
為以色列時事禱告  (March 30, 2011)

1. 敘利亞在動亂中─古老的見證顯明神對她的憐憫。



敘利亞的社會復興黨(Baath Party)於1963年開始執政,立即強行『緊急法』至今。昨天一直努力安撫示威者的32名內閣成員總辭;然而,他們會繼續堅守崗位直到新政府形成,總統阿薩德(Bashar Assad)目前握有最大的軍力,並不受內閣辭職的影響。今天,阿薩德發表演講將動亂譴責為『美國猶裔』的陰謀。他控告外來的煽動者滲入『帶著誠意政治改革的大眾運動』,他讚美達拉市的人民為『真正的愛國者』,他們將『除滅煽動這場暴力的人』。同時,在臉書報導了敘利亞2011年革命,所有『敘利亞的自由人民』將於這週五『靜坐抗裔』,不理會政府要討論他們訴求的承諾。




*神為敘利亞人民和政府的救贖目的將會發生。『祂改變時候、日期,廢王,立王。 』(但以理書2:21)。





請禱告神會以祂更好的方式來帶領我們;倘若祂可以影響敘利亞古時的王,透過以色列來釋放祂的憐憫在他的元帥身上─難道祂不能在今天做同樣的事嗎?因祂的憐憫永遠長存(Ki le'Olam hasdo)!

2. 在主的眼中,看聖民之死極為寶貴。

上週在耶路撒冷恐怖份子的炸彈攻擊中,唯一身亡的人是來自英國翻譯聖經的信徒葛瑪麗(Mary Gardener)。瑪麗曾在非洲多哥將聖經翻譯成伊費人的語言,在2009年她完成新約的翻譯。她一月來到以色列,在希伯來大學讀聖經翻譯,住在位於耶路撒冷西邊的信徒社區亞德.哈許莫納(Yad HaShmona)。上星期三她放假,搭公車來到市中心與一位朋友碰面。爆炸時她站在車站最靠近手提箱的地方,很神奇的是沒有造成更多的傷亡;普遍認為她的身體吸收了爆炸的衝擊,可能是沒有造成更多傷亡的原因。這週她的生命與信仰見證充滿在以色列與其他國家的媒體;一位作家寫著:『很神奇的是瑪麗的死竟在以色列造成如此的影響,在希伯來大學的學生與個人、媒體,甚至一些常嘲諷的記者都認為瑪麗對聖經翻譯帶來的貢獻。






馬汀和娜瑪‧賽維士(Martin & Norma Sarvis)



"Now Na'aman, commander of the army of the king of Syria, was a great and honorable man in the eyes of his master, because by him the LORD had given victory to Syria. He was also a mighty man of valor, leprous." (II Kings 5:1-From this week's Haftarah portion (see below).

Recent weeks have witnessed upheavals similar to those affecting so many Middle Eastern countries awakening in Syria. Demonstrations, especially in the southern cities of Daraa and Latakia have been met with violent government crackdowns, in which there are reports that already over 70 people have been killed. Much encouragement and direction of these demonstrators has been facilitated through the media of the internet. .

The Baath Party in Syria came to power in 1963, and immediately imposed "emergency law" which has been in force since. Yesterday, in an effort to appease the demonstrators, the entire 32-member Cabinet resigned. However, the members remain in their positions until a new government is formed, and anyway, the office of President in this authoritarian regime, currently held by Bashar Assad, holds ultimate power and will not be affected by the resignations. Today Assad gave a speech blaming the unrest on an "American-Israeli" plot. He accused foreign instigators of infiltrating "a popular movement with a genuine desire for political reform." He lauded the people in Daraa as "true patriots" who will "eliminate whoever instigated this violence." In the meanwhile, a directive is reported over the Syria Revolution 2011 Facebook page for 'sit-ins' by all the "free people of Syria" this coming Friday, ignoring promises by the government to discuss their demands.

