





*創世記 6:9. 挪亞是個義人,在當時的世代是個完全人。挪亞與神同行。』 


*創世記 6:11-13. 世界在神面前敗壞,地上滿了強暴(希伯來文是hamas─暴行、殘忍的暴力。)神觀看世界,見是敗壞了;凡有血氣的人在地上都敗壞了行為。神就對挪亞說:凡有血氣的人,他的盡頭已經來到我面前;因為地上滿了他們的強暴,我要把他們和地一併毀滅。』


*偉人(NEPHILIM). 上週的妥拉閱讀最後(創世記6:4)提到偉人(聖經許多處亦翻成『巨人』;這個字可能有『墮落者』之意)。許多人推論他們正是墮落天使(『神的兒子們』4節)與人的女子(人的女兒們)所生的後代。這節經文的時間並不確定─這些偉人與其後代有可能都存在洪水之前;偉人(Nephilim)這個字只有在這裡和民數記13:33提到。


a. 從聖經的證據來看,沒有任何確證談到這些偉人在洪水之後仍存在。另一處提到偉人的地方,是從摩西差派窺探迦南之地那十個害怕與不信的探子而來(民數記13:33)。在20節他們報告有亞衲族的人在那裡。亞衲(Anak)在今日有『巨人』的意思,可能在古時也有同樣意思,而非提到一個種族。在迦勒試圖安撫百姓之後,十個探子確實提到偉人的名字,33節說:『我們在那裡看見亞衲族人,就是偉人;他們是偉人的後裔。據我們看,自己就如蚱蜢一樣。』在許多譯本的括號中說(亞衲族人是偉人的後裔)並沒有出現在希伯來文中。或許在迦南存在著一個關於偉人的古老神話,是根據挪亞子孫流傳下來的記載(他們的兒子在洪水之前真實看過偉人)。害怕的探子有可能根據此浮現出偉人的名字,把他們與所見的巨人聯想在一起。

b. 使徒彼得告訴我們(在彼得後書2:4-6),經文清楚提到在挪亞的日子,『就是天使犯了罪,神也沒有寬容,曾把他們丟在地獄,交在黑暗坑中,等候審判。』那些天使仍被綑綁,聖經並沒有提到是否是他們後代的靈(或他們的後代是否有靈)。

c. 耶穌在馬太福音24:37-38說:『挪亞的日子怎樣,人子降臨也要怎樣。』祂顯然明確提到人類與他們的日常生活,並沒有提到屬靈世界的存在或活動。祂對信徒的警告是『警醒/觀看!』 

d. 耶穌認可性地說到推雅推喇教會的人,『就是一切不從那教訓、不曉得他們素常所說撒但深奧之理的人』,我們並不懷疑主有時會裝備並遮蓋祂的一些僕人,他們的任務需要以一種特別的方式來瞭解仇敵的工作。我們也察覺到秘術裡面的一些主題會使人著迷,這樣的著迷可能會蒙蔽人,吸引不謹慎的人進到神沒有裝備或遮蓋他們的領域。我們提到此,並不是因為我們完全不同意今日信徒對偉人這主題的教導,而是因為我們相信要接觸這樣的主題必須帶著屬神的謙卑,在主的時間與智慧裡,並在聖靈保護的能力下,因為所處的時候充滿邪惡。

*創世記 7:4. 因為再過七天,我要降雨在地上四十晝夜。』 



*創世記 9:22-23. 迦南的父親含看見他父親赤身,就到外邊告訴他兩個弟兄。於是閃和雅弗拿件衣服搭在肩上,倒退著進去,給他父親蓋上;他們背著臉就看不見父親的赤身。』 


*以賽亞書 66:2b, 5a. 『但我所看顧的,就是虛心痛悔、因我話而戰兢的人(希伯來文:Haridim)。你們因耶和華言語戰兢的人當聽祂的話。』極端正統猶太教稱自己為哈勒定(Haredim),意指『戰兢的人』,就是出於這幾節經文與意思:『你們因耶和華言語戰兢的人當聽祂的話。』然而,他們因著大發熱心,許多人活在屬靈黑暗的世界裡,與秘術活動緊密連繫在一起。將他們與那種黑暗綁在一起的正是敵基督的靈,牠盡其所能讓他們遠離真道─此道『太初』就與神同在,道就是神,是世界的光。


