
Tim Sheets,Lebanon,OH

這篇預言是於2015213日在 MiddletownOHThe Oasis Church所舉辦的預言高峰會(Prophetic Summit)所發表的。參加的來賓包括恰克·皮爾斯,Dutch Sheets, Tim Sheets


使徒 Tim Sheets所發的預言:

『當罪孽在悖逆的基路伯身上出現,我的榮耀將要澎湃充滿整個天堂』,主說,『並以卓越的優勢展現出真正的權柄,權力,統治,大能,讓路西弗和牠墮落的天使們淪為永遠的輸家』(注1)。我現在要在你的時代裡激增更大的榮耀 – 藉著我餘留的教會。我的能力將要更大的飆升到達更高的層次,那永遠的輸家將會再次地被我榮耀的大能擊敗。

(圖片源自 Tim Sheets)







  (圖片源自 Pixabay)


『傾倒而出的君王的同在會在你們當中飆升,傾倒後再傾倒,再傾倒出能力,恢復,恩賜,恩膏之後,使你能成為你真正所是的 – 神的後嗣和與基督同作後嗣(注6);差派出天堂任務的後嗣!

『是的,現在是你的神榮耀的大能新(一波)飆升的時刻!是應許滿足的時刻 – 全然成就的應許,』主說,『是我的同在更濃厚,更濃厚,更濃厚,更加濃厚的時刻!是具榮耀目的的教會浸泡在輝煌榮耀中的時刻 –是真實的榮耀,有形的榮耀,可見可感的榮耀,是大能的榮耀,是可以改變生命的榮耀!』


我聽到主在說,『你現在正進入擴大版的季節。我正擴大我在地上的聲音。我將要擴大我餘民的聲音。我的福音將被廣傳。我的真理將被詳述。我的天使們正在擴大我國度的成就。我正在增加我的能力。我正在增加異能。我正在增加神蹟奇事。我正在增加醫治。世界現在將要看見我國度的擴大版。我將每件事都擴大增加!我已發出命令 – 增加!增加!增加!輸家將會經歷一個擴大版;一個毫無玷污或皺紋的榮耀教會!(注7)這是我的話!』

(圖片源自 Pixabay)






(圖片源自elijahshopper.com, Mike De Lorenzo, “Jesus’Return on the White House”


(很有意思的旁注:當Tim預言關於擴大版和事情會加增的這段,恰克·皮爾斯從座位上跳起來。主今年稍早的時候對他說道他在今年必須再重讀擴大版的聖經(Amplified Bible)- Carol Sheets, Tim 的妻子提及)


注1:賽14:12 明亮之星,早晨之子啊,你何竟從天墜落?你這攻敗列國的何竟被砍倒在地上?(How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, who didst weaken the nations!)(KJ21)
賽14:13 你心裡曾說:我要升到天上;我要高舉我的寶座在 神眾星以上;我要坐在聚會的山上,在北方的極處。
賽14:14 我要升到高雲之上;我要與至上者同等。
賽14:15 然而,你必墜落陰間,到坑中極深之處。

啟12:9 大龍就是那古蛇,名叫魔鬼,又叫撒但,是迷惑普天下的。牠被摔在地上,牠的使者也一同被摔下去。

注2:出13:21 日間,耶和華在雲柱中領他們的路;夜間,在火柱中光照他們,使他們日夜都可以行走。
出13:22 日間雲柱,夜間火柱,總不離開百姓的面前。
申1:33 他在路上,在你們前面行,為你們找安營的地方;夜間在火柱裡,日間在雲柱裡,指示你們所當行的路。
尼9:12 並且白晝用雲柱引導他們,黑夜用火柱照亮他們當行的路。
尼9:19 你還是大施憐憫,在曠野不丟棄他們。白晝,雲柱不離開他們,仍引導他們行路;黑夜,火柱也不離開他們,仍照亮他們當行的路。

注3:利26:13 我是耶和華 - 你們的 神,曾將你們從埃及地領出來,使你們不作埃及人的奴僕;我也折斷你們所負的軛,叫你們挺身而走。
賽10:27 到那日,亞述王的重擔必離開你的肩頭;他的軛必離開你的頸項;那軛也必因肥壯的緣故撐斷(或譯:因膏油的緣故毀壞)。

