
每日先知性話語: 8月05 / 06日
中譯:David 職場恩膏
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者7月預先領受、於8月按日發佈)

Get ready for new hope as lost promises and dreams are being restored.

布蘭德·庫尼曼(Brenda Kunneman) 每日先知性話語:你可以超越它!

“是的,聖靈說,你能夠超越它的。不要有任何一刻想說你不能,因為、我在你的裡面、並與你同在,而且要知道我正在推動你前進取得勝利,所以,要升起來!是的,要升起來超越它!“ 約壹4:4 孩子們,你們是屬於神的,並且已經勝過他們,因為那在你們裡面的比那在世上的更大。
You Can Rise Above it ! “Yes, the Spirit says, you can rise above it. Don’t think for one moment that you are not able, for I am in you and with you and know that I am pushing you on to victory, so rise up! Yes, rise above it!” 1 John 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that in the world.

比爾·伯恩斯(Bill Burns) 每日先知性話語:

要相信我。我是幫助你的。我必定會幫助你,而且我會賦予你權柄。仇敵肯定會來反對/抵擋你。然而,我的聖靈在你裡面 是(比牠)更大的。 約壹4:4 孩子們,你們是屬於神的,並且已經勝過他們,因為那在你們裡面的比那在世上的更大。
Believe in Me. I am for you. I will help you, and I will empower you. The enemy will surely come against you. However, greater is My Spirit in you. 1 John 4:4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

瑪莎·伯恩斯(Marsha Burns) 每日先知性話語:

對齊/校準是你健康的重要因素。在屬靈上,對齊/校準於我真理的道和我聖靈的帶領是很重要的。在情緒與心理上,與正直的思想和意圖對齊/校準也是至關重要的。而且,如果你不維持身體的對齊/校準,你可能會經歷身體上的軟弱。你在所有領域中的活力/生命力會取決保持/護衛一個與我親密的關係,主說。 詩139:14 我要稱謝你,因為我的受造奇妙可畏;你的作為奇妙,這是我深深知道的。
Alignment is an important factor in your well-being. Spiritually it is important to be aligned with My Word of truth and with the leading of My Spirit. It is also vital to be aligned emotionally and mentally with righteous thoughts and intentions. And, if you do not sustain physical alignment you can experience weakness in your body. Your vitality in all areas will depend on maintaining a close relationship with Me, says the Lord. Psalm 139:14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.

蘿賓·羅賓森·鮑林(Robin Robinson Bohlin) 每日先知性話語:

這段話語是給你們中間那些正受到攻擊的人。要記得,你的武器不是屬於肉體的;你乃是按照不同的層級標準在運作/運行。有一場惡者與天使的衝突/碰撞正在為你而戰。如果你會安靜站住並相信,那麼你的正直就會推翻/板倒營壘。這個權勢的爭奪對抗不是關於你的 - 在空中有一場爭奪控制權的戰鬥,而我們贏了! 林後10:4 我們爭戰的兵器本不是屬血氣的,乃是在神面前有能力,可以攻破堅固的營壘。
This word is for those of you who are being attacked. Remember that your weapons are not of the flesh; you operate by a different set of standards. There is a demonic and angelic clash being fought over you. If you will stand still and believe, strongholds will be brought down by your uprightness. The struggle for power is not about you -- there is a struggle for control being fought in the heavenlies and we win! 2 Corinthians 10:4 (TPT) "For although we live in the natural realm, we don't wage a military campaign employing human weapons, using manipulation to achieve our aims. Instead, our spiritual weapons are energized with divine power to effectively dismantle the defenses behind which people hide."