下週的閱讀(10/30-11/5)稱為離開(Lech Lecha),讀經進度為妥拉:創世記12:1-17:27;先知書:以賽亞書40:27-41:16

馬汀和娜瑪賽維士(Martin & Norma Sarvis


From ancient times there has been a weekly portion (Parashah) from the first five books of Moses (The Torah) and an ending (Haftarah) from the Prophets read on the Sabbath in synagogues around the world. This portion is given a Hebrew name drawn from the opening words of the Torah passage. An illustration of this practice appears to have been recorded in Luke 4:16 where Yeshua (Jesus) arrived in the synagogue in Nazareth and was asked to read the portion (Isaiah 61) from the Prophets. We have found that in perusing these weekly readings, not only are we provided opportunity to identify in the context of God's Word with millions of Jewish people around the world, but very often the Holy Spirit will illumine specific passages pertinent that week in our intercession for the Land and people of Israel. All texts are those of English translations of the Scriptures.

The readings for this week are called Noach (Noah):

TORAH: Genesis 6:9-11:32

HAFTARAH: Isaiah 66:1-24 NOTE: When the Sabbath falls on Rosh Chodesh (the 'head' or beginning of a new Hebrew month), a special Haftarah from Isaiah 66 is read, drawing on verse 23, " 'And it shall come to pass that from one New Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, all flesh shall come to worship before Me,' says the LORD." This coming Saturday is Rosh Chodesh for the month Heshvan (Under regular circumstances, because of a mention of Noah in verses 9-10, Isaiah 54:1-55:5 would be used).

*Genesis 6:9. "Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations; Noah walked with God."

"Perfect" is an adjectival form of the word translated "integrity" in Psalm 25:21: "Let integrity and uprightness preserve/guard me for I wait for you" (NKJV).

*Genesis 6:11-13. "Now the earth had gone to ruin before God, the earth was filled with wrongdoing. God saw the earth, and here: it had gone to ruin, for all flesh had ruined its way upon the earth. God said to Noah: An end of all flesh has come before me, for the earth is filled with wrongdoing through them: here, I am about to bring ruin upon them, along with the earth" (Everett Fox translation; emphases ours).

Flesh, given its lead, brings ruin and destruction. In the New Covenant Yeshua prophesied that in latter days, it will again be "as it was in the days of Noah". Zechariah 2:11-13 instructs us that in those days, as Messiah draws near to again take possession of Judah and to choose Jerusalem, as the LORD is aroused from His holy habitation, it will be imperative for Believers that they (as did Noah) say "HUSH" (Hebrew: "Hass!") to the flesh (Vs 13). Either we crucify it in the power of the Holy Spirit, or it will, as in the days of Noah, be our ruin.

*NEPHILIM. Last week's portion near its end (Genesis 6:4) made mention of beings called nephilim (translated "giants" in many Bibles; The word probably means "fallen ones"). They are assumed by many to have been the evil progeny of fallen angelic beings ("Sons of God" vs 4) who cohabited with human women ("daughters of men). The time-frame for these verses is uncertain-it is possible that the beings alluded to and those who "came afterward" (vs 4) all existed before the flood. Nephilim are only mentioned here and in Numbers 13:33.

There has been an awakened interest in nephilim in recent years both in secular and in Christian circles. There was a popular novel bearing that name, and a movie of the same was scheduled to be released this year. In addition, a fascination with the creatures mentioned here has always existed in the world of the occult. During the past few years a teaching has begun rising in certain Christian circles, popularized via books and the internet, asserting essentially that the spirits of these beings have been active throughout history and are especially active today in controlling the various areas of societies. It is not our place or purpose here to offer critique for or against these teachings. However, we would put forward the following considerations for those investigating them:

