

在這段期間請按著聖經的真理和聖靈的帶領為以色列守望。並請紀念譯者/作者,和所有在特拉維夫的基督家人(詩篇91篇)。謝謝 ~ 國度禱告網


 為以色列時事禱告11/ 20/ 2012(雲柱行動) 
      雲柱(AMUD ANAN)
有時從晚上到早晨,有這雲彩在帳幕上;早晨雲彩收上去,他們就起行。有時晝夜雲彩停在帳幕上,收上去的時候,他們就起行。他們遵耶和華的吩咐安營,也遵耶和華的吩咐起行。他們守耶和華所吩咐的,都是憑耶和華吩咐摩西的。』(民數記 9:21, 23)。 

看哪,惡人彎弓,把箭搭在弦上,要在暗中射那心裡正直的人。耶和華試驗義人;惟有惡人和喜愛強暴的人,祂心裡恨惡。祂要向惡人密布網羅;有烈火、硫磺、熱風,作他們杯中的分。』(詩篇 11:2, 5-6)。
耶和華是我的亮光,是我的拯救,我還怕誰呢?耶和華是我性命的保障(或譯:力量),我還懼誰呢?那作惡的就是我的仇敵,前來吃我肉的時候就絆跌仆倒。雖有軍兵安營攻擊我,我的心也不害怕;雖然興起刀兵攻擊我,我必仍舊安穩。耶和華啊,求你將你的道指教我,因我仇敵的緣故引導我走平坦的路。求你不要把我交給敵人,遂其所願;因為妄作見證的和口吐凶言的,起來攻擊我。我若不信在活人之地得見耶和華的恩惠,就早已喪膽了。要等候耶和華!當壯膽,堅固你的心!我再說,要等候耶和華!』 (詩篇27:1-3; 11-14)。

上週三以色列終於決定採取行動,終止來自迦薩伊斯蘭激進份子長期無故用迫擊砲和火箭轟炸以色列。當天下午以色列瞄準並擊殺哈瑪斯軍事行動首腦賈巴瑞(Ahmed al-Jabari),同時還瞄準一些目標,包括20處放置長程火箭砲的房子。以色列將這次新的攻擊命名為雲柱行動(Amud Anan,新聞則使用『防禦之柱』)。哈瑪斯以大批的火箭回應,很快就直接瞄準住家與商家。星期四早上,一枚火箭射入基耶瑪拉契鎮(Kiryat Malachi)一棟公寓,造成二男一女死亡,數人受傷,包括孩童。

星期六有31枚火箭發射到別是巴(有16枚遭鐵穹反火箭系統攔截),火箭也打到離機場不遠的大城市里雄箂錫安(Rishon Etzion)。當天下午,一枚瞄準特拉維夫的火箭也遭到鐵穹攔截。昨天(星期天)有超過120枚的火箭,有些城市一次有5-10枚火箭齊發。亞實突被七枚格拉德火箭(Grad rockets)瞄準,六枚被攔截下來,一枚則打中一間民宅,二人受傷。火箭也大量打在亞實基倫,有四枚直接打中建築物。星期天晚上二枚勝利五型(Fajr-5)飛彈在特拉維夫上空被攔截下來,醫護人員在星期天的攻擊中治療了40名傷患。

同時,迦薩已經超過90人在這次雲柱行動中喪生。這些人多半是激進份子,但昨天有一家八口,包括四個小孩在空襲中喪生。以色列已經盡量不傷及無辜,甚至從空中分發阿拉伯文的傳單至恐怖份子或飛彈發射地區,警告百姓離開。以色列軍方發言人約阿夫•莫迪凱(Brig-Gen. Yoav Mordechai)說:『哈瑪斯將巴勒斯坦人當作人肉盾牌,我們讓火箭遠離清真寺、祈禱室、公共場合與住家。他們自己有許多火箭落在迦薩境內。(『四枚火箭在早晨攻擊亞實基倫』:JPOST.com,2012年11月19日) 

