
2012年 猶太新年(ROSH HASHANAH 5773):恢復時代的開始
強尼和伊麗莎白恩羅 2012年8月28日
ROSH HASHANAH 2012: The Beginning of the Age of Restoration by Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow


九月中旬開始,我相信是教會歷史中,從使徒行傳第二章的聖靈大澆灌之後就是最重要的時刻。還有,我相信我看見聖靈將開始澆灌前所未有的新酒,超過使徒行傳第二章的聖靈大澆灌。這新酒不僅是為了更新,不僅是為了復興,不僅是為了社會改革—確實是延伸至一切恢復的一個時代。將會包括以上所有的 (更新、復興、恢復….) 並且我們必須擁有“新皮袋”預備好承接那樣程度的新酒。

在這話語信息中,我想要提到這新的一天的一些細節。而明晰的敘述,是非常急切的。如果我們不知道故事的路線,我們將有錯誤角色扮演的危險。一個人的角色必須與劇本的演出連貫如一。我相信這是 神對我們此刻的心意。

三階段:2008年 甦醒,2012年 興起,2015年 發光

神讓我看見從2008猶太新年開始後的先知性程序,這將在2015年時,達到完全的彰顯。我在我的 ”七座山頭的恩膏”書上提到好幾次。這是我好幾年所觀察到的模式,到現在還能看到它的準確性。

2008年 猶太新年:甦醒 – 到七座山頭委任

過去四年的甦醒並不像我們過去所認識的甦醒。這不是復興的甦醒或甚至於更新。其實,它是一個進入到看見 神的國擴張的角度及“行在地上如同行在天上”真實的面貌的甦醒。

這甦醒使我們實際知道我們的使命是要能看見 神,就是“全部生命”的 神,然後把 神彰顯在我們生命的每個層面。我們必須了解到把 神全面屬性之形像表現在社會的每個領域 — 使祂可以在政府、媒體、教育、藝術、經濟、家庭與宗教領域裡掌權。

這是一個奇妙的甦醒,使我們對於 神是誰有更廣的看見。祂不單是救贖的 神 (宗教山頭) ; 祂也是執政掌權的 神 (政府山頭)、是創藝的 神 (藝術、表演的 神山頭)、是我們的阿爸 (家庭山頭)、是供應的 神 (經濟山頭)、蒙福傳播者的 神 (媒體山頭)、以及有智慧的教師 (教育山頭)。唯有我們看見祂時,我們才能將 神每個屬性的形像表明出來,所以能看見 神是全部生命的 神是何等重要的。祂就是與哈該書第二章所說的“萬國的珍寶、萬國所羨慕的”,同樣的一位 神。

這甦醒時期會繼續延續,甚至當我們邁進下一個先知性階段 – 而下一個階段是在今年新年會臨到我們。

2012年 猶太新年:興起 – 到七座山頭的委任

前所未有的季節現在已經展開。我的靈一直渴望,甚至興致勃勃的等候這一天。我已經知道並與大家分享這甦醒的季節不會是容易的季節,但確實是會像約瑟被帶到法老面前之前所經歷的歲月。許多見證說,這並不是容易的過程,而且是因為 神比較有興趣拆毀我們現狀,對比其讓我們留在舒適環境中。現狀的 ”皮袋”無法承裝“新酒”。舊的心思意念不會允許有新的看見。救贖焦點的福音不會允許國度焦點的福音。復興焦點的福音不會允許改革焦點的福音。

基督的身體將要經歷屬靈的腦葉切除手術,導致腦部的重新佈線之後,使腦部可以接受到新的能力,與將要來的 神同在。如果 神沒有重新佈線我們,我們會為了很小的目標把新的能力浪費掉。當 神正要得著列國時,我們會為了佈道會與醫治特會限制我們前進的速度。



4:1 萬軍之耶和華說:「那日臨近,勢如燒著的火爐,凡狂傲的和行惡的必如碎秸,在那日必被燒盡,根本枝條一無存留。
4:2 但向你們敬畏我名的人必有公義的日頭出現,其光線(原文是翅膀)有醫治之能。你們必出來跳躍如圈裏的肥犢。
4:3 你們必踐踏惡人;在我所定的日子,他們必如灰塵在你們腳掌之下。這是萬軍之耶和華說的。
4:4 你們當記念我僕人摩西的律法,就是我在何烈山為以色列眾人所吩咐他的律例典章
4:5 看哪,耶和華大而可畏之日未到以前,我必差遣先知以利亞到你們那裏去
4:6 他必使父親的心轉向兒女,兒女的心轉向父親,免得我來咒詛遍地。」





瑪拉基書4:1 – “看啊,那日臨近”。這是我對 2012年猶太新年的先知性宣告。那是要臨到我們。這是舊約的最後一章,這也是宣告恢復的世代來臨。這“日”將會臨到幾個世代。接著要發生的事清楚的表明,不可能發生在一個自然的日子。我們知道這“日”是稱為“世代”的一段時期。這是一個“日”,因為這不是一個“夜”。參“白日”當作工。


勢如燒著的火爐” – 後來我們得知這日是一個熱、燒著的日子。它並不像野火燒不盡,乃是像火爐。它是為了特別的目而被控制的火。它不是一個隨便熱、隨便燒的日子,乃是有目標的火。 

