



2013年8月26日 -以色列的加利利海:





金.克萊曼(Kim Clement)說道:「每個人都在這間房子裡,再說一次:以色列永遠常存!以色列永遠常存!以色列永遠常存!請大家舉起你的外衣,舉起你手上的外衣!因為這世代臨到我們。」主說:「我要使他們發預言,你的孩子要把光帶進列國,當戰士們舉起他們的外衣,他們準備好了!」




金.克萊曼(Kim Clement)

來源:Formosa Lily Blog--原文:http://elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=12535

What God Is Saying Right Now About Egypt, Israel, Syria, America and Russia

"I Have Placed a Joseph In the Very Heart of Egypt"

August 26, 2013 – Sea of Galilee, Israel:

The Spirit of the Lord says, "I have watched, and I have heard the prayers of My people. You laugh with Me at those who would scorn and those who would say, 'Israel, you are done.' But I have hidden Myself in certain nations," says the Lord. "Egypt – I have already placed another Joseph in the prison in Egypt.

"It's too late," says the Lord, "there is a Joseph that I have placed in the very heart of Egypt, and he is in prison. But," God says, "they will face the same consequences and Israel will be the ones that will take the spoil," says the Lord.

"I have prepared the noose for Syria. There is a noose, and you know what I have said. Now is the time, and I will let a light shine on Israel and America and certain nations that have been weak, and Russia shall be brought to shame, for I shall pull her pants down and reveal her nakedness and her weakness," says the Lord.

"But today in Israel, here is the good news," says the Spirit of God. "I will bring youth – young people – from the Middle Eastern nations and they will join hands and there shall be a covenant made between the youth of Syria and the youth of Israel, and I shall raise up and put My Spirit upon them and they shall break the curse that has existed between certain of these nations. I have raised up sheep in wolves' clothing, and I will pay them back for what they have done to Israel.

"Everybody in this house, say it again – Israel is forever! Israel is forever! Israel is forever! Everybody raise up your mantles. Raise up those mantles that you have in your hand! For the generation that is upon us," God said, "I will cause them to prophesy. Your children shall bring the light into the nations. When the warriors raise their mantles, they do it with an attitude!"

"Have I Forgotten You, Israel?"
Prophetic Song

"Israel, Israel, I've gathered you under My wing.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, I came to you with My light, I came to you with My light.
Know I gathered you under My wings. Have I forgotten you, Jerusalem?
Have I forgotten you, Jerusalem? Or have I watched you until this day?
"Israel, My love, My light. Have I forgotten you, Israel? Have I forgotten you, Israel? Once again, I will gather you under My wings."

Kim Clement