
每日先知性話語:3月27 / 28日
中譯:David 職場恩膏
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者2月預先領受、於3月按日發佈):

Be open to change, and things will flow much more smoothly.

瑪莎·伯恩斯(Marsha Burns) 每日先知性話語:

要全心/決心去做那些會鼓勵你的事物。有大量的事物不僅會讓你沮喪、甚至還會毀壞你,如果那些就是所有你能夠思考的。至於你如何看待你的生命與環境,乃是取決於你。要奮力得著積極/正向的經歷,在那裡你能夠感知到我的同在、力量、與榮耀,主說。要將你的盼望放在我裡面。 詩31:24 凡仰望耶和華的人,你們都要壯膽,堅固你們的心!
Set your mind on things that encourage you. There are plenty of things that could not only discourage but devastate you if that is all you can think about. It is up to you as to how you view your life and circumstances. Strive to have a positive experience where you can perceive My presence, power and glory, says the Lord. Place your hope in Me. Psalm 31:24 Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord.

凱文·羅賓森(Kevin Robinson) 每日先知性話語:

保持讓我成為你世界的中心已經幫助了你持守大量的平安、正當他人在經歷挫折沮喪的時候。透過專注於我,你已經避免了許多人正在面對的擔憂。這些艱難的時刻不會一直持續的。要領會/理解我就如同以前一樣地穩定/穩固和確實/可靠。在世界各地正在發生的一切事情的震央中,我仍然以放鬆的姿勢坐在我的寶座上。 來12:2 專一注視耶穌,就是那位信心的創始者和完成者。他因為那擺在面前的喜樂,就忍受了十字架,輕看了羞辱,現在就坐在神寶座的右邊。(CNV譯本)
Having kept Me at the center of your world has helped you maintain a great amount of peace when others are experiencing frustration. By keeping your focus on Me, you have skirted the worries many are facing. These tough times will not last. Understand that I am as steady and sure as I have ever been. At the epicenter of everything that is happening worldwide, I am still seated on My throne in a posture of rest. Hebrews 12:2 (TPT) "We look away from the natural realm and we fasten our gaze onto Jesus who birthed faith within us and who leads us forward into faith's perfection. His example is this: Because his heart was focused on the joy of knowing that you would be his, he endured the agony of the cross and conquered its humiliation, and now sits exalted at the right hand of the throne of God!"

蘿賓·羅賓森·鮑林(Robin Robinson Bohlin) 每日先知性話語:

要選擇喜樂!僅僅讀到這樣的陳述,激怒了你們之中的某些人。壞消息和悲傷會帶來什麼好處呢?要問你自己,你寧願處在快樂還是悲傷中?然後繼續向前、選擇喜樂。它是從聖靈而來的禮物、是白白賜下的。要專注於好的報告/報導,而不是壞的報告/報導。糟糕的報告/報導可能仍然存在,然而,你不覺得藉著單單選擇喜樂會感到更快樂嗎?耶穌做到了。 來12:2 仰望為我們信心創始成終的耶穌。他因那擺在前面的喜樂,就輕看羞辱,忍受了十字架的苦難,便坐在神寶座的右邊。
Choose joy! This very statement has angered some of you just by reading it. What good does bad news and sorrow bring? Ask yourself, would you rather be happy or sad? Then go ahead and choose joy. It is a gift from the Holy Spirit and it's given freely. Focus on the good report instead of the bad report. The bad report might still be there but don't you feel happier by just choosing joy? Jesus did. Hebrews 12:2 (NIV) "fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."