誰會在這種燒著的日子裡陷入麻煩?那些驕傲的與做惡的。它將先臨到那些在 神家服事的,和那些驕傲的與做惡的。審判要從 神的家起首。 神不是喜歡享受毀滅任何人,因為每個人都是祂的兒女。更何況是那些曾禱告並邀請祂進入他們生命的人。

然而,放肆的表現與驕傲自大的領袖,與那些作惡的領袖將成為第一個受審判的目標。這不關乎一些含糊的驕傲,而是未被對付的公開明顯的驕傲。帶領 神的百姓而還活在淫亂、對錢財不誠實、敲詐剝削羊群、或任何其它對羊群不義的事,這些人將面對糟糕的日子。這新事是出於 神的熱心,而祂的兒女、祂的僕人,當這件事臨到他們時,會落在審判之火的第一線。 神僕們啊,這是敬畏 神的時候!你逃脫不了你習慣做的事。


瑪拉基書4:1末段,讓我們看見那將來的 “燒”有多麽的徹底。祂將要對付惡的根與枝條。惡的根與枝條是存留在社會7座山頂上,這是一個有策略的燒。枝條代表社會裡明顯有形,不代表屬 神正確形象的的系統。根是被後支撐的屬鬼魔的實體與謊言,使 神的形象被扭曲。這不會立即發生,但將成為不斷增加衝擊與推開黑暗權勢的力量。在未來的100年,你不會看到 神的國減弱的日子,一天也不會。從這裡開始只有加增。

但向你們敬畏我名的人– 僅存的是好的!

瑪拉基書4:2“但向你們敬畏我名的人”。這裡有一個快速、清楚的推論向我們顯明。向那些敬畏祂名的人,只有興奮鼓舞在他們面前。希伯來文的“敬畏” 是YARE,意思是尊敬、尊榮與敬畏中站立。這並不是因“敬畏而逃”,乃是“靠近”的敬畏。如果你稱自己為基督徒,你的安危與喜樂是在你心中的真摯。假意與懷疑應該被視為屬靈的心臟病。假意是證明我們沒有真實的關係。懷疑是為了防禦 (防衛)你的懷疑與不信詭詐編出的話語。兩者都是假意的根源與果子。


多麼奇妙的一句話!這事實只會給那些敬畏祂名的人。瑪拉基書4:1預先告訴我們這前所未有的炎熱。瑪拉基書4:2讓我們知道誰是它的源頭。祂就是公義的日頭。再者,這是非常需要思量的。那炎熱、燒著的日子不是因為世界各地的隨機災害與混亂所導致。那熱是從主那裡,透過我們興起的。祂興起,我們才能興起。以賽亞書 60:1 說,興起,發光…。因著祂的榮耀與祂的光。祂的榮耀與極其的光亮,燒盡了我們的惡。已有好些年我提到2012年的猶太新年 (Rosh Hashanah)是興起的季節。現在這季節已臨到我們。這一天是天上釋放的,臨到我們的Kairos時刻。

“公義”這個字與“正義”這字是相同的字 -- 事實上西班牙語聖經寫的是 “El Sol de justicia”意思是“正義的太陽”。正義是錯誤的要被導正成為對的。這是彎曲的路被修直。正義完全是關於恢復,而這就是我們已經邁進的時代。 神會恢復祂的故事脈絡,祂的故事,並且祂也會恢復祂劇本的妙語。祂也會替敬畏祂名的人做同樣的事。如果你願意誠心誠意的事奉祂,絕不放棄 – 你生命的故事,也會從天上帶來對黑暗權勢的拳擊。當你眷顧祂的故事時,祂會使你個人的故事更加美麗。故事全然是關乎祂。祂不僅僅是一位有效、使事情更好的神,祂喜愛故事。祂喜歡說故事,成為一個故事,恢復故事。


主已給我看見家庭山頭的天使長,名叫拉法爾,與幾千萬名天使,在這新年正在被釋放。這是另人興奮的消息。他的名子的意思是“ 神醫治”或 “ 醫治在 神那裡”。祂將使這地球上的景色有區別。我相信祂帶著 “以利亞的靈”,而這就是為什麼祂是那麽的重要。瑪拉基書4:5告訴我們以利亞的恩膏使父親的心轉向兒女,兒女的心轉向父親。



要了解天使們如何來協助我們是很重要的。他們執行一些極大屬天的幫助,而我們必須刻意的預備我們自己的位置。拉法爾的名字,與其他與他同在的天使,都描述他們都將要做一切的醫治。對身體的醫治將有新的恩膏,但 神會存留一些最大的恩膏給那些明白社會醫治、家庭醫治與個人醫治之間的關聯的人。破碎的社會產生破碎的家庭。破碎的家庭是社會疾病主要負責單位。我們要急切連結並醫治社會、家庭與個人這三個層次。

另外,我們需要我們有三層醫治。一個生病的靈魂會釋放疾病給人,然而我們不能忽視這些因素。透過祂的天使軍隊,聖靈將會釋放新的輔導智慧與全新的智慧來醫治靈與魂的問題。那些帶著屬天智慧的 神僕與個人,會從這些天使的力量開始收到實際的幫助,比如在資金與供應領域。在啟示方面將有一些真實的升級,以至有啟示橫掃進來,供應許多靈與魂的醫治給群眾。


