
每日先知性話語: 9月29 / 30日
中譯:David 職場恩膏
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者8月預先領受、於9月按日發佈):

Ask God to show you what is hidden from sight and to reveal the plans against you.

瑪莎·伯恩斯(Marsha Burns) 每日先知性話語:

當事物看似乎都亂成一團的時候,蹲下來休息/專心做某一件事。要保持平靜/安靜,而且不要讓紛亂和混亂來攪擾你的平安與幸福感。要呼求我得著智慧與指引。我是你患難中隨時的幫助,而且對我來說 沒有什麼是困難的事,主說,我與你同在! 亞2:13 凡有血氣的都當在耶和華面前靜默無聲;因為他興起,從聖所出來了。
When all hell seems to be breaking loose, hunker down. Be quiet and do not allow turmoil and confusion to disturb your peace and sense of well-being. Call on Me for wisdom and direction. I am your present help in trouble, and nothing is too difficult for Me, says the Lord, and I am with you. Zechariah 2:13 "Be silent, all flesh, before the LORD, for He is aroused from His holy habitation!"

貝弗·羅賓森(Bev Robinson) 每日先知性話語:

我已發送/差派了幫助給你。我知道這不容易接受。你傾向於獨立,但獲得幫助是美好的。我們需要彼此相互依存。我知道給予比接受更有福,但是,現在是接受的時刻了。不要抗拒!你已經給予很多次,但是,現在是你接受的時刻。要記得,我說過要彼此相愛。要接受從我和從其他人來的愛。 傳3:1 凡事都有定期,天下萬務都有定時。
I have sent you help. I know this is hard to receive. You tend to be independent, but it is good to receive help. We need to be interdependent on each other. I know it is more blessed to give than receive, but now is the time to receive. Don't resist. You have given many times, but now is your time to receive. Remember, I said to love one another. Receive love from Me and others. Ecclesiastes 3:1 (AMP) "TO EVERYTHING there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven:"

約拿斯·鮑林(Jonas Bohlin) 每日先知性話語:

你正在追求卓越嗎?我知道你渴望服事我、並去衝擊/影響你四周圍的世界。我只要求你一顆真實渴望活在順服之中的謙卑的心、並在你一生的年日中服事我。當你倚靠我打開(眾)門戶、並增加你影響力的範圍時,你將會開始看到這種影響力的擴張。你要帶出影響力的努力必將不會白費。 林前15:58 所以,我親愛的弟兄們,你們務要堅固,不可動搖,常常竭力多作主工,因為知道你們的勞苦,在主裡面不是徒然的。
Are you doing your best? I know your desire is to serve Me and impact the world around you. I only ask you for a humble heart that truly desires to live in obedience and serve Me all the days of your life. As you rely on Me to open doors and increase your realm of influence, you will begin to see an expansion of that influence. Your efforts to make an impact will not be in vain.1 Corinthians 15:58 (NASB) "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord."

布蘭德·庫尼曼(Brenda Kunneman) 每日先知性宣令:



TODAY we decree that you live as an overcomer and that defeat can never have a hold over you. We break the power of any cloud of failure that might exist over you and we say it is replaced by overwhelming success. We declare you are well able to rise above difficulty and struggle coming against your mind, body, family, occupation, and finances. We speak that you operate in the strength of the Lord and power of His might. We say what you put your hand to shall prosper. You are the head and not the tail, you are above and not beneath, and no weapon formed against you shall prosper. We declare that you rise up today, that you overcome and stand strong in the power and grace of God upon you! Amen!
Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place (2 Corinthians 2:14).

Having moments of failure in life is normal, but feeling continually like a failure isn’t. However, it’s not uncommon for people to live under an ongoing sense of failure or even experience seasons when it seems as if they cannot rise above the constant sense of defeat. Living under the cloud of constant failure is an evil spirit from the enemy and leads to things like depression and hopelessness. God wants to tear back the dark cloud of failure from your life and replace it with the triumph that Jesus Christ has already provided you. While life isn’t perfect, it’s still God’s promise that we are able to experience a life that is marked by success. You are not a failure; you are an overcomer, and the Lord wants you to rise up in faith in this powerful truth today!