a. From the evidence given in canonical Scripture, it is not conclusive that these beings existed in physical form after the Flood. The only other mention of nephilim is that made by the 10 terrified and unbelieving spies sent out by Moses to investigate the land of Canaan (Numbers 13:33). In verse 20 they report that the "children" (not 'descendants') of anak are there. Anak means "giant" today and may have meant the same in ancient times, rather than referring to a race. Only after Caleb attempts to quiet the people, do the ten spies bring in the name nephilim. Verse 33 says literally, "There we saw the nephilim, giant-sons from the nephilim, and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight." The parenthesis found in many translations implying an editorial insertion from the author-that (the descendants of Anak came from the giants)-is not present in the Hebrew. Perhaps in Canaan (and from thence transferred to the early Israelites) there existed an old mythology about them drawn from accounts given by descendants of Noah (whose sons would have actually seen nephilim before the Flood). This could have been the basis for their name rising in the imagination of the terrified spies in connection with the giants they had seen.

b. The Apostle Peter (II Peter 2:4-6) informs us, clearly in the context of the "days of Noah", that "God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to the lowest hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment." The angels are still bound; whether the spirits of their progeny (or whether their progeny even had spirits) is not addressed in the Scriptures.

c. When Yeshua (Jesus) says in Matthew 24:37-38 that "As the days of Noah, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be", he is obviously referring specifically to humans and their daily activities, not the presences or activities of the spirit world. His admonition to believers is to "Watch!"

d. Yeshua speaks approvingly (Revelation 2:24) of those in the Church of Thyatira who "have not learned Satan's so-called deep secrets." While we do not question that the Lord on occasion equips and mantles certain of his servants whose assignments require that they become aware of the workings of the Enemy in specific ways, we are also aware that certain subjects within the Occult exude a certain fascination to the flesh, a fascination which may deceive, attract and draw the unwary into realms God has not equipped nor mandated that they go. We mention this, not because we are in total disagreement with everything being taught by believers on the subject of nephilim today (we are not)-but because we believe it to be a subject which must be approached in godly humility, in the timing and wisdom of the Lord, and under the protective power of the Holy Spirit-for the times are evil.

*Genesis 7:4. "For after seven more days, I will cause it to rain on the earth." It is God who "causes it to rain on the earth".

We have entered into the time of the "Former Rains" in Israel (these come in the fall and early winter, the "Latter Rains" come in late winter and early spring); yet thus far it has been dry. PLEASE PRAY that God will have mercy upon Israel and, as He did in Noah's day, open the windows of heaven-not for judgment but in mercy. As we have often mentioned, Isaiah 41:17-20 speaks of a time when Israel will cry out for water and be heard by her God-Who will do creative works to release water in unexpected places to the end "that they may see and know, and consider and understand together, that the hand of the LORD has done this, and the Holy One of Israel has created it."

*Genesis 9:22-23. "And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father.but Shem and Japheth took a garment, laid it on both their shoulders, and went backward and covered the nakedness of their father. Their faces were turned away, and they did not see their father's nakedness."

As we continue through this decade in the Hebrew calendar of Ayin-the eye (5770-5779. "70" in Hebrew letters also spells "eye"), it is of exceptional importance that we not only see what we should see, but also turn away and guard ourselves from that which we should not see-even joining together with other brothers and sisters in protecting and covering those whom God has positioned us to honour.

*Isaiah 66:2b, 5a. "But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at My word.Hear the word of the LORD, you who tremble [Hebrew: haridim] at His word." Ultra-Orthodox Jews are often called by the name "Haridim", taken from these verses and meaning, "those who tremble, and are fearful at His word." Yet, for their great zeal, many live in a world of spiritual darkness, laced with occult practices. Binding them in that darkness is an anti-Messiah (anti-Christ) spirit, which does all in its power to keep them from coming into a knowledge of the true Word-That which was in the beginning with God, which was God, and which was the Light of the World. PLEASE PRAY that revelation of the fear of the Lord would extend to these people-that the "true light that gives light to every man" (John 1:9) would shine into their darkness, revealing the Love offered by the Father in His Son.

Martin & Norma Sarvis

[The readings for next week (30 October-5 November) will be called Lech Lecha. TORAH: Genesis 12:1-17:27; HAFTARAH: Isaiah 40:27-41:16]