It seems not without significance to us that just as the popular unrest in this part of the world focuses on Israel's hostile neighbor to her north-east, the Haftarah reading for this very week (II Kings 4:42-5:19, see below) should center on Syria. In Elisha's day, this region stood often as Israel's enemy, and the story begins with a girl taken captive in one of those conflicts. Present-day Syria considers itself to be still in a state of war with Israel, maintaining thousands of missiles pointed in our direction (many reportedly with poisonous gas payload capabilities), and continuing to strengthen ties with other hostile nations in the region. Yet it is very important that we not dehumanize an entire people, because their country is aligned against us as an enemy; God has today, as in Elisha's day, redemptive purposes for the people of Syria. This II Kings passage quoted above relates how a heroic Syrian army commander had been actually used by Israel's LORD to bring victory (Hebrew: salvation) to Syria-and some of those victories had been at Israel's expense! But God had a bigger plan. Although Israel's king was himself a godless man, God's promise nevertheless stood-that in Abraham's seed all the nations of the earth would receive His blessing. Through the compassionate testimony of a young captive Israeli girl, the God of Israel purposed to bring further personal "salvation" and cleansing to Na'aman-and also the redeeming knowledge to Syria that "there was a prophet in Israel" (II Kings 5:8).


*For God's redeeming purposes for the people and government of Syria to come to pass. "He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings." (Daniel 2:21).

*Pray for the Body of Messiah in Syria during the present upheavals and changes. "He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and Light dwells with Him" (Daniel 2:21b-22).

*For the prophetic to be established again in Israel as in days of old, this time in the Body of Messiah ("The testimony of Yeshua is the spirit of prophecy"- Rev 19:10)-to the extent that even in the lands of our enemies there will come the testimony that "there is a prophet in Israel".

*That God will awaken heroic men and women in Syria, to the revelation that "salvation is of the Jews"-that there is cleansing for all men provided in "Elohei Yisrael"-the Israel God. That His angels will minister on behalf of those in and around Damascus who will inherit salvation (Hebrews 1:14).

* That Benyamin Netanyahu will be given divine counsel, strength and courage to follow God's purposes regarding peace with Syria. That such peace will come in God's way-not man's. This past week the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva denounced Israel's presence in the Heights and called for immediate cessation of any "settlement" construction there. After years of enduring harassment from Syrian positions on the Heights, Israel wrested them from Syria in the 1967 war. Syria demands their return as a basis for any peace. This land lies in the ancient territory of Og-a principality defeated by Moses; who gave the area, including all of Mount Hermon, as an inheritance to part of the tribe of Manasseh (Deut 3:13, Josh 13:8-11). We do not see any lasting peace or security coming for Israel or Syria by giving it away.

Please pray that God will show and lead us in His better way. If He could influence the King of ancient Syria for good through releasing mercy through Israel to one of his generals-might He not do something similar in our own day? "Ki le'Olam hasdo!"-For His Mercy endureth Forever!!


The lone fatality in the terrorist bombing in Jerusalem last week was a believing Bible translator from the UK named Mary Gardener. Mary had lived to bring the Bible into the language of the Ife people in Togo; in 2009 she had completed a translation of the New Testament. She came to Israel in January to study Bible translation at Hebrew University and was living staying in the believing community of Yad HaShmona west of Jerusalem. Last Wednesday morning she had a free day and took the bus to town to meet a friend. She was standing nearest to the suitcase at the bus-stop when it went off. It is amazing that more were not more fatalities; it is thought that her body absorbing the brunt of the blast may have been what kept more from being killed. The week since her death has seen the testimony of her life and faith released throughout the Israeli media and in other countries as well. One writer wrote, "It has been amazing what an impact Mary's death is having here in Israel on the Hebrew University students and personnel, the media, even the usually cynical reporters as they consider Mary's dedication to the translation of the Bible."

It remains a miracle that there were not more killed. We have received reports from persons across the world who found themselves unable to sleep or being awakened with a strong sense to pray for Jerusalem last week at exactly the time period during which the attack was taking place. We are convinced that such prayers release angels, "to minister on behalf of those who will inherit salvation". We see responding to such impressions as being one critical means of "praying for the peace of Jerusalem".


*For the family and classmates of Mary Gardener, for godly comfort and shalom from the Father of all Mercies. For Mary's testimony to continue to go forth and point people to the source of her love, joy and commitment to the work of translating the Bible.

*For healing and restoration of those who were wounded both physically and traumatically-for revelation from the Holy Spirit which will give Hope for life and a future.

*For connections with Believers who can minister in the Holy Spirit to these victims.

Martin and Norma Sarvis