
來自印度的問候及代禱聯絡信 (2009-07-30)

Dear Leaders and Prayer Friends,

Greetings to you in the most exalted name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  It’s once again our pleasure to share with you how the Lord leads us all the way till today through your prayers, moral and financial support.

It’s been more than half a year that we could not update you for the development at our end.  Nevertheless, God’s mighty hand and your prayers uphold us still and we could accomplish few tasks in different fields of our ministry.  Glory be to God!
我們有半年以上的時間未能將我們發展的狀況向您報告。然而, 神大能的手和您的代禱仍持續托住我們,以致於我們能在不同領域和地區繼續開展我們的服事。榮耀歸予 神!

Praise report:

1. Delhi (德里)
- Children Development (孩子們的發展)
Thank God that children’s academic performance had progressed mildly in the first session of 2009 comparing with previous session.  As schools in Delhi usually end the semester in May for the summer break, we could spend more time with our children in teaching them the commandments of God and discipline of life.  Though we could not take them to the water park, we had nice outing in one shopping mall and near India Gate for picnic.
為孩子們在2009年第一學期在學業上的進步獻上感恩。由於德里的學校通常自五月份開始放暑假,我們得以利用假期教導孩子更多明白 神的誡命並幫助他們過有規律的生活。雖然我們無法照原訂計劃帶他們到水上樂園去玩,但我們享受了赴購物中心用餐及到印度門附近的草地野餐的樂趣。

- Congregational Development (會友的發展)
As more and more youth from Nagaland are pursuing study and career in Delhi, we have more new faces joining us in the past months.  Since the public transportation system in this metropolitan city is still catching up with its schedule for 2010 Common Wealth Games, most of the attendants are residing in South Delhi.  We had wonderful celebrations on Palm Sunday, Feast of Passover, Sunrise Sunday, Mather’s Day, Pentecost Sunday and Father’s Day.   Not to mention that we enjoyed great fellowship in worship, intercession and in hearing the Word of God every Sunday.  Few weeks back, we conducted one nice movie session with few sisters in discussion about marriage and relationship.  As most of our youth are yet married, we feel the urgency to prepare them for Godly marriage.
由於有更多的年輕人自拿加蘭省來到德里就學和就業,過去幾個月來我們當中來了不少新朋友。由於德里的大眾交通系統仍為2010年的大英國協運動會持續趕建中,我們大部份的會友主要還是來自於德里的南部。我們在棕櫚主日、逾越節、復活主日、母親節、五旬節及父親節都有極美好的歡慶。而每個主日我們也在敬拜、代禱及聆聽 神的話中享受美好的團契。幾週前我們為年輕姐妹舉行了一個電影欣賞會討論了婚姻與男女關係的議題。由於我們大部份的會友仍未婚,我們深覺有早日預備他們進入合神心意婚姻的必要。

- Prayer Network Development (禱告網絡的發展)
Praise God that groups like, Nagaland Prayer Group, Prayer team from Nagaland Christian Revival Church at PR Hill, Chandmari Naga Mother Prayer Fellowship, Shisha HoHo Prayer Group and many missionaries paid visits to us in the past months.  Thank God that we could join hands in God’s service as well as exchange the insight from the Lord by exploring God’s steadfast and timely revelations for the nations and in connecting to His strategy in this end time.  We look forward to further facilitating the assignments the Sovereign Lord has bestowed upon His servants in restoring all things and in ushering His second coming.
我們為許多禱告團隊及宣教士在過去幾個月來的造訪向主感恩!感謝主讓我們與他們有美好的配搭,並因著對 神在列國永恆不變和及時性啟示的探索,我們得以彼此交流分享從主得著的亮光,並聯結於主在末世的終極策略當中。我們期待繼續為至高主效力,完成祂託付眾僕人復興萬事並迎接祂再來的任務。

- Frame Manufacturing (相/畫框製作)
As we are always seeking means to be self-supported, few of our talented brothers started a frame-making unit within our ministry.  We have used the beautifully printed Jewish calendar and some other pictures to be the mounted article.  They looked very nice and whoever saw them all commented them as very artistic.

