
為以色列時事禱告 4/24/2013



對許多人而言,追思禮拜中最引人注意的是她19歲孫女阿曼達.柴契爾(Amanda Thatcher),以一種非凡的優雅和沈穩為死者朗誦出第一段經文。阿曼達目前和母親住在德州,她是一位福音派基督徒,曾參與中國的宣教工作,據報導她在柴契爾夫人晚年與她非常親近。她所誦讀的經文,以弗所書六章10-18節,可能不是在場的達官顯要與世界領袖所熟悉的經文,也不是一般追思禮拜會使用的經文:『我還有末了的話:你們要靠著主,倚賴祂的大能大力作剛強的人。要穿戴 神所賜的全副軍裝,就能抵擋魔鬼的詭計。因我們並不是與屬血氣的爭戰(原文作摔跤;下同),乃是與那些執政的、掌權的、管轄這幽暗世界的,以及天空屬靈氣的惡魔爭戰。所以,要拿起神所賜的全副軍裝,好在磨難的日子抵擋仇敵,並且成就了一切,還能站立得住。』

然而,這些話卻來自阿曼達柔和、平穩及悅耳的聲音,形成一股巨大的力量,引起出席者的注意,並以一種奇妙的方式抓住他們。隔天得著許多『死氣沈沈的英國媒體回應』,說『這位德州女孩搶盡風頭』,突然間成為國際焦點,推測她可能有政治企圖心。在我們來看卻是再清楚不過了,在這裡是一位順服的年輕女孩,接受主的任務,以聖靈的恩膏與時機,釋放主的話語,從 神而來關鍵性和策略性的話語臨到國家級領袖,當他們齊聚在柴契爾夫人追思禮拜中。

以色列總理那坦雅胡和他夫人莎拉也在那些領袖中間。在前一週,以色列報紙有提到總理『決定』參加喪禮,不管他的動機為何,我們相信他的出席是在 神的時刻。不知在柴契爾夫人這位前總理的喪禮中,來自他古老同鄉掃羅(保羅)的軍事信息,是如何尖銳地進入他的意識,影響他的思想?他行走在『屬靈』的世界中,多半與個人感覺有關;任何在感覺層面的超自然想法,是完全與劇烈的國際衝突和政治事件『實體』分離的。



雖然這段經文(以弗所書6:10-18)比較常被基督徒用在個人方面,但上週在柴契爾夫人的喪禮策略性閱讀這段經文時,讓我們留意到用此經文為我們的國家領袖代禱是何等有能力。『執政的、掌權的、管轄這幽暗世界的』,聚焦在看管城市和國家的自然界副產品上。我們所處的世代,提到邪惡勢力影響社會(如上週在波士頓發生的爆炸案)被視為禁忌,但這卻沒有降低這些勢力的真實性,也沒有減少信靠 神的人所能得著的神聖能力。很重要的是,對這些靈界真實性有著深度察覺,並對他們爭戰的武器有其洞察力的男女,能滲入我們政府的『上空』,鼓勵並影響我們的領袖,『並且成就了一切,還能站立得住』!



˙禱告 神在那場合所釋放的聖靈寶劍,就是 神真實的話語,能觸及 神放在他們心中的『永恆』(傳道書3:11)。 

˙禱告凡『有耳可聽的』將領受真理,知道他們並不是與屬血氣的爭戰,乃是與屬靈的實體─因此需要屬靈的軍裝和武器;禱告他們將呼求 神來裝備他們行事。

˙為那坦雅胡總理和他夫人莎拉禱告,他們會被吸引來檢視追思禮拜流程單裡面的經文。禱告 神的靈啟示他們這正是他們所面對的,好使他們能被吸引呼求主的幫助。


˙用以弗所書 6:10-18來為國家領袖和彌賽亞肢體禱告,包括在以色列和你國家的領袖和肢體!


讓我們一起為上週在以色列的春雨感謝 神!

馬汀和娜瑪‧賽維士(Martin & Norma Sarvis) 

Prayer Update From Israel (April 24, 2012) 


The funeral of Margaret Thatcher in London last Wednesday (most of the order of which she prepared before her death) was from beginning to end an incredibly powerful affirmation and testimony to the faithfulness and goodness of God, of salvation in His Son, of comfort in loss and the hope of resurrection. (The order of service, including texts for the hymns, prayers and Scripture readings, may be viewed at https://www.stpauls.co.uk/documents/news%20stories/btoos.pdf.)

For many, the most arresting moment of the ceremony came when Amanda Thatcher, 19-year old granddaughter to the deceased, rose and, with remarkable grace and poise, delivered the First Reading from the Epistles. Amanda, who lives in Texas with her mother, is an evangelical Christian, who has been involved in outreach ministry in China, and who was reportedly very close to Lady Thatcher during her last years. Her text, Ephesians 6:10-18, was probably not one with which most of the dignitaries and world leaders present would be familiar, nor, in fact, was it one usually to be encountered at a state funeral: "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore, take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day." 