這些新的天使力量的存在也要帶來疾病與新療法的大突破。對 神的兒女將有愛滋病的治療。在 神的孩子們當中,會有一個來接受這超自然的啟示。這治療背後的智慧是超越醫治愛滋病患者。祂的心意是要使祂孩子成為地上這個祝福的代理人。對這事,將會有附加的故事線,這人是誰,他們是如何向 神求醫治的。這為要打開同性戀社群的心門進入 神的家,就是他們感到被拒絕最厲害的地方,而設計的。許多其他醫學上的洞察力與治療方法會隨著這些天使而來。事實上,將不會有任何即將到來的疾病或瘟疫,是 神未預先把對這疾病治療的啟示給祂的某一個孩子。每個使我們恐懼的事,就是天國降臨到地上的機會!

另外,這些新的天使是大天使,為要協助那些嘗試醫治家庭與婚姻的人。將會有新的眼光、新的供應、新的恩寵,給那些執行從天上來的答案的人。將來的幫助不是為了供應政治影響力的,乃是為了滋養人的心而非實現政治議程。此外,這有醫治之能的翅膀的澆灌,是 神祂重新滋養人的心的方法,使人可以反映出祂的道路與法則。這就是瑪拉基書4:4的意義,“你們當記念我僕人摩西的律法”,和祂的律例典章,當我們將這經文連結到希伯來書8:10 ”主又說:那些日子以後,我與以色列家所立的約乃是這樣:我要將我的律法放在他們裡面,寫在他們心上;我要作他們的神;他們要作我的子民。”

清教徒與公誼會教徒(Quaker) 的影響

對清教徒與公誼會教徒的了解對我們下個季節是重要的,因為他們兩個有與我們相爭的影響。在美國仍然存留兩個基督徒影響,甚至幾百年過後還仍在運作。清教徒的影響是要透過法律實施而帶來社會的公義。公誼會教徒的影響是把心理轉化放為優先的。在美國幾乎所有偉大的社會改變是來至於公誼會教徒的影響,因為它是直接針對社會的核心。他們呈遞代表公義的論點,來強迫群眾。被視為美國反奴隸制運動使徒的公誼會教徒約翰.伍爾曼(John Woolman) 花了30年時間走訪、發言並直接寫作,為要刺入美國人的良心。他宣稱奴隸制是靈魂問題的黑暗面,而不是政治問題。終究他對心理與思想的影響力導致了內戰。針對這件事還有許多可說的,但非常重要的是,我們必須知道家庭山頭的新鮮恩膏將會臨到一些聲音與新的寫作,可以刺入一個國家,使舊戰場上有了新的故事。

不是每個帶著 “家庭”的字的頭銜都代表神所擁有的最美好的。在幾個例子反而是阻止真醫治進來的主要攔阻。我們常常都在社會各階層裡尋找替罪羊,並忘了其實只有一個仇敵,而非在一個人或一個族群裡面。如果我們把所有同性戀者放逐至一個遙遠的島,我們的家真的會更好,更強壯嗎 ?那些人口中百分之二到百分之四的想要結婚的人,後來反而是毀掉婚姻的人,他們是怎麼了?真正的幫助會從這些天使力量而來,但並不是要增強/強化我們目前大部分的陣線,而是幫助我們尋找到我們新的陣線, 明白敵人是魔鬼。 

1) 疾病的醫治
2) 身心的滋潤
3) 釋放
4) 治療法
對於那些在這領域裡預備自己並期待得著幫助的人,將會有極大的幫助臨到他們身上。這正在興起的軍隊裡的人必須先得醫治,才能夠進到社會的領域並堅守陣地。很棒的醫治詩歌將會開始進入神的家,使許多的人心前所未有的被融化。將會有至少一位大天使帶著新的歌詞與音樂來協助完成 “以利亞的靈”的使命,使一切被恢復,而一切的恢復將由家庭開始。 


瑪拉基書4:2告訴我們,透過從阿爸父來的新的幫助,我們“必出來跳躍如圈裡的肥犢“。這裡也有許多要解釋的。首先,我們原本都被關在一個 ”籠子”裡。當一個東西被關在籠子裡時,它無法前進。許多人感覺好像是一直處在籠子裡,但現在是興起發光的時候了!當肥犢可以自由的奔向青草地上時,牠們會跳躍並歡樂。當牠們期待著到達收割園地時,牠們會調皮喜樂的跳躍著。許多人已經待在約瑟的 ”籠子”裡,但那季節已結束,因為喜樂興起的季節已臨到我們。無論那些事發生在24小時內或不是,我們必須預備心,來迎接臨到我們的事實。必有公義的日頭出現,其光線(原文是翅膀)有醫治之能,而當祂興起時,我們也興起。


瑪拉基書4:3在告訴我們可以期待的得勝的程度。羅馬書16:20說 ”賜平安的神快要將撒但踐踏在你們腳下”。 ”快要將”這字的意思是很快的,而且比仇敵所花的時間與精力相對比較之下還要快。在這些所有的議題裡,請記得我們有一個仇敵,而我們也不是與屬血氣的爭戰。我們將踐踏撒旦的根與撒旦的枝條。牠會從社會裡被擊退,到一個實際被滅絕的地步,但在社會上看起來,牠會先做出絕望的最後一個行動。無論如何,牠會被徹底的打敗離開第二層天,就是牠攻擊聖徒的地方。儘管在我們的前幾代不是如此,但在未來,牠不會有好日子過! 