2. Orissa (奧瑞沙)
- In continuation to our rehabilitation effort to our coworkers and their members, Avi and one of our staff went down to Orissa in late Jan. to survey our mission field.  As the season of plate making would soon start, our brother was assigned to stay back for the mission work as well as to coordinate the manufacturing works.  Not long after Avi returned to Delhi, we sent another staff down in assisting the activities of manufacturing work and helping the children in the hostel.  At the same time our coordinator in Ka. Dist. started working on the land which we planned to build up the English school the sub-district development office requested us.

- In late June, Avi along with two of our staff and one Bible college intern went down to Orissa for Pastor training conference and establishment of Kh. Dist. Pastor Association.  Though the weather condition changed dramatically within few days, once our coordinator even thought the rain fall would stop people from coming, God graciously answered our prayers and we actually enjoyed few days of nice and cool weather in the middle of hot summer.  We were glad to fellowship with our coworkers and believers and to know that their life somehow settles down gradually in the past months.  Since the prayer house we dedicated was destroyed in the riot last year, we are seriously considering to have a new venue for setting up our office, prayer hall and guest House in Kh. Dist.  On 2&3 July, we conducted one Leadership Conference at Titlagarh Railway Institute Hall.  Praise God that there are more than 200 pastors & leaders attended the meeting.
六月底時Avi帶領二位同工及一位暑期實習神學生赴奧省進行牧師培訓聚會,此行亦促成Kh.區牧者協會的設立。雖然期間天氣狀況驟變,同工甚至一度擔心大雨會影響人員的出席, 神恩待並回應了我們的禱告,以至於我們在嚴嚴酷暑中享受了幾天難得的良爽天氣。我們除了很欣慰能與同工及會友團契,也很高興看到他們的生活在過去幾個月以來已逐漸穩定。由於我們之前所獻的禱告院已在去年的逼迫中遭損毀,我們已計劃再找一個新的地點設立聯絡辦公室、禱告中心及接待所。七月二至三日我們在Titlagarh鐵路學院的禮堂舉行了領袖聚會。感謝主有超過二百多位的牧師及傳道參與了這個聚會。

3. Nagaland (那加蘭)
- In late May Avi went down to Nagaland for the Pentecostal meeting in Nagaland Christian Revival Church, PR Hill.  It’s my (Avi’s) great pleasure to associate with the church which we have been working closely with in the past years and since my youth.  I (Avi) was privileged to share the Word of God to the NCRC members and the youth in the three-day program.
五月下旬Avi回到他的家鄉參加在PR Hill拿加蘭基督復興教會的五旬節聚會。Avi對受邀回到自幼成長及在過去幾年與我們密切配搭的教會服事深感榮幸,並有機會在三天的聚會中與拿加蘭基督復興教會系統的會友及年青人分享 神的話語。

- By the grace of God our piggery farm project is going well under the care of Avi’s parents and with support of his second uncle.  It will serve as one of our incoming sources as we have long sought to build up our financial strength.

Prayer Request:
1. We have been on rent for three houses (prayer house, children/staff’s house and our residence) for few years.  We do praise God for our kind landlords.  Since government permits 10% hike annually, we are not in the position to bargain for our maximum interest.  It’s our prayer for years in obedience to God’s revelation that we will obtain a plot of land (probably in South Delhi) for our permanent mission base.  If we ever made the decision to settle in some other rural area, we could already purchase the land.  But God’s ways and thoughts are higher than ours.  We could never forget how God led us to the place where we had our small beginning.  It’s not our plan but truly God’s perfect will that our prayer house, children/staff house and our residence are just 15 to 30 steps from one another.  In such a big city like Delhi, twenty five minutes drive to the International Airport is actually very near.  So in our persistently waiting upon the Lord for His provision, we could actually serve many people and servants of God in facilitating their service and traveling needs.  Please continue praying for the needs for setting up our permanent mission base.
1. 我們目前已承租三間房子(禱告院,孩子及同工宿舍及我們的住家)多年。我們為我們仁慈的房東們向主感恩。由於政府允許房東每年調漲房價一成,我們因此無法為尋求自身最大利益而向房東還價。因著順服 神的啟示,多年來我們為(大約在德里南部地區)購地建立事工永久基地的計畫不斷尋求主。我們如果早先決定駐腳在其他比較偏遠的地區,我們可能早就購得一塊土地。但 神的意念高過我們的意念, 神的道路高過我們的道路,我們永遠不會忘記 神如何帶領我們到這個微小開始的所在。這完全是主自己完美的旨意,三間房子座落於相距十五至三十步遠之處。在德里這個不算小的城市,二十五分鐘的車程能抵達國際機場可算是相當的近了。在我們持續等候 神的供應的這幾年,我們因此有幸幫助許多因服事或旅行需要停留德里的朋友。請繼續為我們建立事工永久基地的需要主前代求。