非常鼓舞人心的是,以色列這週收到來自歐洲與美國的支持。星期五,歐盟外交政策首長艾希頓(Catherine Ashton)說:『哈瑪斯與其他團體於迦薩的火箭攻擊,開始了這次的危機,任何政府都無法接受,必須立刻停止。以色列有權利保護自己百姓遠離這種攻擊。』德國總理梅克爾同意說:『在迦薩的哈瑪斯要為這次的猛烈攻擊負責,以火箭攻擊以色列毫無公義可言,讓許多老百姓受苦。梅克爾呼籲迦薩這邊的人立即停止攻擊以色列。』 以色列有『權利和義務』保護百姓(『艾希頓和梅克爾說以色列有權利自我防衛』:JPOST.com;2012年11月19日)。

身為美國兩黨參議員,我們關切以色列的安全,我們與以色列團結一致,在此深具挑戰的時候,並譴責哈瑪斯和伊斯蘭聖戰組織,不分青紅皂白以火箭攻擊以色列無辜百姓。這些陳述為要展示美國持續堅定與以色列站立,她有權捍衛自己。沒有任何國家可以容忍持續遭到火箭攻擊。』(『美國參議院堅定表達對以色列的支持』:ynetnews.com, 2012年11月16日)。


照片: (由左到右)以色列國防部長巴拉克,參謀總長甘茲與總理那坦雅胡

˙禱告以色列和她的軍隊會在聖靈強而有力的運行下,將他們的心對準神並倚靠祂,能夠知曉並承認勝利是從祂而來。禱告那些在迦薩的人說:『來吧,我們將他們剪滅,使他們不再成國!使以色列的名不再被人記念!』他們會被打敗,禱告神會『用狂風追趕他們,用暴雨恐嚇他們。願祢使他們滿面羞恥,好叫他們尋求祢─耶和華的名!』 (詩篇 83:4, 15-16) 

II. 為信主的士兵禱告 !


彌賽亞信徒領袖阿瑟殷崔特(Asher Intrater)在『從伊拉克到哈米吉多頓』一書中寫著: 

天上軍隊與地上軍隊的特別連結顯在今日在以色列當兵的彌賽亞信徒身上,他們不僅是以色列國防軍中的士兵,他們更透過禱告與信心與天上屬靈軍隊連結。彌賽亞信徒士兵在軍中的人數並不多,但他們有許多人在軍中擔任重要位置,對抗恐怖主義。這些信徒士兵在耶穌第二次再來中搭橋,讓天上與以色列成為一。耶穌是他們在軍隊中與屬靈中最高的元帥,當耶穌預備回到地上摧毀邪惡勢力,這些彌賽亞信徒士兵是一個重要的連結。(從伊拉克到哈米吉多頓:阿瑟殷崔特© 2003, pp. 20,21)

當大衛面對歌利亞時,他用了一個神的名字『以色列軍隊的神』(Elohei-Mar'ar'khot Yisrael-),是祂將每一個人放在他們的位置上,幾百個人聽起來或許不多,但絕對比以色列軍隊的人更多,因為他們中間有許多人透過網路與其他信徒連結,包括軍隊中與軍對外的信徒,這些人可以為他們禱告,支持他們。記得,在士師記第七章,神只選了剩下的三百人與基甸站立,一起打敗米甸人! 


III. 禱告時持續掌握現況


請禱告: 為以色列的一般信徒禱告,我們會以自制和聖靈的引導來行動,隨時掌握現況,同時卻又有神給予我們的優先順序;不會無法克制地衝向電腦,眼睛盯著最新消息不放! 

Prayer Update From Israel (November 20, 2012)  


"And the angel of God, who had been traveling in front of Israel's army, withdrew and went behind them. The pillar of cloud also moved from in front and stood behind them, coming between the armies of Egypt and Israel (Exodus 14:19-20). 

"So it was, when the cloud remained only from evening until morning: when the cloud was taken up in the morning, then they would journey; whether by day or by night, whenever the cloud was taken up, they would journey.At the command of the LORD they remained encamped, and at the command of the LORD they journeyed; they kept the watch of the LORD." (Numbers 9:21, 23). 

