
每日先知性話語: 9月01 / 02日
中譯:David 職場恩膏
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者8月預先領受、於9月按日發佈)

Being grateful will change the outcome of your challenges.

瑪莎·伯恩斯(Marsha Burns) 每日先知性話語:

仇敵會盡其所能來製造混淆並把事情/事態複雜化、即使它們其實是相對單純的。 你必須站立在平安的堅實之地,並保持冷靜、以清楚地看清情況/局勢,而不是透過壓力的眼睛。要使你自己在我的同在中、在那裏我能夠賜給你攻克/戰勝一切逆境的智慧與能力,主說。 賽26:3 堅心倚賴你的,你必保守他十分平安,因為他倚靠你。
The enemy will do what he can to create confusion and to complicate matters even when they are relatively simple. You must stand on the solid ground of peace and stay calm enough to see situations clearly instead of through the eyes of stress. Be found in My presence where I can give you wisdom and the ability to overcome all adversity, says the Lord. Isaiah 26:3 You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.