Yet, as these words came forth from Amanda in soft, measured, bell-like tones they developed an enormous power of meaning which arrested the attention of those present, holding them in a kind of wonder. The next day there would be much made of the "breathless British media reaction" to her reading, about "the Texan who stole the show"; speculations about possible political ambitions of the young lady "suddenly thrust into the international spotlight." Yet what seems plain to us is that here was an obedient young woman, going under assignment of her Lord to release, in the anointing and timing of His Spirit, a critical and strategic message from God to certain of the national and public figures gathered on the occasion of Mrs. Thatcher's passing.

Israel's Benyamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara were among those leaders. For the past week Israeli papers had dropped mention here and there that the Israeli Prime Minister was "determined" to attend the funeral. Whatever may have been his perceived motive, we believe it to have been by divine appointment that he was present. How may it have affected his thoughts when, in the midst of a very formal head-of-state funeral, this 'militant' message from his ancient countryman Shaul (Paul) broke sharply into his consciousness? He moves about in a world where the 'spiritual' is, if considered at all, usually associated with personal feelings; where any thoughts of the supernatural are totally segregated from the intense "realities" of international conflict and political affairs. 

The stress surrounding those realities, the anxieties, the perplexities, the mental exhaustion all gather as a cruel weight and pressure upon the shoulders and mind of the person holding the high office in Jerusalem. And here out of the blue comes an explanation he had probably never heard before-"You're not wrestling against flesh and blood-but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high place!" Netanyahu respects the Tanach (Jewish Scriptures); he claims to study it regularly, and even hosts Bible studies in his home. He has moved and spoken over the years with Christian organizations, and has been exposed to elements of Christianity. His good friend Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (also present at the funeral), is a committed Christian. Yet one wonders if he had ever been exposed to this New Testament, so familiar to Evangelical Christians, before. How might it come across for the first time to one in his position in the world? 

One thing is for certain, he heard it Wednesday, and under a powerful spiritual anointing. It presented illumination regarding some of the violent pressures and conflicts he continually finds himself "up against" in his positioning in Israel-"Spiritual powers in high places!" But here also were words of hope and instruction for standing against those powers-"Armor from God"- "Truth", "Righteousness" "Faith" "A Sword" "The Word of God"; all words he's no-doubt familiar with from his Bible studies, Yet not just holy words, but real spiritual weapons of good for standing against the ever-present spiritual realities of evil warring over the most contested land and city in the world. 

Although this passage (Ephesians 6:10-18) is more often used by Christians in a personal way, the strategic reading of it this past week at Margaret Thatcher's funeral awakens within us an awareness of how powerfully it may be used as a vehicle for our intercession over our civil and national leaders. 

"Principalities, powers and world rulers of darkness" focus on their physical counterparts overseeing the governance of cities, states and nations. We live in an age in which the mere mention by elected officials of "spiritual" realities, as having bearing on the evils afflicting societies (for instance, the bombings last week in Boston) would be considered taboo. But this does not lessen the reality of these powers-nor of the holy power for good available to those whose trust is in God. It is essential that men and women with a deep and sound awareness of these spiritual realities-and insight concerning the weapons of their warfare, permeate the "high places" of our governments to encourage and influence our leaders, and "having done all, to Stand!"


*That those world leaders and men and women of governmental influence who were present at Margaret Thatcher's funeral last week will recall and ponder the Word given there regarding the spiritual realities of the war over their countries. 

*That the Sword of the Spirit, the rhema Word of God released on that occasion would reach into the "eternity" which God has placed within their hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11). *That those with "ears to hear" will receive the truth that they battle not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual realities-which require spiritual armor and weapons; that they will call on God to equip them for their work.

*For Prime Minister Netanyahu and his wife Sara, that they will be drawn to examine the passage which was printed in their program at the funeral. Pray for the Spirit of God to grant them revelation that this really does describe what they face-and that they will be drawn to call on the Lord for his help.

*For Amanda Thatcher, that she will be protected with a "rear guard" against any spiritual backlash for her part in Wednesday's service. Pray that she will press on to the 'high calling' of her Lord and the destiny he has for her, and not be distracted by the media attention which attended her participation in the funeral of her Grandmother.

*Ephesians 6:10-18 over the leaders in civil and national government and in the Body of Messiah, both in Israel and in your own country! 

"But the land which you cross over to possess is a land of hills and valleys, which drinks water from the rain of heaven, a land for which the LORD your God cares; the eyes of the LORD your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year" (Deuteronomy 11:11-12)

PLEASE JOIN US IN THANKING GOD FOR LATTER RAINS IN ISRAEL THIS PAST WEEK!! Last year we received scarcely a drop of rain from the beginning of March until October. But this past week saw rains all over the country and (rare for this time of year) several inches of snow falling on Mount Hermon! Thank you for praying for these Latter Rains (Zechariah 10:1)! God is answering. We believe them to be a special protection for the months to come and we are so grateful. Hodu La'Adonai ki tov, ki le'olam chasdo!-"Give thanks to the LORD for He is good, and His lovingkindness endures forever!