
有關以色列/加薩衝突的異象 by Rick and Patti Ridings







但是鬼魔的軍隊不能穿透以色列的堡壘,而且他們現在已經被亞洲人敬拜和代禱的火焰所包圍。當這些敬拜和代禱的火焰繼續時,突然有雨從天堂降落到鬼魔的火焰上,要澆滅它們。他們之前所站立的地面現在已經燒焦了。麥稈開始從這些燒焦的地方生長起來,我明白這代表要豐收一批轉向 神的人。麥稈開始在敬拜中向堡壘之王彎腰鞠躬,就是那位現在已顯現在堡壘上空,坐在寶座上的王。



1. 禱告主超自然的干預將能帶領以色列、加薩以及周邊列國轉向祂。(詩83,特別是第16節;詩118:18-19)

2. 禱告鬼魔的權勢力量將不能夠煽動擴大衝突的火焰,不會超過主為了祂自己的旨意所允許的規模。特別禱告求主阻止敘利亞和/或者黎巴嫩使用化學武器。如果他們已經使用,請禱告有強風來使化學武器失效。(詩11:2-7;詩78:26)

3. 禱告有適宜的天氣狀況。一位安全專家向我們解釋道,現在的涼爽天氣需要持續下去,這能最大化紅外線制導的功用,使導彈能精確打擊恐怖分子,並將平民的傷亡降到最低。

4. 禱告以色列能真正尋求並相信主,而不僅是相信他們的軍事力量。禱告這些已經被點燃的火焰,將在主所定的最好時機被熄滅(詩118:8-17)。

5. 我們現在正在印尼服事眾牧者和代禱領袖。為我們禱告,讓他們能夠聽到主召喚他們加入這場禱告爭戰的號角聲。上周在印尼的一個全國禱告領袖會議裡,我們有一個非常有力量的禱告時間,一些關鍵的韓國和中國(華人)代禱者們也參與其中。如果你希望觀看這以視頻,請點擊這一連結:http://youtu./QjEcjiO_6FI




參閱 迫在眉睫的戰爭與即將到來的收割 / 瑞克•萊汀斯 Rick Ridings–Succat Hallel 2012-09-26


A Vision Concerning the Israel/Gaza Conflict

About a month prior to the present Israel/Gaza conflict, on October 2nd, 2012, I saw Israel as a strong fortress.  I saw that demonic enemies were piling up thorns on every side and then setting them aflame.  I next saw strong, warrior angels stationed on top of the walls of this fortress.

Then the demonic enemies began catapulting balls of demonic fire over the walls.  The angels intercepted most, but allowed a few to fall inside the fortress walls in order to cause the people within the fortress to cry out to their King to save them.  The fires were also used to bring forth refining and purification.

Next, I saw horses running from the Far East with torches of godly fire.  I understood them to be Koreans.  They lit fires of worship and intercession around the demonic armies.  These godly fires caused a smoke to arise that began blinding and confusing the demonic armies.

Then the Koreans as horses began running to Indonesia to start godly forest fires, which would encourage the Indonesians as elephants to run more quickly toward the Middle East to help in this battle.

After that, I saw the Chinese as camels starting to stand up as a huge army, and firing spiritual missiles out of their mouths against the demonic armies.  I understood this to be a massive mobilization of prayer for Israel from the Chinese.

The demonic armies started to panic, and tried to spread the flames of their demonic fire out into the whole world.  My sense was that they were trying to fan a regional conflict into a world war, which they hoped would cut off a great move of the Holy Spirit among young people worldwide.

But the demonic armies were unable to penetrate the fortress of Israel, and were now surrounded by the worship and intercession fires of the Asians.  As these worship and intercession fires continued, suddenly rain from heaven began to fall upon the demonic fires and to extinguish them.  The ground where they had stood was now burnt over.  Stalks of wheat began to rise up on all these “burnt-over” areas, which I understood to represent a harvest of people turning to the Lord.  The stalks of wheat began bowing in worship to the King of the Fortress, Who was now visible on a Throne above the fortress. 

I finally saw a scene I had seen in a previous vision of a huge Indonesian godly warrior with his feet firmly planted on Jordan.  He was shooting arrows into Saudi Arabia and Gaza.  I understood this to mean that there would be spiritual breakthrough by Indonesians in the nation of Jordan.  They would establish a strong base there from which to minister into Saudi Arabia and Gaza.

Some Key Scriptures and Ways to Pray:

1.  Pray for the Lord’s supernatural intervention that would result in a turning to the Lord in Israel, Gaza, and the surrounding nations.  (Psalm 83, especially verse 16; Psalm 118:18,19). 

2.  Pray for containment: that demonic powers would not be able to fan these flames into a conflict any larger than what the Lord is allowing for His purposes. Pray especially against the use of chemical weapons from Syria and/or Lebanon, or for strong winds to neutralize their effect if they are used.  (Psalm 11:2-7; Psalm 78:26).

3.  Pray for the right weather conditions.  A security expert explained to us that the present cool weather needs to continue to optimize the use of infrared guidance, so that missile strikes against terrorists are precise, and that civilian casualties are minimized.

4.  Pray for Israel to truly look to and trust in the Lord, and not just in their military power.  Pray that these fires that have been lit will be stopped in the Lord’s perfect timing (Psalm 118:8-17).

5.  Pray for us as we are now ministering to pastors and intercession leaders in Indonesia, that they will hear the trumpet call of the Lord into this prayer battle.  We had a very powerful time of prayer in a national prayer leaders’ conference here in Indonesia last week, where we were joined by some key Korean and Chinese intercessors.  If you would like to see a video of this, follow this link: http://youtu./QjEcjiO_6FI

Pray for the mobilization of this great army of intercessors in the Far East.  We feel the Lord has us here to "shore up the Eastern Front".

For a video prayer alert (by Rick) on praying for Israel at this time, please follow this link:

Thank you for your prayers for Israel, Gaza, and the Middle East at this strategic time!

Grace and Shalom, Rick and Patti Ridings