"For look! The wicked bend their bow, they make ready their arrow on the string, that they may shoot secretly at the upright in heart.The LORD tests the righteous, but the wicked and the one who loves violence (Hebrew: hamas) His soul hates. Upon the wicked He will rain coals; fire and brimstone and a burning wind shall be the portion of their cup" (Psalm 11:2, 5-6). 
"The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked came against me to eat up my flesh, my enemies and foes, they stumbled and fell. Though an army may encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; Though war may rise against me, In this I will be confident-Teach me Your way, O LORD, and lead me in a smooth path, because of my enemies. Do not deliver me to the will of my adversaries, For false witnesses have risen against me, and such as breathe out violence [Hebrew: hamas]. If I had not believed that I would see the goodness of YHVH in the land of the living! Hope in the LORD, Be STRONG and He will release Courage into your Heart-Hope in the LORD!" (Psalm 27:1-3; 11-14). 

Last Wednesday Israel finally decided to take decisive measures to bring a halt to the constant unprovoked mortar and rocket attacks being made against its citizens from Islamic militants in the Gaza Strip. That afternoon Israel located and killed the commander of Hamas' military wing Ahmed al-Jabari, at the same time launching a fierce aerial attack on a number of targets, including twenty locations housing long-range rockets. Israel labeled this new offensive "Amud Anan"-"Pillar of Cloud" (English news services use the name "Pillar of Defense"). Hamas responded with massive barrages of rockets, which soon began making direct hits on homes and businesses. On Thursday morning a rocket slammed into an apartment building in the town of Kiryat Malachi, killing two men and a woman, and wounding several others including small children. As attacks from both sides intensified, Hamas began drawing out still-operable longer-range rockets. For the first time since the '67 War, air-raid sirens sounded in Tel Aviv; and on Friday evening, shortly after the long signal announcing "Shabbat", Jerusalemites were startled to hear the long wavering wail of air-raid sirens. The two long-range rockets from Gaza landed just south of the city. On Thursday, the cabinet approved if necessary the calling-up of up to 30,000 reservists for a possible ground incursion into the Gaza Strip; by Friday evening the number had been raised to 75,000. Lines of armored vehicles began to assemble at the point from which the ground operation may be launched.  

Saturday saw 31 rockets fired against Beer Sheba (16 were reported shot down by Iron Dome batteries), and others reached Rishon Etzion, a large city not far from Israel's Ben Gurion Airport. That afternoon, a rocket launched at Tel Aviv was brought down by an Iron Dome battery, only hours after it had been installed. Yesterday (Sunday) saw the launching of over 120 rockets, with specific cities receiving salvos of five to ten rockets at once. Ashdod was targeted by seven Grad rockets. Six were shot down; one got through and hit a residence, injuring two. Rockets also showered down on Ashkelon, scoring four direct hits on buildings. And Sunday evening two more Fajr-5 missiles were brought down over Tel Aviv. Paramedics treated 40 wounded in the Sunday attacks. 

Meanwhile, over 90 Gazans have been reported killed since the operation began. The majority of these have been militants-but yesterday, the inevitable happened and eight members of a family, including four children were reported killed in an airstrike. Israel has gone out of its way to keep civilian casualties to a minimum-even distributing leaflets in Arabic from the air over areas where known terrorists or missile crews are holed up, warning civilians to get away. IDF spokesman Brig-Gen. Yoav Mordechai reported, "Hamas is using the Palestinian population as a human shield. We have released footage of rocket fire from a mosque courtyard, prayer houses, public places and homes. Many of their [own] rockets are falling inside the Gaza Strip" ("Four Gazan rockets fired at Ashkelon in morning barrage": JPOST.com, November 19, 2012:11:59 IST). 

