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繭藏六載後,2023年化蝶升維(註:相關太平洋眾海島的新季節與2023年十月 列國與以色列的上帝在耶路撒冷立約之信息)

2022 宣告君王耶穌掌權

神的第三次入侵地球--2017 迎接榮耀君王聚集


2017迎接榮耀君王(Welcome the King of Glory 2017)聚集 — 乃是神的百姓為迎接雅威神的榮耀於2017年住棚節期間進入耶路撒冷的聚集。這是一個末日時刻極具關鍵性的先知性聚集,背後的異象從1986年直到現今2017年,也是地極禱告站從2006年開始參與守望關乎彌賽亞凱旋重返耶路撒冷的國度大異象:

『滄海扁舟(DSCV)~神的榮耀之運行(The Move of God’s Glory)』異象並等候2017年成就(完成),或者能以親身參與站立迎接榮耀君王凱旋重返耶路撒冷行列。

「神的榮耀之運行(The Move of God’s Glory)」乃豫表著在末日時刻,聖霝為彌賽亞再來的最偉大預備工作,亦即萬軍之雅威軍隊的末日行動藍圖。該異象係由所羅門群島的先知邁克˙冕旒牧師(Rev Michael Maeli’au)於1986年從神所領受「滄海扁舟異象(The Deep Sea Canoe Vision)」的具體展開行動。故此運行係自 1986年從地極(所羅門群島)開始蘊釀發展,然後在2007.7.7從地極-PNG正式啟動運行,分成三道水流(The Three Streams) 展開釋放 平安(Peace)、爭戰 (Warfare)、榮耀(Glory)。此三道同時併進有如一支三叉戟(Trident),射向太平洋,穿入美國西岸後,該三道水流便散開往三個方向,亦即「爭戰」往北加拿大方向運行,「平安」往南向南美洲方向運行,而「榮耀」則朝美國東岸衝去,而在2009年到達紐約後,便以180度折返,並形成一股極大的「神榮耀海嘯(The Tsunami of God’s Glory) 」往美國西岸、太平洋及亞洲方向推進。在此同時,「爭戰」與「平安」則按各自原方向繞行於世界各地(國)。最終,此三道水流將於2017年抵達匯聚流入中東半島,並於住棚節衝入耶路撒冷,如原子彈投下爆炸產生驚人炫麗無比的「神的榮耀」蕈狀雲。在那日,全世界將要看到神的榮耀將從耶路撒冷升起如原子彈爆炸的蕈狀雲要擴散覆蓋到全世界,那將是真正的“大衛帳幕(TOD)”。因為足足遮蓋到全球的列邦萬民,全地都要看見雅威_神的榮耀。整個「神的榮耀之運行(The Move of the God’s Glory)」異象於此全部成就並結束。同時就應驗了先知哈巴古的預言— 哈巴古書2:14『認識雅威榮耀的知識要充滿遍地,好像水充滿洋海一般。』




By Miloalii Siilata Tuailemafua
地極禱告站編譯 (*加註)

The first invasion of planet earth by God Himself in person was through the birth of Jesus Christ the Son of God in Bethlehem two thousand years ago. The second invasion was through God the Holy Spirit poured out in Jerusalem on Pentecost nearly two thousand years ago. The third invasion will be through the Glory of God the Father (YHVH) revealed in Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot 2017.
神的第一次入侵地球是在二千多年前藉著神的兒子耶穌基督在伯利恆降生。第二次入侵則是在近二千年前在五旬節的時候的以神的聖靈澆灌於耶路撒冷。第三次的入侵則是會在2017年的住棚節,以父神(YHVH,同YHWH)的榮耀在耶路撒冷揭開顯現出來。(*入侵先後:聖子 聖霝 聖父)

The first invasion of planet earth fulfilled the first three Feasts of the Lord called the Passover, Firstfruits and Unleavened Bread. The second invasion fulfilled the Feast of Weeks which is commonly known as Pentecost. The third invasion will lead to the fulfillment of the last three remaining Feasts of the Lord called Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Tabernacles. The exact dates for the fulfillment of these last three feasts are still unknown at this time, but the Third Invasion is directly linked to the last three Feasts of the Lord.

The Third Invasion of planet earth by God Himself in person, will be the third divine appointment between God and mankind after the Birth of Christ and the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit 2,000 years ago. This most significant revelation on the three invasions of planet earth by God Himself in person, came through the Prophet Michael Maeli’au of the Solomon Islands.

The first two invasions were historic events 2,000 years ago and their effects are still changing the world today for those who meet the right conditions of repentance from sin and faith towards God. The Third Invasion of planet earth during Sukkot 2017 will also be a historic event, marking the beginning of the end times, preparing the way of the Lord.

The physical and visible Return of the Messiah at the end of the age, with all glory and power, together with His saints and holy angels, will be the climax and culmination of the three invasions of planet earth by God Himself in Person. We still do not know when this event will be in the future, but we know there is a long list of prophetic events that need to be fulfilled before the end of the age.

During the “Europe Trumpet Call –Welcome the King of Glory” in Romania Sept 2015, the continent of Europe changed their name to Beulah, officially welcomed the King of Glory and signed a marriage covenant with the Lord. During the last session of the last day, we prayed the Lord’s Prayer during the Holy Communion. As we were reciting the last declaration – “For yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory” – I heard the Lord said –“These three represent my three personal invasions of the planet earth!”
在2015年九月於羅馬尼亞的 “歐洲號角呼召- 迎接榮耀王” 聚會中,歐洲大陸改變了它們的名字為Beulah (*有夫之婦),正式地迎接榮耀王並簽屬了一個與神的婚約。就在最後一天的最後一個聚會中,我們在分享聖餐時一同用主禱文禱告。當我們在背誦最後的宣告時— “因為國度,權柄,榮耀全是祢的” —我聽見主說— “這三樣代表著我三次的親自入侵地球(*降臨地上)!”

So by the grace of God, we now know that God the Father is about to invade the planet earth with His own Glory, in Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot in Hebrew) in October 2017. We do not know exactly how He will manifest Himself or what exactly He will do, but the King of Glory is about to have His Third Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem during Sukkot 2017, not physically but in the spiritual realm.

The first Triumphal Entry of the King of Glory was organised by King David when he brought the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem, 3,000 years ago. The second Triumphal Entry for the King of Glory into Jerusalem was just a few days before He as the physical Son of David was crucified just outside the city walls 2,000 years ago. The Third Triumphal Entry will be during Sukkot 2017. The fourth and last Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (the Return) by the King of Glory will be at the end of the age, on the Mount of Olives (Zech 14), when Israel (Zechariah 12) and the nations (Matthew 24:30) finally recognised the real Messiah with mourning.

Following the Glory Superstar,
from the end of the earth (Pacific) 2003 to Jerusalem Sukkot 2017!

2,000 years ago, the wise men (magi) from the east, by revelation followed a star to the Birth of Jesus (First Invasion) in Bethlehem. Since 2003, we the APPA family from the Pacific have been following the Glory Superstar (also by revelation) to Jerusalem 2017, for the Third Invasion during the Feast of Tabernacles. The Glory Superstar is the Lord Jesus Christ appearing as the King of Glory.

