何的妥協所帶來的對各樣壞消息感到愁煩以及受到恐嚇並從你的旨意中退縮悔改。你召我就是為了現今的時刻和現在所在之地。就如你給了以斯帖得勝勇敢的心一樣,請賜給我勇氣。我若死就死了吧,但是你是得勝的神,在你裡面我是得勝的。"(以斯帖記4:9-14)

2. 膏抹和恩寵。"慷慨的君王,當內塔尼亞胡總理晉見美國國會這個王時,請向他伸出你的金杖。賜給他恩寵和由你的靈所啟示的恩慈的話語將美國的領導人們的心思和意念刺透。"(以斯帖5:2)

3. 曝露。"真理的主,像以斯帖曝露了隱藏在哈曼謊言和計謀背後的真相一樣,請你使用內塔尼亞胡總理來曝露伊朗和它滅絕猶太人的真相。請曝露任何伊朗針對美國的攻擊。除去迷惑,釋放真理。"(以斯帖記7:5-6)

4. 發命令捍衛主權。"以色列的盾牌,為你名的緣故,保護你的盟約子民。正像你允許在以斯帖的時代你的子民武裝自己抵抗哈曼的計謀,如今可否再次行此事?正如申命記25章所述,你是與哈曼的靈(亞瑪力人)征戰的那一位。你曾使用人和軍事的方式成就你的旨意。讓以色列如今可以武裝抵抗滅絕她的一切命令。"(以斯帖記8:5,11)

5. 顛覆邪惡的計謀。"公義的神,求你翻轉一切敵對以色列的邪惡計謀。正如哈曼被掛在他為猶太人末底改準備的架子上一樣,求你翻轉仇敵要摧毀你的子民的一切計謀。求毀滅一切伊朗及它的核計劃背後的毀壞的靈。無論仇敵如何行邪惡,你將一切翻轉成為好事。"(以斯帖記7:9)

6. 敬畏神。"正如你使用最初的普珥節使瑪代波斯帝國上下的人'懼怕猶太人',求你使用與以色列和伊朗有關的事件在這兩個國家中帶下同樣的畏懼-一種以你為唯一真神的敬畏。擴張你聖潔的全能並向那些敵對你的人顯明你愛的救贖。"(以斯帖記8:7)



After Netanyahu’s Speech: How history could change and how now to pray—6 more prayers in 6 minutes
Posted on March 3, 2015

'AFTER NETANYAHU'S SPEECH: How history could change and how now to pray----6 more prayers in 6 minutes </p><br /> <p>Three hours ago I watched Israeli prime minister Netanyahu risk his future in Israeli politics, and perhaps his life, in speaking to the US Congress. Was a "golden scepter" of favor extended to him as he walked into Congress's legislative chamber to a wildly robust standing ovation---followed by approximately 40 more rounds of applause during his 40 minute speech? By the fact that Congress was swamped with requests for visitor tickets amounting to 10 times its seating/standing capacity? (as reported by Fox News) Clearly, Netanyahu is deeply appreciated by many Americans. Just as clearly, President Obama now has some unhappy explaining to do.</p><br /> <p>Netanyahu explicitly paralleled Israel's situation regarding Iran to that of events in the book of Esther. He noted that after Esther exposed the plot against her people, the Jews were given the right to defend themselves and their lives were spared. Later he said that if Israel had to act and stand alone against Iran in the future, it would---but it WOULD stand. </p><br /> <p>Stated the prime minister: "The greatest danger facing our world is the marriage of militant Islam to nuclear weapons." The current deal, he warned, would "all but guarantee" that Iran gets those nuclear weapons. It would assure war, not peace. </p><br /> <p>Implying that Haman today is reincarnated through militant Islam, Netanyahu pointed out weaknesses in the deal negotiated by the P5 +1 nations. He did not leak information not already known. Most importantly, he said the deal would leave Iran with a vast nuclear program that would surely go unchecked (the country "plays hide and cheat"), and it would lift all restrictions against Iran in 10 years. Any deal, he said, should require Iran to first stop aggressively attacking other nations and threatening Israel's existence. "If Iran wants to be treated like a normal country, let it first act like a normal country." The PM warned that Iran should not be viewed as a Western ally just because it stands against IS. "When it comes to Iran and ISIS, the enemy of your enemy is your enemy," not your friend.</p><br /> <p>In conclusion, Netanyahu referred to a statue of Moses in Congress. He explicitly reminded Congress of Moses' words concerning the enemies of God's people: "Be strong and resolute. Neither fear nor dread them." This I personally perceived a word from God to His people in America at this time. </p><br /> <p>Friends, God has allowed an evil plot to be exposed to a wide audience---much wider than if there'd been no controversy concerning it. It seems partial victory has been achieved and we should be encouraged. But let's not think the battle is over. Three hours after the speech, a deep spirit of offense and resentment is rising up. Netanyahu's words are already being mischaracterized by politicians and media. A backlash of anti-Semitism is already threatening. This means devilish forces are running scared. Here's how I believe we can pray:</p><br /> <p>1. Praise and thanksgiving: "Thank you, Righteous God, for directing Mr. Netanyahu to the US to 'seek the good of his people and speak [the way of true] peace to all his kindred' (Esther 10:3). I declare your sovereignty over the nations and the affairs of humankind. I praise you that you are good, you are peace, and you are faithful."</p><br /> <p>2. Continue praying all the points noted in our February 27 post entitled "Why this Purim could be Pivotal." </p><br /> <p>3. Mr. Obama: (Esther 3:1-6, 6:13, 7:5): "Almighty One, please hedge in President Obama by your grace. As Haman was infuriated by Mordecai's refusal to bow down to him, so Obama has been greatly angered at Netanyahu's refusal over time to comply with his demands. Just as you did with Haman, please raise up those who will give Obama wise counsel and an opportunity to repent. Give Obama, as you did Ahaseruus, a gift of humility to turn from unwise ways. For the sake of your kingdom and your people, cause the President's wrath to prove of no effect and turn it around for good." </p><br /> <p>4. US Congress: "God of Justice, would you stir courage in Congress to stand against evil and unwise counsel regarding Iran and turn around a very bad deal with Iran. Give both Democrat and Republican representatives supernatural unity and wisdom to sort truth from lies and replace confusion with clarity. Expose any important but hidden facts in the deal. Let Netanyahu's words continue to ring with effect in the months ahead. Give your people 'the house of Haman'." (Esther 8:1-14)</p><br /> <p>5. Mr. Netanyahu: "Shield of Israel, please extend your blazing scepter of favor to protect the life of Benjamin Netanyahu and his family. Expose and thwart every evil plot to annihilate him or his position as prime minister of Israel. Embolden him with strength and courage." (Esther 3:11)</p><br /> <p>6. Purim: "This Purim may your people celebrate and worship you alone, YHVH, according to your Book, that you may be magnified in truth in Israel, the US and Iran." (Esther 9:20-32)'