It has been heartening, the support Israel's stand has received this week from both Europe and America. On Friday the European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said, "The rocket attacks by Hamas and other factions in Gaza, which began this current crisis are totally unacceptable for any government and must stop.Israel has the right to protect its population from these kind of attacks." A spokesman for German Chancellor Merkel agreed: "Hamas in Gaza is responsible for the outbreak of violence. There is no justification for the shooting of rockets at Israel, which has led to massive suffering of the civilian population. The Chancellor urges those responsible in the Gaza Strip to immediately stop firing on Israel." Israel has the "right and obligation" to protect its population ("Ashton, Merkel say Israel has right to defend itself": JPOST.com; 19 Nov 2012 13:49IST). In America, the United States Senate on Thursday passed the following resolution: 

"As a bipartisan group of Senators committed to Israel's security, we express our solidarity with Israel during this deeply challenging period and denounce the reprehensible and indiscriminate rocket attacks launched by Hamas and Islamic Jihad against innocent Israeli citizens. These statements demonstrate that America continues to firmly stand with Israel and her right to defend herself. No nation can tolerate constant barrages of rockets against its civilian population." ("ÚS Senate expresses firm support of Israel":ynetnews.com, 16/11/2012). 

And President Obama has continually affirmed Israel's right to defend itself, "There's no country on earth that would tolerate missiles raining down on its citizens from outside its borders. We are fully supportive of Israel's right to defend itself." 


Israel's leaders are in great need of wisdom and counsel and courage. Rumors continue to flow regarding a possible cease-fire.but as of this writing (Monday afternoon), rockets have continued falling all day (over 60); eight hitting Ashkelon within the past hour. A ground offensive will be costly. Israel is aware that not only missiles have been smuggled into the Strip, but vast amounts of weaponry for use against troops and tanks. And as casualties mount, some of the support granted Israel from outside will no doubt drain away. Yet, having come this far, how wise would it be to, as in the past, simply draw back at Hamas' first call for a cease fire, having done nothing substantial to insure that it will not happen all over again within a few months? This afternoon it was announced that preparations by the army for a ground offensive have been completed. Armored vehicles are massed at the entrance to the Strip, emergency training is done. They are awaiting a word to enter.

Photo: Kobi Gideon/GPO/Flash90
(Left to Right) Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, military Chief of Staff Benny Gantz and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confer before Sunday morning's weekly cabinet meeting. 


*For Prime Minister Netanyahu, Defense Minister Ehud Barak, and military Chief of Staff Benny Gantz that they hear and be influenced by the counsels of YHVH Tzevaot, the LORD of Armies-who guards over Israel and neither slumbers nor sleeps.

*That even as the "Pillar of Cloud" for which this operation is named would lead ancient Israel in knowing when to move, where, when to stop, when to press forward-God will grant divine grace to our leaders to progress in His timing.

*That He who "knows deep and hidden things, Who sees what lies in darkness and light dwells with Him" (Daniel 2:22) will keep Israel from being led into death traps of the enemy. 

*That if it is within God's counsel for Israel to go in on the ground, the operation will be done with courage and strength-yet also with mercy.

*That angelic powers will be released before and around and behind the military to war against spiritual powers. Pray that Israel's forces will have those amongst them with a sensitivity to the cadence of the Armies of Heaven-to hear and be in step with the "sound of the marching in the tops of the mull-berry trees" (II Samuel 5:22-25). That the angels of God will minister to both Jew and Arab "on behalf of those who will inherit Salvation" (Hebrews 1:14).

*That Israel and her armies be powerfully moved upon by the Holy Spirit to lift up their souls to God and trust in Him, to realize and acknowledge that Victory comes from Him.

*That those in Gaza who have said, "Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, that the name of Israel may be remembered no more" (A virtual paraphrase of lines and sentiments verbalized in the Hamas Charter) will be defeated-That God will "frighten them with [His] storm.Fill their faces with shame-that they may seek Your name, O LORD!" (Psalm 83:4, 15-16).