瑪拉基書4:5是為要給我們前所未有的恢復時代的時間表。祂說,“看哪,耶和華大而可畏之日未到以前,我必差遣先知以利亞到你們那裡去”。我想在這個以前的字裡有極大意義。在希伯來文裡所用的字是 PANYM,這是最容易直接的連結於神的臉(面)。出埃及記33章裡,當經文形容耶和華與摩西 “面對面”說話時,就是“PANYM 對 PANYM”。出埃及記33:20,當祂說摩西你不能看見“我的臉”,這裡用的也是一樣的 PANYM 字。這個字也有“存在”與“面前”的意義,這意思是正面。所以這些全部到底是什麼意思呢? 意思是與其說這些事會按時間順序,發生在耶和華大而可畏之日未到以前,倒不如說“以利亞的靈”事實上就是神的面要照耀在這大而可畏之日來臨時。換句話說,你必因此知道這日的臨到是如何開始的。所以為什麼是大而(又)可畏 ? 





明顯的,我們若不提以色列是不可能對未來說出先知性話語。對此,想知道更多的話,請參考我對今年的先知性話語,那裡有更清楚的記錄。目前有對與伊朗戰爭的討論,好像變成常態性,導致對國家產生持續的不明朗感。目前被釋放出來關於以色列的部分,其實是與神國的推展有極大的關聯。當 “以利亞的靈”繼續將神的道路與神形像的榮美烙進我們的心,這會大大的影響那些原本已經接受盟約的人。我們這些帶着對耶穌有限的認識的清教徒,對多數的猶太人來説並不是那麽討人喜歡。我們如何知道我們是彰顯一個真正的福音?就是當我們看到那些在尋找彌賽亞的心(猶太人)回轉向在我們裡頭的彌賽亞。”以利亞的靈”使父的心回轉向兒子,兒子的心回轉向父。

你或許注意到在我寫了這許多頁的先知性信息中,並沒有這類的描述。直到最後末日的來臨,我們的確會看見許多的瘟疫,地震,暴風雨,戰爭和經濟挑戰。然而對於那些擴展神國度的人(kingdom advancers)來説,這些問題和挑戰從來不成為一個中心故事。每一個危機,災害或混亂的局面都會成為神國擴展的最大的機會。每一個將要臨到地球的危機會有一個神給正在興起的兒女們原本已預備好的解決方案。我們將會習慣從災難與危機中,看見神做偉大的事。我喜歡吉克爾(Kat Kerr) 說對於未來的看法 – 她說會有一個時間,我們會看見一個被火化的人,復活過來。有一個時間,神的兒女來到被地震摧毀的城市,而使該城市恢復到它以前的穩健,使在地面的實際裂痕癒合並使所有那些死或受傷的人又活過來。在我們前面的是什麼樣的時間啊!



有一些全新族類(new breed)的先知是神為這時刻所興起的。這新族類是帶著盼望與未來的先知。我一位先知性朋友看見異象裡,基督身體好比一個奧斯威辛集中營。教會對於神的知識的餵養少得很可憐,會眾挨餓並僅存於生存模式。除了生存並沒有使命,而守護者正以不乾淨的,且有限的食物來餵養飢餓的人口。只有死或被提才是他們的希望。這指控當然是在描述是我們所知道的教會。我們的牧師與先知在這罪上有分。他們只是用他們過往被餵養的食物在餵養別人,但這個必須改變。 

甚至今天,許多在我們中間這些被稱為“先知”的人,做了更多嚇壞基督的新婦過於堅固她並給她盼望的事。因為這事實,我們所看見最嚇人的教會,就是那些本來應該最進步的 — 就是那些已經擁抱現代的先知和聖靈的大能的人。但這一切正在改變,並且會開始戲劇性的改變。神的百姓將要從 ”籠子”中出來,然後他們只聽從盼望之聲。盼望不是根據“一廂情願的想法”,乃是根據看見我們所處的盼望的季節。盼望是根據理解我們所處的時間和我們該做的事情。盼望是根據對我們的啟示、我們的故事和我們不久的未來。盼望根據對神是誰—被醫治和被擴張的看見。我們認為神是誰是我們最重要的事情。這是絕望的鎖鏈脫落的時間!現在是時候擴展我們的使命!超越教會建築物的“鐵絲網”,而實際的成為社會裡的教會!好消息是,神知道我們需要幫助,而祂將要傾倒出祂的新事物。你已經厭倦與步兵走路,你將會與馬奔跑。 



ROSH HASHANAH 2012: The Beginning of the Age of Restoration
by Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow on Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I believe that this is the most important prophetic message I have ever given. It is a message that I burn with the hottest and can see the clearest. He, that has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying.

This mid-September begins, what I believe to be, the most significant period in Church history since the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Acts chapter two. 

Furthermore, I believe I have been shown that the Holy Spirit will begin to pour out an unprecedented wine that will surpass the outpouring in Acts chapter two. This wine is not just for refreshing; not just for revival, not just for reformation of society- but in fact extends into an age of the restoration of all things. There will be all of the above (refreshing, revival, restoration..) and we must have a ‘wineskin’ ready to receive that level of wine.