Three hours ago I watched Israeli prime minister Netanyahu risk his future in Israeli politics, and perhaps his life, in speaking to the US Congress. Was a “golden scepter” of favor extended to him as he walked into Congress’s legislative chamber to a wildly robust standing ovation—followed by approximately 40 more rounds of applause during his 40 minute speech? By the fact that Congress was swamped with requests for visitor tickets amounting to 10 times its seating/standing capacity? (as reported by Fox News) Clearly, Netanyahu is deeply appreciated by many Americans. Just as clearly, President Obama now has some unhappy explaining to do.

Netanyahu explicitly paralleled Israel’s situation regarding Iran to that of events in the book of Esther. He noted that after Esther exposed the plot against her people, the Jews were given the right to defend themselves and their lives were spared. Later he said that if Israel had to act and stand alone against Iran in the future, it would—but it WOULD stand.

Stated the prime minister: “The greatest danger facing our world is the marriage of militant Islam to nuclear weapons.” The current deal, he warned, would “all but guarantee” that Iran gets those nuclear weapons. It would assure war, not peace.

Implying that Haman today is reincarnated through militant Islam, Netanyahu pointed out weaknesses in the deal negotiated by the P5 +1 nations. He did not leak information not already known. Most importantly, he said the deal would leave Iran with a vast nuclear program that would surely go unchecked (the country “plays hide and cheat”), and it would lift all restrictions against Iran in 10 years. Any deal, he said, should require Iran to first stop aggressively attacking other nations and threatening Israel’s existence. “If Iran wants to be treated like a normal country, let it first act like a normal country.” The PM warned that Iran should not be viewed as a Western ally just because it stands against IS. “When it comes to Iran and ISIS, the enemy of your enemy is your enemy,” not your friend.

In conclusion, Netanyahu referred to a statue of Moses in Congress. He explicitly reminded Congress of Moses’ words concerning the enemies of God’s people: “Be strong and resolute. Neither fear nor dread them.” This I personally perceived a word from God to His people in America at this time.

Friends, God has allowed an evil plot to be exposed to a wide audience—much wider than if there’d been no controversy concerning it. It seems partial victory has been achieved and we should be encouraged. But let’s not think the battle is over. Three hours after the speech, a deep spirit of offense and resentment is rising up. Netanyahu’s words are already being mischaracterized by politicians and media. A backlash of anti-Semitism is already threatening. This means devilish forces are running scared. Here’s how I believe we can pray:

1. Praise and thanksgiving: “Thank you, Righteous God, for directing Mr. Netanyahu to the US to ‘seek the good of his people and speak [the way of true] peace to all his kindred’ (Esther 10:3). I declare your sovereignty over the nations and the affairs of humankind. I praise you that you are good, you are peace, and you are faithful.”

2. Continue praying all the points noted in our February 27 post entitled “Why this Purim could be Pivotal.”

3. Mr. Obama: (Esther 3:1-6, 6:13, 7:5) “Almighty One, please hedge in President Obama by your grace. As Haman was infuriated by Mordecai’s refusal to bow down to him, so Obama has been greatly angered at Netanyahu’s refusal over time to comply with his demands. Just as you did with Haman, please raise up those who will give Obama wise counsel and an opportunity to repent. Give Obama, as you did Ahaseruus, a gift of humility to turn from unwise ways. For the sake of your kingdom and your people, cause the President’s wrath to prove of no effect and turn it around for good.”
4. US Congress: “God of Justice, would you stir courage in Congress to stand against evil and unwise counsel regarding Iran and turn around a very bad deal with Iran. Give both Democrat and Republican representatives supernatural unity and wisdom to sort truth from lies and replace confusion with clarity. Expose any important but hidden facts in the deal. Let Netanyahu’s words continue to ring with effect in the months ahead. Give your people ‘the house of Haman’.” (Esther 8:1-14)
5. Mr. Netanyahu: “Shield of Israel, please extend your blazing scepter of favor to protect the life of Benjamin Netanyahu and his family. Expose and thwart every evil plot to annihilate him or his position as prime minister of Israel. Embolden him with strength and courage.” (Esther 3:11)
6. Purim: “This Purim may your people celebrate and worship you alone, YHVH, according to your Book, that you may be magnified in truth in Israel, the US and Iran.” (Esther 9:20-32)