
每日先知性話語: 10月30 / 31 日
中譯:David 職場恩膏
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者9月預先領受、於10月按日發佈):

Slow down today and take time to listen, pray and plan.

瑪莎·伯恩斯(Marsha Burns) 每日先知性話語:

隨著轉變成為我的形象的轉化持續進行時,當前的屬靈主題是更為強烈的內在工作、啟示、和潔淨的其中之一。你正在過程之中,但尚未到達。你必須對自己誠實、以致你能夠看到 你從我國度的位置/立場 偏離/脫軌到哪裏。這是一個微妙/隱約的偏離/偏移,根據情況是有正當理由/情有可原的,雖然如此、但仍是偏離/背離的。現在是時候 來找到你與我親密之地的道路了。 羅12:2 不要模仿這個世代,倒要藉著心意的更新而改變過來,使你們可以察驗出甚麼是神的旨意,就是察驗出甚麼是美好的、蒙他悅納的和完全的事。(CNV譯本)
The current spiritual theme is one of more intense internal work, revelation, and cleansing as transformation into My image continues. You are in process, but you have not yet arrived. You must be honest with yourself so that you can see where you have deviated from your Kingdom position. It has been a subtle departure, justified by circumstances, but a departure nonetheless. Now is the time to find your way to the place of intimacy with Me, says the Lord. Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

凱文·羅賓森(Kevin Robinson) 每日先知性話語:

我已經呼召你成為一個點火的人。最近,你感到只有悶燒的餘燼、它們曾經明亮地燃燒。在你內心深處充滿著我聖靈的火焰,它不僅可以點燃你自己、還可以點燃你周圍之人 的復興之火的大爆發。我的聖靈正在燃燒你內心的煤塊、像太陽一樣燦爛地燃燒。熄滅我的火焰是不可能的。讓我的火焰淹沒/吞噬你。點燃你的世界! 提後1:6 為了這緣故,我提醒你,要把神藉著我按手給你的恩賜,像火一樣再挑旺起來。(CNV譯本)
I have called you to be a fire starter. Recently you have felt you only have smoldering embers which once burned bright. Within you lies the fire of My Holy Spirit which is able to ignite a firestorm of revival within, not only yourself, but within those around you. My Spirit is stoking the coals within your heart to burn brilliantly like the Sun. Quenching My fire is impossible. Let My flames consume you. Kindle your world! 2 Timothy 1:6 (TPT) "I'm writing to encourage you to fan into a flame and rekindle the fire of the spiritual gift God imparted to you when I laid my hands upon you."

蘿賓·羅賓森·鮑林(Robin Robinson Bohlin) 每日先知性話語:

就像同種羽毛的鳥類聚集在一起一樣(物以類聚),你會變得像那些與你結交/交往的人一樣。你可能在對自己說:“我能夠和這個人在一起,而他們不會影響我。”這實際上是一個錯誤的陳述。與某人在一起的次數越多,你就變得越像他們。要謹慎你親近的夥伴關係。務必確保他們是敬虔而有智慧的。要檢查你自己和你的夥伴關係;你有沒有與我越來越靠近呢? 箴13:20 與智慧人同行的,必得智慧;與愚昧人為友的,必受虧損。
Just as birds of a feather flock together, you become like those with whom you associate. You might be saying to yourself, "I can be with this person and they don't affect me." That is actually a false statement. The more you are with someone, the more like them you become. Be careful of your close associations. Make sure they are godly and wise. Examine yourself and your associations; are you drawing closer to Me? Proverbs 13:20 (MSG) "Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces."