
Darren Canning, Ontario, Canada







圖片源自Darren Canning of gemstone in meeting


我做了一些研究來看看金鞋在基督教相關的知識中是否有什麼有趣的含義,結果發現確實是有些很有趣的事情。在1879年,一位非裔美國人叫做James A. Bland寫了首詩歌“Dem Golden Slippers”。這首歌有一行歌詞是『我將要穿著金鞋走在黃金街上』(注4)。而另一個有趣的巧合是,目前可以在 Youtube 上聽到在1909年由Fisk University Jubilee Quartet錄製的另一個版本的詩歌(注5),那一年也恰好是在阿蘇薩街頭復興的那段年間。(注6)










注1:賽40:31 但那等候耶和華的必重新得力。他們必如鷹展翅上騰;他們奔跑卻不困倦,行走卻不疲乏。(But those hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint)

注2:詩91:7 雖有千人仆倒在你旁邊,萬人仆倒在你右邊,這災卻不得臨近你。(A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousands at your right hand, but it will not come near you)

注3:詩29:6 他也使之跳躍如牛犢,使黎巴嫩和西連跳躍如野牛犢。(He makes Lebanon leap like a calf, Sirion like a young wild ox)

注4:完整歌詞可參考 - http://gospelsonglyrics.org/songs/oh_dem_golden_slippers.html


注6:阿蘇薩街頭復興,是一個在加州落杉機舉行的歷史性五旬節復興聚會,乃五旬節運動的起源。是由一位非裔美國佈道家,William J. Seymour所帶領。聚會從1906年4月9日開始,一直持續到約1915年終止。這復興的特點是具有狂喜式的屬靈經驗伴隨著神蹟,戲劇性的敬拜,說方言,和跨種族的相交。聚會者之行為被當時的世俗媒體和基督教神學家們批評,認為是大逆不道和非正統的,特別是對於當時而言。今天,這個復興被歷史學家們認為是20世紀五旬節派擴展傳播的催化劑。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azusa_Street_Revival

"The Golden Slippers Anointing: New Shoes For New Ministries"
Darren Canning, Ontario, Canada
Feb 27, 2015

This is the hour of the golden slippers. This is the hour that you have been crying and groaning for. This is the season when God is handing out shoes for new ministries. They shall come forth in many numbers. Many shall rise and wander into the highways and byways, converting the masses to the heart of Christ. This is the hour that the ancient Christians groaned for. They saw it during their time.

This is the hour of finances being released for Kingdom assignments. Bags of gold will be laid at your feet. You will walk and not grow weary, run and not faint. A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your other side, but you will leap like a calf from its stall and enter into the glory of God.

Angels are being assigned to walk with you and these will release the miracles, signs and wonders in the atmospheres of the rooms that you will enter. Get ready this is the moment you have been longing for.

Hunger and Anointing Increasing

Recently I ministered in Hamilton, Kitchener and Toronto. Everywhere we went we saw people longing for the presence of God. One man was so hungry for more of God that he held my hand and looked into my eyes for 10 minutes. I gave him the bandana I was wearing on my head and he slept with it all night because he wanted to have dreams of angels. That is childlike hunger and that is the heart of the Army Rising in the earth at this time. They will not care what others think because they long for the anointing of God.

I remember a number of months ago I saw an angel in a dream. He was a craftsman and had great skill in creating gemstones. Each stone that he created was amazing in color and detail. I knew that there was an hour coming that these would be released in the atmosphere. Some were small and others were very big. Each stone that will be released will speak prophetically in the moment that it's released. Two of these stones appeared in our midst in Hamilton in February. (Photo from Darren Canning of gemstone in meeting)

I saw a piece of heavenly glass that looked like a woman's foot in a Golden Slipper. This miracle is why I am prophesying the way I am today. I felt that this was a sign that God is releasing a tremendous anointing to His servants starting even now.

I did a little research to see if there was anything about the golden slipper in Christian lore that was interesting, and there was indeed something very interesting. In 1879 an African-American man by the name of James A. Bland wrote a hymn called "Dem Golden Slippers." There is a line in the song that says, "Golden slippers I'se goin' to wear to walk the golden street." And another interesting coincidence is that there is a version of the hymn that you can listen to on YouTube by the Fisk University Jubilee Quartet from 1909, which just happens to be during the Azusa Street Revival years.

Do you think perhaps God is saying something here? I believe we are entering into a greater revival even in this hour. Get ready!

We also saw a diamond-like stone in Hamilton. I gave it to a lady after I picked it up but when she got up to preach she accidently threw it into the air, which really is a prophetic act all on its own. Get ready for the warriors to arise and fly with eagle's wings into unknown places.

After these meetings in Hamilton we went to Kitchener and crazy signs and wonders happened there as well. There was an angel in that meeting releasing aromas into the atmosphere. There were only about 45 people in the room but I believe that most of them smelled something. There was the smell of cotton candy (childlike faith), Rose of Sharon (healing presence of Jesus), Cake (party in the spirit with the Word), Mint (refreshing), and bread (the presence of Jesus as the Word of God). Also glory dust appeared on many people. Many colors too: greens, oranges, reds, yellow gold, and silver; and all of this is a sign of the coming glory of God being released to the masses.

Say, "God I Am Available!"

God is awakening hearts in this hour. All you have to do is step in and say, "God I am available." You will enter in if you are hungry.

A golden slipper reminds me of the story of Cinderella. In order to go from the rags of humanity to the richest of the Kingdom, it will take childlike faith. You will not receive your slippers unless you rejoice and enter into the things that God is doing by faith. You will experience many things but you have to allow God to open your heart. (Photo via openclipart.org)

It starts with one declaration, "Lord, no matter what You do, I will enter into Your presence as long as it is You. So convince me Lord."

Darren Canning
Ministry of Darren Canning