Photo Courtesy IDF
Israeli military Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz with his generals.
The Hebrew on the wall over the war room is a quotation from Psalm 27: 

Never has it been more urgent to pray for the believing men and women in the Israeli Defense Force! There are estimated to be at least 400 Messianic (Christian) soldiers on active duty at any time-and there are many who will be joining them from the Reserves. Only last Wednesday evening the writers hosted a young man in our home who, after having himself served with distinction in the military, now leads a fellowship for believing soldiers from across Israel. Two days later he received his own 'call-up', as did other reservists we know (Israeli male soldiers are in reserve status until the age of 45).  
In his book From Iraq to Armageddon Messianic leader Asher Intrater writes: 

A special link between the angelic armies and the earthly armies is the young Messianic Jewish men and women who are serving in the Israeli army today. Not only are they soldiers in the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces), but they also have a spiritual connection with the heavenly armies through prayer and faith.While the number of Messianic soldiers is still comparatively small, many of them serve in significant roles in battle units, fighting against terrorism. These Messianic soldiers form a living bridge between the two aspects of the second coming of Yeshua. In them, the heavenly side and the Israeli side become one. Yeshua is their ultimate commander, both in the military sense and in the spiritual sense. They are an important link to Yeshua as He prepares to return to earth to destroy the forces of evil, both angelic and human." (From Iraq to Armageddon: The Final Showdown Approaches: by Keith [Asher] Intrater, Destiny Image, Shippensburg, PA © 2003, pp. 20,21). 

A name for God used by David when he faced Goliath is Elohei-Mar'ar'khot Yisrael¬-"God who Arrays the Army of Israel". He is the one who puts each in their place. A few hundred may not sound like many-but it is more than have been in Israel's military since she became a modern nation-and many of them are now networked with other believers, both in the military and out, who can pray and support them. Remember, God only chose a remnant of 300 with which to stand with Gideon and defeat the Midianites in Judges 7!  

*Courage and wisdom and deep trust in God among the Messianic soldiers in the Army of Israel, both those on active duty and those in the Reserves. 
*That these believing soldiers be 'for signs and wonders' among their peers. That they shine like lights and draw many of their fellows into a place of hope and trust in the LORD.
*That the "prophetic" operate strongly (I Corinthians 14:1) in these young men and women. That they find favor and success as they discern what the Spirit is saying or revealing in various situations. Remember Elisha, whose Word released strategy for Israel during a time of war because "Elisha the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that you [the king of Syria] speak in your bedroom." (II Kings 6:12). 

We encourage you to keep informed with us as to what is going on in Israel. Ask the Lord to guide you in discernment regarding the media. Often news services in the nations will have only brief articles on Israel, stimulated by exceptional occurrences, which may not accurately reflect the larger picture. We recommend the following sites which may be placed in the "Favorites" of your computer. They are in our opinion among the most reliable for receiving moment-by-moment English news updates of the situation here:

PLEASE PRAY: for civilian believers in Israel that we will move in the self-control and direction of the Holy Spirit-staying informed, but at the same time, being about God's priorities for us; not running compulsively to the computer throughout the day to keep our eyes "glued" to the latest news!  
JNN新聞,P.O. 7411,耶路撒冷91073,以色列

我的幫助從造天地的耶和華而來。他必不叫你的腳搖動;保護你的必不打盹!保 護以色列的,也不打盹也不睡覺。保護你的是耶和華;耶和華在你右邊蔭庇你。白日,太陽必不傷你;夜間,月亮必不害你。耶和華要保護你,免受一切的災害;他要保護你的性命。詩121:2-7 

甘茨對預備役 : 往後看一次,然後往前看:由於以色列國防軍繼續準備在加薩地帶的地面行動可能,總參謀長班尼甘茨在週日與被召集的預備役見面。會議期間,甘茨對他們說了建議和鼓勵的話。他說,“見到你們是一個感人的經歷驗,因為它向我們表示了力量,使我們可以繼續。” “人們從阿什凱隆,別爾士巴,從歐法金(Ofakim)來到這裡 - 說實話,不管你來自哪裡都無所謂,因為導彈的範圍覆蓋全國從北到南。無論你們從斯德洛特或特拉維夫,這都沒有區別。我們將鎮靜的行動,但有決心,我們將按照我們的評估做任何必要做的事情。你必需繼續認真,有高昂的士氣和凝聚力,這是至關重要的“甘茨繼續,還要加上專業精神。最後,在城市周邊戰鬥是一個挑戰。它終究不會是件容易的事,但能力(實力) 是存在的。當你走進去時 - 花一點時間向後回顧一次,記住你為什麼這樣做,看看斯德洛特,歐法金和你看不到社區 – 從那一刻起停止向後看,只有前進。願你和我們都成功。“(Arutz-7)

