
The Month of The Lion: Take Your Promised Land!

作者:Candice Smithyman

根據希伯來語日曆,我們是在埃波月(the month of Av)。他現在的另一個名稱是Menachem Av,意思是“父親的安慰”。讓我們認識並記住,上帝是我們的父親,在困難時期他帶給我們的極大的安慰和慰藉。埃波月也被確定為獅子的月份。猶大的獅子吼叫,且在你前頭行。稱頌主!唱出上帝是誰,在你知道上帝之前,你會發現自己已在應許之地。

Claiming the Promise Despite Opposition



Taking Leaps of Faith

你在旅途中會是什麼樣的人?你會像十個在恐懼中行動的探子一樣?還是會像迦勒和約書亞那樣勇敢的信心?上帝對你說:「把事情整理好。我要請你對我為你設計的計劃懷著一些堅定的信心。你將向前看,並看到引起恐懼的巨人,你無法自己處理,因為它們太強大了。你需要記住的是我有多出色!看我的善良。看我的力量。知道我是否要你去那裡就可以了! 你將進入應許之地。」

當我們臨近9月18日的日落時舉行的希伯來人慶祝活動-猶太新年時,我希望你考慮一下應許、你的命定以及上帝給你的未來。上帝在呼召你進入一個新的層級。 許多人說:「我已經準備好迎接發生在我身上的偉大事情。」現在是樹立信心並開始重新思考事情的時候了。新的希伯來年,5781年,始於猶太新年(Rosh Hashanah)的日落,我相信這將是你踏上應許之年的一年,所以現在就開始做好準備。

The Battle Starts in Your Mind

今天,被人鼓勵。知道上帝正在讓事物統一。開始用上帝的良善洗淨你的靈魂,並宣布:「他是個好人。他要我去那裡。如果沒有成功,他絕不會要求我採取這種信心的飛躍。」上帝正在帶給你勝利。用這個真理洗淨你的思想、意志和情感。 我為你感到興奮!

The Month of The Lion: Take Your Promised Land!
Candice Smithyman
Aug 14, 2020

According to the Hebrew calendar, we are in the month of Av. Another name for this time is Menachem Av, which means the "Comfort of the Father." Let's recognize and remember that God is our Father, and He is a great comfort and consoler to us in difficult times. Av is also identified as the month of the lion. The Lion of Judah roars and goes before you. Sing praises to the Lord! Sing about who God is and before you know it you will find yourself in the Promised Land.

Claiming the Promise Despite Opposition

Do you remember the story of the Israelites and the Promised Land? They were called out of Egypt to go into a land overflowing with milk and honey. After crossing the Red Sea they were instructed to send out spies to survey the Promised Land of Canaan. The spies brought back fruit that was exceedingly good, but most of them also brought back reports of the huge giants that lived there. They were scared. This wasn't what they expected. They didn't want to fight the giants. They wanted the promise without opposition.

Only two men, Caleb and Joshua, could see the goodness of the Lord that existed in the Promised Land. They knew that God was with them, and they were willing to fight and claim what the Lord had promised. You see, the other ten spies saw themselves as grasshoppers; they let fear overtake them. This, in turn, induced fear into the whole camp. But Caleb and Joshua spoke faith. They refused to allow fear to enter their hearts. (Photo via Unsplash)

Taking Leaps of Faith

Who will you be like on your journey? Will you resemble the ten spies who operated in fear or will you be like Caleb and Joshua with their courageous faith? God is saying to you, "Put things in order. I'm going to ask you to take some leaps of faith for the plan I have designed for you. You are going to look ahead and see giants that cause fear because they are too great for you to handle on your own. What you need to remember is how good I am! Look at My goodness. Look at My power. Look at My strength. Know if I am telling you to go there, you will make it! You will enter into the Promised Land."

As we approach the Hebrew celebration, Rosh Hashanah, which takes place at sundown on September 18, I want you to think about the promise, your destiny and the future God has for you. God is calling you to go to the next level. Many are saying, "I'm ready for great things to happen to me." Now is the time to build your faith and start re-thinking things. The new Hebrew year, 5781, begins at sundown on Rosh Hashanah and I believe it will be the year you step into the place of promise, so begin preparing your heart now.

The Battle Starts in Your Mind

Today, be encouraged. Know that God is moving things into alignment. Begin to wash your soul with the goodness of God and declare: "He is good. He wants me to go there. He would never ask me to take these leaps of faith if there wasn't going to be success." God is bringing you to victory. Wash your mind, will and emotions with this truth. I'm excited for you!