注4:賽60:1 興起,發光!因為你的光已經來到!耶和華的榮耀發現照耀你。

注5:出34:6 耶和華在他面前宣告說:「耶和華,耶和華,是有憐憫有恩典的 神,不輕易發怒,並有豐盛的慈愛和誠實,
出34:7 為千萬人存留慈愛,赦免罪孽、過犯,和罪惡,萬不以有罪的為無罪,必追討他的罪,自父及子,直到三、四代。」

注6:羅8:16 聖靈與我們的心同證我們是 神的兒女;
羅8:17 既是兒女,便是後嗣,就是 神的後嗣,和基督同作後嗣。如果我們和他一同受苦,也必和他一同得榮耀。

注7:弗5:27 可以獻給自己,作個榮耀的教會,毫無玷污、皺紋等類的病,乃是聖潔沒有瑕疵的。

注8:太1:23 說:必有童女懷孕生子;人要稱他的名為以馬內利。(以馬內利翻出來就是「神與我們同在」。)

注9:詩18:13 耶和華也在天上打雷;至高者發出聲音便有冰雹火炭。
詩18:14 他射出箭來,使仇敵四散;多多發出閃電,使他們擾亂。

注10:珥3:14 許多許多的人在斷定谷,因為耶和華的日子臨近斷定谷。
(Multitudes, multitudes, in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision。)

"The Flow From Heaven That is Coming is Expansive, Explosive, and Expedient"
Tim Sheets, Lebanon, OH
Mar 3, 2015

This prophetic word was given on Friday, February 13, at the 2015 Prophetic Summit at The Oasis Church, in Middletown, Ohio. Guests were Chuck Pierce, Dutch Sheets, and Tim Sheets.

You Are Entering a Far-Greater-Weight-of-Glory Season

Prophetic word was given by Apostle Tim Sheets:

"When iniquity was found in the rebel cherub, My glory surged throughout the Heavens," says the Lord, "and demonstrably real authority, might, dominion, and power was revealed at superior levels, branding lucifer and his fallen ones as forever losers. I will now surge in greater glory in your times – through My remnant Church. My power will now surge at greater and much greater levels, and once again the forever loser will be defeated by My glorious power.(Photo via Tim Sheets)

"My Spirit will reveal superior power and authority through My Believer champions at levels and in numbers never before seen in your times. My Spirit and His angels will be evident support releasing and reinforcing strategies that produce victories that are promised you. The world has not seen what will now be demonstrated by My remnant warriors. The Church has not done what will now be done as My power surges. For you will now enter a far-greater-weight-of-glory season; a fullness of time has come. Grace and glory will be multiplied exponentially and will be seen and felt experientially. It will be demonstrably real authority, might, dominion, and power. My Church will not be defeated by the loser," says the Lord.

What Will Happen When My Glory Surges For You Today?

"When it was time for My people to leave the bondage of Egypt and shift into the land I promised, My glory surged. I presented My presence in fire and cloud, leading the way to promised inheritance.

"Hear the word of the Lord, it is immutable counsel: Leave bondage and enter inheritance promised. Delay no longer! Step into a season of greater glory and receive promise, after promise, after promise, after promise. Yokes of bondage will be broken under the increasing weight of greater glory. I will increase the weight of My power and My presence,"says the Lord, "and I will shatter the tethered yoke. I will lead the way.

"Rise and shine, your light has come; the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. It is now the season when glory will surge upon you in demonstrably real, tangible, and visible ways. You are entering the season of surge, after surge, after surge, after surge of My glory.

"The presence of your King will surge among you. His radiant presence will fill your sanctuaries, and the weight of His presence will break hope deferred off of His heirs with wave, after wave, after wave of glory. You will be changed by glory to glory, to glory, and to ever-increasing glory. You will be filled, and filled, and filled, and refilled as the manifest presence of the Lord comes closer, and closer, and closer. You are entering into the season of joy unspeakable, filled with glory! (Photo via Pixabay)

"When it was time to shift from law to grace at Pentecost, My glory surged. My glory became demonstrably real. My presence was revealed in fire, and in wind, and in sounds from Heaven, and My people were anointed to be heirs with power. The surge of My presence in your times, in today's Pentecost, will now increase in more and more weight, and the increased weight of who I am will release anointing in you to be who you are: anointed heirs flowing in ever-increasing grace and glory; heirs anointed to release the purpose of your King upon the earth; heirs anointed to prevail over the forever loser; heirs with ordained destinies; heirs ruling and reigning with great authority; heirs that give witness in Holy Spirit power.