禱告求 神保護和賜下勇氣給這些年輕的男人和女人,因繼續在加薩地區的地面行動,可能很快就會面臨巨大的暴力和危險。宣告這將是一個神蹟帶來勝利的時刻 – 這是上帝給以色列的恩典與憐憫的禮物。

以色列內政部長表示地面行動已臨近了:週日晚上發表談話,內政部長以利.伊沙伊(Eli Yishai)說,這是有可能的,雲柱國防行動將持續擴大。伊沙伊說對加薩恐怖分子的戰爭需要“痛苦和困難,使恐怖組織不會只有三思而後行,而是再次對以色列發射飛彈前,百思而後行。”伊沙伊還主張使加薩的基礎設施造成重大損失。 “摧毀和破壞基礎設施,公共建築和政府建築。不要留下讓他們可以有損害以色列的任何地方。我們必須確保哈馬斯將花費多年的時間重建加薩,而不是在攻擊以色列。“他補充說,在加沙問題的整體解決方案,將是以外交,而非軍事。 “在有此解決方案之前,我們必須繼續行動,並恢復我們的型態。恐怖分子必須了解,他們正在與誰周旋。“伊沙伊說。”以色列飛機已經攻擊了數百個在加薩與哈馬斯聯結的目標。地面行動已預備好了,並預計將很快推動。 (福克斯/ INN)

媒體爭相播送關於哈馬斯的不實報導:星期天早晨以色列國防軍發言人證實,並沒有任何記者在加薩的空襲中受傷。法新社等國外媒體繼續重複哈馬斯聲明,並報導衛生部新聞發言人阿什拉夫 阿爾酷打(Ashraf al-Qudra)所透露的消息說,“當以色列戰機擊中了聖城電視台在加薩城的辦公室時,至少有6名記者受輕微和中度傷害傷。“ 他說,目擊者聲稱建築物受到廣泛的破壞,記者已在第一次的攻擊時被疏散,隨後至少還有兩個以上同一個地點的攻擊。

一些哈馬斯在媒體上的言論已被翻查出是虛假的宣稱。在過去關於對抗以國的導彈軍備戰上就有過這樣的紀錄,哈馬斯曾對國外媒體宣稱,某男人因傷勢慎重而被救護車送走了,但卻被發現他所指稱的男子仍舊自己走路上。英國廣播公司將兩張照片公佈出來,並由「誠實報導」(Honest Reporting)所播送。以哈馬斯為消息來源的媒體,其對死亡和受傷的報告,幾乎從來沒有驗證。這個媒體戰術哈馬斯已經成功對以色列操作了四年。一開始是對以色列的反恐演習,刻意突顯哈馬斯的軍事指揮官總司令被殺事件。接者,哈馬斯開始在媒體上塑造婦女和兒童為的反恐怖主義活動的受害者的形象。在「鑄鉛行動」中,文件證明哈馬斯拖出死去的孩子的照片,它橫空出世,其實已經死了由於外國媒體報導加沙的戰爭無關的疾病或意外事故。




鐵穹防禦系統攔截兩枚導彈射向特拉維夫地區:鐵穹導彈防禦系統攔截向特拉維夫地區發射的兩枚導彈之一。 星期日上午發射的導彈,就是在以色列軍事所稱的雲柱國防行動的第五天,成為至少有四個導彈從加薩發射向以色列中央,人口最密集的地區之一。哈馬斯該負責的被攔截的導彈彈片,使位於特拉維夫南部郊區的霍隆的一輛汽車著火。駕駛員毫無損傷的逃出車外。特拉維夫地區的學校還未被停課,但在南部仍然處關閉狀態。至少有3名以色列人星期天早上因火箭彈片而受傷,在以色列南部的一些房屋和建築物,被導彈或砲彈碎片擊中。 (JTA)

