


我的子民一直透過一個濾鏡在看。這個濾鏡是由他們的慾望和仇敵的計劃組成的。因此,他們正在錯失他們的機會。我說 - 「在這個季節當中,要尋求你們的機會。當你看見我已在你面前安置了一個恰當的時機,那個濾鏡便會開始消散。」

另一件我聽見主說的事情是 - 「仇敵一直在等候這一刻」。祂對此的意思是,仇敵知道神有一群大能的天國餘民正要興起。仇敵一直都在觀望等候那一刻。因為就如同約書亞時代的人40年都在等待,知道最終這群子民會來進入這片土地。主說 - 「仇敵知道我的營中有行動。因此,這個季節,不要懼怕仇敵。仇敵已經怕你了」。在我們朝前移進時,那要成為我們最大的思維模式。

第三樣我聽見或看見的是 - 主說「我正在給我的子民套索繩」。我看見突然間,我們(應許)的產業中的許多份是怎樣試圖逃離我們的。主說 - 「今年你將用套索套捕它(應許的產業),把它帶回來。」 我的意思是,那需要從我們而來的一些技術和精准度。它幾乎就像是用一弓一箭射擊,只不過你的靶子在移動,你必須包圍它、將它拉回歸位。

你一直都在逆流而上地遊。你說 - 「主啊,還要多久我得逆流而上地遊,而不是順流而行?」主說 - 「別停下來,因為你正在逆著一個運動而鋪路,是我正準備要改變的一個運動。我正在使用你來創造一個新的路線,並帶來新的果子」。所以,讓我將新的力量吹進你裡面,這樣我一直以來在你裡面發展的,就能在前面的日子被產生出來。繼續推進,你的未來正要固定下來。現在不要停止遊動,直到你到達那個我要給你的水池,然後你就會看見你的未來。

你一直在你的迷宮哭喊。在你的迷宮當中,我說 - 「覺醒,覺醒,因為現在光正來到,來指引你一條路。風正來到,來指引你一條路」。那個你以為會致使你困惑、捲進一個你所在迷宮的錯誤區域,我說 - 「你會看得清晰,並說現在這就是我一直以來所走向的。」


主,祢正在帶來無數救贖性的發展。祢正在帶來多種多樣的智慧,關乎如何贖回那仇敵已放了(蒙蔽的)輕煙的事物。會有如此之多的東西,是仇敵在上個季節奪走,而被神的子民丟棄的。仇敵在我們棄絕的時候奪走,牠放了輕煙在其上,蓋住了(原有的)聲音。主說 - 「我的手正在過來掃蕩,除去仇敵放置的蒙蔽,那些牠蒙蔽的是諸多我渴望要做之事」。

Chuck Pierce & GZI team:Seek Opportunity & Lasso Your Promised Inheritance!

My people have been looking through a filter. The filter has been made up of their desire and the enemy’s plan. Therefore, they are missing their opportunities. And I say - 「Look for your opportunities during this season. And when you see that I have set an opportune time before you, the filter will begin to dissipate」.

The other thing I heard the Lord say is that - 「The enemy has been waiting for this moment」. And what He means by that is the enemy knows that God has a powerful kingdom remnant that is going to arise. And the enemy has been watching and waiting for that moment. Because it’s just as the people of the days of Joshua were waiting for 40 years, knowing that eventually this people would come in and enter the land. The Lord says - 「The enemy knows that there is movement in My camp. Therefore, don’t fear the enemy in this season. The enemy already fears you」. That’s going to be our biggest mindsets to shift as we move forward.

The third thing I heard or I saw is - The Lord says 「I am giving My people lariat ropes」. I saw all of a sudden how lots of portions of our inheritance was trying to run from us. And the Lord says - 「You are going to lasso it this year and bring it back in.」 I mean that takes a little skill and accuracy coming from us. It’s almost like shooting with a bow and an arrow, only your target is moving, and you have to surround it and pull it back in the place.

You have been swimming upstream. And you said - 「How long Lord will I have to swim upstream instead of going with the flow?」 The Lord says - 「Don’t stop now, for you are paving the way against a move that I am ready to change. I am using you to create a new course and to bring forth new fruit」. So let me blow new strength in you, so that what I have been developing in you can be spawned in days ahead. Keep pressing, your future is about to be seated. Don’t stop swimming now, until you get to the pool that I have for you, and then you will see your future.

You have been crying out from your maze. And in the midst of your maze, I say - 「Awaken, awaken, for now light is coming in to show you a path. Wind is coming in to show you a path」. What you thought you would be confused and circle into a wrong area of the maze that you have been in, I say - 「You will see clearly, and say now this is what I have been walking toward.」

This will be a season that I redeem sound from past seasons. For that sound is still in the atmosphere, and it was captured many times and used by the enemy. But I will uncover and redeem sound. So listen for the redeeming sound.

Lord, You are bringing a myriad of redemptive development. You are bringing in manifold wisdom over how to redeem what the enemy has put film over. There is going to be so much that the enemy took from the last season that God’s people rejected. The enemy took it when we rejected, and he put film over it and covered over sound. The Lord says - 「My hand is coming to sweep across, and remove the covering that the enemy has put on much of what I long to do」.