
7月7日~8月15日為希伯來和阿拉伯青年和“伊拉夫 2013”40天禁食禱告


茲邀請您加入我們為希伯來和阿拉伯青少年/年輕成人的代禱和財務援助,以幫助他們能夠參加於8月17 - 19日在海法舉行的“伊拉夫 2013”特會。去年大約有600位的猶太和阿拉伯青年聚集一起,有為期三天的敬拜,禱告,尋求主面,並且在和好與友誼中成長。我們還有許多生命發生持久轉變的見證。今年您可以透過以下兩種方式來幫助這些以色列的年輕人:




如你所知,過去三年我們是在特拉維夫舉辦這個特會。當我們正為今年將伊拉夫轉移到海法市舉辦而禱告時,翟辛蒂(Cindy Jacobs)對此毫不知情,但她卻對我們發預言:“海法!主說,‘海法’!你必須把青年特會移到海法去!如果你這樣做,突破將會發生,而且將影響以色列全地。”請為我們禱告,這(一先知性的預言)將被證實為真的。




Dear Friends,

We are asking you to join us in prayer and financial aid for Hebrew and Arab youth/young adults to be able to attend our "Elav 2013" conference in Haifa, 17-19 August.  Last year, about 600 Jewish and Arab youth came together for three days to worship, pray, seek the Lord's face, and grow in reconciliation and friendship.  We have had many testimonies of lives changed in lasting ways.  You may help these Israeli young people this year in two ways:

1.  You can support one Hebrew or Arab youth to attend by sending $200, or five for $1,000, etc.  (our cost is so high because we must provide most of the lodging and food for most of these youth, in addition to the conference venue/sound/lighting/video costs).  You may do so securely online (or find bank transfer information) at this link:  http://www.succathallel.com/Groups/1000085112/Succat_Hallel/Donate/Donate.aspx
In the USA, you may send a check to: Light to the Nations, PO Box 406, New Cumberland, PA 17070.

2.  We have found the spiritual warfare against this conference is very heavy each year.  Should the Lord lead you, we encourage as many as possible to join us in a 40-day fast for the youth of Israel and this conference from 7 July until 15 August.  We were so blessed last year that even believers in China joined us in the fast.  Some may want to do a liquids-only fast, a "Daniel fast" or a partial fast to press in for breakthrough in the lives of these young people.  This year it is important also to pray that no war or terror incidents would stop the conference from taking place!

We have a strong sense that this is a year for fullness.  It is the 7th Israeli youth conference that we have sponsored.  Two years ago, an Arab prayer leader had a very strong vision during Elav of the Lord wanting to pour out the fire of the Holy Spirit as experienced by Elijah.  David Davis, pastor of Carmel congregation, gave a strong opening prayer also asking for the fire that Elijah had seen to come upon the young people.  Last year, I (Rick) had an encounter with the Lord for 45 minutes during Elav, where I wept strongly, and saw a "cloud the size of a man's hand" grow into strong storm clouds and pouring rain.  We saw a partial fulfillment of these prayers in last year's Elav conference.  But we sense there is a much greater outpouring of both "fire" and "rain" to happen this year, when many of the Israeli youth will be housed on Mt. Carmel, and the conference venue is in Haifa, below Mt. Carmel.

As you know, we have held this conference the past three years in Tel Aviv.  With no knowledge that we were praying about moving Elav to Haifa this year, Cindy Jacobs prophesied to us: "Haifa!  The Lord says, "Haifa"! You must move the youth conference to Haifa!  If you do, breakthrough will happen that will affect all of Israel."  Please pray for us that this will prove true.

Thank you so much for standing with us for life-changing encounters with the Lord for the youth and young adults of Israel.  For updated info, check our website: http://www.jerusalempraise.com

with blessings from Jerusalem,
Rick and Patti Ridings
SuccatHallel (24/7 prayer and worship overlooking Mt. Zion in Jerusalem)