
每日先知性話語: 9月13 / 14日
中譯:David 職場恩膏
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者8月預先領受、於9月按日發佈):

Watch for unexpected blessings, checks in the mail and repayment for the past.

瑪莎·伯恩斯(Marsha Burns) 每日先知性話語:

不要過度嚴苛對待自己。聖靈就像一條流動的河水、或者像風一樣,無論你做什麼、它都會移動。如果你試圖要比這條河水或這風更大或更強而有力,你就是在承擔那不屬於你的責任。我的渴望是讓你隨著我的聖靈的感動/運行來順服並湧流前進。讓我帶著你走在我選擇的行程上,主說。 約3:8 (CSB譯本) 風隨意而吹,你聽見風聲,卻不知道它從哪裡來,往哪裡去。所有由聖靈所生的,也是這樣。
Do not take yourself too seriously. The Spirit is like a flowing river or like the wind, which moves regardless what you do. If you try to be bigger and more powerful than the river or the wind, you are taking on responsibility that does not belong to you. My desire is for you to yield and flow with the moving of My Spirit. Let Me take you on the journey of My choosing, says the Lord. John 3:8 "The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit."

布蘭德·庫尼曼(Brenda Kunneman) 每日先知性話語:無法傷害你!

“絕不要忘記你擁有權柄勝過所有的惡魔,所以沒有任何人能夠在你的生命中造成意外或傷害。今天,要宣告你沒有意外,因為眾天使與你同在一起、而且在你的管轄範圍內不允許你受傷!“ 路10:19 (CNV譯本) 我已經給你們權柄,去踐踏蛇和蠍子,勝過仇敵的一切能力。絕對沒有甚麼能傷害你們了。
No Injuries! “Never forget that you have authority over all demons so that none can cause accident or injury in your life. Declare this day that you are accident-free because angels are with you and no injuries are allowed in your jurisdiction!” Luke 10:19 NLT Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you.

約拿斯·鮑林(Jonas Bohlin) 每日先知性話語:

你是否在知道真相之前,你就作了判斷/論斷?我知道你渴望在地上看到公義的治理/掌權。不要從你天然的眼睛來看人們與環境。我就是愛,而當我看著人們與環境時,我乃是用愛與憐憫來看。是的,我也是次序與公義的神。要從我來學習去看我所創造的人,而不要快速的批評或譴責。 羅2:3-4 (CNV譯本) 你這個人,你判斷行這些事的人,自己所行的卻是一樣,你以為能逃脫神的審判嗎?還是你藐視神豐富的恩慈、寬容和忍耐,不曉得他的恩慈是要領你悔改的嗎?
Have you judged before you know the truth? I know you have a desire to see righteousness rule on the earth. Do not see people and circumstances from the eyes of your natural man. I am love and when I look at people and circumstances, I look with love and compassion. Yes, I am also God of order and righteousness. Learn from Me to see My creation and do not be quick to criticize or condemn. Romans 2:3-4 (NASB) "But do you suppose this, O man, when you pass judgment on those who practice such things and do the same yourself, that you will escape the judgment of God? Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?"