In this word, I want to cover the specifics of this new day. It’s imperative that there is clarity as to our present narrative. If we don’t know the present story line, we will be in danger of trying to fulfill a wrong role. One’s role must always be consistent with the script that is playing out. I believe this to be the heart of the Lord for us at this time.

Three Stages: AWAKE 2008, ARISE 2012, SHINE 2015
I have been shown a prophetic sequence that began on Rosh Hashanah 2008, that will have it’s full manifestation in 2015. I have spoken of this multiple times and in my book “The 7 Mountain Mantle”. It is a pattern I have been observing for years and am still seeing the accuracy of the way it was shown to me.

2008 Rosh Hashanah: AWAKE- to the 7 Mountain Mandate.
This awakening of the last four years is not an awakening like those we have known in that past. It has not been an awakening of revival, or even of refreshing. Rather, it has been an awakening into an expanded perspective on the Kingdom of God and what “on Earth as it is in Heaven” truly looks like.

It is an awakening to the reality that our mission, is to first see a God “of all life”and then display that God in all of life. It is the understanding that we must re-image this full faceted God in every area of society- so that He reigns in government, media, education, arts, economy, family and religion.

There has been an amazing awakening into this expanded view of who God is. He is not just God the Redeemer (mountain of religion); but He is God the Governing One (mountain of government), God the Creative One (mountain of arts/entertainment), God who is Papa (mountain of family), God the Provider (mountain of economy), God the Blessed Communicator (mountain of media), and God as Wise Teacher (mountain of education). We can only re-image the aspects of Him that we see and so it is important that we see this God, as the God of all of life. He is the same God who is the “desire of the nations” as spoken of in Haggai chapter two.

This awakening period will continue, even as we step into the next prophetic stage-but the next stage will be upon us this Rosh Hashanah.

2012 Rosh Hashanah: ARISE- with the 7 Mountain Mandate
This unprecedented season begins now. My spirit has been longing and even exuberant for this day. I have known and shared that the awakening season was not going to be easy, but would in fact be as it was for Joseph in his years before being brought before Pharaoh. The testimony of many is that it has not been an easy time, and it is because God has been more interested in tearing down status quo than in keeping us comfortable. Status quo ‘wineskins‘ do not hold the ‘new wine’. Old mindsets do not allow for new perspectives. Gospel of salvation focus, does not allow for gospel of the kingdom focus. Revival focus does not allow for reformation focus.

The Body of Christ is going through a spiritual lobotomy, so that her re-wiring of the brain can receive the new power and presence that is coming. We would ‘waste‘the new power on lesser goals if He did not rewire us. We would limit our advances to crusades and healing campaigns when He is after the nations.

Ultimately, the coming release of unprecedented Help is for those who understand His passion for the nations. I believe that it is the fulfillment of Malachi 4 that we begin to step into and there has never been a time like it before nor will there ever be a time like it.

The Age of Restoration: Malachi 4 It Begins Now!
Malachi 4:1 “ For behold, the day is coming, Burning like an oven, And all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble. And the day which is coming will burn them up”, Says the Lord of hosts, “That will leave them neither root nor branch.
4:2 But to you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; And you shall go out and leap like calves released from the stall. (NIV)
4:3 You shall trample the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I do this,” says the Lord of hosts.
4:4 Remember the Law of Moses, My servant, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.
4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
4:6 And He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”

The Next 100 Years
Before I get into the meat of this passage, I want to first bring to your attention a specific word and work that starts now and that will manifest for at least the next 100 years. I believe we have at least 3 generations to go before there is any interruption or follow up to this pattern. This is a very important understanding. 

Every generation has believed themselves to be the tribulation generation, and it has ultimately lead to a lot of short-sightedness in vision and projection. As a result, there has been very little sowing into the next generation and it has lead to a prevailing atmosphere of foreboding. This is generally how the Body of Christ has been operating. Essentially, every generation is looking for the beast, a one world government, and the tribulation instead of this day spoken of in Malachi 4. I did not believe until recently that we had this much more time. This revelation has been my personal ‘lobotomy’. It has allowed me to see generations yet ahead of us taking back that which was lost.

The Day has Come
Malachi 4: 1 - “For behold the day is coming”. This is my prophetic announcement for Rosh Hashanah 2012. That day is upon us. It is the last chapter of the Old Testament and it announces the age of restoration. This‘day’ is going to be for several generations. The events that follow clearly signify that it can not take place in a natural day. We know this ‘day’ is a time period or also referred to as an "age". It is day, because it is not night. We work, while it is ‘day’.

Burning Like an Oven
“Burning like an oven”- We are then told that this day is a hot, fiery day. It is not burning like a wild fire but as an oven. It is a controlled fire with a specific purpose. It is not a day of random heat and fire, but purposeful fire. Who is in trouble for this day of heat? The proud and those who do wickedly. It begins with the proud and those who do wicked that minister in God’s house. Judgement begins in the house of the Lord. God does not enjoy destroying anyone as all are His children. Even less for those who have prayed and invited Him into their lives. However, Christian leaders who manifest presumptuous pride and do wickedly will be the first targets. This is not about vague pride and wickedness, but the overt wickedness that has gone unchecked. These will be bad days to lead God’s people while living in adultery, being dishonest with money, fleecing the flock, or anything else that is decidedly wicked against His flock. This new thing is in God’s passion and His sons and daughters, His ministers become first in the line of fire if they get in the way. Ministers, this is a time to fear God. You will not get away with what you used to.