"The King's presence will now surge in your midst with outpouring, after outpouring, after outpouring of power, of refreshing, of giftings, of anointings, empowering you to be who you really are – heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ; heirs on Heaven's assignment!

"Yes, it is time for a new surge of the glorious power of your God! It is time to bring promises to fullness – fully fulfilled promises," says the Lord."It is the season for My presence to become heavier, and heavier, and heavier, and heavier! It is time for the Church of awesome purpose to be soaked in awesome glory – glory that is demonstrably real, glory that is tangible, glory that can be seen and felt, glory that is powerful, glory that is life changing!"

I Am Amping Up My Power; You Will Clearly See

I hear the Lord saying, "You will now enter the season of the amplified version. I will now amplify My voice on the earth. I will amplify the voice of My remnant. My Gospel will be amplified. My truth will be amplified. My angels are working to amplify the efforts of My Kingdom. I am amping up My power. I am amping up the miracles. I am amping up signs and wonders. I am amping up healings. The world will now see the amplified version of My Kingdom. I'm amping everything up! I have issued the orders – amp it up! Amp it up! Amp it up! The loser will now experience the amplified version; a glorious Church without spot or wrinkle! That is My word!"(Photo via Pixabay)

The Spirit of the Lord says, "I will now demonstrate the power released in the shed Blood of Christ the Almighty at promised levels. I will now shift My remnant into the life sources purchased by the Creator's Blood. There will now come a flow, and an overflow, of power from Heaven that is expansive, explosive, and expedient. The opportune advantage of Christ's redeemed Blood of sacrifice will now be clearly seen upon My people, as favoring graces have been compounded," says the Lord."Favoring graces have now been released, multiplied anointings that will now be seen in your times."

The Lord says, "I have led My people from glory to glory, and now I will take them even higher into My presence; and now, from My manifest presence, the world will see the synergy of the ages. It will see the synergy of prayer bowls of Heaven. It will see the culminating purpose of the Cross of the mighty Savior. It will see the awesome supernatural and superseding power of the Cross. It will see the power of the Blood of Emmanuel. It will see the purchasing power of the Blood of covenant that releases ordained inheritance, for yes, you are coming full circle into another Pentecost.

"I will now demonstrate the power of My Blood that supersedes the power of the blood of lambs sacrificed in Egypt; for," the Lord decrees, "the greatest exodus in world history will not be the million souls that were brought out of Egypt. It will be the exodus of a billion souls brought out of the Kingdom of darkness and transferred into the Kingdom of light! I will have My harvest!" says the Lord.

"You will see revival roll through your land. Riders of destiny will now mount holy steeds and they will ride Me into battle. Hell has never seen the like. The Church has never done the like. My angel armies have mounted war horses to reinforce and to battle alongside My remnant warriors.

Hear the sound of thundering hosts! Hear the sound of the King among you! Hear the sound of shattering of enemy strongholds! Hear the sounds of walls that are crashing to the ground before you! Hear the victor's shout of triumph! Hear the shout of slaves that are free! Hear the shout of multitudes in the valley of decision proclaiming, 'My blindness is healed! I can see! My shackles are broken! Now I can run!' Run," says the Lord. "Run with them! Run into greater glory! Run!" (Photo by Mike De Lorenzo "Jesus' Return on the White Horse" via elijahshopper.com)

Come, Greater One!

(Interesting side note: When Tim prophesied the section about the amplified version and things amping up, Chuck Pierce jumped out of his seat. The Lord had spoken to him earlier this year that he was to read the Amplified Bibleagain this year. –Submitted by Carol Sheets, Tim's wife.)

Tim Sheets
The Oasis Church | Tim Sheets Ministries