2. The urgency of establishing one English school in Orissa is at hand.  Our faithful God has provided a piece of land in Ka. Dist.  Please continue praying for the financial needs of construction, classroom facilities and staff’s quarter can be met soon.  We are praying that by running the school, both the children of believers and unbelievers can be built up by the Word of God.  So there will be a chance for the school to serve as a prototype in the sub-area of Ka. Dist. where there are very few believers right now that the surpassing love of our Lord Jesus will give the strength to the children to live a righteous life.  Above all, they will receive Him as personal Savior and be saved in the days to come.
2. 我們深覺有儘快在奧省設立英語小學必要,而信實的主也已在Ka.區提供了一塊合適的土地。請為後續建校、教材及員工宿舍的財務需要能儘快被滿足代求。藉由這個學校的設立,我們禱告主讓信徒及非信徒的孩子都能因著 神的話語被建立起來。同時,我們因此有機會讓這個學校在目前極少信徒的Ka.區分區成為一個式範,即主耶穌超越的愛將給孩子們力量來活出正直公義的生命。然而最重要的是,他們能在未來的日子中因接受耶穌成為個人救主而得蒙救贖。

3. In 2005 Avi received from the Lord the plan to organize convocation in Delhi.  By eyeing on the physical restraints, we could not really respond to God’s mandate in hosting the meeting earlier.  However our God is an awesome God who makes all things work together for the good of those who love Him.  As the central and Delhi city government are gearing up in full swing to make the infrastructure ready for the Common Wealth Games 2010 (which has been scheduled on 3 Oct. to 14 Oct.), we realize it’s also a divine timing for believers to gather in unity to pray for the transformation and fulfillment of the redemptive purpose of the nations.  Therefore we have proposed to hold the convocation during the feast of Hanukkah 2010.  It will also be the 7th Anniversary of House of Prayer for Jerusalem and All Nations.  Please pray for us and contribute your precious ideas from the Lord to raise the fund for the meeting.  We are ready and willing to do business or cooperate with God’s people in fostering the great work for the Lord.
3. 2005年時Avi從主領受在德里舉辦萬國祈禱會的異象。因人眼所見的困難,我們無法更早回應主的呼召來舉辦此一聚會。然而我們大而可畏的主使萬事都互相效力,叫愛 神的人得益處。正值印度中央政府及德里市政府加緊且全力的為舉辦2010年大英國協運動會而趕建基礎建設時,我們瞭解到這也正是 神百姓在此地聚集為列國轉化及救贖恩賜實現合一禱告的神聖時刻。因此我們已預定於2010年光明節於德里舉辦萬國祈禱會。到時也是我們禱告院七週年的紀念。請為我們禱告並提供我們從主而來寶貴的籌款計畫,我們非常願意以從事商業活動或與 神百姓合作以各種方式產生資財來完成此一 神所託付的大工。

4. As mentioned in our praise report, we are looking for a proper venue to set up our office, prayer house and guest house in Kh. Dist.  Please pray for the right place, right setup (even right landlord), right staff, right arrangement and financial needs.  We would like to request the leaders and prayer friends to adopt this project financially and in prayers.
4. 如我們以上感恩事項所提到,我們將在Kh.區尋找一個合適的場地作為我們的聯絡辦公室、禱告中心和接待所。請為合適的地點、配置(甚至是合適的房東)、配合的同工、場地的安排及財務需要代求。我們在此請求牧長及禱告伙伴能在財務及禱告上參與並認養此一計畫。