We are hoping that Israel, through our Messianic brethren, will invite the nations to officially welcome The King of Glory in Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles 2017. The hall at the Ramat Rachel in Jerusalem has been tentatively booked as the venue to welcome the King of Glory, on behalf of the whole world. We hope to call this event - “Welcome the King of Glory”. It will be a unique gathering of the nations to welcome, honour and worship the Lord in their own cultural protocols and expressions. The “Welcome the King of Glory” will be organised by an international council of elders from the nations, who believe in this move of the glory, to be led by Israel the Firstborn of God among the nations.
我們正期待透過在以色列我們的彌賽亞信徒弟兄姐妹,在2017年的住棚節期間邀請列國萬民,在耶路撒冷正式地歡迎榮耀君王。在耶路撒冷的Ramat Rachel (拉馬特 拉結飯店)的大禮堂已訂下做為此次代表全世界歡迎榮耀君王的會場。我們將這次活動稱為 “迎接榮耀君王” 。它會是一個獨特的列國萬民聚集一同使用他們自己的文化和表達方式來迎接、尊榮及敬拜神。此次“迎接榮耀君王”是由各國相信此‘神榮耀運行’異象的長老們所組成的國際議事會所安排。這個議事會是由以色列-列國的頭生長子所帶領(*過去每年都會在耶路撒冷召集國際圓桌長老議事會以確認從神領受的行動)。

Welcoming the King of Glory in Jerusalem during Sukkot 2017 is not a new concept. King David was the first person to officially welcome the King of Glory to Jerusalem 3,000 years ago, after setting up Jerusalem as the new capital of his kingdom. During the first Jubilee for Jerusalem as the unified capital of modern Israel in 2017, Israel and the nations are going to welcome the King of Glory, who is coming to invade the planet earth for the third time, with His own Glory.
在2017年住棚節的耶路撒冷迎接榮耀君王(The Welcome for the King of Glory)聚集並不是一個新的概念。在三千多年前大衛王就是第一位正式迎接榮耀君王(*約櫃)進入耶路撒冷,當他把耶路撒冷設立為大衛王國首都之後。而在2017年,在耶路撒冷現代以色列的首都的第一次禧年,以色列和列國都將迎接這位榮耀君王,祂將用祂自己的榮耀第三次入侵地球。

A humble warning for us all

This is going to be a whole new experience for us all, so we need to be led by the Lord in all things. During King David’s first attempt to welcome the Glory into Jerusalem 3,000 years ago, he and his nation made mistakes and a man named Uzzah was killed by God for touching the Ark of the Covenant (2 Samuel 6). When Israel under the leadership of Moses welcomed the Glory in Leviticus 9-10, God killed the two eldest sons of Aaron for doing something He never commanded them to do. The warning from the Lord then is still applicable for us today – “By those who come near Me, I must be regarded as holy; and before all the people, I must be glorified.” – (Lev 10:3). If we obey the Lord in all things, everything should be alright. Please don’t just turn up as a tourist in Jerusalem 2017. Come prepared for the occasion and come united to represent your nation, to welcome and worship the King of Glory.
這對我們所有人而言都是一個嶄新的經驗,所以我們都需要凡事靠主。三千年前當大衛王第一次歡迎‘榮耀(the Glory)’進入耶路撒冷時,他和他的國家犯下一個錯,一個叫烏撒的人就因為觸碰了神的約櫃(撒下6章)而被神擊殺。在利未記9到10章中,以色列當時由摩西帶領下歡迎‘榮耀(the Glory)’,神就擊殺了亞倫的兩個兒子,因為他們做了神沒有吩咐他們的事。從神而來的警告今天對我們仍然適用- “我在親近我的人中要顯為聖;在眾民面前,我要得榮耀。” -(利10:3)。如果我們凡事順服神,那一切都會是好的。請不要在2017年的耶路撒冷聚集中只是來當個到場的觀光客而已。請來為這個場合做好預備,也代表你的國家合一來敬拜迎接榮耀君王。

We all need to adjust to the new reality of the manifest presence of the Glory of the LORD on earth right now. It is not business as usual anymore for all of us. The Glory is the new wine that requires new wine skins, but we (that is all of us) the Church today are still operating in old wine skins. But through this new move of the Glory,the Holy Spirit will reveal to us the New Wine Skins for the Glory of the LORD.


30 AD? – On the Mt of Olives just before the Lord Jesus Christ returned to heaven, He told His disciples that the Kingdom could not be restored to Israel until they become His witnesses from Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the end (singular) of the earth (Pacific) according to Acts 1:6-8.
西元30年? - 在橄欖山上,就在主耶穌基督要升上天之前,祂告訴祂的門徒,復興以色列國並不會發生,直到他們在耶路撒冷,猶太全地,撒馬利亞,和直到地極(單數,太平洋)去做祂復活升天的見證人,根據使徒行傳1:6-8。

1797 - The Gospel finally arrived in Tahiti (French Polynesia today in the Pacific Ocean) at the literal geographical end of the earth from Jerusalem, through the London Missionary Society, on the 5th March 1797. If you push a spear from Jerusalem through the middle of the earth, it will pop up in the southern Tu Ha’apae Region (Australes) of French Polynesia.
1797年 - 福音終於抵達在大溪地(今日太平洋的法屬波里尼西亞)。就在1797年3月5日,透過來自倫敦的宣教協會,單就地理上文字層面來說,那就是福音從耶路撒冷傳到了地極。如果你能從耶路撒冷丟出一支矛直接穿過地球中心,它將會從另一面的法屬波里尼西亞南方的Tu Ha’apae Region穿出來。

During his European campaign of 1797, Napoleon liberated the Jews from their ghettos and the Inquisition. During his Palestine campaign of 1798, Napoleon prepared a Proclamation to make Palestine an independent Jewish state. He planned to issue this proclamation from Jerusalem but was unable to realize this due to British intervention. This proclamation was printed and dated the 20th of April 1799 (first day of Passover in 1799), but his unsuccessful attempt to capture Acre and Jerusalem prevented it from being issued. The Jews had to wait for 150 years before their state was finally born in 1948, but it was Napoleon who first proclaimed it in 1798. (Source: Napoleon and the Jews by Dr Ben Weider).
在拿破崙1797年的歐洲戰役中,拿破崙把猶太人從貧民窟和宗教法庭中釋放出來。在他1798年的巴勒斯坦戰役中,拿破崙預備了一個宣告要讓巴勒斯坦成為了一個獨立的猶太國。他原本是計畫要在耶路撒冷做這樣的宣告但卻被英國給打斷了。這個宣告原本是在1799年的四月二十日被印出來 (1799年的逾越節第一日),但他卻未能成功的打下耶路撒冷和阿卡城,因而就阻止了這件事的發生。於是猶太人就等了150年直到1948年他們的國(以色列)才誕生,但其實拿破崙在1798年就首先宣告過。(資料來源:拿破崙和猶太人/Ben Weider博士著).

1894 - The Gospel finally landed on the 14 July 1894 in the Solomon Islands (Pacific Ocean), which was the last nation on earth to receive the Gospel from Israel the Firstborn of God. This qualifies the Solomon Islands as The Lastborn of God among the nations and The End of the earth Gospel wise for the Kingdom of God.
1894年 - 福音終於在1894年7月14日抵達於索羅門群島(太平洋),就是在地上,自從以色列成為神的長子後,最後一個接/領受福音的國家。因而索羅門群島便成了神在列國中最年幼的,也是國度福音最後傳到的國家。

The famous Dreyfuss Affair started in France from Dec 1894. A French army captain, Alfred Dreyfuss of Jewish origin was falsely accused of spying for Germany. This affair engendered numerous anti-Semitic demonstrations, which in turn affected the Jewish communities of Europe and led to the launching of the 1st World Zionist Congress in Basel Switzerland in Aug 1897. Theodore Herzl the first President of the World Zionist Congress, was a journalist covering the Dreyfuss Affair that persuaded him, that the Jews must establish their own state in Palestine. After the Basel Congress, Herzl wrote in his diary: “If I had to sum up the Basel Congress in one word—which I shall not do openly—it would be this: At Basel I founded the Jewish state. If I were to say this today, I would be greeted by universal laughter. In five years, perhaps, and certainly in 50, everyone will see it.” Fifty years later on the 29 Nov 1947, the UN passed Resolution 181 that led to the rebirth of the modern state of Israel in 1948. (Wikipedia)
著名的屈里弗斯事件是在1894年12月在法國開始。一名猶太人的法國陸軍軍官,阿弗列˙屈里弗斯被誣告為德國的間諜。這個事件產生許多反猶太人的示威遊行,結果影響了歐洲的猶太人社群,最終導致1897年八月在瑞士巴賽爾發起了第一屆世界猶太主義復國大會。Therodore Herzl是世界猶太主義復國大會的第一任主席,也是一名記者,報導了屈里弗斯事件的他,相信猶太人必須在巴勒斯坦地建立自己的國家。在巴塞爾大會之後,Herzl在他的日記中寫道: “如果我必須用一句話來總結巴塞爾大會,我不能公開的說,就是這句:在巴賽爾我建立了猶太國”。如果我今天公開的說這句,我一定會被大眾取笑。可能在五年後,或者我很肯定在五十年後,每個人都會親眼看見的。”五十年後在1947年的11月29日,聯合國就通過了第181號決議案,最終在1948年誕生了現代的以色列國。(維基百科)


1984 - Ninety years (number 9 stands for birthing) since the Gospel of the Kingdom of God first arrived in the Solomon Islands in July 1894, the first ‘World Prayer Assembly’ was born in Seoul, South Korea in 1984. Korea with the anointing for intercession, was the appointed place for this historical prayer event for the whole world.
1984年 - 神國福音1894年七月神國福音首次到達索羅門群島的90年後(9的數字有“出生”之意),第一次的“世界禱告大會”就誕生在1984年的南韓。韓國帶著代禱的恩膏,成為了整個世界的歷史性禱告事件指定的地方。

This first ever international ‘World Prayer Assembly’ in the history of the global Church since the Day of Pentecost, was organised by the Campus Crusade for Christ, the Lausanne Covenant Movement prayer leaders and the Church in Korea. This 1st World Prayer Assembly (WPA) birthed many prayer movements around the world, including our own South Pacific Prayer Assembly.

The Rev Michael Maeliau of the Solomon Islands did not have the finance to join the 1st WPA in South Korea, so he organised a prayer chain for their churches in North Malaita, Solomon Islands during the same time as the 1st WPA in Korea. On the last day of the 1st WPA (Pentecost Sunday 10 June 1984) during his own prayer time, the Rev Michael Maeliau received two visions from the Lord, as recorded in his book ‘Deep Sea Canoe Movement’ page 3:
索羅門群島的邁克˙冕旒牧師當時因缺乏經費可以參加位於南韓的第一屆世界禱告大會,所以他就同時在索羅門群島的北馬萊塔,組織了教會之間的禱告鏈。在第一次WPA大會的最後一天(也就是1984年6月10日星期天,五旬節),當他在個人禱告時,邁克˙冕旒牧師從神看到了兩個異象,就在他寫的書 “滄海扁舟” 書中第三頁:

It was on that Pentecost Sunday 10 June that year of 1984 that I received my first vision. I was praying in my prayer room when this vision came. There before me appeared a map of the world and something resembling smoke was rising up to heaven from every nation. Notably, there was more rising over South Korea. I asked the Lord, “What is that, Lord?” The answer came, “What you are seeing is the incense of the prayers of the saints around the world calling for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on earth”.
那是在1984年6月10日的五旬節週日,我領受了我第一個異象。我當時正在我的禱告室裡禱告。在我的面前出現了一個世界地圖,然後有類似煙氣般的東西從地上列國升到天上。值得注意的是,南韓有比較多的煙。我就問主, “主,那是甚麼?"他回答: “你所看見的是世界各地聖徒禱告的馨香之氣,正在呼求聖霝澆灌全地"。

Then the scene changed. I saw the horizon on the ocean and a small cloud, the size of a man’s hand rising up from the ocean. I said, “What is that Lord?” And the word came, “That is the cloud that is going to bring about the final rain of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit”. I ventured to ask one more question, “Where is it, Lord?” And the answer came, “In the South Pacific”. At that my heart melted into tears as I continued to worship the Lord.
然後場景改變了,我看到海平面上有一小朵雲,好像一個人的手掌大正從海上升起。我就問,“主阿,那是甚麼?"於是有聲音說,“那一朵雲就是最終要帶來聖靈澆灌的雨”。我就鼓起勇氣再問,“主,會在哪裡發生?” 答案就來了,“在南太平洋”。我的心便融化成許多眼淚,我就繼續敬拜主。

1927 - The renowned Smith Wigglesworth while visiting Australia in 1927 prophesied that the last revival on earth before the return of Jesus Christ will start from the South Pacific. The Lord revealed to us in 2007 that this revival will be birthed 90 years later from 1927, in Jerusalem during Sukkot 2017. This word by Wigglesworth was given 200 years since the beginning of the famous Moravian Revival in Herrnhut, Germany on the 13 August 1727.
1927年,著名的史密斯·維格氏威爾(Smith Wigglesworth)在1927年造訪了澳洲,他當時發預言基督再來以前在地球上最後一次復興會從南太平洋開始。在2007年主向我們啟示這個復興會誕生於1927年的九十年後,就是於2017年在耶路撒冷的住棚節(*David認為這是指時間點而言,而發生的地點則仍是在南太平洋—聖霝的南方大地(偉大的聖霝南方之地))。而維格氏威爾(Wigglesworth)的預言也是剛剛好有兩百年,在這之前影響世界極大的摩拉維亞大復興,則是發生於1727年8月13日,在德國的主護城(Herrnhut)。

˙摩拉維亞復興之禱告 http://www.anmius.org/DispOneMessage.asp?txtOrgCode=ANMIUS&Category=04&ID=ANMIUS39493954126322&Page=1
˙[書] 主護城傳奇--欽岑多夫伯爵與十八世紀摩拉維亞復興史—校園書房出版

1986 – The famous Deep Sea Canoe Vision (DSCV) was revealed to the Prophet Rev Michael Maeliau in the Solomon Islands, the ‘Lastborn of the Nations’ and “The End of the Earth Gospel wise”. Solomon Islands was the appointed place to launch this move of God’s Glory from the ends of the earth back to Jerusalem Israel 2017, because the first shall be last and the last shall be first.
1986年 – 著名的滄海扁舟異象(DSCV)顯現於先知邁克.冕旒牧師所在的索羅門群島,就是“列國中最年幼的兒子”及 “福音傳到地極”的最後一站。索羅門群島被指定要啟動神的榮耀,從地極一路折返直到2017年回到耶路撒冷,因為在前的將要在後,而在後的將要在前。

Background 背景

The‘Deep Sea Canoe Vision’ was given to me in early 1986, in my nation of Solomon Islands in the South Pacific. It was during a normal Elder’s prayer meeting on which the agenda was the opening up of a new congregation in a suburb of Honiara city. I began to receive this powerful impression on my mind. The impression was so strong that I could not suppress or ignore it. I called the attention of my colleagues and requested if they did not mind; allow me to share with them what I was seeing in my mind. This is the account of the vision I saw.

Solomon Islands (1991-1992) 索羅門群島
“A great flood was coming down a valley in spite of the fact that it was not raining at all. Unlike any normal flood, the water was pure crystal clear with no dirt or object whatsoever in it. The flood then came to a dam. It began to fill up the valley forming a beautiful lake with greenish blue colour. As the water had completely filled up the valley, it began to flow over the bank of the dam. And as it did, it changed into a water spray of mist like a cloud. At that point the map of the world came onto the scene. From the map I could see that all this was taking place in the Solomon Islands.

South Pacific (1993- 2007) 南太平洋
Then this cloud began to float around towards Australia, turned north towards Papua New Guinea, and then it turned east and headed back toward the Solomon Islands. From the Solomon Islands the cloud headed east for the second round toward the Eastern Pacific countries of Polynesia. From the east the cloud turned around and headed back west through New Zealand, then Australia and finally back to Papua New Guinea again for the second time.

Americas (2007-2013) 美國
From Papua New Guinea the cloud changed into what I can only describe as currents. It looked like the effect of a speedboat on water without the boat. There were actually three streams of this. These three-pronged currents headed east towards the west coast of the United States of America. When they hit the West Coast of America they split up in three different directions. The left stream turned north and headed towards the North Pole, the right stream turned south and headed towards the South Pole, and the centre stream went on straight towards the East Coast of the United States. When the centre stream reached the East Coast, it took a 180-degree about turn. And as it did so it became a great big tidal wave, a tsunami linking up with the northern and the southern streams, from the North Pole all the way to the South Pole.
自巴布亞新幾內亞(在2007年),這片雲彩變成了我所能描述的‘水流’(Current)。它看起來就像是噴射快艇高速劃過水面時所產生的浪痕。事實上,一共有三股水流。這三股水流(*爭戰、榮耀、平安)一起向東衝向美國的西海岸。當三股水流撞擊到西岸時便奔往不同的方向(在2008年)。左側的一股轉向北方直達北極,右側一股向南直往南極,中間一股則直奔向美國東岸。當中間這股水流抵達東岸時便180度掉頭折返。再匯聚了從北極和南極而來的各路回流,而形成一股巨大的海嘯浪潮向各方橫掃席捲而去。(* 在2013年,APPA聚集就選在美國東岸的紐約舉行 (「The Glory Wave榮耀的浪潮」第三屆萬民禱告大會於2013.9.18~25在美國賓夕法尼亞州舉行)

