【Reveal 19:以實瑪利後裔和以撒後裔的命定】聚集將於8月12-14日在加拿大BC省蘭里校區的三一西部大學舉行 (Trinity Western University in Langley, BC)。

當那日,必有從埃及通亞述去的大道。 亞述人要進入埃及,埃及人也進入亞述;埃及人要與亞述人一同敬拜耶和華。當那日,以色列必與埃及、亞述三國一律,使地上的人得福;因為萬軍之耶和華賜福給他們,說:「埃及─我的百姓,亞述─我手的工作,以色列─我的產業,都有福了!」(以賽亞書19:23-25)

Reveal 19:以實瑪利後裔和以撒後裔的命定












Reveal 19



當那日,必有從埃及通亞述去的大道。 亞述人要進入埃及,埃及人也進入亞述;埃及人要與亞述人一同敬拜耶和華。當那日,以色列必與埃及、亞述三國一律,使地上的人得福;因為萬軍之耶和華賜福給他們,說:「埃及─我的百姓,亞述─我手的工作,以色列─我的產業,都有福了!」(以賽亞書19:23-25)




【Reveal 19】聚集將於8月12-14日在加拿大BC省蘭里校區的三一西部大學舉行 (Trinity Western University in Langley, BC)。它會依照我們過去聚集時同樣的國度原則。我們會長時間的敬拜、等候主、進入祂的同在,和獻上我們的心來領受從祂而來的啟示。一個屬靈父母的團隊將遮蓋、幫助和保護這一切主要做的事,此團隊將由有經驗的猶太人、阿拉伯人和列國中值得信賴的領袖組成。



大衛‧戴冕恩(David Demian)


Reveal 19:  The Destiny of the Sons of Ishmael and the Sons of Isaac

A number of years ago, I had a very unusual encounter with the Lord.  It was 1:00 am and even though I was tired from a full day of activities with my wife and 7 kids, my spirit was stirring and I felt compelled to pray.   Immediately I was caught up in an encounter with God and I began weeping profusely as I was overcome with an inexpressible yearning for a new capacity of revelation to be released to the Church.  As the experience continued, I heard a voice in my spirit direct me to read Daniel 10-12.  This is the passage where Daniel was seeking the Lord for greater revelation concerning the fate of his people.   Finally, after 21 days of earthly fasting and heavenly warfare, an angel appeared and shared with him a detailed but unsettling vision of the future. Then Daniel said:

I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, "My lord, what will the outcome of all this be?"

He replied, "Go your way, Daniel, because the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end.

As I read these verses I suddenly “came to”.  When I looked at the clock I was shocked to find that even though I felt like only a few moments had passed, it was in fact already 6:00 am.

The next two nights, I had the exact same experience – I was caught up all night, lost in yearning for revelation, with the Lord directing me to Daniel.  After the third night, I was really starting to wonder if I was losing my mind, so I cried out to the Lord, “What is going on?” 

And the Lord spoke clearly to my heart saying, “David, the time of the end has come.  Soon I will begin to reveal that which has been sealed.”

 A few weeks after this visitation, I traveled to Israel to speak at a conference.  When I arrived a friend of mine, with whom I had shared about this visitation, came to me brimming with excitement. 

“David, you will never believe this article,” she said, gesturing with the newspaper she was holding in her hand.  “A few weeks ago, for the first time ever, archeologists found a written artifact from the Temple Mount dating to the time of the First Temple.  Do you know what they found?

“What?” I asked.

“A 2600-year-old seal.”

As I stared at the article, my heart cried out, “Lord what is this all about!”

And the Lord answered me, “David, you wondered if that whole experience was just a dream.  But I wanted you to know – it wasn’t – it was real.  And so is what I told you.  The time of the end has come and the day will come soon when I will stir My body to press in for the unsealing of all that is to be revealed.”

Reveal 19

Almost 5 years have passed since that experience.  But a few months ago, the Lord suddenly reminded me of this visitation and then said, “It’s time”.   When I asked him, “Time for what?” He answered, that the time has come for the Church to begin to unlock the mysteries of Daniel, concerning His end-time purposes for the Middle East.

Isaiah 19 gives us a fascinating picture of the “time of the end”.

In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together.  In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the earth. The LORD Almighty will bless them, saying, "Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance." Isaiah 19:23-25

Can you imagine the Middle East not as a place of conflict, but as a place of blessing, where the Arabs and Jews worship the Lord together?  I know it seems impossible but this is the dream of God’s heart.  And one thing we must know; no matter how long it takes, God’s dreams always come true. 

I believe that we have entered a kairos timing in the history of nations, when God longs to reveal to the Church His heart concerning the destiny of the sons of Ishmael (the Arabs) and the sons of Isaac (the Jews).  This summer, I believe the Lord is calling a remnant of believers from the Church worldwide to gather to begin the process of seeing this revelation released.

Reveal 19 will take place August 12-14 on the campus of Trinity Western University in Langley, BC.  The event will follow the same kingdom principles we have practiced during the gatherings.  We will spend extended times in worship and waiting on the Lord, entering into His presence and posturing our hearts to receive revelation from Him.  A team of spiritual fathers and mothers, composed of seasoned Jewish and Arab leaders, along with other trusted leaders from the nations, will oversee, facilitate and protect all that the Lord wants to do.

More details concerning registration, food and accommodations will be released in the next few weeks.  For those wanting to make flight plans, Abbotsford (20 minutes from TWU – served by WestJet) or Vancouver (1 hour from TWU) are the closest airports.

I look forward to gathering before the Lord with all those called to be in Langley this August.

All my love