Neither Root nor Branch Shall be Left Them
The end of Malachi 4:1, gives us insight into the thoroughness of the coming ‘burn’. He is going after the roots and the branches of evil. The roots and branches of evil are at the top of the 7 mountains of society, this is a strategic burn. Branches represent the visible systems that don’t represent His correct image in society. Roots are the supportive demonic entities and lies that enable the distorted image of God. This is not going to happen instantly, but it will be an ever increasing assault and push back against darkness. Over the next 100 years you will not see the kingdom of God decrease even one day. From here foreword it is only increase.

To You Who Fear My Name- It is only Good! 
Malachi 4:2 “ But to you who fear My name”. There is a quick and clear inference that is shone to us here. Those who fear His name ONLY have excitement before them. The word “fear” is the Hebrew word YARE that means reverence, honor and to stand in awe. It is not a “run away from” fear, but a “coming closer” fear. If you call yourself a Christian, your safety and joy is in your sincerity of heart. Insincerity and skepticism should be considered spiritual heart disease. Insincerity is the proof of the absence of real relationship. Skepticism is craftily worded defense of doubt and unbelief. It is both the root and a fruit of insincerity.

The Sun of Righteousness will ARISE with Healing in His Wings
What an awesome phrase! This reality is what becomes available to those who fear His name. Malachi 4:1 told us of this unprecedented heat. Malachi 4:2 lets us know who is sourcing it. He is the Sun of Righteousness. Furthermore, this is important to consider. The hot, burning day is not because there are random disasters and chaos all around the world. The heat is from the Lord who arises on our behalf. He arises so that we may arise. Isaiah 60:1 says Arise and Shine....with His Glory and Light. The Glory and Light shining so brightly is what burns up wickedness. For years, I have been speaking about Rosh Hashanah 2012 and the season of ARISE.It is now upon us. It is the Kairos time from heaven for this day to be upon us.

The word“righteousness” is the same word for “justice”- and in fact in the Spanish Bible it reads “ El Sol de justicia” which means “the Sun of Justice”. Justice is about wrong things being made right. It is about crooked paths being made straight. Justice is completely about Restoration, and this is the age which we have entered. God will restore His story line, His narrative, and then He will restore the beautiful punch line of His script. He will also do this for everyone whom fears His name. He is looking after the story line of everyone who fears His name. If you will serve Him in sincerity and not quit- your life story, it will carry a punch from heaven against darkness. He will make your personal story beautiful as you look after His story. He is all about the story. He is not just an efficient, “get er done” God. He loves story. He loves telling story, being story, restoring story.

Healing in His Wings: He is Sending Raphael
I believe the Lord has shown me that the archangel of the Mountain of Family called Raphael is being released with tens of millions of angels this Rosh Hashanah. This is very exciting news. His name means “God Heals” or “Healing is in God”. He is going to be a difference maker in the landscape of planet earth. I believe he carries the “spirit of Elijah” and that is what is so significant about him. Malachi 4:5 tell us that this Elijah anointing turns the hearts of fathers to children and the children to fathers. In essence, it is an anointing that heals family relationships. Scripture is clear here that we would need the Lord to send us help for our families. Malachi 4 is essentiality a Mountain of Family chapter that is the focal point for the present invasion of heaven. Everything that pertains to healing is a family mountain operation.

Scope of What Raphael and Angels will be Doing
It is important to know what the angels are coming to assist us with. They carry some great heavenly help that we must intentionally position ourselves for. Raphael's name, along with those that are with him, describes that they will be all about healing. There will be a new anointing for physical healing's, but the Lord will reserve some of the strongest anointing for those who understand the connection between societal healing, family healing and personal healing. A fractured society produces fractured families. Fractured families are primarily responsible for the sickness in society. It is imperative that we make the connection and seek healing at all three levels of society, family, and the individual.

Additionally, we need to have our three levels of healing. A sick spirit or a sick soul will release sickness into an individual and we can’t ignore these factors. Through His angelic army, the Holy Spirit will be releasing new counseling wisdom and new wisdom for healing soul and spirit issues. Ministries and individuals that are carrying a significant heavenly wisdom will begin to receive very practical help from these angelic forces in areas such as funding and distribution. There are some very real upgrades in revelation that are about to sweep in and will provide much healing for the spirits and souls of the masses.

A Cure for AIDS
These new angelic forces are also here to bring great breakthrough as it relates to illnesses and new cures. There is a cure for AIDS that is being made available for a son or daughter of God. God wants one of His acknowledged kids to receive this supernatural revelation. This wisdom behind this cure extends beyond healing for AIDS patients. It is in His heart to have one of His own become the agent of this blessing on earth. There is an attached story line of who this person is and how they asked God for this cure. It is designed to open the hearts of the homosexual community to the house of God where they have felt the most rejection. Many other medical insights and cures will be coming with these angels. In fact, there will not be any forthcoming illness or plague where God will not have already preemptively placed the cure for it in one of His own kids. Every fearful thing coming is only an opportunity for heaven to show up on earth.

