
作者:吉姆·歌珥 James W. Goll




1. 你們要追求愛,也要切慕屬靈的恩賜,其中更要羨慕的是,做先知講道(見林前14:1)。神想要對你說話,並且透過你說話!

2. 相信神的平安。當你的精神不安或處於混亂中,或當你感到不得不說話時,要小心說話。在你所說的每句話中尋求神的平安(見詩85:8,腓4:7-9)。

3. 要順服聖靈的催促。記住,先知的靈是在你控制下的。祂不會迫使你說出與你更好的判斷相左的話。你可以根據自己的意願把它關掉或打開。(林前14:32)

4. 不要依賴於身體的感覺。當你在預言的流中移動的時候,主可能會給你一些身體上的感覺,如胃打結、心跳加速、熱感、愉悅感、圖畫及異象等等。聖靈這樣做是為了預備你接受或傳達祂的話語。然而,同樣真實的是,隨著時間的推移,主常常抑制這樣的提示,所以你可以在身體感覺之外,培養聽見祂的能力。

5. 說話清楚自然。你不必用英王欽定的英文來表達你的觀點。你也不必總是說:「主如此說。」如果你的話真的是從神而來的,聖靈就會在聽見的人心裡證實(見約10:4-5、16)。並且,請確保大聲清楚的說可以讓每個人都聽見。

6. 時機就是一切。在大會中不合時宜的預言聽起來就像嘈雜的鑼或鏗鏘的符號。它只會吸引對於你的注意力,而不是耶穌。

7. 把糾正和指向性的話語留給有經驗和成熟的弟兄姐妹。預言的簡單恩賜就是勸勉、造就和安慰。如果你確實收到了指示性的話語,把它寫下來,虔誠地交給某個領導來評估。

8. 讓神以祂選擇的方式對你說話。你不必被閃電擊中才能發預言。信息可以來自多種方式:文字、感官或暗示、像印表機一樣的文字在你的腦海裡列印、異夢、等等。通常,一個經驗豐富的人會明白神想說什麼。你的責任是清楚而適當地表達這種感覺(參看詩12:6)。

9. 在你接收到一個詞之後跟隨聖靈的指引去做。並不是所有的文字都是可以明說的,許多是為了代禱。有些詞應該「存檔」,等待確認。其它的詞應該寫下來,並提交給更成熟的基督徒與先知的事工評估。有些預言只能對一個人說,有些只能對一個群體說。有些預言的話應該以詩歌的形式來傳達。

10. 不要讓失敗的恐懼阻止你踏出去。如果你搞砸了怎麼辦?沒有完美的開始。成熟只來自冒險和偶爾的失敗。箴言24:16說:「義人雖七次跌倒,仍必興起。」從你的錯誤中學習,請求主饒恕和淨化你,然後站起來,謙卑地接受祂的恩典(見彼前5:5)。




10 Practical Keys to Help YOU Prophesy!
James W. Goll
September 19, 2019

Prophecy is for EVERYONE! It is difficult to convey this concept enough in our world of superstars—both in the Church and outside it. But Scripture is clear—every Believer is prophetic, and every Believer can prophesy (see Numbers 11:29 and Acts 2:16-18).

So whether you have prophesied for years or are just getting started, here are 10 practical guidelines that will help you grow in prophecy and keep your gift solidly grounded.

10 Keys to Help You Prophesy

1. Earnestly desire the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially so that you may prophesy (see 1 Corinthians 14:1). God wants to speak to you and through you!

2. Trust the peace of God. Beware of speaking when your spirit is uneasy or in turmoil, or when you feel forced to speak. Look for the peace of God in every word you utter (see Psalm 85:8; Philippians 4:7-9).

3. Obey the urging of the Spirit. Remember, the prophetic spirit is under your control. It will not impel you to speak against your better judgment. You can turn it off or turn it on by an act of your will (1 Corinthians 14:32).

4. Don't rely on physical sensations. When you begin to move in prophecy the Lord may give you physical sensations such as knots in the stomach, a fluttering heartbeat, intense heat, a feeling of euphoria, impressions, visions, and so on. The Holy Spirit does this to prepare you to receive or deliver His word. However, it is also true that as time goes on, the Lord often withholds these promptings so you can grow in the ability to hear Him apart from physical sensations.

5. Speak clearly and naturally. You don't have to speak in King James English to get your point across. Nor do you always have to say, "Thus saith the Lord." If your word is truly from God, the Spirit will confirm it in the hearts of the listeners (see John 10:4-5, 16). Also, be sure to speak loudly and clearly enough to be heard by everyone.

6. Timing is everything. A prophecy that comes at the wrong time during a meeting sounds like a noisy gong or clanging symbol. It will only draw attention to you, not to Jesus.

7. Leave the delivery of corrective and directional words to experienced and mature brothers and sisters. The simple gift of prophecy is for exhortation, edification, and comfort. If you do receive a directional word, write it down and prayerfully submit it to someone in leadership for evaluation.

8. Let God speak to you in the way that He chooses. You don't have to be struck by a lightning bolt to prophesy. A message can come in a variety of ways: literal words; senses or inklings; vision of words like teletype print in your mind; dreams; and so on. More often than not, a seasoned individual receives the sense of what God wants to say. Your duty is to then express that sense clearly and appropriately (see Psalm 12:6).

9. Follow the Holy Spirit's leading on what to do with a word after you've received it. Not all words are for the purpose of proclamation; many are for intercession. Some words should be "put on file," waiting for confirmation. Other words should be written down and submitted to more mature Christians with a prophetic ministry for evaluation. Some prophecies should only be spoken to an individual, others to a group. Some prophetic words should be delivered as songs.

10. Don't let the fear of failure keep you from stepping out. What if you mess up? No start is perfect. Maturity only comes from taking risks and occasionally failing. Proverbs 24:16 says, "For a righteous man falls seven times and rises again." Learn from your mistakes, ask the Lord to forgive and cleanse you, and get back up and humbly receive His grace (see 1 Peter 5:5).

As light and darkness continue to increase in our world, YOU can be an agent of light bringing hope, encouragement, and comfort to everyone around you.

Together, we will become a prophetic army for the Kingdom of God!

Blessings to prophesy LIFE in Jesus' name!