World (2013- 2016) 世界
This great tsunami literally covered everything within its path. It rolled back over the Americas and then over the Pacific. The wave kept travelling in the westerly direction until the southern tip came to the Indian Ocean. From there the southern tip swung around and went around until it reached the Arabian Gulf and then it stopped. The northern tip kept rolling over Asia, the whole of Europe and then from there it turned south and went around until it encircled the whole of the African continent. When it came around Cape Horn, the tip of South Africa it swung around northeast and travelled up until it linked up with the southern tip of the wave that had been waiting all this time in the Arabian Gulf.
這巨大的海嘯所到之處完全遮蓋(淹沒)了一切。它席捲了美洲然後是太平洋。此海嘯浪潮的南側勢頭一路向西挺進直到印度洋。然後搖搖擺擺地走到阿拉伯灣處才停下來。而浪潮的北側勢頭則繼續前進席捲了亞洲與歐洲全境,然後轉向南方把整個非洲大陸掃過。當它在繞過好望角(Cape Horn)後,就朝東北方向扶搖而上,直到與早已在阿拉伯海灣處等待的浪潮南側勢頭匯合起來。

Israel (2017) 以色列
As the two ends met up they formed a perfect circle with Jerusalem right at the centre of it. Then from all sides the wave zoomed in on Jerusalem and when it hit Jerusalem it shot up into the sky like a great pillar of water. As this great pillar of water reached deep into the heavens, it opened up like a mushroom and then floated out into all directions in the most beautiful cloud formation one can ever imagine,until it completely engulfed the whole earth. Then these words came out from heaven, ‘And the Glory of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea!’ By the Prophet Rev Michael Maeli’au of the Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean, 1986
當浪潮的兩側勢頭交會後,就形成了一個完美的環狀,其中(圓)心處就是耶路撒冷。接著從四面八方來的浪潮就匯聚縮進沖入耶路撒冷,而在沖入耶路撒冷後就彈射出一道直衝空中巨大無比的水柱。隨著這道水柱衝達空中的深處(*諸天之上)後,水柱便散開狀如蘑菇般 (*有如原子彈爆炸後的原子塵蕈狀雲) 然後向四面八方浮湧出美麗無比也未曾想像的雲彩,直到把整個地球都包覆起來(遮蓋全地)。緊接著,有話從天上傳來說 : (*就是應驗了哈巴古書2:14預言)


1994 – On the 14 July 1994, the Solomon Islands celebrated the Centenary of the Gospel in their nation and the guest speaker was Loren Cunningham, the founder of the “Youth With A Mission” (YWAM). During his message, he received a word from the Lord that God will release something from the Solomon Islands that will affect the whole world, but in a very quiet manner like yeast or leaven. We can now confirm that this leaven is the glory of the LORD that will leaven the whole earth and bring forth the Kingdom of heaven on earth.
1994 – 在1994年七月 14日,索羅門群島在慶祝福音傳到他們國家的百周年慶時,有位來賓講員Loren Cunningham是青年使命團(Youth With A Mission (YWAM))創始人,他從主領受到一個話語是神將從索羅門群島釋放出一個會影響全世界的東西,但卻像酵母或麵酵般的靜悄悄方式。如今我們已證實這麵酵就是神的榮耀,將使全地發起來把神的天國帶到地面上。

Vision of a Spiritual Tsunami from the South Pacific and Asia Towards the Middle East 
Received by Rick Ridings on 15 – 22 April, 2014
(Shorter Version) (較短的版本)

I saw the Lord with a rod in His hand. He was standing over the International Date Line, near the Solomon Islands in the Pacific Ocean, which would indicate a change of “times and seasons”. He took the staff and struck it forcefully against the ocean floor. This produced a spiritual tsunami of a huge wave of light that was headed towards Jerusalem and the Middle East.
我看見在主手中有一支杖。他站在太平洋索羅門群島附近的國際換日期線上,這表明 “時間和季節” 發生了變化。他拿起這支杖,用力地對著海底擊打。因而產生了朝向耶路撒冷和中東前進的亮光巨浪屬靈海嘯。

I saw many intercessors and harvesters who began to ride the tsunami wave. They were from the Pacific, especially from New Zealand, Australia, the Philippines, and Japan.
The wave then began to carry intercessors and harvesters from Korea, China, and Indonesia, who looked like horses (Koreans), camels (Chinese), and elephants (Indonesians), as I had first seen in a vision in February 2012. The elephants were bringing along other elephants (intercessors and harvesters) from places like Singapore, Malaysia, and India.

I saw that Satan had long feared that this wave would come, and that he had spent centuries to build one sea wall after another sea wall as barriers to try to stop this coming tsunami. Each seawall was a spiritual stronghold, with a demonic principality sitting on a throne on top of that seawall. The principality on each throne had its arms crossed as if to show “You will never get past me”.
我看到撒旦長期以來一直擔心這波浪潮會來臨,牠花了幾個世紀在一道海牆之後又建造另一道海牆,做為阻擋這波海嘯來臨的障礙體。每道海牆都是一個屬靈的堅固營壘,還有一個個屬於邪惡國度的魔君坐在每道海牆上的寶座。每個寶座上的惡魔都雙臂交叉,彷彿在說 “你永遠越過不了我這一關”。

But the tsunami wave (and earthquakes) broke down wall after wall and throne after throne!
The first wall and throne toppled were the strongholds of Shintoism and idolatry. The second wall and throne represented Buddhism and ancestor worship. The third wall represented Hinduism. Each of these crumbled and fell before the wave, and a great harvest of people were brought into the Kingdom of God.

The fourth and final wall was that of Islam. This wall had huge principality on its throne that looked very intimidating. But even that wall fell before this wave. There was a great “breaking up of the fountains of the deep” that released even more water into this desert region, and the water levels rose quickly. This led to the gathering in of a great harvest.
第四也是最後一道牆是伊斯蘭教。這座牆的寶座上有巨大的魔君,看起來十分驚惶戰競著。但即使是這樣的牆也在這波浪潮前沖垮了。有一個偉大的 “深淵被打開”,釋放了更多的水進入這個沙漠地帶(*伊斯蘭教地區),而水位便迅速地上升。導致了一個大豐收的成就。

I heard the voice of the Lord proclaiming loudly: “I am breaking up the fountains of the deep so that the earth may be covered with the glory of the Lord”.

Rick Ridings
Succat Hallel (24/7 House of Prayer overlooking the Temple Mt. ) (24/7俯瞰聖殿山禱告殿)
For a longer, more detailed account of this vision, go to our website:


The South Pacific Prayer Assembly (SPPA):1991 & 1992 Solomon Islands;1993- Papua New Guinea; 1994-Australia; 1995-New Zealand;1996-Fiji;1997-Samoa;1998-Kingdom of Tonga;1999-Papua New Guinea;2000-Solomon Islands;2001-Fiji;2002-Vanuatu.
南太平洋禱告大會(SPPA):1991年和1992年索羅門群島;1993年 - 巴布亞新幾內亞;1994 - 澳大利亞;1995 - 新西蘭;1996年 - 斐濟;1997年 - 薩摩亞;1998年–東加王國;1999年 - 巴布亞新幾內亞;2000年-索羅門群島;2001-斐濟;2002- 瓦努阿圖。

The All Pacific Prayer Assembly (APPA): 2003-Vanuatu;2004-French Polynesia;2005-New Zealand;2006-Australia; 2007-Papua New Guinea;2008-Hawaii;2009-Micronesia hosted in Pasadena LA/USA;2010-Launching the APPA Jerusalem Council
泛太平洋禱告大會(APPA) 歷次舉辦時地點 :
2003年-瓦努阿圖;2004-法屬波利尼西亞; 2005 -新西蘭;2006 -澳大利亞;2007 -巴布亞新幾內亞;2008年夏威夷;2009 -密克羅尼西亞在美國帕薩迪納舉辦;2010年-啟動耶路撒冷的APPA議事會

The All Peoples Prayer Assembly (APPA): 2011-Taiwan;2012-2nd World Prayer Assembly, Jakarta/Indonesia;2013-Pennsylvania & NY/USA;2014-Malaisa/Asia;2015-Romania/Europe;2016-South Africa/Africa;2017-Jerusalem, Israel.
萬民禱告大會(APPA)歷次舉辦時地 :
2011年-(第一屆)台灣;2012-(*併入)2nd世界禱告大會,雅加達/印度尼西亞;2013-Pennsylvania,紐約/美國;2014 -馬來西亞/亞洲;2015-羅馬尼亞/歐洲;2016–開普敦,南非/非洲;2017年 -耶路撒冷/以色列

Since the beginning of this prayer movement from 1991 to 2002, the focus was intercession with many tears for the Church, the Pacific, the nations of the world, Israel and the Kingdom of God. Since the arrival of the King of Glory on earth in 2003, our focus changed to simply following Him (The Super Star), during His Triumphal Procession from the ends of the earth back to Jerusalem during Sukkot 2017.
自從1991年至2002年這個禱告運動開始以來,重點是為教會、太平洋、世界各國、以色列和神的國度用眼淚代求。 因為榮耀之王在2003年抵達地球後,我們的焦點改變為單純地跟隨他(如同超級明星),在他凱旋歸回的期間祂將從地球的末端回到耶路撒冷在2017年的Sukkot期間。

“Your procession, God, has come into view, the procession of my God and King into the sanctuary. In front are the singers, after them the musicians; with them are the young women playing the timbrels. Praise God in the great congregation;praise the LORD in the assembly of Israel. There is the little tribe of Benjamin, leading them, there the great throng of Judah’s princes, and there the princes of Zebulun and of Naphtali.” Psalm 68:24-27. NIV Bible

by Rev Michael Maeliau

In January 2003, I received this word from the Lord in Papua New Guinea, - “The Glory of God has left heaven and is on its way to earth.”
2003年1月,我從巴布亞新幾內亞領受了主的話— 神的榮耀已經離開天上,正在往地球的路上。

On the 14th May 2003, my family and I were in Papua New Guinea at the 8 Mile SSEC local Church in Port Moresby, celebrating the 55th Anniversary of Israel’s Independence Day. On that day I received this word from the Lord – “Pray to earth the Glory of God in Papua New Guinea.” So in simple obedience, I did.
2003年5月14日,我和我的家人在巴布亞新幾內亞距莫里斯堡港約8英里的SSEC當地教會,慶祝以色列獨立紀念日55週年。在那一天,我領受了主的話— “禱告神的榮耀來到巴布亞新幾內亞。”因而我就單純地順服了。

In July 2003 my family and I were back in the Solomon Islands when I received another word from the Lord on the 10 July - “The Glory of the Lord is about to touch down in the Solomon Islands.”

On the 17th August, at Fa’alau, Malaita, Solomon Islands, the Lord Jesus showed up as the Captain and Commander of the Armies of the LORD, like He did to Joshua who led Israel back to the Promise Land. The Lord said to me: - “This is what I meant by the Glory of the Lord touching down in the Solomon Islands.”
8月17日,在索羅門群島馬拉塔的法阿勞,主耶穌顯現為神軍隊的元帥,就像他對以色列人返回應許之地時的約書亞一樣。神對我說: “這就是我所謂的神榮耀在索羅門群島上登陸”。

During the ‘All Nations Convocation Jerusalem’ (ANCJ) in Israel from the 26 Sept-8 Oct 2003, the Lord told me to pray to home the Glory in Jerusalem! The Captain of the Armies of the Lord visited Israel and inspected His celestial armies over Jerusalem.

On Yom Kippur (6 October 2003), I saw the Lord Jesus ascending from Jerusalem to the ‘Holy of Holies’ in heaven as our Great High Priest in the Order of Melchizedek (Psalm 110:4) and interceded for His two covenant peoples – Israel and the Church. From the heavenly ‘Holy of Holies’ He sent forth from Zion in heaven to Jerusalem on earth, the Scepter (Psalm 110:2) for His holy army on earth (Psalm 110:3). I was also told to welcome this Scepter in the Pacific during the 1st All Pacific Prayer Assembly (21-29 Nov 2003) in Vanuatu, the meeting place for the whole Pacific.”

The Prophet Rev Michael Maeli’au, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean


Since May 2003, the Glory of YHVH the Father started appearing on earth in the spiritual realm to the prophet Michael Maeliau, as Jesus the King of Glory in His four Faces of:
自2003年的五月 雅威(YHVH(同YHWH),發音‘Yahweh’)的榮耀開始在屬靈的領域以榮耀君王耶穌的四個在地上向先知邁克˙冕旒顯現:

The Captain of the Armies of the Lord (Lord of Hosts) first appeared on earth to the Prophet Michael Maeliau at Fa’alau, Malaita, Solomon Islands on the 17th August 2003, and He was officially welcomed on 14th October 2004 in the Solomon Islands. The Captain of the Armies or the Lord of Hosts was officially welcomed internationally by the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, His Excellency, Grand Chief, the Hon Sir Michael Somare, at Maprik, East Sepik Province, PNG, on the 6th November 2004.
神的軍隊元帥(萬軍之主) — 在2003年8月17日
在2003年8月17日在索羅門群島馬拉塔島的法阿勞萬軍之主的軍隊元帥首次在地上向先知麥克˙冕旒牧師顯現,2004年10月14日祂(主耶穌)就在索羅門群島被正式地迎接。接著在2004年 11月 6日於巴布亞新幾內亞的東矽畢克省馬皮克由大總理邁克˙索馬雷先生閣下正式地以國際禮儀迎接。

During the combined 1st Golden Gate Convocation (ANCJ) and the 2nd All Pacific Prayer Assembly (APPA) in Tahiti, French Polynesia from the 5-10 Sept 2004, the Lord Jesus ascended from Tahiti to the highest Heaven and received the nations as His promised inheritance (from the ends of the earth - His possession) from the Father (Psalm 2:8), through His Title of ‘King of Kings and Lord of Lords’ tattooed on His thigh (Rev 19:16). This revelation came through the 18 years old Alomaimauga Samuelu Tevita Siilata. The literal geographical end of the earth from Jerusalem is in French Polynesia in the Pacific Ocean.
萬王之王並萬主之主 — 在2010年2月11日
在2004.9.5~10當第一屆金門集會(ANCJ)與第二屆泛太平洋聚集(APPA)合併於大溪地舉行時,主耶穌從大溪地升到至高天上,並領受萬國做為祂從父神所應許而得的產業(全地都是祂所擁有)(詩2:8),又由於祂的稱號 “萬王之王並萬主之主”寫在祂的大腿上(啟19:16)。這個啟示係由18歲的Alomaimauga Samuelu Tevita Siilata(*Milo的兒子)所領受的。從耶路撒冷算起,‘地極’在文字上的地理位置乃是太平洋的法屬波里尼西亞。

The‘King of Kings and Lord of Lords’first appeared to the Prophet Rev Michael Maeliau in the Solomon Islands on the 11th February 2010 and was officially welcomed in the Solomon Islands on 23rd May 2010 (Day of Pentecost). On 14th May 2010 at Matantas, Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu, the Lord Jesus Christ was officially welcomed internationally as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, by the Prime Minister of Vanuatu, the Hon Edward Nipake Natapei Tutafanuariki.
“萬王之王並萬主之主”於 2010.2.11在索羅門群島首次向先知麥克˙冕旒牧師顯現並於2010.5.23 (五旬節)在索羅門群島被正式迎接。於2010.5.14主耶穌基督由瓦努阿圖/萬那杜總理Edward Nipake Natapei Tutafanuariki閣下在瓦努阿圖/萬那杜的Matantas, Espiritu Santo)以國際禮儀被 正式地迎接作為 “萬王之王並萬主之主”。

The Lord first appeared as the Bridegroom to Michael Maeliau at Aroma I, Malaita, Solomon Islands on the 23rd of June 2010. The Solomon Islands officially welcomed the Lord as the Bridegroom for the Bride at Aroma II on 14th July 2010 as they commemorated the 116 years Jubilee of the South Seas Evangelical Church (SSEC) Solomon Islands, 20 Years of the APPA & DSC movement and the 3rd Anniversary of the signing of the New Covenant by the late Bishop of the SSEC, Bishop Festus Suruma.
新娘的新郎 — 在2010年6月23日
在2010年6月23日主 耶穌於索羅門群島馬拉塔島Aroma I首次以新郎面貌向先知麥克˙冕旒牧師顯現。索羅門群島於2010年7月14日在紀念南海福音派教會(SSEC)116周年慶,也是APPA和DSC運動的20周年以及SSE的主教Festus Suruma簽署 ‘新約’三週年時,正式迎接主耶穌作為 “新郎”。

