

我跟你說 - 「邪惡已經多次將你排擠在外,使你無法擁有我所要給你的」。我說 - 「這個季節,要以新的方式打開你的眼睛,因為在你的血液裡,有你未曾懇求過的財富」。我告訴你 - 「我會使你的血液在這個季節大聲呼求,你會聽見在你裡面的血液所發出的、未曾得到滿足的聲音。我一直在等待那在你血脈線上的血液說‘我們想要一切你所要給我們的’!」 每一個你所走過的地方,都正在解鎖那遮蓋了神財富的被單。


就在以弗所書1章,我口發出一道光,穿越時代。我說 - 「現在那道光正在開始環繞你。你會醒來並看見你被光充滿,因為我說如今這個時代,這個時代,這個時代,我的名字會被知曉」。我會以你從未知曉我的方式,來啓示我為父的所是。因此,我為父的心會傳遍這個地球,以前所未有的方式傳遍。打破掙扎(的捆鎖)。打破那試圖將你困在奴役之中的奴役策略,現在讓它離開。父正在看顧你。

父啊,我們說 - 「那在靈界緊跟我們、攔阻我們踏入我們(應許)的產業的,我們一致認同,那個的權勢正被破除。現在我們一致認同,你正在整理我們的武器,使我們能夠以新的方式、自信地運行。主,我釋放自信,來顯明給我們你無限的恩典,你深不可測的大能。父啊,我們說 - 「讓我們超過以往所見的來看見你!提升我們進入我們的位分!」 對一切試圖擊打你的發話 - 「要有光!」 打破你身上的限制!

我同你講 - 「你即將要以新的方式旅行。你將要踏上一條從未被完全突破過的道路。你將要開創路徑,是我一直都存有、卻未曾被發現的」。我說 - 「準備好,因為在這個時代,我正在經由你委任一個旅行」。

現在轉一圈,告訴那個恐懼的靈 - 「你在這個高速公路上沒有位子」。我正在給你新的目的地,因為所有的財富正在天上等候,是已經被仇敵遮蔽、而我必須在地上的領域揭開的。我說 - 「透過聲音揭開。透過光揭開那仇敵已遮蓋住的」。轉一圈,直面對抗你的追趕者。

父啊,我們說 - 「你正在差派給我們一個後衛部隊,來推動我們向前」。我正在解鎖一個會推你向前的榮耀領域。告訴你的追趕者,榮耀會阻止他們的追趕。豐盛的恩典,如同河流一樣,正在流動下來。寶座現在正在釋放(恩典),進入並穿透神的子民。

我正在揭開你理性理解力的罩子。那個寬大的罩子正在從你(對神)的信心脫落,從你認知神話語的方式脫落。主說 - 「當你讀我的話語時,有太多的界限,沒有如同河流般流動,而我是命令它流動的。要知道今天,那個決定不讓我的河流流動的、理性和教育的寬大罩子,它被打破了,是奉耶穌基督、永生上帝之子的名。在這片土地上,理性無法統治神的話語。」

我已到來,是要來打破法老之手。我已到來,是要來破除那個權勢,那致使你一直與之掙扎的長久挑戰。那個存在已久的事物、終生的掙扎,我正在到來要處理它!是時候了 - 夠了,已經夠了!你整個一生,每一個你都不得不去面對的、不公正的劣勢,今天我正在為你爭戰!你會贏的!

Chuck Pierce & GZI team:Cry Out For the Unsatisfied Riches In Your Blood!

I say to you - 「Evil has kept you out many times from having what I have for you」. I say - 「Open your eyes this season in a new way, for there’s riches in your blood that you have not cried out for」. I say to you - 「I will set your blood crying out this season, and you will hear the voice of the blood in you that has never been satisfied. I have been waiting for that blood in your bloodline to say ‘We want it all what You have for us’!」 Every place you walk is unlocking the sheets that have covered over God’s riches.

In these 12 days, the Lord says 「There is a reading of the Will in the testament」. You open your ears, you listen as you never listen, you read that word, for God says 「I am breaking open your inheritance to you, your identity to you. Who you are is My sons and daughters in ways you never imagined. Listen, for I am reading the Will.」

I spoke a light through the ages, right in Ephesians 1. And I say - 「Now that light is beginning to surround you. You will wake up and see that you are filled with light, for I say now this age, this age, this age, My name will be known」. I will reveal who I am as Father in ways you have never known Me. Therefore, My Father’s heart will spread through this earth in a way that it is never spread through. Break the struggling off. Break that which are slavery strategies that are trying to keep you in slavery, let go now. Father is watching after you.

Father, we say - 「That which has followed after us in Spirit realms to keep us from stepping into our inheritance, we come into agreement that the power of that is breaking. We come into agreement right now that You are ordering our weapons, so that we can move with confidence in a new way. Lord, I loose confidence, come and reveal to us Your limitless grace, Your unfathomable power. Father, we say - 「Let us see You beyond where we have seen You! Lift us into our position!」 Speak over everything that tried to hit you - 「Let there be light!」 Break limitness off of you!

I say to you - 「You are about to travel in new ways. You are going on to a path that has never been broken fully through. You are going to create roads that I have always had there that have never been uncovered」. I say - 「Get ready, for I am commissioning a traveling through you in this era」.

Now take a turn and tell that spirit of fear - 「You have no place on this highway」. I am giving you new destinations, for all the riches are waiting in heavenly places that I must uncover in the earth realm that has been covered over by the enemy. I say - 「Uncover through sound. Uncover through light that which the enemy has covered over」. Take a turn, face off your pursuers.

Father, we say - 「You are sending us a rear guard to push us forward」. I am unlocking a Glory realm that will push you forward. Tell your pursuers that the Glory will stop them upon their pursuit. Abundant Grace like a river is flowing down. The Throne is releasing it into and through God’s people right now.

I am uncovering the hood of your understanding intellect. The wide hood is coming off your Faith, coming off the way that you perceive the Word of God. The Lord says - 「There have been too many boundaries as you read My Word, and it’s not flowing like a river that I command it to flow. Know this day that the wide hood of intellect and education that decides to not let My river flow, it is broken in the name of Jesus, the son of the living God. Intellect does not rule over the Word of God in this land. 」

I have come to break the hand of Pharaoh. I have come to break that power of the long-standing challenge that you have been struggling with. That thing that has been long-standing, lifelong struggle, I am coming to deal with it! It’s time - enough is enough! Every unfair disadvantage that you have had to face, all of your life, I am fighting for you this day! And you will win!