

請為以色列總理與美國總統於 5.18~5.20 的會晤禱告  (繁體)  (簡體)

◎ 請於5.18~5.20為以色列總理納坦雅胡在美國與美國總統對巴勒斯坦建國、伊朗核威脅及中東和平進程的會晤 懇切代禱~

懇求至高者主上帝親自在他們(美、以領袖)的晤談當中顯明自己的心意,挪去美國歐巴馬政府的錯誤策略,並引導兩國同心合一進入上帝的和平計畫中;同時叫歐巴馬及美國政府繙然醒悟,認識上帝的信實與法則,惟以色列的利益才是美國的真利益,祝福以色列的 也必蒙耶和華的祝福。
(1) 以色列總理納坦雅胡此行會晤不論有無具體結果產生,勢將直接影響歐巴馬於下月(六月) 訪問中東時的美國外交政策宣示。
(2) 會談結束(5.20)後,請持續為以、美關係的堅固並合一守望。

以下新聞係2009.5.18CFICGM (基督徒以色列華人之友) 提供。
◎ 納坦雅胡今日抵達華盛頓 展開“緊張”交談 (2009年5月17日星期日 以色列今日時事 (原文於後))
實際上, "緊張"是表達納坦雅胡橫穿大西洋上空所描述的氣氛,總理隨從人員實在想知道歐巴馬將在巴勒斯坦阿拉伯國家的誕生上將給他們多少壓力,甚至即使巴勒斯坦達不到他們所承諾的和平。  
以色列運輸部長卡茨Katz, 是納坦雅胡的知己女友,表明總理將對他的立塲再進一步的交談, 並會在現今的領導人之下,確認巴勒斯坦是他們的和平合夥人為止,不把土地交出去。
這個月初, 歐巴馬的高級助理建議美國只在納坦雅胡同意在不久的將來建立一個獨立自主的巴勒斯坦阿拉伯國之後才討論伊朗的事件。
在納坦雅胡還未出發到美國之前,已從以色列雙方的聯盟受到健康的壓力劑。納坦雅胡自己的利庫德黨和其他右翼派的成員在週末寄了一封信,威脅總理說: 若他在美國的壓力下如同十年前所做的一樣,他們將反叛他。 左翼的勞工黨成員也寄給一封信給納坦雅胡總理,警告他不要欺哄自己與其他國家去相信他可以抵擋"巴勒斯坦國的誕生”。

Sunday, May 17, 2009 Israel Today Staff
◎ Netanyahu arrives in Washington for 'tense' talks
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in Washington on Sunday for a visit that will include what many expect to be a tense meeting between the Israeli leader and US President Barack Obama.
In fact, "tense" was how Ynet described the atmosphere aboard Netanyahu's trans-Atlantic flight, during which the prime minister's entourage wondered just how much pressure Obama would put on them publicly commit to the birth of a Palestinian Arab state, even if the Palestinians fail to meet their own peace commitments.
Regardless of how much pressure they come under, however, one Israeli official told the news portal that Netanyahu intends to stand his ground, particularly on its demands that the Palestinians give up terrorism, agree to remain largely demilitarized and recognize Israel as "the Jewish state."
Israeli Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz, a close confidante of Netanyahu, indicated the prime minister in fact will go further than standing his ground and will promote fresh approaches to peace that don't involve handing land over to the Palestinians under their current leadership and until they have proved themselves true partners for peace.
Netanyahu also reportedly planned to turn the tables a bit on the Obama administration by insisting that the primary threat to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a nuclear-armed Iran, and so something must be done immediately about the Islamic Republic's defiant nuclear program before meaningful progress can be made toward Israeli-Arab peace.
Earlier this month, Obama's top aides suggested that the US would only really go after Iran after Netanyahu agreed to the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian Arab state in the very near future.
Netanyahu was treated to a healthy dose of pressure before even departing for the US from both sides of hits unity coalition.  Members of Netanyahu's own Likud Party and other right-wing factions sent a letter to the prime minister at the weekend threatening to rebel if he breaks under US pressure as he did during his last stint leading the nation a decade ago.
But members of the left-wing Labor Party also sent Netanyahu a letter, warning him against "deluding" himself and the rest of the nation into believing he can resist the birth of "Palestine." 
Meanwhile, Palestinian officials accused Netanyahu of planning to deceive the US president and change the terms of the peace process for no good reason. They insisted that the only thing that matters is a firm
timetable leading Israel's surrender of Judea, Samaria and the eastern half of Jerusalem.

相關報導 〔綜合十七日外電報導〕

會晤以強硬著稱的納坦雅胡,將是歐巴瑪上任以來面臨最大的談判技巧考驗。納坦雅胡會晤過多名美國總統,十多年前他與柯林頓會面時,強硬態度甚至引起柯林頓不滿,怒斥「他以為他是超級強權」。  以色列總統裴瑞斯最近在華府告訴歐巴瑪,因為溫和派國家如埃及、約旦、沙烏地阿拉伯與土耳其可能籌組聯盟,來對抗伊朗及其好戰團體黨羽哈瑪斯與真主黨等,納坦雅胡已經有所改變;不過由於納坦雅胡對於美方所提的巴勒斯坦建國方案仍持反對態度,他與歐巴瑪會晤時或許仍難免擦槍走火、發生衝突。

遏止伊核 重於以巴問題-
報導說,納坦雅胡認為,遏止伊朗發展核武,遠比化解以巴衝突迫切,因此他打算在會晤歐巴瑪期間,提出區域性和平政策;納坦雅胡也將在會晤歐巴瑪時透露,願意在溫和派阿拉伯國家參與的前提下,重啟以巴和談。  報導說,納坦雅胡幕僚分析,歐巴瑪雖贊成由溫和派阿拉伯國家參與以巴和平對話,但預料歐巴瑪也將要求以色列停止擴建屯墾區,並支持兩國方案。
歐巴瑪六月四日將在埃及開羅對伊斯蘭世界發表演說,他必須避免在會晤納坦雅胡時與之發生衝突。   一名以色列資深外交官透露,不同於以往的是,現在歐巴瑪依賴納坦雅胡的程度,要比納坦雅胡依賴歐巴瑪還要深,因為如果以色列對伊朗走錯一步,哈瑪斯或真主黨及穆斯林世界,就會轉而反對歐巴瑪政府。  歐巴瑪預料也將利用會晤納坦雅胡機會,表明美方往後不會再受以色列利益影響外交政策目標。歐巴瑪早已暗示說,不會受到納坦雅胡新當選的右翼政黨擺佈。