The Lord first appeared as the Judge to the Prophet Rev Michael Maeliau on the 5 August 2010 and was officially welcomed as the Judge of all the earth in the Solomon Islands on the 8th August 2010.
全地的公義審判者 — 在2010年8月5日
在2010年8月5日主 耶穌於索羅門群島首次以審判者面貌向先知麥克˙冕旒牧師顯現。並於2010年8月8日在索羅門群島被正式地迎接作為 “全地的公義審判者”。


1. The Third Invasion of Planet Earth by God Himself in Person, through the Glory of God the Father (YHVH), revealed in Jerusalem during Sukkot 2017. The first invasion was the birth of the Son of God in Bethlehem. The second invasion was the outpouring of God the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room in Jerusalem. These three invasions are recorded at the end of the Lord’s Prayer – “For yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory – Amen” This most significant revelation of our time came through the Prophet Rev Michael Maeli’au of the Solomon Islands. He is the leading prophet in the world today regarding the revelations on the Glory of the LORD (YHVH).
神以聖父(YHVH,同YHWH)的榮耀第三次親自入侵地球並在2017年住棚節期間揭開顯現。第一次入侵是神的兒子在伯利恆的降生。第二次入侵是在五旬節神的聖靈澆灌於耶路撒冷馬可樓樓上。這三次的入侵記載在主禱文的末了 — 因為國度、權柄、榮耀全是祢的,阿們!這是現今來自索羅門群島先知麥克˙冕旒的最重要啟示,他是今日世界上對於雅威(YHVH)榮耀的啟示之帶領先知。

2. The Revelation of the Glory of YHVH the Father, arising over Israel with dramatic effects over the nations (Ps 68;Ps 82:8;Ps 102:13-16;Is 60:1-3;Is 40:5;Mal4:1-3;Hab 2:14;Rev 1:16). This is the move of the Glory of the LORD in the end times. It’s the last move of God on earth and it has to officially start from Israel , the Centre of the Kingdom of God on earth.
雅威父神的榮耀啟示,乃以色列正興起對列國的戲劇性影響力 (詩68;詩82:8;詩102:13-16;賽60:1-3;賽40:5;瑪4:1-3;哈巴谷2:14;啟1:16)。這是神在末後的時代的榮耀行動。神在地上最後的行動會正式從以色列開始,就是神在地上的國度中心。

3. On the 14 July 1994, the Solomon Islands celebrated the centenary of the Gospel in their nation and the guest speaker was Loren Cunningham, the founder of the YWAM. He received a word that God will release something from the Solomon Islands that will affect the whole world, but in a very quiet manner like yeast or leaven. This leaven is the glory of God that will leaven the whole earth and bring forth the Kingdom of heaven on earth. The Official Launching of this Glory of God will be in Jerusalem, Israel, during Sukkot 2017.
在1994年7月14日,索羅門群島慶祝了福音傳入的一百周年,演講的講員是YWAM青年使命團的創始人Loren Cunningham。他從神領受了一句話,神將從索羅門群島釋放能夠影響世界的東西,但是會用一個非常安靜的方式,就如麵酵或發酵。這酵就是神的榮耀,要發酵在全地,也在地上引出天國。神榮耀的正式啟動就在2017年耶路撒冷的住棚節。

4. The Day of YHVH or the Day of the LORD. This is a unique spiritual Day (many solar years long), determined by the supernatural Sonlight of the Glory of YHVH, arising over Israel, to shake the heavens and the earth, and to judge the nations (Isaiah 2; Isaiah 60:1-3). The Lord alone shall be exalted on that Day, when He rises to shake the earth (Isaiah 2). The Sunrise or Daybreak for the Day of the LORD, will be Jerusalem Sukkot 2017.“Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the LORD will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising.” – Isaiah 60:1-3. "For behold, the day is coming, Burning like an oven, And all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble. And the day which is coming shall burn them up," Says the Lord of hosts, "That will leave them neither root nor branch. But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings; And you shall go out And grow fat like stall-fed calves. You shall trample the wicked, For they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet On the day that I do this," Says the Lord of hosts. Malachi 4:1-3. “And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.” - 2 Peter 1:19 KJV
雅威(the LORD,YHVH)的日子。這是一個獨特的屬靈時刻(許多太陽年之久),是因著雅威榮耀的超自然光(*此光乃是基督(神愛子)神榮耀本體所發的光輝)發生在以色列,為要震動天和地,也是為了要審判列國 (賽2章;賽60:1-3)。雅威興起,使地大震動,在那日惟獨雅威被尊崇(賽2章). 日出或是神的拂曉黎明,即將會在2017年耶路撒冷的住棚節(Sukkot)發生。

5. The Footstool Project by God the Father (YHVH) for His Son (Adonai). The LORD (YHVH) said to my Lord (Adonai), “Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.” The LORD shall send the rod (sceptre) of Your strength out of Zion. Rule in the midst of Your enemies! Your people shall be volunteers (free will offerings) In the day (Day of the LORD) of Your power (battle); In the beauties of holiness, from the womb of the morning (dawn), You have the dew of Your youth – Psalm 110:1-3.

It’s a new season of celestial warfare to evict Satan’s kingdom from the middle and first heaven including planet earth! (Ps 82; Rev 12). Psalm 2 and Psalm 24 are part of this project.
這是一個天使戰爭的新季節(*不是人參與的屬靈爭戰),神將要從第二層天和第一層天包括地球上趕除撒旦的王國!(詩82;啟12). 詩篇2篇和24篇就是這個計畫的一部分。

6. The Melchizedek Royal Priesthood Order - the King of Glory is also the Great High Royal Priest of the Melchizedek Order –The LORD has sworn And will not relent, “You are a priest forever According to the order of Melchizedek.” Psalm 110:4
麥基洗德君尊祭司等次—榮耀君王也是偉大至高的麥基洗德等次的君尊祭司 —『雅威起了誓,決不後悔,說:你是照著麥基洗德的等次永遠為祭司。』詩篇110:4

7. The Times of Restoration of All things. This can only start when the Lord is first restored back to earth from heaven. (Isaiah 52:7-10; Acts 3:19-21; Ps 80). This will include the Restoration of the fallen Tabernacle of David (Amos9:110; Acts 15:16-17); the Restoration of the Church and the Restoration of the Kingdom of God to Israel from the end (singular) of the earth (Acts 1:6-8)
萬物的復興時代。這只能發生在當神首先從天上開始恢復地上(以賽亞書52:7-10;使徒行傳 3:19-21;詩80)。這將包括恢復大衛的倒塌的帳幕(阿摩司9:11;使徒行傳15:16-17); 教會的恢復和神國度從以色列到地極(單數)(使徒行傳1:6-8)。

8. The Kingdom of God on earth, according to the Prophet Michael Maeliau – “After praying the Lord’s Prayer for nearly 2,000 years, the Kingdom is now ready to manifest on earth with the arrival of the King of Glory. The Kingdom of God cannot manifest on earth without the King of the Kingdom and the Holy Spirit as the Administrator of the Kingdom of God on earth.”
神的國在地上。根據先知邁克.冕旒牧師說 “在使用主禱文禱告了兩千年以後,神國現在已經準備好彰顯在即將來到的榮耀之君身上。如果國度(王國)缺少了君王和聖霝做為神國的治理者,那麼神國就無法彰顯在地上。”

9. The Kingdom of David, according to Dr George Annadorai of Singapore – “The Son of David with the Key of David will open up the Throne of David, the Tabernacle of David, the Treasury of David and the Troops of David, on earth.” It was Dr George Annadorai who first described the Tabernacle of David as – “Worship around the Throne, Worship around the Clock and Worship around the Globe”
按新加坡的George Annadorai博士描述,大衛王國--“大衛的子孫拿著大衛的鑰匙將會打開在地上的:大衛的寶座,大衛的帳幕,大衛的寶藏和大衛的軍隊。” George Annadorai博士是第一位如此描述大衛的帳幕是-“繞著寶座敬拜,晝夜的敬拜,和遍佈全球的敬拜。”

10.The Completion of the Church Reformation started by Martin Luther of Germany in 1517. Papa Berthold & Mama Barbara Becker (leaders of the German prayer movement) had this word from the Lord in 1995 that He will complete the Church Reformation that Martin Luther started in 1517. The revelation of the Glory of the Lord 500 years later in 2017 will complete the full reformation of the Church in the last days.