5. By the grace of our Almighty God and through the support from associate churches, prayer friends and one Godly businessman, our mission works could continue in the past one year in a smooth manner.  Though we are not sure whether the same sources will reach us as before, we will not take back our commitment in supporting all the coworkers and associate servants of God.  Moreover, we came to know this time that one New Zealand pastor gave up his ministry work in Orissa for he was found falling into homosexuality.  So there were more than hundred people who were previously sponsored by him left without help.  After we talked to many of them and found about 27 pastors and evangelists were serious in God’s service, we had promised to help them in whichever way we could and to uphold them in prayers.  As Jesus saw people like sheep without shepherd, neither can we disregard them as we share the same hope that our faithful God will never leave us in want.  It’s our prayer that they will continue trusting in the Lord and wait upon God’s guidance and provision.  The field is ripened but the labors are few.
5. 因著我們全能 神的恩典及支持我們的教會、禱告的伙伴及一位敬畏主的帶職長老的支助,我們的事工在過去一年得以順利的進行。雖然我們不確定是否同樣的資源將繼續臨到我們,我們將不會收回我們扶持同工及配合牧師的承諾。此外,六月赴奧省的服事中我們聽聞有一位紐西蘭籍的牧師因為陷入同性戀的軟弱而放棄了在奧省的服事。影響所及,有超過百位由他所支助的服事者因此失去幫助。在我們與他們多位洽談後發現,其中有二十七位對服事主相當認真,我們因而允諾在可能的方式上扶助他們並為他們禱告。如同耶穌看見多人如同羊群沒有牧者,我們既與他們共享信實主不使我們缺乏的盼望,我們無法棄他們於不顧。我們祈求主保守他們繼續信靠並等候 神的引導及供應。田裡的莊稼已成熟但收割的人少!

6. We are planning for another round of Pastor Training in New Delhi for our coworkers.  Our goal is to further equip them with the Word of God so that they will stand firm and exercise their faith in season and out of season.  May God help us put together necessary resources for the training program.  And all who participate in the program will find it practical and useful.
6. 我們正計劃開始另一批次的牧者同工訓練。我們的目標在於更多以 神的話語來裝備同工,使他們無論得時不得時都能站立的穩且操練他們的信心。求主幫助我們整合訓練計畫所需的一切資源。且使所有參與訓練的同工得著實用且有效的裝備。

7. Please pray for more committed staff to join us in coming six months.  It is for further facilitating our mission activities and for getting ready to organize the convocation.
7. 請為能有更多委身的同工在未來半年內加入我們禱告。新同工的加入將有助於事工的推展,並讓我們能逐漸開始為籌辦萬國祈禱會而預備。

8. Please pray for the plan, labor force and finances to develop our land in Nagaland.  Besides, one prayerful man also offers his land to us for agriculture.  Please remember this in your prayers.
9. 請為我們在拿加蘭土地開發的計畫、人力及財務需求禱告。此外,一位敬虔禱告的長輩也主動提供他的土地讓我們進行農業開發。請在禱告中紀念此事。

Once again, we thank each one of you for the love and support in all these years.  We truly believe it’s our gracious and loving Father’s pleasure to see us working together for the expansion of His Kingdom.  May God shower His blessings upon you in each season of your lives that you will not stop praising Him as we do!
再一次感謝您們每一位多年來的愛與支持!我們深深相信充滿恩惠慈愛的父神喜悅看見我們為祂國度的開展而同工。願 神澆灌祂的祝福在您生命中的每一個季節,使您和我們一樣不止息的讚美祂!

All glory and honor be to our God, the Holy One of Israel.
一切的榮耀及尊榮歸給我們的 神,以色列的聖者!

Shalom and so much love in Yeshua,

Avi and Yemin Sophie
為德與怡齡 敬筆

Love Your Neighbor In Jesus Ministry (LYNIJM Trust) / House of Prayer for Jerusalem and All Nations (New Delhi)/ Golden Gate Christian Revival Church

Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever (Psalm 23:6).”