加薩火箭彈對準特定城市,五至十的飛彈為一發:全國警方發言人米奇羅森菲爾德(Micky Rosenfeld)說,週日的攻勢尤為猛烈,每次發射5或10枚火箭,瞄準要擊中特定城市。他補充說到:「公民最好在聽到飛彈警笛時留在原地,直到報警鈴結束在行動。以色列「大衛之星盾會」(Magen David Adom)說,他們的醫護人員共收治了40個受傷的人,在以色列上週日,包括七人被彈所傷,其中一人重傷,2適度,4掉以輕心。此外,他們對待兩個人在車禍中受了輕傷後,他們試圖拉在了火箭的警笛聲。截至本報告的時間週日午夜,在以色列,MDA共收治了31人因受驚,包括在特拉維夫以下對城市發射火箭彈6。 (J.Post)

我的 神啊,求你救我脫離仇敵,把我安置在高處,得脫那些起來攻擊我的人。求你救我脫離作孽的人和喜愛流人血的人!因為,他們埋伏要害我的命;有能力的人聚集來攻擊我。耶和華啊,這不是為我的過犯,也不是為我的罪愆。」(詩篇59:1-3)

面對阿拉伯校生為哈馬斯的軍事恐怖翼司令艾哈邁德哈馬(Ahmed Jaabari),舉行了追悼會的行動,校方表示將暫停所有在校園裡的公共課外活動。艾哈邁德哈馬于上週三逝世,阿拉伯學生於典禮中讚揚他的領導,並譴責以色列國防軍(IDF)對他的「謀殺」。

整起事件掀起批評的浪潮,包括海法市市長尤納.耶海(Yonah Yahav)寫給海法大學的校長阿莫斯•沙皮拉(Amos Shapira)的信。耶海認為,這樣的學生活動「無法與海法大學那『求共存,寬容和溝通』的理想匹配。允許學生以憤世嫉俗的方法使用權力,去促進一個殺害無辜百姓及兒童的意識形態被尊崇,顯然已越過人道的紅線。」

沙皮拉週日發表聲明,回應道:「因為最近發生的事件,為了防止激進組織再次造成的挑釁,我已經決定限制在校園內的公共活動。」( INN)願整起事件能夠成為居住在以色列境內之阿拉伯公民的借鏡。雖然境內阿拉伯男子和婦女,因著猶太鄰居的緣故,享有全面的經濟利益,機會和自由,正如其他以色列民一樣,同理,也當消除他們對猶太國家的仇恨。

南以色列的經濟局勢,每天損失1億元: 根據商務部提出的報告,位在南以色列的企業損失,估計一天總計達1億舍客勒。(相當於25.4百萬美金)。在南以的25600企業體中,約有80%的企業在火箭彈的襲擊下而關閉,百分之九十七的受影響的是小型企業,其中也有家族性的自營單位。(INN)

最少700起的財產損毀案:以色列稅務機關的財產局已派遣團隊至南部災區,處理自上週末起,因火箭彈導致的財損案。二十五個團隊正在評估災區的損害值。截至週日早晨,已申報的財損案已達700件。 (Arutz-7)

政府運物資入加薩,收留病人:以色列政府領土協調員組織(COGAT)於週日宣布,儘管安全倍受威脅,工作人員仍將80輛卡車的醫療器械和食品,通過凱雷姆沙洛姆(Kerem Shalom)和埃雷茲(Erez)商業通道,運入加薩有需要的人民手中。 COGAT聲明表示,「通過凱雷姆沙洛姆轉運站的物資包括16輛卡車的醫療設備,特別是重要設備,如藥品,麻醉劑和一次性醫療器械和64輛卡車的食品物資。」(Arutz-7)

巴里•西格爾(Barry Segal)與編輯同仁