11. According to George Markakis of Greece, 2017 will be the Year of the Invasion of the Supernatural, on planet earth. He also believes that the 500th Anniversary of the Church Reformation in 2017 will start the full transformation of the Church into the true Ecclesia (Government and Ruling Council) of God on earth.

12. The Great Latter Rain Harvest of YHVH (Joel 2:23; Hosea 6:1-3; James 5:7-9). The Glory Cloud covering the earth from 2017 will precipitate the spiritual rain for the Great Latter Rain Harvest. This great harvest of souls into the Kingdom will bring in the Fullness of the Gentiles (Isaiah 19; Luke 21:24; Rom11:25), before the Fullness of Israel (Rom 11:12, 26-36).

13. The Tabernacles (Sukkot) Season of the Lord. The Glory of the Father will fulfill the last three Biblical Feasts of the Lord in Trumpets/Yom Terruah, Atonement/Yom Kippur and Tabernacles/Sukkot.
住棚節(Sukkot)主的季節。父神的榮耀將應驗聖經中神的三個節期的最後一堂,就是號角節/Yom Terruah,贖罪節/Yom Kippur和住棚節/ Sukkot

14. The Maranatha Season of the Lord and the Family Movement of God on earth- according to the prophet Ioan Peia of Romania. The Pacific Family totally support this and its launching in Jeruslem during Sukkot 2017. Because of the Glory of the LORD, godly families will truly reflect heaven on earth.
主再來(Maranath)的季節和神在地上的家庭(*恢復)運動 - 根據羅馬尼亞的先知伊恩˙佩亞的領受。太平洋家族全體要支持此事且在2017年住棚節耶路撒冷啟動。因為雅威的榮耀,神的家族人們將真實地反映天堂在地上。

15. The International Jerusalem Council of Elders - for this move of the Glory on earth. This council to be led by Israel the Firstborn of God among the nations will gather in Jerusalem whenever the King commands. During the judgement of Jesus by Pilate, Israel rejected Jesus for Casesar as their king. During the “Welcome the King of Glory 2017”, Israel through the Messianic believers will officially accept and welcome King Jesus(Yeshua) to be the only official king of Israel once again.
國際耶路撒冷長老議事會 - 為著神榮耀在全地的運行。這個由以色列長子所帶領的議會,每當君王有吩咐指示時,就會在耶路撒冷聚集列國尋求啟示。在彼拉多對耶穌的審判中,以色列人因凱撒而拒絕耶穌做他們的王。在“2017迎接榮耀君王”期間,以色列透過彌賽亞信徒將正式地接受和歡迎君王耶穌(彌賽亞)再次成為唯一正式的以色列王。

16. The launching of ‘The Last Move of God on Earth’ before the Second Coming of the Messiah according to Smith Wigglesworth in 1927. He prophesied this in Australia in 1927. The Lord revealed to us in 2007, that this Last Move of God will be officially launched from Jerusalem in 2017. It will be 90 years from 1927-2017 and number 9 stands for Birthing.
按著1927年史密斯·維格氏威爾(Smith Wigglesworth)的預言—“彌賽亞第二次來臨之前” 會發起 “神在地上的最後行動” 。他在1927年在澳大利亞預言了這一點。主在2007年向我們啟示,神將於2017年從耶路撒冷正式啟動。從1927到2017年之間是90年,而數字“9”代表誕生(Birthing)。

17. Revival for the United Kingdom/Britain and the continent of Europe. - During the last session of the UK WATCHING 2016 National Prayer Conference in March, Malcolm Duncan felt that God had given him a prophetic word for the Church in the UK, from a recollection of Smith Wigglesworth's prophecy in 1947 and Jean Darnell's prophecy in 1967. In the Wigglesworth word, there was a prophetic pointing to distinct moves of the Holy Spirit in which the Word and Spirit were brought together, a new move of the Spirit took place in traditional churches, a new movement of churches was birthed and then a movement of Word and Spirit mission into the continent of Europe was birthed. Jean Darnell's prophecy spoke of a move of God across the UK sweeping into Europe in which small churches were set ablaze. 2017 marks 70 years since the 1947 Wigglesworth prophecy and 50 years since the 1967 Darnell prophecy. Malcolm had a sense that this was significant and that just as Daniel was awakened to the promise of God to Israel concerning an end to their 70 year captivity, so God was awakening Malcolm to God's desire to move in power in the UK church in 2017. In addition, 2017 marked 50 years after the Darnell prophecy, the period of the jubilee in Israelite tradition. Bearing these things in mind, Malcolm believed that God was prompting him to prophecy a fresh love of the Holy Spirit in the UK church in 2017. I (Milo Siilata) totally agree with Malcolm Duncan that Revival for the UK and Europe will start in 2017. But the trigger for this revival will be the Revelation of the Glory of the Father in Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) in Oct 2017. This will be the launching of the Greatest Revival on earth, bringing the Greatest Harvest of souls into the Kingdom of God, before the end of the age.
英國和歐洲大陸的復興。就在2016年三月“守望英國全國禱告會”的最後一段時間,馬爾科姆鄧肯領受到神給了他一個關於英國教會的先知性話語(*可連貫到)1947年史密斯·維格氏威爾(Wigglesworth)的預言回憶,和Jean Darnell 1967年的預言。在Wigglesworth的話中,有一個部分指出聖霝獨特的行動就是神話語和聖霝被放在一起,聖霝的一個新動作會發生在傳統教會,一個新的教會運動就此誕生,然後一個神話語與聖霝的運動便進入了歐洲大陸。Jean Darnell的預言述說神作工在整個英國直到歐洲地區,許多小型教會都被點燃。2017年就是自Wigglesworth預言後的70年,以及Darnell預言後的50年。Malcolm受感這是很重要的,而且正如但以理被神喚醒了祂想要對以色列實現並結束他們被擄70年的應許,所以神喚醒Malcolm,神渴望在2017年英國的教會中有大能地運行。而2017年是Darnell發預言後的50年,也是以色列傳統的禧年。考慮到這些事情,使得Malcolm相信神正在催促他在英國教會中預言對聖霝的一份新的愛。我(Milo Siilata)完全同意Malcolm預言英國和歐洲的復興將於2017年開始,但這復興的觸發時刻將是在2017年十月的住棚節期間父神榮耀在耶路撒冷揭開之時。這將是地球上最偉大的復興啟動,在末日來臨之前,帶來神國度靈魂的最大收割。

18. The Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit according to Joel 2. Asher Intrater of Israel is calling this event “The Second Pentecost.” Pastor Dr Ir Niko Njotorahardjo of Indonesia is calling this event “The Third Pentecost”, with the Azusa Street Revival 110 years ago as the Second Pentecost. The Pacific Family believe that the ‘Third Invasion of planet earth by God Himself in person’ will launch the last outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Joel 2.
以色列Asher Intrater牧師按著約珥書二章聖霝的大澆灌稱為“第二次的五旬節”。印尼伯大尼教會Niko Njotorahardjo尼可牧師/博士稱此為“第三次的五旬節”,而110年前在阿蘇薩街復興是“第二次的五旬節”(*David認為尼可牧師似乎忽略了在阿蘇薩街之前,1727年的摩拉維亞大復興對普世宣教的影響更大)。太平洋家族相信 “神親自第三次入侵地球” 將啟動聖霝於約珥書二章的最末次的大澆灌。

19. The Great Convergence of all the movements and streams of God from the nations in Jerusalem during Sukkot 2017, according to Dr George Annadorai of Singapore. If you look at the significance of the year 2017, testify to this alignment and convergence in Jerusalem during Sukkot 2017. 2017 marks 500 years since the Church Reformation by Martin Luther; 120 years since the first Zionist Congress in Switzerland 1897; 100 years since the Israel’s deliverance from 400 years under the Ottoman Empire and the Balfour Declaration; 70 years since the UN Resolution 181 for the rebirth of Israel and 50 years since the Reunification of Jerusalem under Israel sovereignty.
新加坡George Annadorai博士表示,神在列國所有的運行及水流將於2017年住棚節期間 在耶路撒冷大匯聚。如果你注意到2017年的特性,就會證明這樣的對齊(*一致性)與匯聚會出現於耶路撒冷的2017年住棚節期間。2017年標誌著從馬丁路德的教會改革運動滿500周年。1897年瑞士第一屆世界猶太主義復國大會的120周年。以色列(*耶路撒冷)被奧圖曼帝國(伊斯蘭教)統治400年後,在1917年的<貝爾福宣言>(*以色列建國歷史上一個重要文件)中獲得解放(自由)的100周年(*貝爾福宣言的促成背後原因係由於當年澳紐軍團ANZAC在別示巴戰役攻破土耳其軍隊防線,導致隨後土耳其與納粹軍隊從耶路撒冷潰退)。1947年聯合國通過第181號決議案以色列國再誕生的70周年(*次年1948年以色列正式獨立建國)及耶路撒冷統一(*1967年中東六日戰爭以色列收復)歸回以色列的主權下50周年。