Additionally, these new angels are great angels that will be assisting those attempting to heal families and marriages. There will be new insight, new provision, and new favor for those that are carrying these new answers from heaven. None of this coming help is to provide political leverage. The coming assistance is to condition the hearts of men not to implement political agenda. At some point, laws will represent that which is resident in the hearts. Furthermore, this Healing in His Wings outpouring is the way He reconditions hearts to better reflect His ways. That is the meaning of Malachi 4:4, which says “Remember the law of Moses” and it’s statutes as we connect it to Hebrews 8:10.

“For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put my hearts in their mind and WRITE THEM ON THEIR HEARTS, and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.”

Puritan versus Quaker influences
The Puritan versus Quaker is an important understanding for this next season as we have two contending influences. There are two remnants of Christian influence operating still in America even hundreds of years later. The Puritanical influence is willing for righteousness to come about through legal imposition. Quaker influence understands the need for hearts to be changed as the priority. Almost all the great lasting social changes in America came through Quaker inspiration, because it went after the heart of society first. They presented arguments on behalf of righteousness that compelled the masses. Quaker John Woolman who was considered to be the apostle of the antislavery movement in America spent 30 years traveling and speaking and writing directly to prick the conscience of America. He proclaimed that slavery was a darkness of the soul issue and not a political one. Eventually his influence over the hearts and minds lead to their being the Civil War . Much more could be said about this but it's important to know that some of the fresh anointing for the Mountain of Family is going to come on some new voices and new pens that will prick the conscience of a nation with a new narrative on an old battlefield.

Not everything that has the word “Family” in it’s title represents the best of what God has. In some cases, it is a primary obstacle for real healing to come in. We have been scapegoating the wrong segments of society at times while forgetting that there is only one enemy and it is not a person or a people group. If we were to banish all homosexuals to a remote island, would our families really be better, and really be stronger? Just how does 2-4% of the population- who also want to be married, destroy marriage? Real help is coming through these new angelic forces, but it is not to strengthen most of our present battle lines but rather to help us find new battle lines where the enemy is actually the devil.

Marpe is the Hebrew word used here for Healing, in Malachi 4:2. When you look up the word it gives four manifestations of this healing.
1) Healing of Disease 2)
2) Refreshing of Mind and Body
3) Deliverance
These are the areas where great, great help is about to be bestowed upon us and all who operate in any of these areas should position themselves and expect great help. The Arising army must first get healed before it can hold any ground as it rises into the other areas of society. Great songs of healing will also begin to come into and through the house of God which will melt hearts as never before. There will be at least one great angel that will be bringing new lyrics and music to assist with the mission of the “spirit of Elijah” that will begin to restore everything but the restoration begins in the family.

Leap Like Calves Released from the Stall
Malachi 4:2 Tells us that with this new help from Papa that we will “leap like calves released from the stall.” There is so much here also. First of all, we have been as it were, in a “stall”. When something is stalled it is not moving forward. Many have felt that they have been in a stall, but it is now time to ARISE and shine. Calves leap and frolic when they are free to go to the green pastures. They jump playfully as they anticipate being in their harvest fields. Many have been in their Joseph ‘stall’, but that season is coming to an end because the joyful arising season is upon us. Whether all that happens for us in 24 hours or not, we must position our hearts for that reality as that is what is upon us. The Sun of Righteousness is arising with healing in His wings and when He arises we arise.

You Shall Trample the Wicked
The rest of Malachi 4:3, tells us the level of victory we can expect. Romans 16:20 (NIV) says “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.” The word ‘soon’ means quickly, and it will be a relatively quick work compared to the time and effort the enemy has put into it. In all this discussion, let's remember that we have one enemy and we wrestle not against flesh and blood. We will crush Satan’s roots and Satan’s branches. He will be so pushed back in society that he will come to what seems like practical extinction before he does his last act of desperation. He will be knocked totally out of the second heaven were he wages direct war against the saints. This is yet generations before us, and even then it will not go well for him.

Ashes Under the Sole of Your Feet
This phrase is also very insightful and relevant. It means the enemy will ultimately be defeated everywhere that we show up. The Promised Land was always about wherever the soles of their feet touched. This remains the operating principle that we can attach to the 7 Mountain Mandate. Wherever we expect to see the enemy brought to ashes, we must first in a practical and real way, simply show up. If we want to see the enemy brought down in government, we must be involved in government. If we want the enemy brought down in media, we must show up in media. If we want the enemy brought down in arts, we must show up in arts. The walls of Jericho come down only when we show up at the walls with a dispossessing resolve. This phrase of “ashes under the soles of your feet” tells us that as we walk with resolve, it creates the fire that tramples the enemy.

Before the Coming of the Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord
Malachi 4:5 appears to give us the timing of this unprecedented age of restoration. He says, “I will send Elijah the prophet before the great and dreadful day of the Lord”. I think there is enormous significance in the word BEFORE. In Hebrew it is the word PANIYM, which is most readily connected with the face of God. In Exodus chapter 33 when the scriptures speak of the Lord speaking “face to face” with Moses, it is PANIYM to PANIYM. In Exodus 33:20, where He says Moses you can’t see “my face”it is the same PANIYM word. This word can also mean “presence”, and “front of” as it refers to the frontside. So what does this all mean? That rather than saying all these things will occur chronologically BEFORE the day of the Lord, that the “spirit of Elijah” will in fact be the face of God shone at the onset of this great and dreadful. In other words, this is how you know that day has started. So why is it great AND dreadful?