21. The Convergence of Heaven and Earth - According to the prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj of India in 2016, the Four Winds of heaven will converge on earth soon. He did not put a specific date for this event, but I believe it will be in Jerusalem during Sukkot 2017. This will be the convergence of heaven and earth including the Four Winds of heaven for Israel according to Ezekiel37. Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’” 10 So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army.
天地交會— 根據2016年印度先知撒督牧師(Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj)的領受,天上的四風將很快將會匯聚在地球上。神並沒有為這個事件訂出具體日期,但我相信它將會是在耶路撒冷2017年的Sukkot期間。這將是天與地的交會,包括以西結37章內吹向以色列的四風。主對我說:人子啊,你要發預言,向風發預言,說主雅威如此說:氣息啊,要從四方(原文是風)而來,吹在這些被殺的人身上,使他們活了。於是我遵命說預言,氣息就進入骸骨,骸骨便活了,並且站起來,成為極大的軍隊。

22. Two Words for 2017 received on New Year Day 2017 by Sadhu Sunda Selvaraj of India—“Get ready to meet the Bridegroom!” Selvaraj also received another word on New Year Day for 2017 – Isaiah 54:11 - “Afflicted city, lashed by storms and not comforted, I will rebuild you with stones of turquoise, your foundation with lapis lazuli.” This is clearly referring to the city of Jerusalem, which turns 50th in 2017 after its reunification under the Jewish people since the War of 1967. The Bridegroom is coming to Jerusalem, Israel during Sukkot 2017.
印度撒督牧師(Sadhu Sunda Selvaraj)於2017新年當天領受兩個對於2017年的神話語 — “預備與新郎相遇!” 撒督牧師也同時在元旦領受了另一句,以賽亞書54:11 - “你這受困苦、被風飄蕩不得安慰的人哪,我必以彩色安置你的石頭,以藍寶石立定你的根基。” 這很清楚是指耶路撒冷城,自從1967年後猶太人奪回光復耶路撒冷後,到2017年將滿五十周年。新郎即將回到以色列耶路撒冷的時刻就在2017年的住棚節。

23. The Parousia Season of the Lord. Parousia in Greek means ‘manifest presence.’ Parousia is normally associated with the Second Coming of the Messiah, but according to Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, the ‘Parousia’ actually spanned the entire time frame of Christ’s interaction with the world at the end of the age. The Parousia Season of the Lord will include all the biblical end-time prophetic events that have to be fulfilled before the visible and physical Return of the Messiah in the clouds with great power and glory, with all His saints and holy angels, to close the age and start His Millennium rule on earth. The Great Triumphal Entry of the King of Glory in Jerusalem during Sukkot 2017 will mark the beginning of the Parousia Season of the Lord.

4 - 13 October 2017, Jerusalem, Israel

The King of Glory was first welcomed into Jerusalem by King David and the whole nation of Israel, when he brought the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem (2 Sam 6) 3,000 years ago. In that first extravagant Welcome, King David saw the King of Glory marching into Jerusalem in the spiritual realm, and he worshipped Him (in dancing) with all his might. King David wanted to enthrone the King of Glory in Jerusalem in a magnificent temple but he was not allowed. So he set up the Ark of the Covenant in a simple tent with 24/7 continuous worship of His God, in a national project known as the Tabernacle of David.

The second time the King of Glory was welcomed into Jerusalem was as Jesus Christ the Son of David,
a few days before He was crucified as the Lamb of God for the sins of the world (Matt 21:1-11; Luke 19:28-40). That event occurred nearly 2,000 years ago but some Christians still celebrate this annual event today on Palm Sunday.

The 3rd Welcome for the King of Glory will be in Jerusalem Israel during the Feast of Tabernacles 2017. This Welcome is for the King of Glory during His Great Triumphal Entry according to Psalm 24.
“Lift up your head, O you gates; and be lifted up, you everlasting doors, and the King of Glory shall come in. Who is this King of Glory? YHVH strong and mighty, YHVH mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates; even lift them up, you everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall come in. Who is this King of Glory? YHVH of hosts, He is the King of Glory.” Psalm 24:7-10.

This Great Triumphal Entry of the King of Glory in Jerusalem during Sukkot 2017, will also mark the SUNRISE or DAYBREAK for the Day of YHVH commonly known as the Day of the LORD. This will be the fulfillment of the famous scripture and command of the Lord for Israel in Isaiah 60:
Arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! For behold the darkness shall cover the earth and great darkness shall cover the peoples. But the LORD will arise with His glory upon you, the Gentiles and their kings shall come to your light (Isaiah 60:1-3).
這是2017的住棚節榮耀君王偉大的凱旋歸回耶路撒冷,也是標記著雅威的日子的日出或黎明時刻,就是眾所週知的大而可畏之日。如此便成就了以賽亞書六十章那節有名的經文和主給以色列的命令 :

We are planning to call this event – WELCOME THE KING OF GLORY 2017. This event will officially launch the move of ‘The Glory of the LORD’ on earth and the ‘Third Invasion of planet earth by God Himself in Person.’ The first invasion was witnessed by just a handful of people in Bethlehem, and the second invasion by some 120 disciples in the upper room in Jerusalem. For the third invasion, Israel the hosting nation is inviting all the nations of the world to Jerusalem to Welcome the King of Glory during Sukkot 2017. We will not see Him physically but those with eyes to see the spiritual realm will see Him in His glory. Please come prepared for the occasion, come united to represent your nation! Seek the Lord on how to welcome and worship Him with your own cultural protocols. The dates for the Welcome for the King of Glory during the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) in 2017 is from the 9-13 October. The venue is the Ramat Rachel Kibbutz.
我們計畫將此活動稱為—『2017迎接榮耀君王』。 這個活動會正式地把“雅威的榮耀”在地上運行起來並 “神第三次親自入侵地球”。第一次的入侵只有屈指可數幾個人在伯利恆見證到,第二次的入侵有120個門徒於耶路撒冷的馬可樓上領受到。第三次入侵時,以色列做為主辦國邀請各國在住棚節時期來到耶路撒冷歡迎榮耀之君降臨。我們不能用肉眼見到祂,但若帶著屬靈的眼睛就能在祂的榮耀裏看見祂。請在前來時為此場合做好預備,代表你的國家來合一參與! 用你自己本國的文化(*特色)來尋求祂,歡迎祂和敬拜祂。2017年住棚節歡迎榮耀君王聚集的日期是10月9日到13日,地點是在耶路撒冷Ramat Rachel Kibbutz。

We originally wanted to meet during the days of Sukkot from the evening of the 4th to the evening of the 12th October 2017, but it is too long for some, so we opted for 9-13 Oct. We were planning to rent the Pais Arena but the ICEJ has already booked it. Then we were looking at a tent on the Mount of Olives but it is not safe for our Messianic brethren. So we finally settle for the Ramat Rachel as the venue.
(*最後此段係附註意思)我們原先想要聚集的時間是從10月 4日晚上(住棚節期真正開始)到 12日結束,但因對一些人而言時間會過長,所以就變更為從10月9~13日。過去也想租用Pais Arena(*類似巨蛋會場),但因ICEJ已先訂走。之後也看過在橄欖山上的一處大帳篷,但那對我們的彌賽亞弟兄姐妹並不安全。因而我們最後選擇Ramat Rachel(*拉結飯店)作為這次的會場。

Miloalii Siilata Tuailemafua Pacific Ocean
[email protected]

召聚打開城門 迎接榮耀君王

Being dressed in glory, marching forth with הוהי the Glory King