At the beginning of 2012 I gave a word for that year that I still believe to be relevant. I still believe it relevant for it to be connected to this word for Rosh Hashanah 2012. I spoke that 2012 is the year where the Promise Maker delights Himself in beginning to show Himself as the Promise Keeper. This actually speaks to the season of arising we are just now entering as we leave the ‘stall’.

I also spoke of the impact of the ‘lionesses’, and how they will affect everything and immediately affect the upcoming election. This too is totally connected to the angelic release for this season. The female conscience of this nation has been‘stalled’ and that which is being released is going to ignite the conscience, heart, soul and the voice of women. The Holy Spirit will pour out something never before poured out and it’s initial central target is the heart and soul of women. In that awakening will be seen a greater representation of the heart of God. Women of resolve will arise and they will be as roaring lionesses bringing order into the house. This won't come through nagging or manipulation, but through sheer anointing. They will carry His protective heart for the‘pride’ which is another word for the community of lions. The social fabric of society is presently in fracture and disarray, because the enemy has led an intense campaign to devastate women. The last several years has been particularly difficult for women, but the Sun of Righteousness is arising and a great roaring is about to be felt throughout this nation and then into the nations.

It is obviously impossible to speak prophetically of the future without speaking of Israel. For more on that, refer to my word for the year which covers that better. There is presently talk of war with Iran as it is normal that there is ongoing uncertainty for the nation. There is great connection between what is presently being released, and the advances of the kingdom of God as it relates to Israel. As the “spirit of Elijah” continues to brand into our hearts the ways and beauty of who God is. It will greatly affect those who originally received the covenants. Our often puritanical paradigm, with its’ limited scope of who God and Jesus are, has not been all that endearing to the majority of Jews. One of the ways we will know we are manifesting a true gospel is when we see the hearts of those looking for their Messiah turned to their Messiah in us. The “spirit of Elijah” causes the hearts of fathers to be turned to sons and of sons to their fathers. One of the manifestations of this will be the love and reconciliation between Jews and Christians. The father’s hearts (Jews) will be turned to the son (Christians) and vice versa. This has already been taking place, but it will go to a whole other level. The root and branches that Paul talked about in Romans 11, will be reconciled into one new man. This will be a progressive work that will never cease. The true church will never turn on Israel and will ever be aware of it’s central roll in God’s big story.

What About Plagues, Earthquakes, Storms, War and Economic Collapses?
You may note the absence of any such description though I have written many pages of prophetic insight for this time. Until the end, there will always be plagues, earthquakes, storms, wars and economic challenges. They are never intended to be a central story for those who are kingdom advancers. Every crisis, disaster or chaotic situation will always be the greatest opportunity for kingdom advancement. Every crisis that will ever come upon planet earth will have a pre-imbedded solution already placed there by our God in His rising sons and daughters. We will so understand this that it will be our custom to run to disasters and crisis and we will watch God do great things. I love what Kat Kerr said as she saw into the future- saying there will be a time where someone cremated would be raised from the dead. A time where a child of God comes into an earthquake devastated city and restores the city to it’s previous soundness, bringing healing to the literal crack in the ground and raising back all those that were killed or injured. What a time we are headed for! We won’t always just come into a place of devastation and tell them it’s because they displeased God and this is His judgment. We will finally understand that the kindness of God leads to repentance.

On Prophets
There is a whole new breed of prophets that God is raising up for this time. This new breed are prophets of hope and of a future. A prophetic friend of mine saw in vision the Body of Christ as an Auschwitz concentration camp reality. The church was being fed so poorly on the knowledge of God, that they were starving and in survival mode. There was no mission other than survival, and the guards’ were feeding starvation rations. It was unclean, with limited food. There was only hope in dying or being rescued (i.e. the rapture). This of course is an indictment on church as we know it. Our pastors and our prophets share in the guilt of this reality. They are just feeding with what they were fed with, but that must change.

Even today, many of those among us known as ‘prophets’ are doing much more to scare the Bride of Christ than to strengthen her and give her hope. Because of this reality, one of the most intimidated segments of the church that I see are the ones that should be the most advanced - those that have embraced modern day prophets and the power of the Holy Spirit. This is changing and will begin to change dramatically. God’s people are about to burst from the ‘stall’ and they will then only follow voices of hope. Hope not based on “wishful thinking”, but hope based on having seen the season of hope that we are in. Hope based on understanding the times we are in and what we should be doing. Hope based on a revelation of our side, our narrative, and our immediate future. Hope based on a healed and expanded perspective of who God is. What we think about God is the most important thing about us. It is time for the chains of despair to fall off. It is time to stop eating the slop of “when is the second shoe going to hit ”. It’s time to extend our mission beyond the ‘barbed wire’ of church buildings and actually be the church in society. The good news is He knows we need help and He is about to pour out His new. You have been weary walking with the footmen, but you are about to run with the horses.

Johnny Enlow- A Voice of Hope
September 2012